• Published 1st Apr 2016
  • 4,842 Views, 100 Comments

Sweetie's Little Accident - The Killer Legacy

Sweetie Belle have a nightmare that makes her wet the bed.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - Innocence

Going to the changing table Rarity had set up (Sweetie thought it would be more adequate to diaper herself there), Sweetie climbed onto with little effort, laid down on it, and got ready to put the diaper on, setting one aside for the occasion. “Well, here we go, I can’t believe I’m doing that again, heh.” The filly chuckled to herself.

With that being said, Sweetie grabbed the diaper. Remembering what Rarity had done, she placed the undergarment between her legs, and with delicacy, she picked one of the tapes and closed one side of the diaper. But before she could pick the other one, she started to get anxious, shaking and making it difficult to put on the diaper. “C’mon Sweetie Belle, I know you can do it! You never did that but you’re doing good!” She said it to herself in the hope of calming herself down.

After relaxing a bit, the filly decided to continue with the diapering job. Picking up the other tape, she managed to do it with a great deal of effort, making the diaper fit tightly around her little rump. Her tail poked out through the little hole in the back.

Having finished diapering herself, Sweetie lowered herself to the ground to test it. She was walking around her room when she realized something good. “Hey, it’s not that bad! Actually, it’s pretty good!” She exclaimed. “I don’t know why I was panicking in the first place.This diaper is so fluffy and comfortable, it’s like a pillow in my backside!” She just had discovered a new world, a world in which she could do whatever she wanted without any concerns. Or at least, that’s what it felt like

“Yay! Diapers are the best!” The filly declared, starting to bounce all around the boutique like Pinkie Pie would do, feeling that little couch on her flank wherever she went. Then Sweetie noticed something, something most unusual. She was so focused on diapering herself as soon as possible, she hadn’t noticed until now that her diaper printing was kinda familiar, it had a picture of three blue gems in a vertical position. Definitely not something you could just buy at a store.

The gems looked strangely similar to Rarity’s cutie mark, that couldn’t be a coincidence, could it? “Rarity made this diaper printing? But how did she learned to do that and why? To make me feel more comfortable wearing it? Well, I guess it’s working, because it’s pretty cute,” She thought, briefly blushing red. “Well, I can ask her later. Right now I need to do one more thing.”

Excited, Sweetie ran towards her wardrobe and pulled out a box. It was an old, dusty box full of toys from her foalhood. But she didn’t want all of them, right now she was focused on getting some “company”, her plushies to be more precise. “Where are they, I know they are somewhere in here…” She declared, trying to find them. Digging around in her closet, the filly eventually found what she was looking for. “Fluffy Bunny! Huggy Bear! I found you two! Oh how I missed you guys!” She said, hugging both plushies tight.

“We missed you too, Sweetie.” Fluffy Bunny declared with no air in his lungs.

“Yeah, Sweetie. I hate to interrupt our meeting, but I am starting to suffocate,” Huggy Bear added. “Even though I love some hugs.”

“Oops! Sorry guys, I got too excited.” Sweetie apologized and ended the tight hug.

“No problem at all!” Both plushies said in unison.

“Good! Because It’s time for snacks!” Sweetie proudly declared.

“Yay!” Fluffy Bunny and Huggy Bear cheered.

With that, Sweetie went to the kitchen to grab some cookies from a jar, and juice. She brought it all to a small table that she’d also picked out from her toy box, for her to have a special fun with her friends.

When Sweetie Belle finished with all she needed to do, she decided to finally start their little fun.

“Hey Sweetie Belle, you are exactly the same since the last time we met, you know?” Fluffy Bunny asked.

“Yeah, Sweetie, you are even wearing your diapees!” Huggy Bear added, giggling a bit.

“I guess,” Sweetie commented as she got embarrassed again. She remembered that she liked to call her diapers as diapees. “My dear diapees! Anyway, I may still be diapered but lot of things have happened since I saw you guys the last time, let me tell you.

“Go on, Sweetie,” Fluffy Bunny encouraged. “We both are curious.”

“Okay, so here we go…” Sweetie Belle told them almost everything about her life and she felt like some weight leave her shoulders. Telling about her life with others felt really good for her, and talking to friends was even better. Well, her plushie friends of course.

“Seems like you had such a good life, right, Sweetie?” Fluffy Bunny asked..

“You sure had some fun moments didn’t you?” Huggy Bear added.

“I sure did, guys!” Sweetie proudly declared. “My parents always took care of me when they were present, I made such awesome friends that we are always finding a way to get our cutie marks while having fun, and last but not least I have a sister that I love who makes almost everything for me!”

“It’s good to hear all that, Sweetie Belle. It seems like you don't need us to talk anymore…” Fluffy Bunny said, getting sad.

“My time for hugs is over…” Huggy Bear added, getting sad as well.

“No no no!” Sweetie Belle quickly protested. Of course I need you guys! You were the first ones who I befriended in my life besides my family. You two helped me a lot to make the friendships I have today, and we always have such good subjects to talk about.”

“Then why did you put us aside until now?” Fluffy Bunny asked.

“Well… you know, Fluffy...” Sweetie began. “It’s hard to explain. In that time my mind was changing and I thought I should move on, so what I did is put you guys in my secret place, where you guys know very well where it is, in case I needed advice someday. But the very next day I regretted that and tried to find you guys to have whole day of talking, but I couldn’t find you two. That’s when Rarity told me she put you two in a box of toys that I didn't want to play with anymore. So since Rarity told me specifically that every item in that box was just for babies, I moved on. But, since Rarity also told me recently that I could use diapers again because I’m having accidents at night, I realized I could try and pick up you guys again!” Sweetie finished, drawing in some air. “Will you two forgive me, please?”

“Since you put that way, of course we will, Sweetie!” Fluffy Bunny declared.

“You were just following what Rarity thought would be good for you.” Huggy Bear smiled.

“Thank you, guys, that means a lot for me!” Sweetie declared, getting emotional as a few tears started to form.

“Don’t you cry, Sweetie,” Huggy Bear insisted, wiping Sweetie tears. “Just give us one more hug!”

“I’m willing to share a hug too!” Fluffy Bunny added.

And share they did. Sweetie Belle hugged her two friends once more, feeling even more comfortable now.

Once they finished the hug. Fluffy Bunny used the opportunity to ask something to Sweetie. “Sweetie Belle?”

“What is it, Fluffy?” Sweetie innocently asked.

“I couldn't help but notice that you said something about using diapers again, why is that?” Fluffy questioned.

“I’m curious too, Sweetie, what happened?” Huggy Bear asked.

“Oh! That?” Sweetie realized. “It’s a bit embarrassing to say, but I will say anyway. Apparently, diapees are just for babies, and I am not a baby anymore…”

“You’re kidding, right?” Fluffy Bunny asked, rendered utterly speechless.

“Unbelievable! Why’s that?!” Huggy Bear questioned. “Diapees were supposed to be one of your best friends, they even helped to protect you from having accidents!”

“Yes they did,” Sweetie nodded. “But do you guys remember the bathroom?”

Both plushies just nodded saying nothing more.

“So in there, there is a thing called the toilet, and everypony except babies use it,” Sweetie explained. “Once you get to a certain age, you’re to use that whenever you have to go and not your diapers.”

“Oh really?” Fluffy Bunny asked. “And here I thought I knew everything.”

“And I thought diapees were supposed to be used forever.” Huggy Bear remarked.

“Me too, Huggy Bear, me too…” Sweetie commented. “But the good news, is that now I can use diapers again, so… I am a baby again! And that means I can play with you two! Yay!” And the two plushies celebrated too. Sweetie Belle, for her part, donned a very large grin. She was very happy for saying that out loud. She never thought this would become a possibility again, but she was happy about being a baby.

“I think we talked enough about me for now.” Sweetie then spoke up, changing the subject. “What about you guys, what did you two do in this whole time?”

“I thought you would never ask.” Fluffy Bunny grinned.

“Girl, you don’t have idea about the adventures we had together.” Huggy Bear boasted.

“Oohh! Tell me more!” Sweetie curiously inquired.

“There was one time…” Fluffy Bunny started, when Sweetie interrupted him. “Sorry Fluffy,” She apologized. “I didn’t want to interrupt you, but I’m feeling funny.

“What is it, Sweetie?” Huggy Bear asked.

That was when Sweetie realized what the funny feeling was, she’d drank too much juice and now she had to go. She started to struggle against herself jumping, to one side and then another, getting restless.

“Oh! I know what is this! Fluffy Bunny guessed. What about you, Huggy Bear?”

“I sure do, my friend!” Huggy Bear grinned.

And that was when both of them shouted with a nostalgia. “POTTY DANCE!”

“I think I drank too much juice, guys, hehe.” Sweetie commented in embarassed tone.

“No problem at all, Sweetie!” Fluffly Bunny declared.

“You are already wearing your diapee, remember?” Huggy Bear said with a wink.

That sentence snapped Sweetie Belle back to reality, she almost forgot she was wearing her diapee. So when she remembered, she got all happy again, but also more embarrassed than she got making the potty dance. She knew she would probably use her diapee, but the thought of intentionally using it was still funny. Although her will to continue being a baby was stronger than her embarrassment.

“You know what, guys? You two are perfectly right!” The filly declared, and with that, Sweetie Belle decided to act with no more procrastination. She stopped potty dancing, found a good place to be comfortable, closed her eyes, and let go. Making the largest grin she could ever make, she started to wet his diaper with all the liquid she consumed for all the time she’d spent talking with her plushies. As she continued to wet her diaper she thought to herself. “I’m a baby so there is no problem doing this. It’s what the diapers are for.”, which made her feel calm and comfortable.

It took a while, but the little unicorn finally finished emptying her bladder. Her diaper sagged a little in front, but not enough to make her feel uncomfortable with it or get a change. With the deed all done, Sweetie realized something.

“Hey, it’s not that bad! Actually, it feels very good!” Sweetie declared, still surprised a bit at having just finished wetting her diaper. “I just have to relax and it’s all done! There is even a good, warm feeling when you are done to reward you for using it! So much better than the toilet.”

“Don’t you miss that feeling, Sweetie?” Fluffy Bunny asked.

“Yeah, Sweetie, and you didn’t even had a single leak. Aren’t diapees the best?” Huggy Bear added.

“YES! I love my diapees! They always stay in my rump giving me a poofy sensation when I walk and I sit, and they even make me feel very happy when I use them!” Sweetie proudly declared. “How did I live without them?! I’m Sweetie Belle and I’m a diapee baby!”

Author's Note:

Phew! This took me a while to finish, but here we go finally to the 6th chapter of this fic! Personally I am very proud of how this turned out and it was fun doing it. Prepare yourselves for the next chapter where Sweetie Belle will play with toys in her "Fun TIme"!