• Published 1st Apr 2016
  • 4,842 Views, 100 Comments

Sweetie's Little Accident - The Killer Legacy

Sweetie Belle have a nightmare that makes her wet the bed.

  • ...

Chapter 10 - Babysitting

Confused and not knowing how to start, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo decided to ask Sweetie what to do since she had more experience in the area.

“So… where do we begin again?” Apple Bloom asked her friend.

“Feed you?” Scootaloo questioned.

“No, sillies. First we have to diaper me of course!” Sweetie giggled and explained to them. “Babies wear diapers.”

“By the way, that reminds me, I'm not gonna change dirty diapers.” Scootaloo protested with a gag face.

“Me neither.” Apple Bloom nodded in agreement.

“Well, we'll see about that…” Sweetie Belle said with a mischievous grin, but refused to elaborate.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo could only be scared by Sweetie's response, which just made her giggle. They didn't think she would be willing to do something like… that in her friends' presence.

Without wasting more time, Apple Bloom grabbed a diaper from Sweetie's bag and started.
“Could you at least save us from some work?” She asked of her friend.

“Okay.” Sweetie replied with a grin.

“Then lay down here so I can put the diaper on you,” Apple Bloom finished. And that's what Sweetie did as Applebloom put the diaper beneath her and picked up the two tapes as she attached them both to the center of the diaper, closing it tightly. “I guess that'll do it.” The farm filly sighed in relief.

“It’s as tight as I wanted it to be, nice job, Apple Bloom!” Sweetie sweetly replied, trying to make things better for Apple Bloom. To her credit it kind of worked.

“Well, maybe I have a magical touch for that. Had a few younger cousins come over every once in a while, so I guess I remember a thing or two.” Apple Bloom said as Sweetie happily nodded.

Already in a diaper, Sweetie Belle started to run around the clubhouse while bouncing with her hooves to feel the diaper on her waist again from all possible ways. She always liked how a diaper felt on her little rump: The poofiness around it that felt like she had a pillow on her butt, a thing that forced her to waddle with every little movement she did.

One thing she particularly thought about, was one of the funnest things while wearing a diaper. While she did the testing with the diaper, she used the opportunity to run away from her friend as that could be a fun thing to do.

“Hey, Sweetie, where are you going?” Scootaloo called out to her friend.

“Try to catch up with me! Hehe!” Sweetie said in between giggles.

“Oh well, let’s go then…” Scootaloo said as she and Apple Bloom knew very well that they would have to take some time to catch up to their diapered friend.

Despite her poofy bottom, Sweetie was able to run out of their clubhouse and gain some distance from the other Crusaders, at least in Sweetie's perspective because both Applebloom and Scootaloo realized that she was easily catchable, so they preferred to let her have her little fun a bit by slowing down the pace. Seeing how cute she ran about, waddling with that diaper that they knew they would have to get used to, as this turned out to be a thing their friend liked.

About ten minutes after running away from her babysitters within the area around the clubhouse, Sweetie finally showed signs of tiredness. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo knew that this was the time to wrap up and get her.

Slowing down just a bit was enough for Scootaloo to catch her. The only thing Sweetie could do in that situation was struggle to get out.

“C’mon, Sweetie Belle! I know you want to play, but it’s not the time to run away from us anymore,” Scootaloo tried to explain. “What if somepony else sees you like this?” That wasn't enough for Sweetie to listen as she just continued to struggle about like a fussy pony.

Scootaloo and Applebloom had no choice but to forcibly drag their friend back to their clubhouse. With a lot of effort they managed to get back with Sweetie Belle, who was sitting still.

After that little run about that they’d had Apple Bloom realized something. “Well, I think you might be hungry now, right little Sweetie?” She asked..

“Mhm!” Sweetie Belle happily nodded, then realized what Apple Bloom just called her. “Lil Sweetie? What is that?” She blinked in confusion.

“It's a nickname I gave you,” Apple Bloom explained. “Don’t ya like it?”

“No, actually I love it! But I didn't think you’d be willing to make one just for me.” Sweetie replied with a grin.

“Well, since we’re doin’ this I might as well be fully into it, after all remember we still wanna see if we can get our cutie marks in babysittin’. So gotta think the way a babysitter does.” Apple Bloom explained.

“Oh! Right!” Sweetie giggled as she had completely forgotten the three were trying to get cutie marks for this.

Returning to the subject at hoof, Scootaloo spoke out. “Since you planned this whole babysitting thing, did you remember to bring something for you to eat Sweetie Bell… I mean Lil Sweetie?” Scootaloo asked as she corrected her friend’s name midway through.

Lil Sweetie didn't need to answer as her face of surprise was enough.

“You are Lil Sweetie for a reason I guess,” Scootaloo sighed. “Next time just remember that babies don’t only need diapers, okay? They need other things too,” She explained as Lil Sweetie nodded “But don’t you worry, I think me and Apple Bloom have some food left over from recess.”

Lil Sweetie could only cheer upon hearing that her little fun wouldn't end right there because of a lack of food. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo used this opportunity to talk to each other privately as parents would do.

“Hey! What are you girls talking about? I wanna hear!” Lil Sweetie protested.

“Sorry Lil Sweetie, but this is grown up talk, you can't hear.” Apple Bloom answered as Lil Sweetie crossed her hooves, making a pouty face.

“So, what do you have for Lil Sweetie to eat?” Apple Bloom asked Scootaloo.

“One chocolate cookie plus a half.” Scootaloo answered.

“A half? Who doesn't eat an entire cookie?” The farm filly blinked.

“I didn't have the time to eat it all the way. At recess I started to eat it, then I got distracted and when I realized I still had half a cookie, recess was over,” Scootaloo answered. “What about you? What have you got?”

“An apple.” Apple Bloom simply answered.

“I should have guessed.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

“Well, I think it’ll be a waste if we offer both to her right now, so to save some we should choose just one for now.” Apple Bloom instructed.

“I guess so. Assuming she is a baby, what would be the best option for her?” Scootaloo asked as both spent some seconds thinking of the best option, before they reached the conclusion that an apple would be more healthier for a baby to eat than a cookie, even if the cookie was the delicious one.

“Okay my Little Sweetie…” Apple Bloom started talking to her charge. “You can eat an apple now, then you can eat cookies later, is that alright?”

“Why not the opposite?” Lil Sweetie asked.

“Because it’s healthier for you, now be a good filly and eat your apple,” Apple Bloom instructed in a parental tone, and then start feeding the foal. “Here comes the airplane!” She called in a sing-songy tone of voice.

“Apple Bloom, what are you doing?” Scootaloo whispered to her earth pony friend.

“I don’t know, really. It just seems appropriate.” Apple Bloom quietly answered..

“But do you think she’s into that sort of stuff too, the baby talk?” Scootaloo pondered.

“Well, take a look for yourself.” The farm filly replied as she pointed to a now little Sweetie eagerly waiting for the food to enter her mouth courtesy of somepony else, as she had her eyes shut.

“Okay, you got me,” Scootaloo answered. “I can’t help but smile at that cute face.”

“Me too,” Apple Bloom agreed. “Anyway, the plane is almost landin’ and…” She guided the broken up apple and put a piece right into Sweetie's mouth.

Even though she still preferred to eat the yummy cookies first, Sweetie couldn’t deny that the apples of the Apple Family were delicious. She spent minutes eating the piece of apple as Applebloom readied herself for more rounds of airplane landings. If Lil Sweetie said she didn't like that she would be lying, she enjoyed every second of it.

Being fed was something that reminded her of the past even more. The sentiment of not being able to take care of herself was something somewhat good for her. Not that being helpless about everything was a good thing, she liked being able to accomplish things on her own. But being taken care of like this sometimes would certainly make her happiness reach one hundred percent. Playing baby this way with her friends/crusaders surely would help her get more used to the newfound lifestyle that she loved.

“So how was the apple, Lil Sweetie?” Apple Bloom softly asked when the feeding was done.

“The appwe was vewy dewicious! Yummy Yummy! Hehe!” Lil Sweetie said in a babyish voice as she went deeper into the role.

“Glad you liked it, my little one.” Apple Bloom smiled.

Scootaloo just continued to stare at Apple Bloom with a weird face, as she thought her friends were getting a bit too much into their roles.

“So, what do you wanna do now, Lil Sweetie?” Apple Bloom questioned.

“Since we’re inside a fowest, it wooks wike we could pway some hide and seek!” Sweetie eagerly suggested.

“Fine by me, I guess.” Scootaloo agreed.

“That could be fun, let’s do it!” Applebloom also agreed.

“Yay! You gwiws wiww nevew find me, hehe!” Sweetie giggled, and then ran out to the surroundings of the clubhouse.

“We will be countin’ to fifty, remember it!” Applebloom called out loud.

When both Crusaders were left alone, Scootaloo used the opportunity to talk to Apple Bloom.
“Hey, Apple Bloom, how can you do that?” Scootaloo asked her friend.

“Do what?” The farm filly blinked.

“All of this. Take care of her, I mean,” Scootaloo explained. “It seems like you have a gift from Celestia to take care of foals or something. You really seem to know how to talk to them.”.

“Ya know what? Maybe it’s ‘cause of that one time Applejack tried to baby me,” Apple Bloom explained. “It really wasn't somethin’ I wanted from the start, but then I thought about how she really wanted to make me feel safe and all, and I realized that what she was doin’, could be done to somepony else. So I think I just want to make Sweetie feel that way too, even though I'm not into diapers like she is.”

“Woah, I really didn’t expect that response from you. So then, you get this feeling for taking care of somepony else to make them happy?” Scootaloo questioned as she tried to understand this.

“I guess so, Applejack really did a good job gettin’ me interested,” The farm filly giggled. “But then again, is that a bad thing?”

“No, you just have this good ability, one we will surely need from now on since Sweetie Belle likes to wear diapers and act babyish.” Scootaloo answered.

“Speaking of which, we better pretend we’re in the middle of countin’, cause otherwise Lil Sweetie’ll get bored from waitin’ for us to find her.” Apple Bloom remembered.

“Oops, I almost forgot about her! Hurry, let’s start from forty!” Scootaloo encouraged.

“Where can I hide, where can I hide?” Little Sweetie kept asking herself. “Oh! These bushes seem like a perfect fit for me! Hehe!” With that said, she wasted no more time as she jumped inside the bushes, going totally undetectable. “This place is so comfortable, and it is well illuminated that I could even… take a quick nap…” She yawned, laying slowly on the ground until she fell asleep.

“Ready or not, here we come, Little Sweetie!” Scootaloo shouted out! “Okay, where do we search for her?” She asked Applebloom as they both were exiting the clubhouse.

“I don’t know, she could be anywhere. This forest is huge! What if she‘s lost?!” Apple Bloom gasped, almost panicking at the possibility.

“Or… “ Scootaloo said as she pointed to a clearly visible tail coming from some bushes next to the Crusaders’ lunch table.

“-She could just be an innocent filly who likes to play and be silly.” Apple Bloom completed Scootaloo's sentence as she could only blush at the situation.

“Well, it looks like she didn't see us yet. I think we could surprise her a bit, just to play with her, you know?” Scootaloo proposed.

“That doesn’t seem like a good thing to do for her, but I think one little Peek a Boo won’t hurt.” Applebloom agreed with her.

“Then let’s do it! On my signal, One…, two…, three… SURPRISE!!!” Scootaloo and Applebloom shouted while they poked their faces through the bushes.

Little Sweetie in response woke up scared by this and the sound of a hiss was heard. She had wet herself, but not just because of the scare, she already had the urge to do a number one, so she just didn't hold it in at all. She could feel an amazing sense of relief, shame, and maybe a bit of a cozy feeling too due to an added warm area in her diaper.

Her friends were frozen in place with their jaws hitting the ground, seeing what their little friend was able to do. Lil Sweetie on the other hoof, could only giggle at their reaction, not just because they looked funny, but because they would have to change her as well.

“Well… I guess that’s that.” Scootaloo said while waiting for the inevitable.

“It was nice to know you, Scootaloo.” Apple Bloom replied with a scared tone.

“C’mon, girls!” Lil Sweetie giggled. “It can’t be that bad, can it? It’s just a number one, not a number two. Though I’ve never changed a diaper, not even my own.”

“Ah, Lil Sweetie… sometimes you amaze me.” Apple Bloom grinned. Then they reluctantly went back to the clubhouse. On the way they decided to chat a little bit.

“Hey, Sweetie Belle, can I ask you a question? Just a normal question, not a Lil Sweetie question.” Scootaloo proposed.

“What is it?” Sweetie replied.

“I know you like all that babyish stuff and all, but what about the diapers?” Scootaloo questioned. “I mean, why do you like them and use them? I’m not sure if I understand that very well.”

“You know, I would ask the same thing, but I was afraid to.” Apple Bloom added.

Sweetie Belle was surprised by this question, so she took a good few seconds to answer the question. “It’s hard to explain, girls. The diapers make me feel safer. Using them is just a simple act that makes me feel relaxed, and kind of naughty in a way.”

“Yeah, well we already saw how relaxed you can get.” Scootaloo scoffed. That made Sweetie blush and smile apologetically in return.

"What do you mean by ‘naughty’, Sweetie?" Apple Bloom asked. "You're the last pony who would do anythin’ bad or that you're not supposed to."

"Well... do you remember how when you were little and suddenly you didn't need diapers anymore," She started to explain. The others wondered what their friend meant and Sweetie halted behind the two, causing them to stop. "And grownups told you that you're supposed to be using the potty from now on?" She sat down on her little haunches, exposing her sogginess to the world as she pointed at her diaper. "Well, in a way, I guess this is me getting back at them for always making me run to the bathroom when I needed to go. I could’ve just used my diaper and it would’ve been less of a hassle."

"Oh, I think I understand now. So, it’s kinda like when I ride my scooter in 'dangerous' places,” Scootaloo added, finding sudden interest in the topic. "You just wanna have fun by doing the stuff grownups always think that you shouldn't do. And babies don’t ever really listen to their parents anyways."

"Exactly!" Sweetie piped. She was glad that a friend of hers at least knew how she felt.

"So wearin’ your foal diapers just means you can have fun without havin’ to worry about gettin’ into trouble, right?" Apple Bloom realized.

"Mhmm. Pretty much," Lil Sweetie nodded, before propping herself back up to her hooves. Briefly she bit down on her tongue. "And I can always go potty as soon as I have to. It's also kinda funny when other ponies looked shocked at me for doing it, hehe."

"But don't you ever think for a second that using diapers is… how can I say this, a bit too much? Even if you’re acting like a baby?" Scootaloo asked.

"Nope! Not at all!" Sweetie innocently replied as both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked to each other.

The clubhouse looked pretty high up from where they were. Strange how Sweetie had never quite realized it before having to try trotting around in something wet. For some reason, she thought it best to quickly scamper over to and grab hold of Apple Bloom's forehoof for the climb. The farm-raised filly didn’t fight it, thankfully.

"You know, you giwls reawwy did scawe me." The diapered filly lisped, getting back into her role as they made their way up the clubhouse steps.

"It was my idea to do it." Scootaloo looked to Apple Bloom, "And now we gotta deal with diaper duty because of it. I-I'm sorry Apple Bloom." They reached the top and halted.

"It’s not all your fault, we both scared her,” Apple Bloom replied and then asked. “Little Sweetie, you said that you’ve never changed yourself before. Does that mean yer sister's the one who's been changin’ you this whole time?”

“Yeah! Big sistew Wawity’s been weal helpfuw changing my diapers for me each day,” Sweetie proudly claimed, then suddenly her demeanor changed. "Uhh, girls? I-i know I said using these feels relaxing and all, but now all I feel is cold and n-not so comfy..."

“Ohh." Apple Bloom's ears fell, no longer having to wonder why she’s never seen fillies her age doing what she was about to. What pony would want to? "Then uhm, l-let’s get started huh...” she worded, Scootaloo and her now sharing each other's nervousness over the predicament.

They took a little while to pick out a new diaper since the two had procrastinated in anticipation of what they’d might deal with. But despite how uneasy it made them, they pushed themselves to continue since Lil Sweetie was quickly growing impatient.

They grabbed the fresh diaper and the two decided to simply get on with it.

“Lay down Lil Sweetie...” Apple Bloom started.

“Okie dokie!” Sweetie smiled, doing what she was told and lying on the floor.

Seeing how the unicorn positioned herself on the ground, with her hooves folded like Pound and Pumpkin do when they were ready to be changed, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo could only “daww” at her, but they couldn't stare at her forever, it was indeed time to change her.

Picking one of the tapes of the diaper, Apple Bloom carefully pulled on it and then the other one. Once done with that, she slowly opened Sweetie's diaper, and surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as they’d imagined since little Sweetie really had just only wet herself. Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo thanked Celestia it was not a poopy one.

"At least we won't have to do much cleaning, right, Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo questioned.

"Guess we were lucky this time." Apple Bloom replied as Lil Sweetie just giggled.

The next step was to see what needed to be cleaned. Apple Bloom saw that the diaper was soaked which left Little Sweetie's rump a bit wet, but this could be dried with another diaper, so she decided to continue the process. Carefully, she took the diaper from Lil Sweetie and quickly threw it to Scootaloo, who was doing nothing to help.

Scootaloo panicked at this sudden movement, of course she needed to help change Lil Sweetie in some way, but at that moment she wasn't paying attention. So she regained her senses and with a quick movement, she snatched the diaper out the air, made it into a ball and finally threw it to a strategically placed trash bin in the corner of the clubhouse while repeatedly saying “yuck” to herself.

With the most difficult part done, Apple Bloom picked up the new diaper, put it behind Lil Sweetie's rump, cleaned what had to be cleaned with the new diaper and pulled both tapes up to finish diapering Lil Sweetie. "Well, I guess that will do it." She sighed, relieved that her job was done.

"Agreed." Scootaloo nodded.

"What are you talkin’ about? All you did was just stand there, watchin’ me do all the work!" Apple Bloom protested.

"I did the cautious work of safely throwing the diaper in the trash can. You know how hard it is dealing with that thing? Any wrong movement and you could accidentally untape it and make a disaster!" Scootaloo argued back.

"But her diaper wasn't even that dirty!" Apple Bloom complained.

"But it was icky anyway,” Scootaloo gagged in protest. “C'mon! At least I did something!"

"Whatever…" Apple Bloom sighed, giving up on that subject. "Well, all done Lil Sweetie!"

"Yay!" Little Sweetie celebrated!

Apple Bloom then asked. "So, what would you like to do now?"

When Apple Bloom asked that question, it took just some seconds until Lil Sweetie could give the answer. "Let's play pretend! She excitedly declared.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked at each other before asking. "So, how exactly do we play pretend Lil Sweetie?

"Girls, it’s all about imagination!“ Lil Sweetie giggled.

“Imagination?“ Apple Bloom asked.

”Here, lemme show you.” Sweetie skipped over to a spot on the floor, sat her diapered bottom down faced sideways to her friends and started to pour herself some imaginary tea. First, she grasped the air in front of her like a handle on a large teapot, and on an invisible table she tipped the teapot in hoof over a pretty porcelain tea cup.

“What is she doing?” A puzzled Scootaloo asked.

Setting down the teapot gently on the imaginary table, Sweetie Belle then went on to drink from the tiny teacup of air, making certain to hold it firmly between two hooves.

“I think she’s tryin’ to act fancy like her sister,” Apple Bloom whispered in realization. “Oh, it looks like she’s tryin’ to drink somethin’ from a small cup. Like having a tea party?!” Sweetie Belle nodded her head. “If that’s what you wanna do, I’m on board!” She declared.

“Well, I guess?” Scootaloo reluctantly replied, still not certain about this play.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo then proceeded to sit next to each other and around the imaginary table to get into Lil Sweetie’s world of play.

“Would you like a cup of tea, Scootaloo?” The innocent filly asked.

“Sure, pour it into my cup.” Scootaloo replied, raising her hoof for Lil Sweetie to pour the tea.

“What about you, Apple Bloom, would you like some tea as well?” Lil Sweetie asked.

“Of course I do! Here, pour it to me.” Apple Bloom encouraged!

When all the cups were full, everypony started drinking it. Lil Sweetie was the one who was mostly enjoying this as once she drank the tea she seemed very satisfied with it, as if she really had drunk tea. Apple Bloom drank the tea normally, playing along with Lil Sweetie to make her happy, and then sighed in relief after it. But after a quick look, Lil Sweetie saw that Apple Bloom wasn't really enjoying the tea.
Apple Bloom, realizing this, immediately started rubbing her chest to prove that she really had enjoyed the tea, which made Lil Sweetie smile.

Scootaloo, on the other hoof, was really impatient and couldn’t hold herself. “Everypony, stop! I can’t do this!”

“What’s wrong, Scootaloo?” Apple Bloom asked.

Lil Sweetie was puzzled. She didn’t know what Scootaloo meant, but decided to stay quiet to see what her friend would say.

“I mean, just about this specific game, it’s just a tea party! What are we gonna do, just pour tea into our cups and drink from them until we get tired?” Scootaloo questioned as she rolled her eyes. “Like ‘cmon, at least can’t we do something a little less… predictable?”

Taking into account what Scootaloo had said, Apple Bloom added. “Lil Sweetie, I kinda have to agree. I know all this baby stuff is fun to you and all, but maybe we could play a more... creative pretend game?”

Thinking a little bit, Lil Sweetie realized they were kinda right, even though she wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to change scenarios since she always liked playing tea party with her plushie friends. “So… what do you girls wanna pway? I’m eager to have some fun!”

"What about…if we pretended that you were in a show and we were your audience?" Apple Bloom suggested.

"Yeah! Your voice is great as well, it would totally be…" Scootaloo began before being interrupted by Lil Sweetie.

"-NO! We can’t do that!" Sweetie Belle shouted, completely breaking out of her character.

Everypony just stood quiet for several awkward seconds before Apple Bloom decided to ask. "What's wrong, Sweetie Belle? We’re your friends. You have a beautiful voice and always loved to sing, what's botherin’ you?"

"It's something personal, I don't know if I want to talk about it…" Sweetie vaguely answered, trying to get away from the subject.

Scootaloo, realizing her friend suddenly became upset about a subject she usually likes to do, finally decided to take some courage and tell her what she needed to say.

"Sweetie Belle, we’re by your side playing pretend where you are the baby and we’re taking care of you. Sure it’s different, but we’re doing it because we’re your friends and we want to see you happy. Don't be afraid to tell us what’s going on. If it’s something you’re really scared of, there’s no problem, we can use a different scenario. What matters is that you stay happy." Scootaloo said while opening her heart to her friend.

"Girls, It's not that I wouldn't like to sing for you, it’s just that, thinking about it makes me remember this bad dream I had." Sweetie confessed as she shuffled her hooves.

"Would ya care to tell us, Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Well, it just starts with me on a stage, ready to sing to everypony in Ponyville. I go confidently to the microphone knowing I can do it, but the moment I would start to sing, nothing comes out of my mouth. I can’t sing, and then everypony just laughs at me!" She explained. "I always wanted to sing to everypony in Ponyville, but I don't know if I can do it someday, what if I can’t just like the dream? What if nopony likes my voice? What if…" She continued before being interrupted by Applebloom.

"Sweetie Belle, look at us! We’re your friends, and we are absolutely certain you would do great if the opportunity arrived,” Apple Bloom declared. “Besides, you’re easily the best singer I’ve ever heard."

"And even if they didn't like it, you can be sure both of us would love to hear you singing." Scootaloo encouraged.

This filled Sweetie Belle with joy hearing all the nice things her friends told her, she couldn't believe it. Was this just another dream? No, her friends were really the best friends a pony could hope for. At that point, if she had to go on a stage to sing to an audience, she wouldn't have fear anymore. Not as long as her friends were there to cheer for her. Getting up from her diapered seat, she found the courage to speak. "Thank you very much, girls! You don't even know how happy this makes me feel."

"That's why we’re here!" Apple Bloom encouraged.

"Yeah, to put a smile on your face! Even if that means taking in two big pieces of information in a single day." Scootaloo declared.

At that moment, Sweetie Belle felt something warm inside of her, and that's when she knew what to do. "You know girls, after all this discussion, I think I’ve got a sudden urge to… SING!" She excitedly declared as her friends celebrated seeing her back to normal, well, almost normal, as she was still diapered and she definitely would want to stay diapered for the whole time they would be playing.

So Apple Bloom and Scootaloo took better positions on the floor, making some distance between themselves and Sweetie Belle to pretend she was on a stage until she finally decided to sing for her friends.

Lil Sweetie sang a lot of songs to her friends, some that they already knew, and others that she made up just from being happy. A few of the songs were about how she liked being a baby and how being in a diaper made her feel protected.

Although they were very childish songs, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo couldn't deny that her voice was indeed beautiful. And the last song was the best one they had ever witnessed. It was the very first time they were hearing it and Sweetie's voice couldn't be more perfect. The best part of the song wasn't her voice, however, but the lyrics that were about how good it was to have friends, and how it couldn't ever be possible to have something as beautiful as friendship.

Her friends knew for sure that she was talking about them too, so neither of them could hold their tears as she was singing, which in turn encouraged her to sing since she knew her friends were loving it.

Once Sweetie Belle finally finished her last song, wiping away tears of happiness, Applebloom and Scootaloo clapped their hooves so fast that they nearly flamed. "Bravo!" They both shouted.

Lil Sweetie almost became a Big Macintosh level of red with embarrassment. "Thank you again, girls, but you don't need to exaggerate on the clapping."

"We’re not, your singing is beautiful Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo encouraged.

"She's right, Sweetie, you’re really good." Apple Bloom added.

"If you girls say so. And I just want you girls to know that everything that I sing comes from here!" Sweetie told them, pointing to her heart.

Before any pony could say anything else, their vision started getting hazy. Something shiny hit their eyes, it was the sun. They’d had so much fun that they didn't even notice the time. It was already late and time for them to go home.

"Wow! Guess we must’ve done a lot for it to be this late right?" Sweetie Belle questioned.

"We sure did!" Apple Bloom replied.

"Indeed" Scootaloo added.

"Did you girls like babysitting me?" Sweetie Belle innocently asked with a happy face.

"Well, it sure was different from what we usually do, so I kinda liked it." Scootaloo answered.

"I never thought I would have so much trouble takin’ care of a baby!” Apple Bloom sighed, before she declared, “but it was the best baby I ever took care of!"

"Yay!" Sweetie cheered. "I’m glad you girls liked it."

"It's just a shame we didn't get our cutie marks for it. Scootaloo sighed, as everypony looked at their flanks just to find they were still blank.

"Well… maybe we could try again next time!" Sweetie encouraged.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other.

"To get our cutie marks for babysitting, right?" Scootaloo asked.

"Of course! That's what I meant, girls." Sweetie Belle answered, unable to hold back her suspicious giggle. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo just rolled her eyes, because they knew this meant they would end up playing with her again.

Preparing all their things that they brought to their clubhouse, all three ponies readied themselves to lock the clubhouse and go to their own houses.

"Are you sure you don't want to take off that diaper, Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asked as they prepared to leave.

"Yup! It is so comfortable!" Sweetie declared while shaking her diapered rump to show to her friends.

"Okay then, just be careful to not be seen by anypony." Apple Bloom warned her diapered friend.

"Yeah, we wouldn’t want everypony in Equestria to see your diapered rump, right?" Scootaloo added.

"Don't you worry girls, our clubhouse is in the middle of the forest, it’s very unlikely for anypony to find out my little secret, he he he." Sweetie replied while still giggling.

"Just make sure to take it off and put it in your bag when you see somepony, okay? Wait, you didn't use that diaper already, right?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Nope! Not yet!" Sweetie replied even as the front and the back of her diaper were pulled back a little bit by her friends. "Hey! I said I didn't use it!" She pouted.

"We were just making sure." Scootaloo replied as both ponies let go of her diaper, triggering some crinkling sounds.

Once they made sure everything was set, the three fillies finally decided to take their separate paths.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to go. Bye Lil Sweetie!" Apple Bloom called, waving goodbye.

"Bye Lil Sweetie!" Scootaloo also waved.

Seeing both her friends using her little nickname made her feel great as she also waved goodbye to her friends.

Before she could take any more steps, Apple Bloom started. "I almost forgot! Don't be afraid of doin’ what you like the most, okay?"

Sweetie Belle nodded and then every one of them took their own path home.

This had been a very special day for Lil Sweetie: Her friends had played with her while she pretended being a baby, and she even wore her diapers in their presence. If Celestia had told her a week ago that she would get to do this with her friends, she wouldn't have believed it. That afternoon sure had been the most fun she’d had with her friends in all of her life.

Author's Note:

I'm finally back with a new chapter for you all! :pinkiehappy: This was the most difficult chapter to write, as I wanted to make sure this one wouldn't be rushed and that it was a sweet and heartwarming chapter for you all to read, that's why it took almost 2 years to finish this one, which I apologize :ajsleepy: After all this is the best moment our Little Sweetie is living right now.

In some parts of this chapter I actually had some help of Miffington Lemil who co-writed with me and really understood the essence of my story, you guys can thank him for the chapter launching sooner as he really encouraged me to continue the story. :pinkiesmile:

You guys can expect the next chapters rolling out way sooner than this one did, as the story can finally progress even further, so stay tuned! :raritywink:

PS: The next chapter will have a sneak peek of one the songs Little Sweetie sang! :yay: