
After the fiasco of The Fall Formal and Sunset Shimmer, I want to change my life. He wants to prove to everyone at Canterlot High, and most of all to himself, that he can change. Join Sunset Shimmer and watch her life change

Chapters (1)

2 months after the infamous Mystable incident, Sunset has decided to temporarily leave the human world after the harsh treatment that she received from her former friends after being framed. After a while of pondering, our fireheaded girl finally decided that it's time to head back and hopefully try to move past it and to give her friends another chance. But once she arrives back to CHS, she is met with the most heartbreaking news.........................................one of the Rainbooms killed themselves. With the funeral to commence at the end of the week, Sunset wonders if she's ready to forgive the remaining Rainbooms and the CMC's out of fear of one of them following suit later on.

Chapters (9)

Two thousand years after Nightmare Moon's banishment, Equestria thrives. Celestia rules with her six princesses, six powerful Alicorns, given charge over different parts of rulership, using their powers and wisdom to make sure Equestria prospers.

Or, that is the official story, anyway.

In truth, after installing countless unstable cybernetics, Celestia has gone mad, and the Alicorns aren't much better. Ponies regularly disappear when they start to question things publicly. Wars are waged, species are slaughtered, and androids are kept as slaves, bought and sold as property.

Vinyl Scratch was a musician, owned by Fancy Pants. Her life had been well, really, but before she knows it, she finds herself thrust into the midst of conspiracies and rebels. Discord, an organization bent on overthrowing Celestia and bringing equality to androids, takes her in and keeps her safe. Vinyl wants to fight for what's right, but deep down, she wonders what is truly the right thing to do.

A bit of a twist on a stereotypical cyberpunk setting. While we have the evil government and the rebels, it does focus on more messages of harmony and friendship than you'd normally see. While 'the tree of liberty must be watered with blood of tyrants', it is necessary to 'love your neighbor as yourself', too.

Updates will be rare, but as I am working on this whenever I have time, it will not be set to 'hiatus'.

Okay, now for content warning:

--Foul language: As it should, it depends on the character speaking. Curses are usually going to be few and far between, but a few characters swear like sailors (or cyberpunk gangsters, as it were.)

--Violence and death: People have guns, and people get shot. I will not write graphic descriptions of violence, but it will be on screen.

--References to rape and brothels: Androids, as slaves, are used as prostitutes against their will in some places. I will not go deep into that, but it does happen in this setting.

--References and use of drugs: Without knowing too much about different kinds of real world drugs, I simply made up one I called 'Salt licks'. It is highly addictive and physically damaging.

Chapters (11)

With winter being in full bloom, the Rainbooms and Dazzlings decide to put the cold weather to good use, and go to the ski resort. Some want to try new activities, some want to enjoy the atmosphere, and some just want to be with their special someone.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mystical Bonding

A spell has been placed on everyone in canterlot high except for The Rainbooms and the Ninjas. Arguing assumes and some green mist enters 3 Pendants. Who belong to The Dazzling's, a new group of students who entered the musical showcase. They somehow convinced the principal to turn into a sort of battle between students. The Rainbooms plan to stop them at all costs. But for the Ninja, it brings The Rise of The Mad Dogs!

Chapters (1)

When the culprits of Anon-a-miss was uncovered, Sunset still does not want to forgive her friends, who have hurt her badly and wants to return to Equestria.

Her friends help her see that they still care and to convince her to stay.

Chapters (3)

The people of Equestria and Gaia may have a lot in common with each other, but when one world is populated by ponies that possess the gift of magic while the other has bipedal creatures that don’t, there are bound to be some differences.

They will have different traditions, different values, different beliefs, and different celebrations.

Of course, harmony and friendship is all about embracing the things that make people unique, and if there is going to be harmony between these two very different worlds, it is important for everyone to understand these differences.

Fortunately, there are a couple of girls who are very eager to learn.

A collection of short stories that take place in the same setting as my Harmony and Valor series, but are not part of its official canon.

Edited by GirlOfManyFandoms.

Chapters (4)

Sunset turns the entire world into ponies. The world is somewhat displeased by this.

(Sex tag is for references to it and not anything that happens in the fic.)

(Somehow managed to be featured third and then second on 11/11/22! Before becoming first after that for a day! And remaining in featured box for six days overall!)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to 'Twas the Night of Rarijack

Rarity has a crush that she’s kept a closely guarded secret for a few months. A tall, good looking basketball player in her grade that many girls in Canterlot High like. But secrets can only be kept for so long and life doesn’t always go as planned.

Chapters (1)

I hate depression. It randomly comes and goes, even with my medication it can still get bad. This time, it's doubts about my classmates. Yeah sure, I defeated the sirens with the Rainbooms and I'm widely accepted by the school allegedly. I can't help but feel that they still secretly despise me from time to time. I know that's my mind being stupid but I've come up with a test to guarantee we are true friends and the school truly trusts me. But first, I'll need some help.

Chapters (1)