• Member Since 21st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th


aka Mr. Chaos of the "Harry Potter: Pokemon Master Series", "Authors of Our Own Fate", and "A Man of Iron"



When Dinky is cast as Clover the Clever in the school's Hearth's Warming Eve play, the filly is concerned she will not be able to do Clover justice. Luckily for Dinky her parents are the Doctor and Derpy, who quickly bundle their little girl up and take a trip via the TARDIS through time itself to see the first Hearth's Warming.

But when things don't go as planned the family realizes that there is more at stake than a mere play. If they don't find a way to set history right, it won't be just Hearth's Warming Day that disappears... it will be all of ponykind!

It all begins here folks as a brand new Hooves Family Adventure Series starts with this Christmasn/Hearth's Warming Special! Meet familiar characters as you've never seen them before and discover the answers to some of MLP's greatest mysteries. Grab your sonic screwdriver, get a handful of jelly babies, and plop on your fezes!


Chapters (4)
Comments ( 97 )

Here we are, ladies and gentlemen, my annual Christmas story!

This year I was inspired to do something really different. I've done a ton of meta-style humor stories, with references and cutaways and adult humor... and while I love that stuff I decided that this year I wanted to show another side of myself... to prove to you all I could do more than write that type of story... and ones with mirror wing abstracts.

And thus, in the grand tradition of Doctor Who Christmas specials, I decided it was time to give the Hooves Family their own holiday special.

When I began coming up with the idea for this story I knew that I wanted to have the family travel back to the first Hearth's Warming and explore some of the things the play brought up. History, more often than not, is closer to myth than truth and i really wanted to take what the Hooves family expected and flip it on its ear. There will be some more surprises in the next three chapters and I am going to tie up some loose ends the show left hanging.

Now, for the main cast itself...

The Doctor is a mix of the 10th and 11th Doctor. He is the one that settled down, who keeps running but now will never run alone again. While there is a weight upon his shoulders it has been lessened. David Tennant is the only one that could play him.

For Derpy I wanted to do something a bit different. I know some like to portray her as slow or as the straight man for the Doctor, but I wanted to take her goofy side and have her also be a bit of a trickster who is able to challenge the Doctor and get him to let his guard down. I chose Hynden Walch due to her portrayal of Starfire on Teen Titans, which is the perfect mix of innocent and ass-kicker.

Dinky (here the full-blood daughter of Derpy and the Doctor, making her part Time Lord herself) is very much how I write Luna Lovegood in my Harry Potter fics; you are never quite sure if Dinky is naive and confused... or if she is the smartest one in the room and just messing with you. I chose Sweetie Belle's voice actress as I felt she could best fit this character.

If you see any mistakes, please let me know. I am considering trying to get this on Equestria Daily and would love to get the final kinks out.

Oh, and a huge thanks to Crowmagnon and cornholio for looking over this chapter.

This going to be good:derpytongue2:

Oh this should be interesting. :)


Too...busy...feeling...new...episode excitement and the fact that one of my fave fics just updated and a new story from one of my fave authors is out (man that new Wanderer D fic is awesome...oh and then there's you :raritywink:) to notice a mistake.

Ok, I'm back. And for my money, I can't see that much in the way of mistakes. I like the fact that history demonstrates the characters differently (we were seeing things from the perspective of the audience after all) and also the idea that clover did look like Twilight. I also liked your casting choices and the fact that this will be a good Doctor Who story until the new special airs.

Ps. I think you have a thing against River Song


Nothing against her, I just like the idea that, in the MLP universe she is a bit stalkerish since Derpy ended up with the Doctor instead of her. River runs with the Doctor... but Derpy is who he was running TO

Thanks for letting me have an early look at this fic. I almost wish I could've helped improve it in some way (aside from that little mixup with Diamond Tiara) but there honestly wasn't much that I could see in need of re-working.

Oh yeah, this is going to be hella fun.

Cant you add sparkler?

3592360 Shes Probably in college, or Time lord college, or she could be Dinkie's sister from the future, or Dinky from the future. Time travel makes anything possible doesn't it. :derpyderp2:

Well this looks to be an interesting start, adventures with Whooves family is usually pretty fun to read.


Should there be a demand for more of these, I have an entire season planned out for the Hooves family. One of the very first episodes (either episode 1 or 2) will be about the Hooves finding Sparkler and having her become a companion.

3594840 actually, in one of my ideas sparklers the doctors daughter, but you right ahead and dowhatever

3594840 I'd like to see that.


It will all depend on demand. Right now I have 3 episodes planned out:

-Let's Kill King Sombra (About how Sparkler joins the group and featuring the Crystal Empire)

-Blackwater (The Hooves Family being called upon by the King of the Capricorns to investigate a sinister monster that may or may not be the king himself)

-Cutting Edge (The Hooves Family going to 970 AD Griffland and becoming involved with the punk scene and an old enemy of the Doctor's)

3596491 I wait with baited breath. :raritystarry:

…Nargles, this isn't good


I've actually begun plotting the episode that will introduce Sparkler and I am thrilled with the twist I've come up with when it comes to her. It will be such an interesting episode that will help make one villain from the show have a ton more depth.

I am also working on figuring out voice casting for this story and what will come.

And here is Part 2! So much fun stuff with this. I love Derpy and Dinky joking around and egging on the Doctor, plus I love how they take the winds out of his sails. Lucky for him the next two chapters will give him plenty of heroic moments.

Please remember to review and let me know what you think.

“So, where are we going exactly?” Derpy asked, flipping the long brown, green, yellow, red, black, and blue scarf over her shoulder. A fedora topped her head and the long brown coat she wore hid her wings, which was great, since they were making their way through earth pony territory; also there was candy in the pocket which, while a bit fuzzy, was still tasty.


So, is Starswirl a Time Lord, cause that would be amazing? Or is he a future regeneration of The Doctor?


~So sayith Brotaku Whoovian Dblade
Lord High Lord of Brony-Otakus And representative of the High Council of Whoovians

Derpy leaned down and whispered. "Somepony who didn't know her place and tried to take what was mine."

So not a Rose fan then, although she might be referring to the Dr shaped sex toy he left her in her new universe.

So on hurting Dinky then, it's a bad idea.


Starswirl and the Hooves Family connection is covered next chapter.


I'm an Amy Pond fan. I find Rose a touch too whiny for my tastes. Plus, I like the idea that Derpy is the possessive type.

Derpy leaned down and whispered. "Somepony who didn't know her place and tried to take what was mine

This line confused me until i remembered who the author was and what happened in God squad lol nice continuity

Fury of a mother scorned is a scary one indeed, looking forward to more on Starswirl.

"Who's Rose?" Dinky asked.
Derpy leaned down and whispered. "Somepony who didn't know her place and tried to take what was mine."

Nearly died laughing at that.

Can't wait to find out about Starswirl's connection to the family.


Yeah, as I said, I do not like Rose that much. I haven't seen her in a ton of episodes, but Amy kicks her ass.


We get the first hints next chapter

I forgot to mention that for Starswirl, while it would be easy to cast Ian McKellan or Christopher Lee in the role, I actually see Patrick Stewart playing the part best. He would give it the weight needed but make Starswirl different from Gandalf or Dumbledore.

I honestly loved the whole "blood traitor" thing, even though it was probably just meant to be epic and not a reference, very potter of you! Can someone say that their father will hear about this? I mean I know you've already got Hairy Grabber, but...
PS: You haven't happened to watch A Very Potter Musical, have you?


No, I have not.

The Blood-Traitor thing was an homage to Harry Potter. Luckily for me, I guess, I found it hard to come up with pony-racial slurs so I ended up borrowing that from HP

And here we have Part 3. I really enjoyed the interaction between Starswirl, the Doctor and Derpy, and I hope you guys get the sense that there is a long history Starswirl has with them.

A ton of references to Doctor Who here, but I don't want to spoil them so I will let you guys sniff them out.

I mentioned in a note last chapter that while it would be easy to have Ian McKellan be the voice of Starswirl, I think it would be more interesting to have Patrick Stewart, who has the same gravity and bearing but has never been in such a role before.

One more chapter to go which will be up at the end of the week. Please continue to review!

Nice way to tie in Starswirl with the Doctor, not a take on Starswirl's past I've seen before. Definitely be something I'd read if you ever decide to expand on their history. The chapter itself with the windigo possession was unexpected though a very good way for why these three are suddenly warmongering, though throughout the windigo possession discussion I kept thinking of another story with windigos possessing ponies and keep thinking that a character or scenario from that story would appear.

Starswirl's been taking lessons from Gandalf I see.

So many Lord of the Rings Lines. Ian McKellan indeed

Which story would that be?

*glances around shiftily* ... Is it mine? :derpytongue2:

I'm already reading yours and while I did think of it there is another as well though that involves a werepony and is not here on fimfiction, it's actually one of the Ask Pony blogs.

Oooo, I like the take on Starswirl. So he's a future companion who (as we know from the show hints) is a very powerful Gandalf-like figure in his own right. Very nice.

And the explanation about Clover and the windigo possession makes a lot of sense.

Ohhhh, you mean Twilight Unbound?


I like the idea of the Doctor meeting a companion first at their best, when they have benefited from the Doctor and grown to be stronger and better... and then have the Doctor meet them when they were young and stupid and greedy and have him have to deal with the conflicting knowledge that this vain, cocky young stallion will grow up to be a wise trusted friend.

Starswirl when he is young will be the type of pony the Doctor would NEVER take as a companion... but he must.

Its a mix of Jack and River, really.

God, I love the doctor when he is being awesome (makes me miss 11th more and more.) This story is starting to feel like a really good Doctor Who special with the ponies. I guess another good sign of this fic being awesome is that I can hear the voices of Tennant and Mcllean through the dialouge and the speeches. In all, this is a great fic and I think it says something about you as an author if you can make me laugh my butt off with one story and then fist pumping the air the next. IT shows that you have versality.


Is the young Starswirl any pony we already know? It would be interesting to find out that say Snips or Snails are going to grow up to be one of the most powerful unicorns ever.


Good, I am glad you are feeling that way. My goal is to make this feel like it could be filmed and, if you made all the ponies human, it would be a Doctor Who Christmas Special.

Its funny, but I haven't seen much of Tennant's run... I am a Matt Smith fan and he is my first Doctor. But it is rather easy to write Tennant and figure out how he should sound... while also making my Doctor different from the others.

Derpy is also fun, especially when I hit on the idea of making her the pony-version of Starfire from Teen Titans: bubbly, happy... but she can kick your ass if she wanted to. Dinky is as I established in Many Secret Origins: she is Luna Lovegood.


I hadn't considered that but no, Starswirl is an original pony. I do like that idea though

Now I want to see Ian McKellen guest star on Doctor Who as a Gandalf expy...

Maybe Merlin? Have they done Merlin in any classic Who?

Meh. Should the High Lord Rowling conceive it, it shall be universal. Seriously though, I love this story. It's right at that perfect mix of Pony and Doctor Who, I'm impressed.

If there is one thing I have found true, in all my travels, through all the many times and worlds I’ve gone through, I have found one truth to be true. Just one. Would you like to hear it?” He leaned in close, whispering the secret knowledge. “Never… and I mean never… hurt a foal in front of its mother.”
“You…” Derpy whispered, staring down at Dinky’s shaking form, “hurt…” her head snapped up, the stallions took a step back as her eyes focused on them… both her eyes, in tandem, “…my...baby.”
She never raised her voice. That was the worst thing: the fury of Derpy Hooves.
She just… broke them. All their training, all their skills and strength and abilities… they were meaningless. She was like the thunder and the lightning and the storm rolled into one. Those that tried to defend themselves found that their blows were as effective as raindrops upon heavy stone. She just kept coming at them, bringing with her pain the likes of which they had never felt. Even after she was done with one and left him to focus on his companions the stallion would still weep for the pain remained, buried deep within his bones, tattooed upon his flesh much like his own cutie mark. She never screamed though, never shouted… she just kept coming.

Hah! Either you're a fan of "Human Nature/The Family of Blood" or you like the trope Mama Bear a whole lot. (Maybe both? :rainbowlaugh: ) /)

Can't wait to see what they get into next...

Onward! :pinkiehappy:

the ghostly form of the windigo rushed out, swirling around the TARDIS. It was smaller than they had expected, no bigger than a squirrel, and it let out high-pitched wails as it dashed around a mere inch off the floor.
“You… you think this means anything?” the windigo wheezed, darting towards a doorway, turning hateful eyes towards the group. Clover was now shivering, her legs trembling as her numbed nerves returned and she could finally feel the cold that had penetrated her veins. “I will merely find another… and then Doctor, I promise you, my brothers and I will-“
“Mama?” Dinky said with a yawn, walking towards her mother as she dragged her blanket along with her, not noticing all the adults staring at her in shock, “why is everypony yelling?” The filly looked down at her left foreleg and squealed. “EEEWWWW!” She began to flail about, trying to remove the goopey remains of the windigo from her hoof. “Ew ew ew!”

:rainbowlaugh: Have you read this one, by any chance? It has a somewhat similar scene... *snerk* :yay:


A bit of both, acutally

And thus ends my Doctor Who/MLP Christmas Special, The Winds of Winter. I had a blast writing it and I hope those of you who took a chance on it enjoyed it.

Not a ton to talk about with this one. Having the Doctor appear and pull a 'Pandorica Opens' speech was always in the cards, as was Dinky's play coming back into... well... play, were planned from the start. But the idea that Starswirl and the founders change the legend to include the Hooves family was a last minute touch. I just felt, as I got towards that end, that there needed to be one final thing. I love the idea that even if no pony knows it, all of Equestria now thanks the Hooves family for saving Equestria so many times. 'The Long Song' was just the final little touch I added in last minute.

And yes, the ending is like the ending of 'The Shakespeare Code'. We will find out what the Doctor did to make Platinum hate him at some point.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

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