• Member Since 14th May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 15th



Bon Bon's voice is funny, and that's about all that anypony who meets her notices, as her marefriend Lyra soon steals the spotlight with her explosive personality, strange obsessions, and curious beliefs. And why not? Bon Bon is, after all, a perfectly ordinary, boring pony in every way but two: her voice, and the carefully kept secret that she isn't really a pony.

(Edit:) Now with an annotated version, courtesy of the incomparable Shoggoth Lord!

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 825 )

It's on fimfiction now!? Fav'd. Fav'd hard.

The things you are doing here... they are amazing. Your novel take on the setting is matched only by your mastery of immersing readers in the point of view of your main character, and the inherent conflict and the tension it brings makes this story an exceptionally engrossing read. I'm confident that it will rank among the best of the shipping genre. My compliments on this; I will be taking notes on technique.

619307 itake it that you enjoyed it :trollestia:

Anyhow; cool story bro. Here, take a like. :ajsmug:


Awesome that this is on FiMFiction now. I read the first chapter when it was posted on EQD and loved it, but lost track of the story. At least now that it's here, I'll be able to know exactly when there's a new chapter. Can't wait to find out what happens next!

Comment posted by Mashmaster deleted May 29th, 2014

This seems interesting. I'll file it away for later reading. :pinkiesmile:

Yes, yes, yes! :twilightsmile: This finally came to fimfiction, it's much easier to read it here than on googledocs.

Ah yes, having this on FIMfic makes it easier to follow. Have a like then!

This story is, in a word, magnificent, and I eagerly await more.

Glad to see this story here! :moustache:

I'm behind on chapters since I originally saw this, but this is the best changeling story I've seen the fandom produce.

I can't wait for the enxt chapter! this promise to be an epic story.

Very nice to see it on FIMfiction! Now it's only a matter of time before it gets featured and explodes in popularity. Luna knows you deserve it.

And sadly Lyra is gonna be turned into one of Chrysalis' brainwashed puppets.

AND DAMN! Chrysalis doesn't care much for her own subjects, AT ALL. We knew she saw ponies as cattle, but you think if she was willing to conquer an entire nation to feed them she'd feel SOME empathy towards her own people. 0-0 So that was Chrysalis' real personality?

Great story, thanks for putting it here so I can track it! :twilightblush:

Wait. Lyra was part of the brainless bridesmaid zombies. BonBon didn't make it or something, right?

Heh, y'all were really eager for this to turn up in some format other than Google Docs, weren't you? Glad the upload pleases you; lazybones that I am, I was a bit leery of uploading it here when I realized that it would mean going through the whole thing and re-italicizing and indenting the bits that copypasta didn't quite hit, but it was clearly worth it. Many thanks!

Very unique premise. Like and fave.:raritywink:

Fuck YEAAAAAAH, no more Google Docs!
(If you can't tell, I despise GDocs, and I've already ready Chaps 1 and 2.)

Shit hath become real. Very real indead.

This story cannot hit the featured box fast enough. It deserves all the readers it can get.

Seriously, this was one of the last stories I was reading that wasn't on FimFic and that I still had to hit up the EqD Story Updates posts to follow. I'm beyond happy that I can finally add it to my FimFic tracking list!

I don't have any Bon Bon or Chrysalis emoticons, so have a happy Lyra instead. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra.png

Almost the same here. "Crisis: Equestria" and a few others aren't here yet, though. Give it time, I guess... :twilightsmile:

Edit: Oops! Turns out "Growing Pains" IS here already. My bad. :facehoof:

Ooh. I'm liking this so far. I'll be sure to check out the rest as soon as possible. One thing, though:

When the sun had set and the moon was nothing more than a thin scimitar’s-edge of light in the sky, when the wind blew wildly and the rain lashed against the windows, when the world grew eerie and that eeriness hissed and hummed its shadowed way along ancient paths that, though they had been long since paved over and civilized, and seemed quite dead in the light of the sun, still retained a hidden life of their own—then, sometimes her marefriend would be woken by the sound of hooves against wooden planks as Bon Bon paced the floors of their solid safe little home, or by the shivering of Bon Bon’s cold body against Lyra’s own as she whimpered with her eyes clenched shut.

That is one sentence. One. Watch out for those, as they're incredibly difficult to read, and really kill the tone.

Other than that, I'm liking what I'm seeing!

I've always thought that Bon Bon was rather plain and boring compared to other background ponies. But this.....let me put it this way:
Lyra being fascinated by humans = pretty smart.
Lauren Faust being an alicorn = pretty bucking smart.
Bon Bon being a changeling = BUCKING. GENIUS!!!
I didn't even need to read all the chapters so far before realizing how spot on this idea is. You, good sir, have earned yourself a loyal reader! Can't wait for more!

What Kangthespartan said

Oh wow, I'm very glad I finally got around to reading this it is excellent!

I cannot wait for more.

A really enjoyable chapter! This story is sucking me in good, and I'm looking forward to the next one.

Good lord. It's not a coincidence, it would seem. You have quite a serious problem with purple prose, my friend. However, it's usually limited to the first page or so of each chapter, which is quite strange.

But then, it's also interesting, because from there on in it gets better. And then you start talking about world building, and I get this stupid grin on my face because it's so well done, and then the plot sucks me in completely. In other words, I am enjoying this a lot, but I would suggest watching out for purple prose in the opening page or so of each of your chapters! Excessive adjectives do not make good writers!

Keep up the awesome work. I am really looking forward to seeing where this one is headed!

Mystic: Yes, I struggled with that particular sentence from part one; in the end, I decided to just leave it as it was. Jane Austen gets away with paragraph-sentences, so why couldn't I? I neglected, of course, to remember that Jane Austen could get away with those because she was Jane Austen, and knew what she was doing.

As for the more general purple prose issues...huh, that's interesting. I don't write these all in one sitting, so it seems unlikely that the purple prose is just a result of me trying to find my footing in the setting. If that were the case, I would expect the flowery writing to show up at reasonably regular intervals throughout the story, blossoming out in impenetrably ramulose floriations (sorry, sorry...) every time I started writing again. I do love me some descriptive passages, but I'll try to make 'em a bit less unnecessarily elaborate in future. Thanks for the heads-up, and thanks, too, for your kind words; I'm glad that aside from some stylistic issues, you're enjoying it so far!

Poor Bon-Bon. You do a good job presenting her internal struggles, and the dilemma she's facing.

Been waiting for this!
Definitely did not dissapoint.

I'm growing to love hating Aldrovanda. :twilightangry2:

And now we know why, exactly, Lyra was in the crystal caves!

Lol, Kelpie stole mai shiet.

Heh. Queen Xubidu.

I see what you did there.

Hee hee, I like that kelpie. I'll still enjoy watching her die if she dies, but at the same time I enjoy watching her live. :pinkiecrazy:

now on fimfic? INSTA FAVE

Oh Aldrovanda, you scamp.:rainbowlaugh:
She'd be my favorite character in this story if it weren't for the whole flesh eating monster thing.

But anyway, good chapter! I can't wait to see what happens next.

Let’s get this fool’s errand on the road! :rainbowlaugh:

I may have to steal that if I can manage to find an excuse to use it in a conversation at work today.

This is definitely my favorite Changeling fic! Use of the Unseeli court, proper use, mind you, makes this story all the more enjoyable.

So our heroine is down several bits, a saddle bag, a loaf of bread, and one weapon. Not the BEST way to start one's quest. :facehoof:

This fic feels very distilled, for lack of a better word, with several fanon concepts taken to their logical conclusion (Bon-Bon the changeling, Lyra who wants to be human, Pinkie Pie noticing the fourth wall . . .) It's also alarmingly well-ordered and lyrical, even for this crowd, so kudos for that.

Ooh, great development. Very excited to see where this is going.

I'm suprised this doesn't have a dark tag, 'cause compaired to other stories, this is really dark.

Aldrovanda and Discord can go suck each other's [explicit term redacted].

I did consider labeling it dark, but considering the directions I'm planning on taking the story, I wasn't sure that it was quite fitting (Aldrovanda isn't actually going to be devouring anypony at any point in the story, for example, and in future installments she probably won't be quite so expressive when it comes to her preferred diet). Then again, when I think "dark" I tend to think "H.P. Lovecraft," so it's possible that my own sliding scale of darkness may have gotten stuck a bit too far on the dark side of things to be all that useful. Funny, really; I would have thought that devotedly watching My Little Pony would have been enough to recalibrate it.

Queen Xubidu. I get it now! :trixieshiftleft: good one!

Yeah, that is a little bit too far on the dark side to be a proper mesure:pinkiecrazy:

Oh. heroine, not the drug. Had me confused for a moment.

Blasted Spellcheck. Thanks, and fixed.

ALDROVANDA has joined the party!

dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Bonbon_gaze.png Hmm, only level 1, stats are crap... well, she'll make a good packmule at least. *dumps inventory on Aldrovanda*

ALDROVANDA has left the party! "Haha, sucker!"


You know, if there's an Unseelie Court, there's bound to be some Seelie Sidhe (not "Shee") who'd be willing to help, if only to screw with the Unseelie. I'm sure Fluttershy must know at least a couple.

Hell, Pinkie Pie probably is one. It would explain so, so much.

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