• Member Since 9th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 25th, 2023

Brian Jacko

Comments ( 78 )

3103871 Yeah, it's pretty different from what I normally write. This is part of a series that I'm doing. The whole fail and redemption thing is the focus to these stories.

Interesting take on making the ponies Christian. Human Christian, at that. So... I'm gonna go ahead and make the fanon that Equestria is on Earth and Pony civilization is built after Humanity has vanished and such, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah, and Celestia helped spread the word of Jesus to the ponies.

3104260 Yeah, this is my fourth story in the little Christian series that I'm doing. I like to call it My Little Pony: Sisters In Christ. Most of my other writings are Christian even if they aren't in this series.

The series goes so far....

1. Ain't Want No Yeller Ponies 'Round Here

2. Flutter Clutter

3. Pinkie Pie's Sugary Problem (Older story of mine, but I updated it and tied it in with this series.)

4. A Rarity Of A Situation

I might continue the series if I get struck with some more ideas. I really didn't take the time to make a story up about how the Bible got to Equestria, or if God became ponified, etc. etc. but I'll leave that up to the reader for them to decide how it all happened. I was more concerned with the moral lessons of these stories.

Thanks for reading! :ajsmug:

What the fuck?!:rainbowhuh:
Okay... so its a clopfic but then human religious B S.... comes into play and now... it ruined the story in all. I stopped reading as soon as it mentioned this 'sisters in Christ' stuff..
Putting religion in a fanfiction especially an erotic one is one hell of a way to fuck up the story line. Its terrible plot, a horrible way to seek out attention for religion and gives it a bad name for both the religion and the franchise of this. Not only was it horrible but details on anything that has to do with this Christianity bull is not worth spreading.
Either stick to writing a decent fanfiction on the subject with no religion involved or become one of those people who ruined the franchise with this shit. One way or another, this is the crap that makes religion look bad because people are desperate to spread it, even through a great franchise. In which fucks it up for everybody.

3104446 Define clop fic? If I were to ponify the Bible and basically cut, copy, and paste the scriptures, then it would be considered a clop fic too, right? Lots of sex happens in the Bible as well as violence that would earn it a "Mature" rating....am I speaking in favor of clop or against it with this? What is the moral lesson being preached?

I am a Christian fan fiction writer and I write Christian stories...This is nothing new here....

i don't care who or what you beleave in, but please hold the religion from clop fics
the religion kinda ruins the story for me, and if the thumbs down are any indication then many other fanfic readers share my view on this matter

edit: tossing this to my file shredder, its not a good clopfic

3104763 So in other words, the quality of the story means nothing to you if the Bible happens to be mentioned in it? I have never read a clop fiction before, but I take it you read clop fics for the porn and not the plot, right?

I had a discussion with a moderator over this story and this was also very close to being rated teen, but the moderator felt it was slightly more on the mature side.

I get thumbs down, negative comments, and even sometimes hate on all of my Christian stories no matter what content they may have. If I dare so mention the name Jesus in any of my stories, people auto down vote. This is nothing new for me, and the more down votes I get actually encourages me to write even more stories like this.

Thank you.


Here, here! Anyone who cares more about shoving their religion in their stories than telling a good story shouldn't write, end of. The last thing I want to read about when I want to get aroused is Christianity.

i read clopfics for both the plot and porn, i don't really like the "pony A bangs pony B end of story" kind
i don't like getting to the juicy parts only to have my interest killed by religion,
i don't mind religion so long as it isn't in the middle of a juicy part

glad to see someone else shares my viewpoint


Because not everyone shares your faith and wants to read about it. I don't read fanfic to hear about how all the ponies are Christians and they're doing Christian things just because you are. How would it be if I had an insane amount of references about how all the ponies believed in Allah and were following Islamic traditions? Not so funny, now is it? No. It's weird, it's strange, and it shows a lack of respect for the readers.

3105120 I never understood how cartoon ponies are arousing to people. I thought that the clop craze was just a few trolls on the internet posting pictures to piss people off. I guess the issues go deeper then I thought. I will continue "shove" religion in as many stories as I possibly can, and I don't plan on stopping. Again, just because religion is involved in a story doesn't automatically make the story line bad. Did you forget that there was a plot in here? Or did you come here to just get off on colorful cartoon ponies? Of course you would say my fiction is bad though. I will continue to write.

Thank you.


And there's the magnificent Christian persecution complex. Yes, of course *I* would say it's bad. If you want to be defensive when you address criticism, at least respond to what I'm saying. What if there were a multitude of references about how the ponies were practicing Islam? What would you think of that story?

I'm not going to say that having the ponies being spiritual is wrong, but it has to be done with care and with subtlety. You're shoving it in there just to have it. You don't care about the implications of it on the universe of the show, and you don't care enough to explain it or make it realistic in any sense. And the way this is introduced is baffling. The reason people don't want to read erotic stories and have religion shoved in there is because of the sexual repression associated with it. Your comment has demonstrated it nicely when you said that my sexual preferences were an issue.

You can continue shoving religion in as many fics as you want. As the Like/Dislike bar shows, your readers have no problem being blunt about how they feel on the matter.

there are a lot of clopfics on fimfiction.net
and i don't mind the author putting there religion in the fic they right as long as it isn't a clopfic
would you really want your wife/girlfriend telling you about her religion in the middle of sex?
i know i would quickly lose any interest in contenting.
i just don't see how religion and a clopfic go together, just typing it feels like oil and water, and kills any hope i had of finding a good clopfic as well as any arousal i may have had.

3105211 Sex is good and it is a gift from God. It is intended for man and woman to enjoy in marriage. Talking about sex in a Christian a relationship is good and important. Sex is also mentioned in the Bible quite a bit. Like I said before....the Bible would be a clop fiction if you guys are judging clop fics just by sexual content alone. There's really nothing further to discuss about this matter.

i don't remember every last word in the bible, but just what the hell constitutes a "clopfic" if what your going by is "person A layed with person B"?
i think most who look for a clopfic want some description of whats going on in it
i know for shure that when im looking for clopfics i ignore the ones that don't have any description of what the ponies are doing

3105207 I think it would be great if people wrote stories of different faiths. I care nothing for what faith the author may be. I care about the story itself. I have had so many discussions about this in my older stories. One of my most favorite authors of all time is an atheist, and I love his writings.

Sure, I didn't explain about the universe or things like you said, that wasn't the focus for me. I left that up for the reader to decide how that all happened. Do we even know where Princess Luna and Princess Celestia came from in the story? Do we know how they originated in the show? I'm sure there are other examples that are left unknown and may seem unrealistic or "shoved" in the show too. Two Princesses that have the power to control the sun and the moon and we know next to nothing about how they originated....

3105277 I was actually asking you about what defines a clop fic in previous comments. I have no idea because I have never read one before, so why don't you tell me.

I gave a very detailed description about what my story is about in the long description. I don't see how I could make it any more detailed unless I gave spoilers away.


I don't care about your faith. I care about you shoving it in the story without warning and telling everyone who great it is. I don't read stories to get proselytized to. That's not good storytelling. That's propaganda. No one likes reading propaganda. Celestia and Luna are part of the mythology of the universe. They belong there, and the mystery behind them adds to the characters and the setting. When you're starting to explain the universe and its rules to the audience, you have room to introduce elements of that universe that aren't immediately explained. In fact, it's better that they aren't. It adds flavor and mystery, it makes it feel big!

Shoving in human religion into the mix without warning is jarring because it doesn't exist there, and the origins of this particular religion come into conflict with where this story takes place. They don't have to do that because they're dealing with a different beast entirely. Context matters.


Do you know what porn is? A clopfic is written pornography. Simple enough?

3105381 Well, that's just too bad. If you don't like it, then don't read any more of my stories. Most of my fics are Christian in some way shape of form. I'm not changing anything. You read this story because you felt the description was good enough and interesting. No one forced you to read it. I like to make Christianity apart of a show that preaches love and acceptance like My Little Pony. I see a non religious show, yet I see Biblical morals and principles in it. That's one of the reasons why I got inspired to write fics like this.

Good day to you sir.

a clopfic is like what 3105393 said
you have to describe what the ponies are doing and how thay are doing it.


Continue to write stories like this and you'll continue to get the same negative reception. If you care more about spreading your faith than telling your readers a good story, your selfish intentions will shine through in every instance. You can write what you wish, but I do hope you learn to deal with criticism if you want more people to like your story than dislike it.

3105432 Ok, that's fine. Most of the sex in this story was briefly mentioned and I didn't go into great detail about the descriptions of "body parts." I didn't want to be too terribly descriptive about the sex so I often just worded it like....they go into the room.....and a few moments later they come out. Like I said before...this was very close to being teen rated. If it were rated teen for sex....would you still consider it a clop fic? I think the main reason it got hit with mature was because of that toy shop bit. I didn't want to take that part out because I wanted to show the reader just how sad and broken down this world was becoming. I didn't want to be super descriptive with the sex scenes because I was aiming for a teen rating for this story.

if it was teen rated i would have moved on and forgotten all about it
clopfics are mature rated for a reason, or there not clopfics
if it where rated teen and had the sex tag? i would have moved on to the next fic and forgotten all about it
this is not a clopfic

3105456 I care about doing both. I wouldn't be a Christian fan fiction writer if I didn't write about Christianity in my stories. It doesn't make me selfish, it's just the way I write my stories because I am inspired by both Christianity and My Little Pony. You're the one who is being selfish and demanding that I write the way YOU want me to write. I already know that I get dislikes more for the preaching rather than the quality of my stories. I don't care what else you have to say or how much you think my stories suck. Christians are hated and persecuted in this world and many Bronies try to paint me as the "bad guy" because I am different and it somehow makes me not worthy of their love and acceptance. I am not here to gain fame and adoration from others. I'm not here to become popular or to see how many likes I can get from others. I come here to write and to share stories.

3105553 That's what I was hoping for. I didn't want this to be rated mature and originally, I had this rated as teen. I really feel that this should have been rated teen, but the decision is not mine to make, and I have already discussed the matters with the moderator who read my story.

Comment posted by Bashfluff deleted Aug 26th, 2013
Comment posted by Bashfluff deleted Aug 26th, 2013

I came to read a slice of life with some mature content and instead I ended up reading Christian propaganda(no offense meant).

You might want to put a Christian warning(in the description)if you're going to include the Bible and what not, just so people know that you are going to include such a touchy subject. You, also, might get less thumbs down because they know ahead of time that it does contain some controversial subjects(because frankly, the Bible parts kind of threw me off guard).

3106900 People have brought this up so many times in the past.Rather than typing the same thing over and over. I'll let you read the comments from the first story that spawned this series....I explained why I don't do what you have suggested


Like I said, thumbs down doesn't hurt me, and I'm more motivated by the down votes as opposed to the up ones. Surprisingly, my story Flutter Clutter seems to have faired quite well so far even though it's a part of this series and preaches Christianity just like this one.

Just to prove that showing off a story to people that it is Christian before they read it doesn't matter with the votes....look at my story, "Putting My Idol On The Alar." It's not labeled as a Christian fiction, but there's a picture of Jesus and the name gives it away that it's Christian. It's also so obvious that it's Christian right form the very start of the story so no one can feel like they "wasted' any of their time. I feel it's probably one of my best stories and many people have told me that it was by far my most powerful and moving fiction that I have made so far.

Also, Some of my popular stories that have little to nothing to do with God aren't nearly as good as my ones that do. People will up vote my stories as long as there's little to no mention about God, which is terribly sad. I do sneak Bible verses in some of the less obvious ones. Sometimes people don't catch it, and it's a shame that I have to be singled out because of my faith. I'll be honest, I feel that this story isn't one of my best works, but it's also not total trash.

It's not very Brony like for people to go around and piss upon other people's works just because of their faith. There has never been a time where I have read something and clicked the thumbs down button on someone else's work even if I didn't like the story.

I pray for my haters.

I hadn't realized. :fluttershysad:

My intention wasn't to piss on your work; I was just unknowingly, suggesting that you put that it is a Christian story, because people get upset over anything. I don't mind that you put Christianity into your stories, it's just that you are a talented author, that clearly doesn't deserve the thumbs up to down ratio(I know that you say downvotes motivate you, but quality shouldn't be disregarded just because a story is a bit preachy), just because a story does contain segments from the Bible.

I don't thumbs down stories because someone else put hardwork into it. I wouldn't thumbs down this story just because it was related to Christianity, in fact I enjoyed it, despite the Bible verses, because it does have a legitimate premise.

3107645 Oh, I wasn't speaking about you. I was talking about most of the other Bronies and how they hate me even though they are in a fandom that preaches love and tolerance to all. I know you weren't trying to be one of the haters.

Thanks for your kind words though. I'm glad there are other people out there who respect and "tolerate" others for being different and don't down vote or cry foul when someone happens to write differently. Have a good day! :)

I came in to this story, in boredom honestly. Didn't know what to expect and started to be pleasantly surprised. Then the bible showed up... and I was praying it was a joke. But I let it slide, to each their own. Then Celestia happened... and I had a choice to make.

1. Your an anti christian troll
2. Your the typical christian that hasn't read/ doesn't follow their own book
3. Your one of the very few Honest Christians that sees just how the typical christian shoves it down everyone else's throat, often using their power to do so, rather than following their own teachings and letting everyone find their own path.

I pray that the second isn't the case... I've seen it far too many times to rule it out though. I don't like bashing other's religions... especially being an ex-christian myself. And that's not my intent, simply my observations based on this story.

On a side note, because I too have a passion for this show... Religion is left out of their world for a reason. It would destroy them. The MLP universe is as close to Utopian as we could probably ever imagine, and that is due mostly to its lack of organized religion, leaving corruption of such out of the equation.

Please don't take any of this as an insult... unless the second option is really then case.

3110333 Really? what about characters like (the old) Discord, or King Sombra, or even Luna who vowed to destroy the world or enslave ponies. That doesn't sound like such a good place to me. Remember how the buffalos and Braeburn's ponies went to war? Sure it was only flying pies and such, but that was simulated war right there. Did you notice how this show is so inspired by grace and forgiveness? Luna and Discord tried to destroy the world and yet even though they had such evil intent, Princess Celestia had compassion in her heart and forgave them. We don't know what will happen with King Sombra. Perhaps that he will be forgiven as well since all the other super "bad guys" are forgiven. We will have to just wait and see.

you act like religion is the only cause of violence....religion does cause violence, but so does just about everything else. If Bronies were bigger and had weapons. I'm sure they would kill each other over disagreements. Have you seen how hateful these comments I'm getting on my stories? I even had to delete a few. People will kill and hate each other over the stupidest things, and My Little Pony isn't the ultimate place for peace, love, and acceptance. I made that mistake once, and I wrote a story about that called, "Putting My Idol On The Altar." Just look at the arguments on the internet and how Bronies trash each other. This is nothing hard to comprehend.


You're absolutely right. War is inevitable. I would never be silly enough to doubt that. There will always be evil in the world. But individual evil (without magics help) is nearly impossible to do devastating harm to the world. Religion is perfectly fine... but when they use power (Celestia) to form an army of "Good" that's when religion is the problem, and without it, those wars would be impossible.

When you form a group around something most think is good, its so very easy to twist it into something evil. To use it for your own means, to conquer, to oppress, and to control.

I won't speak for or against the brony fandom since it's the same for every group of... anything.

3110521 I'm not sure that I follow. So you're saying that because Princess Celestia in my story follows after God and rules Equestria, that make her bad? She stopped two places from practicing any more immorality and saved lives. People will either chose to follow the real God, or they will decide for themselves and make up their own rules about what is supposed to be right or wrong over what the true God has said. I mention that in the story too. I have Ireland in mind right now and how they were pro life for so long. All abortions were once illegal, until sadly and very recently, a new rule came out that allows abortions for one circumstance only. I have Princess Celestia ruling as a good leader who follows after God. I don't see a terrible problem with that.

I'm sorry Brian Jacko but you've gotten a down vote frome

3110779 That's fine. I'm not here to gain fame or to see how many thumbs ups I can get.


Blaming a strip club for the act of the rapists that went there, is along the same lines of blaming a gun salesman because someone shot up a school.

Using your power to force a single religion on a multitude of different people is wrong. ((Banning Gay Marriage for a more real example))

And I'm sorry was Celestia supposed to be the god of their bible? Then why bring Christ into it?

3112300 Places like that tend to have some very shady people. You don't have to look too far to find immorality in this world. It's not a safe place to be and it is dangerous. That was more of the message.....Not....If you go here you'll get raped. Some ideas are just foolish and what Rarity did by getting involved in such an immoral business was make a terrible mistake on her part. Of course there are creeps and perverts out there and a club like that would only bring them out. Some places are just safer than others and obviously in the story, I made that quite clear that this place reeked of shadiness and corruption.

It's like saying.....hey buddy. Listening to music won't get you killed, but blasting a certain kind of tune in the ghetto that could be considered a joke or offensive, would pretty much put you at quite a big risk of getting shot. That's a foolish and stupid idea. Sure, that's not the greatest example I could think of, but it's late right now, and I have been spending all day working on my stories and responding to comments.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not attempting to bash the story, or your writing ability. For the most part it was good. Just want to get that straight.

As for it being a shady place... Strip Clubs, Brothel's, NRA clubs (I'm pro gun, but they do tend to get some crazies), "The Hood", Congress, bars and Casinos all attract villains and "Bad" people. You can't stop evil or evil congregations by destroying their "common" hangouts. You get rid of one they'll just move to another, until not even schools or churches are safe.

While I understand you point that some places attract more than others, I don't agree with blaming the location for the crime. As for your example, blaring music you know is dangerous, or in the fics place, stripping, is the person's choice, and shouldn't be forced to make a certain choice. Especially if one or many persons beliefs are the only reason for power to step in.

If strip clubs actively hired rapists, or even directly catered to them, then yes Power should step in, but that's simply not the case.

3112728 Well said. We may not agree with everything because we are of two different faiths, but I want to thank you for not hating and showing kindness. You're one of the rare ones out there. I have to go to bed now because it's about two in the morning, but I thank you for the discussions and for not being the usual Brony hater that comments on my stories. People like you give me a small amount of hope in this very hateful and angry fandom. Have a good night! :pinkiehappy:

As for everyone who keeps complaining that my fic should be teen or telling me that I should change it right now to teen........I'm working with the moderator to see if I can change a few words around without deleting scenes because this fic really should be rated teen. I'll see what happens. If I have to delete scenes, then I may just leave it as mature. I'm not risking my account getting banned for disobeying the moderators.


One thing that really gets mme about this fic is so easy for someone to put Christianity into it, yet when mlp or others try to mention something from the franchises with the religion its blasphemy.... or other hatred for thinking that it could possibly closely related to it.

By the way, sex from the bible is nothing compared to a clopfic. NOTHING WILL BE CLOSE TO THE BIBLE when it comes to the bible. When it comes to fics and bible, one is fake the other is imaginative.

3112858 You said when mlp or others try to mention religion that people say it's blasphemy.....Can you please give me an example of when Hasbro has tried to tie in religion with the show and people said it was blasphemy? Did you know that many people will be offended by just about anything out there? There are people who find the official MLP show terribly offensive and make up absurd reasons as to why that is. Just because someone cries blasphemy doesn't mean it really is blasphemous. Almost all of my stories are Christian and they are read by both Christians and non Christians alike. Not one person has ever said to me that my writings were in the slightest bit blasphemous. My writing editor loves to read my stories be it Christian fics or not and he is not a believer in religion.

I would love for more people to write stories inspired by their own personal faith like me.

The Bible is a very historically accurate book. You don't have to believe in the miracles.


"You've got mail!" Following! :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Little_Draco deleted Aug 31st, 2013

Before I start reading, where in the world did you find a pic with Rarity pole dancing with stockin... you know what? Nevermind... I'm better off not knowing. :ajbemused:

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