
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Earth Ponies and Spoons, Mayor Mare's Final Election both revised and edited. · 11:21pm Aug 4th, 2019

Editor's are working their way through my library. Two more of my older stories have received a fresh line of edits.

EMayor Mare's Final Election
Mayor Mare has had a long career as Mayor of Ponyville, but all things come to an end. What comes after when you have to say goodbye to what defined you for so long?
Halira · 3.7k words  ·  90  6 · 1.4k views
EEarth Ponies and Spoons
Earth ponies rarely use silverware of any sort. They lack any way of easily using things like forks, spoons, or knives without it being more hassle than its worth. This makes the CMC question the meaning of Silver Spoon's cutie mark.
Halira · 3.3k words  ·  211  11 · 2.5k views
Report Halira · 132 views ·

OMG! Featured! · 4:06pm Jan 4th, 2018

Earth Ponies and Spoons reached the featured list on non-mature content. This is my first time having a story featured. Doing a little happy dance. Thank you to everyone who liked the story.:heart:

Report Halira · 192 views ·

New One Shot Story · 12:44pm Jan 4th, 2018

EEarth Ponies and Spoons
Earth ponies rarely use silverware of any sort. They lack any way of easily using things like forks, spoons, or knives without it being more hassle than its worth. This makes the CMC question the meaning of Silver Spoon's cutie mark.
Halira · 3.3k words  ·  211  11 · 2.5k views

What does Silver Spoon's cutie mark mean? The answer is not so straight forward as you might think. To understand Silver Spoon's cutie mark you have to ask the question "What does an earth pony do with a spoon?"

Report Halira · 192 views ·
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results