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New story up! · 5:49am May 2nd, 2018

Golly, it's only been a few days, hasn't it? Don't worry, I'll keep this short, and then you can go back to your scrolling!

ERise Up
Rainbow Dash needs Rarity's help for a rather personal matter. Luckily, Rarity is always willing to help a friend, no matter how awkward the situation.
Silent Whisper · 2.1k words  ·  162  12 · 3.5k views

This story features a trans Rainbow Dash, and a caring Rarity who wants to support her friend in any way she can. Even if it means putting herself in a slightly awkward situation. It's short, it's sweet, it's a little dose of heartwarming with a dash of support for the brave-every-day girls everywhere.

Report Silent Whisper · 182 views · #update
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