• Published 1st Apr 2016
  • 4,843 Views, 100 Comments

Sweetie's Little Accident - The Killer Legacy

Sweetie Belle have a nightmare that makes her wet the bed.

  • ...

Chapter 13 - Research

After hearing such words from her little sister, Rarity felt herself suddenly getting dizzy, and before she realized it, she’d levitated a couch behind her and fainted onto it.

Sweetie Belle was surprised by such a display, she didn't actually know why Rarity had acted the way she did with her, or why she’d fainted. It was just an accident, right? She became a bit desperate and didn't know how to react. It didn't matter how angry Rarity had reacted to her about her little accident, she just wanted her sister back.

"Rarity! What happened?! Wake up, please!" Sweetie said out loud to Rarity, shaking her sister. She knew she would need to be changed soon if she didn’t want to get a rash.

Flying towards the castle, Twilight Sparkle and Spike had things to solve, Sweetie's case to be more specific. Both found the fact of Sweetie Belle willingly wearing a diaper very… curious of lack of a better term. And what better way to discover the reasoning behind that than through books?

Of course, they knew they could just ask about it to her but they thought it would be very intrusive to ask a filly such a thing. So they decided (or rather Twilight had decided) to just have a better knowledge on the subject before going straight to the point.

Once they arrived, both went to the library where they could read the books to find an answer. And that's where Spike decided to break the silence. "What do you think it could be?"

"I don't know, Spike. That's why we are going to do this research." Twilight replied.

"That's not what I asked, Twilight. I mean, don't you have any guesses?" Spike clarified.

"Oh! In that case…" Twilight paused for a moment, thinking about what she’d seen earlier before answering. "Sweetie Belle kinda always had a childish behavior, but to an extent where she would wear a diaper? I don't think so. Rarity is way elegant, it would be reasonable to think she would teach her little sister to be a grown mare, so it wouldn't make sense for Sweetie to be wearing such an attire if she had the thought of being a grown mare."

"Well, what if she just likes baby stuff? Spike replied. “That’s pretty childish.”

"Don't be silly, Spike, It's not because you are a baby dragon that you can guess something like that. It's very unlikely," Twilight declared as she patted her hoof on Spike's head while he made a grumpy face. "She might have just worn one because she was curious, She’s kinda known for being curious about everything. We might have just arrived at the exact moment she wore them, and by the unfortunate moment she probably didn't want to tell us because a diaper would be the opposite of being a grown up."

"I guess so?" Spike replied in a confused tone.

"Anyway, we can only be sure when we check those books. So let's go, Spike." Twilight told her dragon assistant.

So the two went and searched through a lot of books. The ones they checked out included: 101 Reasons Ponies Act Suspicious, The Book of Emotions, Ponies’ Behaviors, What Is My Filly Doing?, Games Fillies Play and other books of similar genres. But none of those books seemed to be the answer they were searching for.

A lot of time was spent searching, and then just when they were almost ready to give up, a book fell onto Spike's head. A book which caused him to become dizzy for a few seconds to the point where he could even see stars. He shook his head to dispel the confusion and checked the book cover as he raised both his eyebrows. "Hey Twilight, what about this one?" He asked, raising the book up to her.

"Let me see," Twilight responded, using her magic to levitate the book closer to her. "’Babyish Fillies’… interesting, let me take a look." And she scanned thorough the pages.

"What does it says?" Spike curiously demanded.

"According to this book, some fillies might get attracted to being a baby again. It doesn't actually says what is the reason for that, but it does describe their behavior. These fillies simply act babyish through things like playing with baby toys, using pacifiers, drinking from baby bottles and even…" Twilight paused for a moment.

"Even what?" Spike impatiently insisted.

"Wear diapers." Twilight finished.

"Ha ha! See?! I told ya, Twilight!" Spike excited declared with a smug grin.

"Yeah yeah, you were right and I was wrong," Twilight remarked as she tried not to show how annoyed she was. "But that aside, do you know what that means?"

"That Sweetie Belle is wearing a diaper and acting like a baby?" Spike concluded.

Twilight nodded and smiled. "Exactly!"

"So that's why she was wearing a diaper and being all shy about it." Spike realized.

"Yeah. Sweetie Belle is indeed a particular innocent filly." Twilight nodded again.

"But is there a cure for that?" Spike questioned, wondering what some might think of such behavior (particularly Rarity).

"C'mon, Spike! This isn't a disease! It's not like she is being transformed into a baby,” Twilight pointed out with a snort. “After all, she was being shy about it. A real baby wouldn't try to hide the fact that she is wearing a diaper. She probably just likes acting like a baby, which doesn't hurt anypony. Of course this isn't a very mature activity, but it will certainly help her grow as a pony by learning to accept who she is."

"Do you think we should at least tell Rarity about it?” Spike asked with concern. “I mean, she would definitely want to know if her sister is doing something as eccentric as that."

"Knowing Rarity, I think she would already know by now so we don't need to worry, Spike,” Twilight declared. “I think now we might be ready to ask Sweetie Belle a bit more about that, we have only discovered the extent of what she is actually doing. But there's still the reason on why she is acting like that. But… let's rest a bit okay? I'm actually tired of reading so many books!"

"Thank Celestia! I thought you would never say that." Spike exclaimed as he collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, which made Twilight giggle a bit.

In fact, while she was giggling, Twilight remembered something. "Hey, speaking of diapers, Spike. Remember the times where you were still in diapers? You were so attached to them that it took a little longer for you to finally grow out of wearing them." She remarked with a hint of nostalgia.

"Y-yeah! Those were the times huh..." Spike nervously answered while rubbing the back of his head.

Author's Note:

Spike's last response was a bit suspicious, is he hiding something? :rainbowhuh:

Hey guys I'm back! And what better way to come back with a little break from what happened last chapter and a bit more of a side story for you guys to enjoy. :twilightsmile: Anyway, I hope you guys are ready for the next chapter, where we will finally have an aftermatch. :pinkiegasp: