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Minor Ret-con · 3:36pm Feb 28th, 2015

As I move forward to update Crusader Managed Chocobos (for once), I was re-reading what I wrote, and decided to make a very minor change. I'm making Cadance's foal a colt instead of a filly. Doesn't really matter, considering he isn't even BORN yet, but I thought I'd mention it. (I HOPE to get a chapter written in the next few days, though with mid-terms already here... Well, wish me luck.)

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Report Magical Trevor · 186 views ·

Hiatus Disappearing · 10:19pm Feb 4th, 2014

That's right! Crusader Managed Chocobos is coming back! I feel re-inspired for it, and even have part two figured out as well, so I have a long-term plan for it.

That, and I also figure that it's not fair to have that on hiatus due to few views, when the Herd/Gryphon fic is getting even fewer, so...

Yeah! It should be updated soon, followed by Pokemon! I haven't figured out an updating schedule yet, but I prolly won't, since I never seem to follow schedules anyhoof. Randomosity FTW! 8D

Report Magical Trevor · 80 views ·
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