• Published 13th Oct 2013
  • 1,786 Views, 105 Comments

Pone-Shots - GroaningGreyAgony

Lined up for your drinking pleasure, a series of strange, recondite and heretical ficlets...

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Zeno-filia - ever closer, never quite there.

(Based on the Xenophilia stories.)

Leroy, the human who months ago had been ripped from his home world and hurled into Equestria by a group of easily bored shoggoths, lay snuggled in his bed between Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, his herdmates and lovers.

Sleeping with ponies had its disadvantages. The vigorous bedtime activities usually made the mares gassy, and once Dash started to shift her tail in her sleep Leroy knew what was coming. Dash had a habit while sleeping of snuggling tightly against Leroy while releasing a sonorous blast that sent a column of hot moist fetid air rolling down his legs, and no sooner would he shift away in disgust than Twilight's bookending rump would quiver as she delivered a steamy thunderous echo—her gas was warmer than Dash's by some consistent ratio, which Leroy estimated as about five to four.

It went on after that like a game of ping-pong, emphasis on the pong. Leroy wondered if their butts were talking to each other while they slept, and what the topic of conversation might be. Did Twilight's butt discourse on the proper ratios of methyls to produce the most penetrating stench? And as for Dash's butt... he wasn't sure how it managed to italicize a fart, but it sure was able to do it.

Still, they were his herdmates, and he loved them. A tear rolled down his cheek, and not entirely from reaction to the odor. Leroy gently eased himself out from between them, and got up to take a shower and wash his legs.

As the hot water coursed over his body, Leroy reflected on how good his life was since he'd been brought to Equestria. It was a good thing that his human family was so readily forgettable, but it was also especially fortunate that ninety percent of the male pony population had died out in ancient times from a horrible plague that left its victims screaming for the release of death as hideous sores covered their bodies and spasms racked their bones, and the Lamarckian nature of magical equine evolution had kept the sex ratios at that state ever after. The surplus of mares had left Leroy with an easy playing field, once he'd gotten used to the idea of crotchtits and the odor of hayfarts.

It was strange... the stallions were so powerless in this society, but they could still apparently get away with being as rude as they liked to any mare. Even accounting for this, Leroy had no very convincing way to explain why two of the realm's mightiest and most famous heroines had utterly failed to score any serious tail for themselves until he had come along. Someone must be watching out for him. He reached up to offer the invisible Author a brohoof...

Much to his astonishment, his fist contacted an actual hoof that suddenly thrust in through the shower window. Leroy was hauled outside to stand naked and dripping water before a group of stallions, foremost among them Big Macintosh, who had pulled him forth. None of the assembled stallions looked entirely comfortable.

"Uh, Leroy, we gotta have a talk with ya," drawled Big Mac.

Leroy, surrounded by naked stallions and conscious of how outclassed he was in regards to size, quickly grabbed a lacy curtain from the window and tied a crude loincloth from it. "Uhm... Sure. What's up, guys?"

"Ey-welll..." said Big Mac, rolling his eyes skyward and scratching the back of his mane, "'T'ain't no easy way to say it, but we gotta tell you that... Well, folks across Equestria have been hearin' about ya shackin' up with a third'a' the Elements and Lyra, and there's been a lotta talk that ain't been so good for the rest'a us—from Manehattan ta Fallabella, they're all wonderin' what kinda stallions we are if we can't keep up with no, uh, little bitty monkey, meanin' no offense..."

"Big Mac, let's get to the point," said Thunderlane. "Remember, we all agreed to this. Leroy, there's this special ceremony we perform sometimes where we oil a fellow up and shower him with gold dust as a sign of our esteem and admiration... And, uhm..."

"Wait," said Leroy. "You want to gild me?"

"Ah hah hah! Yes, that's just it. We wanna gild you. If you'll just come with us, we've got all the gilding equipment set up in a remote field out by the Everfree..."

"Sounds like fun!" said Leroy. "Just let me put some pants on first. It's cold enough to freeze your balls off out here, if you know what I mean..."

"Uh..." said Thunderlane. "...Right."