• Published 1st Apr 2016
  • 4,834 Views, 100 Comments

Sweetie's Little Accident - The Killer Legacy

Sweetie Belle have a nightmare that makes her wet the bed.

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Chapter 7 - Fun Time

After cheering about using her diaper, Sweetie Belle decided to resume hearing about the adventures Fluffy Bunny and Huggy Bear had without her.

The two plushies talked a lot about when they were escaping a quicksand of toys, climbing a toy tower, racing each other with some toy cars, and more. Sweetie was so focused on them, that she completely forgot she’d used her diaper a while ago, just like a baby with no other interests other than play. When Fluffy Bunny and Huggy Bear finished talking, she decided to ask. “Hey! You two already had your fun, so how about I join the fun?”

Both plushies agreed, which made Sweetie incredibly excited! She immediately ran to her box of toys again, picking out a lot of things at once and throwing them the ground. Two little things that she picked from last, were the ones that grabbed her attention the most. She stared at them for at least a minute before she was able to muster a reaction.

“Binky and shaky! Together with me again!” Sweetie proudly declared, as she picked up her old baby blue pacifier and rattle. She popped her pacifier into her mouth without a second’s hesitation, and shook her rattle as she sat on the ground, closed her eyes, and smiled. The whole experience felt rather good, almost soothing in a way.

Her binky wasn’t big enough to fit entirety into her mouth, but it was still enjoyable, and she didn’t stop sucking in and out. As for her rattle, she always found the sound amazing and shaking her hooves to make it work was good for her. Foals were always so hyper active and doing this was quite a workout. Besides, it helped her to relieve her stress. And boy did she have a lot of it.

Sweetie Belle indeed spent roughly ten minutes playing with her rattle, then she started to hear something.

“Aren’t you forgetting about something? Or rather, someone?” Fluffy asked.

“Yeah! What about us? I’m seeing toys on the ground, but no one playing with them!” Huggy Bear added in protest.

“Oops! Sorry guys!” Sweetie apologized. “I guess I got too distracted with Binky and Shaky. My mistake. Let’s start our fun time together!” She excitedly said, as she ran towards the mini table she’d set up earlier.

This time though, the little filly wasn’t quite successful in running. Right after she finished her sentence, she stumbled to the ground. Fortunately it wasn’t a hurtful fall, so she wasn’t a crying Sweetie this time. When she was about to get up again, however, the filly thought “What if I crawl? I don’t see any trouble in that!”And crawl she did, very slowly toward the table, just like a baby would do. After all, she wasn't in a hurry, she was already having fun. Then, when she was getting close to the table in the middle of her bedroom, Sweetie’s creativity flowed out of her mind. A vivid fantasy started playing out in her head.

Through the tall trees and big grass in the jungle, Sweetie crawled trying to be quiet, so as not to be noticed by wild animals. Her target all along was a giant chocolate cookie, she’d searching for it for almost one minute of tiring time. That cookie could satisfy her for a life (and that equals five minutes). The quest was dangerous, not just because the cookie was on a tall table of an incredible thirty centimeters in height, but because the path itself was filled with dangerous wild animals, long oceans of juice, and hidden mines of chocolate crumbles.

This all looked scary, but Sweetie was able to gather the courage she needed. After all, she was: “Sweetie, Diapered Adventurer!”

Crawling in the grass, Sweetie Belle thought to herself. “I’m invisible!” As she started to giggle.

“I can see you right there!” A hungry bear growled.

Hearing that, Sweetie immediately stopped her giggling, growing worried. “Oh no! I thought I was invisible!”

“Indeed you were, Diapered Adventurer, but I can still hear you.” The bear explained.

Sweetie reluctantly had no choice but get out of her hideout. “Please don’t eat me, you hungry bear!” She cried in despair.

“But then what should I eat? You sure look delicious!” The bear replied, licking his lips.

“I’m searching for a big chocolate cookie. If I get it, we can both share.” Sweetie pleaded, hoping that would be enough to convince the bear.

“Tempting… okay!” The bear said at last. “But only because you look so cute in that thing, diapered adventurer.” He declared, making Sweetie Belle blush in embarrassment.

“Thank you! You will not regret this, I swear!” Sweetie insisted.

And Sweetie and Hungry Bear traveled to search the cookie. Soon, they found an ocean. Sweetie couldn't swim in it, it was too deep, and there wasn't any boat around. She also couldn't go around, it it would take a long time and she could die from hunger if she spent too much time going around. Not knowing what to do, Sweetie stood there for a few seconds until a curious rabbit jumped out from a rock in front of them.

“Hey! I saw you two were having trouble about crossing the ocean, so I wanna help!” The rabbit informed them.

“Oh really? That's nice of you, Mr. Rabbit.” Sweetie smiled.
“Thank you Mr. Rabbit!” Hungry Bear exclaimed. “And you know, I have a strange feeling that I know you from somewhere, but I just met you…”

“It’s weird that you said that, ‘cause I feel the same way.” Mr. Rabbit added.

Sweetie Belle couldn’t hold her giggles, which made both the bear and rabbit giggle as well. Once they’d all finished giggling, Mr. Rabbit declared. “Anyway, I know how to cross the river.”

“How?” The curious diapered adventurer asked.

“Jumping!” Mr. Rabbit explained. “You just need to have faith in yourself, and you two can make a big jump and cross this entire juice ocean. It’s not that hard.”

“Well, I wouldn't be a real diapered adventurer If I didn’t try that,” Sweetie concluded, quickly making up her mind. “Are you with me, Hungry Bear?”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, diapered adventurer,” Hungry Bear nervously commented. “But I don’t have a choice, do I? If I want that cookie, I have to cross this ocean.” For he knew that his path was sealed.

“Just do what I do. Watch!” Mr. Rabbit declared, as he jumped across the whole ocean effortlessly.

“This really doesn’t seem hard, let’s do it!” Sweetie happily proclaimed.

“Oh no!” Hungry Bear shivered, scared as a rat. He climbed onto Sweetie's back, and with all the determination Sweetie Belle had gathered in her heart, she prepared herself. She shrunk herself down and jumped heroically and safely to the other side of the juice ocean (which actually was a small pool of juice that Sweetie Belle dropped to the floor by accident when she’d finished drinking from it some time ago).

“Yeah! We made it!” Sweetie proudly shouted. “See, Hungry Bear? You had nothing to be scared of”

“Of… course Diapered… Adventurer” Hungry Bear remarked, between hiccups of fear.

“Hey, you guys didn’t say why you wanted to cross this ocean.” Mr. Rabbit commented.

“Oh! We are searching for the big cookie that lies at the top of a tower.” Sweetie explained.

“May I come with you?” Mr. Rabbit asked.

“Hm… I don’t know. If I let you come with us, there will not be enough cookie for all of us.” Sweetie commented with a frown.

“Oh, I see…” Mr. Rabbit replied, slowly going back to his house, before the Diapered Adventurer interrupted him.

“I’m just kidding!” Sweetie laughed. “The cookie is enormous, of course there will be enough cookie for everyone, you’re in!”

“Hooray!” Mr. Rabbit cheered.

“We don’t want to waste any more time, because my tummy is calling, and I bet your tummies are as well, so let’s get going!” Sweetie declared, as they went further in direction of the tower.

They soon came upon a field that was full of ominous, dark brown bulges. Sweetie realized at once that these were the chocolate crumbles she didn’t want to step on. Doing so would get her hooves all messy (not to mention they would hurt).

“Come on, Sweetie Belle,” Mr. Rabbit encouraged. “The tower’s just up ahead.”

“Yeah, I can already smell that cookie.” Hungry Bear exclaimed, licking his lips in anticipation.

Sweetie tried not to gulp, one false step would put a premature end to her adventure. But her friends had made it across with no trouble. Carefully, she tiphooved across the field of the bulges.

It took a lot longer than it would’ve had she just run across the field, but ouchies were something the filly wanted to avoid. Still, she eventually made her way across, breathing a sigh of relief that she avoided the crumbles.

After many obstacles in the jungle, the diapered adventurer Sweetie Belle, and her new animal friends, finally arrived at the tower. The tower was a square building which could only be climbed at one of four pillars (it was actually the toy table Sweetie had used with her friends).

“I guess we have to climb now, right?” Mr. Rabbit asked.

“I guess so.” Sweetie concluded. Then she started to climb, only to find that she couldn’t. The pillars were too slippy, every time she tried, she always ended back on the ground. But she was determined and so she continued trying: Again, again, and again, with no rewards.

Tired, sad, and not knowing what to do, Sweetie Belle started to cry. She was hungry and at a loss as to what her next move should be, so this was her only solution.

Not wanting to see his friend upset, Mr. Rabbit decided to talk with her. “There is no need to cry, Sweetie, we are here,” He told her. “We are your friends now, and no matter the situation, we will help you reach your objective!”

“The rabbit is right, Sweetie. You are a Diapered Adventurer, but you don’t need to be a lone Diapered Adventurer.” Hungry Bear added.

“Thank you,” Sweetie sniffled. “You guys sure know how to cheer me up.” The little filly wiped her tears away.

After this happy scene, Sweetie Belle picked Hungry Bear up and placed him onto her back again, then picked Mr. Rabbit and put him on Hungry Bear’s back which. Allowing him to jump up, and miraculously grabbed the cookie from the tower and brought back safely to the ground.

“Yeah, we did it!” Sweetie joyfully exclaimed!

“Thanks to teamwork!” Mr. Rabbit declared.
“Yes! And I will finally end the misery of my mouth!” Hungry Bear cheered, even though he would not be hungry anymore.

All of the three shared the big cookie together, as they ate it happily together in ten seconds.

Her tummy satisfied, Sweetie was happier than she had been in a long time. She’d had a lot of fun today, and she didn’t even need the toys she threw out of her toy box, she’d just used her creativity.

Speaking of which, she remembered she had to put everything in its place before Rarity arrived home, because she knew Rarity was not into any kind of messes (aside from her bouts of “organized chaos” in her workshop).

Reluctantly, the filly picked up all the toys and put them back in the box, except for her two plushie friends, which she carried with her towards the bed. That is, until she realized something.

“Oh! I have to put a diaper on so I don’t have an acciden…” Sweetie began, as she completely forgot she was already wearing a diaper. Fortunately, the crinkly undergarment reminded her of its presence. “Oh silly me! I’m already diapered. So I might as well sleep. Night Night, Huggy Bear, Night Night, Mr. Rabbit!” She yawned, as she got comfortable in her bed and covered her plushie friends in her sheets just to keep them warm.

When Rarity arrived back at the boutique, she announced her arrival to Sweetie, but got no answer, meaning that she had gone to sleep at the right time. The mare had a productive gem hunting session today, she’d returned home with four bags full of gems: Blue, red, green and yellow. She put all the gems she’d collected into the respective boxes of colors. Then when she had finished, she decided to go take a look at Sweetie and make sure everything was okay.

Slowly opening the door of her room, Rarity immediately notice a small pool of juice and lot of chocolate crumbles on the ground. “Sweetie Belle!” She madly groaned, keeping her voice as low as possible as not to wake up her sister. “Calm down, Rarity, calm down. She is just a filly, and she probably didn't clean up because she was too tired from crusading with her friends.” Rarity thought to herself.

Rarity picked up a piece of cloth, cleaned the ground, and threw it into the washing machine. She could wash it tomorrow, she was just too tired from the gem hunt she’d had today.

Then Rarity returned to Sweetie's bedroom and saw her sleeping. She couldn’t deny that she was just too cute sleeping away, so Rarity decided to approach her without waking her up. When Rarity was side to side to Sweetie, she used the opportunity to see if her little sister had remembered to diaper up, because if it wasn’t the case she would have to do it for her. Poking through the sheets, Rarity could see that the poofy garment was present on her little sister. . “Good filly.” She thought.

And with, that Rarity kissed Sweetie Belle on the forehead and cooed lightly. “Sleep tight, dear Sweetie Belle.” Sweetie seemed to smile back. Then Rarity exited the bedroom slowly closing the door.

The very next day, Sweetie Belle wasn’t going to have a nightly accident.

Author's Note:

Phew, that was a fun chapter. Tune in to see what happens next to our adorable filly!