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Slight Change of Plans · 3:15am May 12th, 2019

So the next chapter for Rise of The Empress has been altered. Twilight and Midnight's first meeting will com later for now. I'm not entirely happy with how I wrote it.

It will also have a cameo by two characters from the show. I won't say who though. But I will leave you with a bit of preview.

"You know what I see in both of you? I see shades of the Equus that was, the dream that was. I see a past I've tried to forget!"

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Rise Of The Empress extras · 1:24am Jan 27th, 2019

This is just a bunch of stuff that will never be shown or mentioned in the story.

Now I've seen a lot of comments on where Chaos fits into all of this, so I'll start there.

The Warp as we know it doesn't exist. It's called the Aetherium in this universe. But here is where it diverges fully from 40k.

The War in Heaven never happened so it never became what the Warp did. The Old Ones did exist at one time, but no one's ever seen one and no one knows what happened to them.

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