
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

Concerning Collisions · 6:52pm Oct 20th, 2014

Well, I'm not dead. Admittedly, I should have marked myself as on hiatus, but that can't really be changed now. Sorry guys, I have a bad habit of just... dropping out of contact when things get rough. I've become a little discontent with Collision Zone, specifically the later chapters, but there are aspects of the story that had far-reaching consequences that need to be rewritten, in my opinion. And that's exactly what I'm doing at the moment. The changes I've made so far are sat in Gdocs,

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Report Lord Sunder · 603 views ·

Since these are working now... · 3:49am Dec 5th, 2013

I didn't want to spam up your userpages with copypasted 'thanks for faving' posts, since I'm sure you get that from eleventy billion other authors, but I just wanted to thank you all for deigning to read my fic. It's only my second fic ever, so I never really expected too much from it. So thanks for the support, and the crit. Especially the crit. Hope you've enjoyed so far.

This is where I pray that the story blog feature actually does work, otherwise I'm going to look pretty dumb.

Report Lord Sunder · 406 views ·
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results