• Member Since 6th May, 2013
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From the deepest reaches of the cosmos, a force is gathering. The infinity gems are being gathered once more and if the gauntlet is empowered again, the pure annihilation will follow. Every thing that exists in all realities is on the line! Only two beings stand against this threat. Twilight Sparkle, princess of magic and Equestria's greatest hero, and Dormammu, all-powerful magic despot and Dread-lord of the Dark Dimension! This bizarre duo will journey across the multiverse, traveling to incredible places, facing foes both good and evil, and wage a war to end all wars. That is...if the Dread-lord can keep his darker tendencies at bay long enough.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 24 )

:raritydespair: Why is there only one chapter of this so far? It's interesting!

On a more technical note, several misspellings and occasional clunky sentence structure are the only real flaws. Keep up the good work.

Great first chapter. Can't wait to see how this develops.

I'm curious as to where this is going and am very happy to see a fic using a major villain from Marvel that isn't Loki. I also want to see how powerful you plan on making Twilight for this fic. In comparison to the major mystics of the Marvel Universe, Twilight doesn't really hold up canonically. But seeing how this is a work of fan fiction, you could boost her magical skill up a bit to better prepare her for the kinds of monsters she may be facing. Also, if Discord gets this scared of Dormammu, I wonder if he would go catatonic over feeling the presence of Shuma-Gorath, a real "God of Chaos".

Further proof that Dormammu is the REAL Satan of Marvel.... not that their isn't one already since there's like.... two or three of them but this just.... you know what I mean.

Great chapter. What marvel heroes and villains will Twilight meet? Who will be friend, and who will be foe?

Actually there are like 3 Satans in the Marvel universe: Mephisto, Pluto, and, at least recently Daimon Hellstorm each one of them rule a portion of hell

I really wonder what Twilight can bring to the table for Dormammu in dealing with this threat? Is her body a great magical conduit for intense mystical energies that would often destroy the body of those who would use it or did Dormammu just need to find someone to of fairly great magical power to work with and since he is the enemy of most magic users or at least untrustworthy to the extent they would refuse to work with him even with the threat of reality annihilation, then I can see why he would pick Twilight. Keep up the good work!

5519650 Pluto isn't a demon, but a ''Death God'' just like Hela.

The ones who are heavily hinted to be ''Satan'' are Mephisto, Satannish, Thog, Lucifer and Marduk Kurios, but Marvel doesn't have a true ''Satan'' as Journey into Mystery shows, in fact, rather millions of demons and other mystical beings trying to claim such title.

During the beginning ''Satan'' was composed of different demons though.

It's nice to see a pretender like Discord tremble before the might of a REAL Eldritch Abomination.


And Dormammu is canonically capable of making all 3 of them his bitches in a head-to-head fight.

5911580 I don't think so, well, at least not in their element/domain, there they are omnipotent. Either way Dormammu is not that powerful, he is just a sorcerer from the dark dimension and in that dimension there is already a supreme sorcerer, and it's not Dormammu.

Awesome chapter.

It sadly doesn't look like Twilight is going to be on good standing with the Marvel Heroes. At least for a while.

I'm curious will Twilight make any unexpected friends in this adventure? Like maybe becoming friends with some of the marvel villains?

5293827 Hey, I've been meaning to ask, would you be willing to do a more thorough review? I'm thinking of submitting this to Equestria Daily.

I'm glad this is back, Strange is one of my favorite Marvel characters.

I wonder if Twilight will meet any other impossibly powerful entities or individuals during her time in Dormammu's service? Will she perhaps have to meet up with Dr. Doom? Perhaps she will come across the Molecule Man? Keep up the good work!

So..... Ultron huh..... well shit.

Yesssssssss. As always, so hyped to see this update.

Hmm, Galactus should have looked like a Giant Pony/Alicorn to Twilight, for Galactus is only as he is perceived by the "lesser" races. To humans, he looks like a giant human. To Korbinites, he looks like an ancient god figure from their legends. He is actually a being of pure cosmic power so that was a mistake you may (or may not) want to correct. Also, Dormmamu's original plan was still sound to me. If he either popped up on the Helicarrier or Stark Tower, he most definitely would have caught the attention of both groups and likely anyone else not busy with another villain at the moment and would likely be able to hold their attention long enough for Twilight to attempt at sneaking around because Dormmamu is THAT big of a threat. Bill should know who Ultron is, everyone on Earth should know who Ultron is given the numerous times he has publicly tried to kill every living thing on the planet, so I hope Bill at least attempts to stop Ultron from gaining further access into A.I.M.s' base as a member of such an organization would put protecting their labs above everything, even their own lives. They are that serious about their science. Keep it up!!

6651382 Dude, calm down. You're making some big assumptions about how things should be. Feel free to speculate, but don't go telling me how to run a head-cannon. Besides, I only learned about the perception thing last week and, while cool, makes things way more complicated than they needed to be. I already feel worried about how much I built up Galactus in this. You can only talk about something so much before you lose story. Just relax and if details are different from what you know, just remember how many times these characters have been re-invented and stories re-told.

As to Bill's capability... seriously, google Bill Agent of A.I.M. Standards don't apply.

6651521 Yeah, that's why I said you "may not" want to go back and change it, since the big G seems to only be popping up this one time and so going back to change that doesn't really seem that important. But I felt like saying my piece and giving you the option to make the decision in case you didn't know. As for Bill… yeah, I am going to defer to you on that one.

I think the ONLY (and I do mean one and only) problem I had with this fic since the beginning is that, Dormmamu is a very, very, very old guy, and as such, he should be talking like anyone who has lived for so long would talk. To read him talking using slangs and casual words, it's just distracting to me :rainbowhuh: anyway good fakking job on with this fic

Dormammu, I've come to bargain.

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