
Viewing 1 - 20 of 47 results

What are charaters: Part 2 · 6:28am Mar 9th, 2016

Didn't want to overwhelm people (and myself). Now, "What the monkey fuck is Curse power?" You might be asking. Curse power is something of a thingy I made up after finishing Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable. See, there are alot of fucking powers in the original Smokeless. People that can just, do shit, some have powers, some don't and its really not even close to clear whats the cause of it and no one really cares cause; its Equestria. Shits magic. Every time. At least,

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What are characters... · 4:57am Mar 9th, 2016

With the eventual move to...Somewhere (docs only, wattpad, etc) coming to Smokeless, I'd thought I'd finally get down to talking about characters. Characters that I, after spending 2 years working on them, find important. This is generally just something I was going to just keep to docs, but, fuck it, whats the harm in letting you guys in on the new plot points and character designs. We're going to be talking about descriptive details and otherwise major details of everyone's character.

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Eyup moving the story · 6:49am Mar 6th, 2016

Well, I kinda settled it with restarting Smokeless and moving the revamp somewhere else. Mostly doing it lazy as possible and going to rework the chapters I've put out. I mean, theres not that much to be redone, but theres a bunch of mistakes and plot point that I never planned on retouching. Like, for example; what the monkey hell is Tick, Boom and whatever the fuck that thing traveling with them in the beginning chapters? Like, most of those types of scenes and characters that just make me

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tfw you realize you have no idea how to write two realistic adults · 7:41am Feb 3rd, 2016

Yaaaaay. Its a funny thing when I can write two semi-realistic people about to fuck for hours on end....Yet I can barely get two paragraphs in on characters I've had in my head for two years. Fucks sake.


Happy jew tears and things · 6:15am Jan 15th, 2016

Been a while, as it normally is with me. Been up to alot and not much at all at the same time somehow. For starters, I wrote porn finally (or clop for you people that still horse speak. lel) Yeah, never saw that coming myself. As solid as I think it is, I don't think I'll be posting anywhere. Weird fetishes involved and includes litterally two ponies; bigblackintosh and some rando I honestly want to turn into another race or something. Anyway, so thats a thing. Another thing thats come up

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Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 285 views ·

So many people leaving · 3:08pm Oct 17th, 2015

Being that I've been mostly a user on this site for like 4 years(I think) , it comes as a surprise when I see so many of my former favorite writers leaving the fandom/site. I say former because of the fact that I've fallen so out of touch with the writing scene, my own read/writing habits dwindling down to writing in bursts and only coming onto fim when I'm in need of word porn. TMI? Well, its the truth and I'm kind of disgusted of myself because of it. Anyway, so many that left their mark are

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Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 269 views · #Update

THE SCHOOL YEAR IS HERE! Do you know what this means?! · 6:22am Sep 17th, 2015

More (possible) updates! Because I procrastinate more than I probably should! :rainbowlaugh:

Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 340 views ·

Sweet Christ, 8 months... · 11:42pm Jul 7th, 2015

God damn, quickly approaching the 8 months since the last update. Wish I could say that it might be out sooner, but you know, writer's block, life and all that jazz. And also, a new story! Another possible novel. I'm calling it, "Lion's Roar" it'll be staring most of that character's from Smokeless with alot more in depth back stories that I didn't make on a whim. Its looking good so far, and I've got characters kinda fleshed out, the storyline is coming along and I'm learning from my mistakes

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Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 343 views · #Update

Welp, lets get back to work · 2:47pm May 20th, 2015

After a long hiatus, I'm getting back to work on my stories. First one on the list is gonna be The Bug and The Bull. Got so many character traits to add to my character, its gonna be fun. Seems after months of writing what's pretty much porn, I think I can approach action writing with a new perspective. Might even do some if the mood ever comes to me.

Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 296 views ·

Returning back to writing · 9:11pm Mar 31st, 2015

Well, more like writing here. I took a break to work on writing Smokeless: The novel. Needless to say, its been slow as hell. So I'm going to take a break and go back to the wacky nonsensical bloody adventure that is the story posted here.

Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 344 views ·

Plans · 5:35pm Mar 6th, 2015

Okay so, by now people have noticed the hiatus status of Smokeless. Its because I've come to a decision; I'm writing a book. Like, a real book that hopefully lets me get my fantasy right. Reason why is because I've realized its what I kinda want to do. I know its going to turn out badly, but dammit I have to try. What does this mean for Smokeless here? I'm not sure. I know some people would like to see it finished but honestly, I want to finish it. Theres a few twists I really wanted to do but

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Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 282 views ·

Okay I'm stuck · 6:12pm Feb 19th, 2015

If I can be totally honest here, Smokeless has gone, nowhere near where I wanted it to go. I know a lot of people like it, alot of people have read it. But as far as my vision and where I want the story to go, its a mess. A bloody mess that I how to clean. I just....FUCK. Restarting the entire series in the light I look at now would be monumentally....I don't know. I don't like the idea, I fucking hate the idea but writing the next chapter has been hell on my psyche.

Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 285 views ·

Idea... · 3:19am Feb 13th, 2015

SO one thing I have alot of trouble setting up is back story. Cause, its to my understanding that people who read would want to know about this type of stuff through clever placement in the story. You know, to have it integrated. But heres the thing, I've tried shoeing in character back stories in drafts and every situation I put characters in don't really call for "this one time at summer camp" talk. So one approach I have is to simply make blog posts about certain characters. It would be more

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Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 389 views ·

Wow · 7:03pm Feb 4th, 2015

Hey guys, sorry for being MIA for so long and a bigger sorry for the last blog. I've been in a really shit mood then and its only gotten worse. Why? Well, my grandfather is in the hospital after a seizure, I've had to drop all my classes, meaning I seriously need to find stable work until the summer. With all that news, it shouldnt surprise you when I say that the writing process has been slow as hell. Been in a rut lately and havent found the will to just sit down for half an hour and get most

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Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 433 views ·

Short update · 5:01pm Jan 3rd, 2015

Short version because I've tried uploading this three friggin times. I moved out of my mum's house, I have no internet, and am living with my grandfather. Writing has been a pain to do because I have been spending most if not all of my time on Check it out, it's an awesome site filled with awesome people. Anyway, please consider commenting on my content and stay safe in our very shitty world.

Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 322 views ·

ITS OVER 100!! · 12:13am Dec 18th, 2014

The Smokeless Flame has made it to 100 likes. While it shouldn't be much of milestone for most people its surprising as hell to me. So, those of you who are new or have been following the story for the last two years, I want to thank you for sticking with me for this long. I dont think much of my writing, but it brings a tear to my eye when I see this many people following this story. Thank you.

Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 197 views ·

Update and The Sheytan · 3:19pm Nov 27th, 2014

So chapter 22 is out to our fine editor Winree, and my family is trying to kill my mood. They succeed, but now we can focus on something I've avoided for a long time; The Sheytan. While, yes its been said the Sheytan was modeled after the SSV Normandy from Mass Effect , I avoided talking about the structure and layout of the exterior of the ship mostly because I dont know jack shit about ships. So what better way to explain a complicated piece of machinery than pictures and vague descriptions?

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Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 230 views ·

Thanksgiving reading · 10:18pm Nov 20th, 2014

hello everyone here with an update. you'll be glad to know that you will be able to read something during your Thanksgiving. made some major progress this week and I should be able to get this out by next Wednesday well that's being optimistic. I apologize for the grammar in this post I'm using a voice to text function on my phone it's very clunky and I do not like it but hey I don't have to text for about 10 minutes. this chapter is going to be pretty lengthy and I'm quite proud of this new

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Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 220 views ·

Progress update · 2:11am Oct 26th, 2014

Hello my meager fanbase! With the stress of school and general procrastination, I'm only 30% done with the planned content for Smokeless Flame. I'm trying to get back into the grove so I can get back to Sanguinem, but so far, that was 20% done before I stopped to write Smokeless. So in general, things are pretty slow going and I'm trying as hard as possible to move stories along, but its a hassle to even get in the writing mode. Anyone else have the insanely weird habit of being way more

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Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 219 views ·

Small Changes to Smokeless... · 12:35am Oct 9th, 2014

Finnaly rewrote the description, been meaning to do that for a while. Those of you who have the time, tell me what you think. Also added the sex tag for some raunchy stuff later. Nothing...Detailed, but I didnt feel right adding a cannon a half-assed sex scene without warning people first.

Report BIGBLACKINTOSH · 202 views ·
Viewing 1 - 20 of 47 results