• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 16,591 Views, 1,061 Comments

The King of Love Bugs - NavelColt

Embracing the power to share love rather than steal it, the changelings work to reinvent themselves and their kingdom while Thorax seeks to introduce a more peaceful hive to Equestria.

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When Relaxing, Secure a Changeling

Twilight greeted her castle walls with a sigh. The front doors closed with a click, and she trudged her way through the foyer.

Her eyes fell on the rug beneath her. It was made of a burgundy fabric with decorative gold patterning and corner tassels. Ruffles from Flurry Heart rolling around on it during her latest visit spotted its surface, but apart from that, it sat proudly, free of any wear or fraying. Twilight could still see the confidence brimming in Rarity's face upon recommending the rug to her, so long ago.

Oh, but you simply must! It's hoof-woven, darling. The Saddle Arabians are proud artisans who believe that hard work begets unmatched quality. Your new castle deserves nothing short of perfection. I will get this for you myself if I have to.

Twilight smiled, or at least that was her intention. Her facial muscles fared no better than the rest of her.

She inhaled sharply and balanced herself on shaking hooves. Celestia almighty, they ached. She tried to trot, but a sharp pain drew out a wince. So she took to the air instead. She winced again, but the discomfort was only a seven out of ten, this time.

Guess it was flying, then.

As she toured the familiar halls, Twilight scanned each venue with eyes and ears at attention. A certain unicorn was working overtime today at the school, but a certain dragon had no such excuse.

"Spike?" she asked aloud. The corridors remained still. As much as the quietness tempted her to take that rest she so needed, she at least wanted to locate Spike, first.

"Spike, Thorax should be here in about an hour or so," she called again, landing on cool crystal and finding that her hooves no longer despised her. "With any luck, I'll get some time to relax beforehoof. You would not believe the day I've had. I am never, ever letting Gallus and Smolder work together on a science fair project again for as long as I live. Did you know that certain ashes from the dragon lands are magic resistant and excel as paper mache lava? It's absolutely horrific to clean up."

Still nothing. That was fine, though. The castle was a seasoned listener, and a little self-recollection could work wonders on the nerves now and then. Spike was probably off taking a nap somewhere, himself. The lucky drake.

At this point, Twilight had found her library. She enveloped the doors in magenta magic and opened them with a pleasant hum. Inside, a familiar set of rose eyes met her own.

"Oh, hey Twilight."

Her feathers puffed up in surprise, and Twilight combed them down with a hoof. Thorax watched her with a contagious grin, sitting in what appeared to be a fort made from pillows and chairs placed in the library’s center.

Twilight allowed her gaze to drift across this structure until she spotted a splotch of purple and green, and she cooed. Spike had firmly flopped himself between his friend's hooves and had fallen asleep. An issue of Power Ponies lay open across his stomach, rising and falling with his rhythmic snores.

"Thorax, you're early!" Twilight said. “What a pleasant surprise!"

She trotted the perimeter of the fort once before reentering Thorax's view. The two shared a conversation with their eyes, and Thorax's goofy grin coaxed a giggle.

"I hope you don't mind the mess," said Thorax, his cheeks threatening to redden. "I came over a little early because, well...let's just say Pharynx wasn't very amused with me today for reasons I won't get into and needed some space. Spike wanted to show me his Power Pony comics, so we thought we’d wait for you in the library while we looked at them."

The changeling placed a thoughtful hoof to his chin. "You know, I don't even remember how we got on the subject of forts. Something about little ponies and a treehouse inspiring him?"

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle pranced in her mind, and Twilight knowingly shook her head.

"No need to apologize," she said sweetly, skillfully summoning a nearby chair over to her. "I built my share of forts with my brother when I was young. ‘Bookfort Twilight’ once went two afternoons unassailed by the efforts of ‘Castle Armor’. It looks to me like Spike is just giving you another sample of pony culture."

Twilight took a seat and whimpered in pleasure. Her head flopped back uselessly.

Oh, yes. This could stay. She labored a groan unbecoming of any living creature, let alone a princess, and the changeling ogled her.

"Long day, I take it?"

Twilight chortled. "Yeah, something like that."

"Well, please don't mind me. You should relax if you're exhausted. Spike is way ahead of you."

Twilight picked up her head again rather suddenly. The changeling watched her with a selfless investment.

She grimaced. No, no, this wouldn't do. She wasn't a drone to be doted upon by her patriarch; she was an Equestrian princess, being an abysmal host.

"Goodness no," Twilight dismissed. "You came all the way here just to see me so that we could further discuss my letter. It sounded like you may have had some concerns. Please, let's talk. I have no intention of taking a nap right now."

Thorax fidgeted under the spotlight. The warmth in his eyes waned into anxiety. "Oh, it's not that bad, actually. I was just a little cautious when you brought up Canterlot, that's all. The changelings, they’re-we're making a lot of progress, but Canterlot is a...big step. I doubt there's another place in Equestria more scarred by the changelings than Canterlot."

"Scarred by Chrysalis, you mean."

Thorax curled his lip, unconvinced. Twilight stood up from her chair and joined the changeling where he sat.

"We were there too, Twilight," Thorax said in a hush.

"Carrying out your queen's will."

"Do you really think the Canterlot ponies will see it that way?" The changeling squeezed his live dragon plush. "We were the ones attacking them, not Chrysalis. We were the ones encasing them in slime and preparing them for long-term feeding storage in the middle of the street."

Twilight put on a coy smile. Thorax pouted.

"Okay, maybe I didn't, personally, but you know what I mean. When the ponies of Canterlot think about changelings, our actions against them are what they'll think of. The fact Chrysalis had us under her hoof isn't going to matter. Trust me, Twilight, I know how prejudice works."

Silence followed, and Thorax forced a chuckle.

"Maybe this has been bothering me more than I let on," he mumbled. "Pharynx was agitated over some insomnia I had last night over all of this. I may have woken him up a little too early for advice."

"Actions indeed speak louder than words or intentions," Twilight affirmed, laying a hoof upon Spike's smooth, scaly head. "By that same token, though, the fact the changelings chose to move past Chrysalis, chose themselves over their queen's ambition, speaks volumes. You, her successor, are actively trying to forge connections with Equestria. You see ponies as allies, as friends, not as food sources to rule over and pen up like cattle. That counts for something, Thorax. More than you give it credit for."

Thorax remained quiet but was clearly paying attention.

"As somepony who grew up in the stingy crowds of Canterlot, I know exactly how stubborn and petty some ponies can be. I won't lie to you. I can't say there won't be ponies who won't trust you, even with the support of myself and the other princesses. I can't say there won't be other races that won't trust you. But then, concerning yourself with what others think of you isn't your immediate concern, is it?"

Thorax surrendered, both to logic and the cushions below his hooves. Twilight rolled herself into a loaf and followed suit, withdrawing into the fort's shaded warmth. For a time, breaths lulled by comfort filled a space void of words. When Thorax smiled, at last, Twilight had a front-row seat.

"My concern is the changelings, and ensuring that they're happy, safe, and have space to grow."

"If the changelings are your priority, then what's the best thing you can do in regards to political visits?"

"Well, I want to reach out and show Equestria we've changed, but I also don't want to rush that, for the changelings or Equestria. For now, I guess as long as I make an effort to be communicative with other nations, that's all that really matters?"

"I'd say that's fair," said Twilight. "There will always be outliers who don't trust changelings, just as there will always be those who look down on ponies, dislike dragons, or judge griffons. But as long as you’re genuine and put your best hoof forward, there will be many more creatures who recognize it and accept you for it."

Thorax visibly twinged. Whether it was from excitement or nerves, the princess couldn't tell.

"I love my brother, but you're way better at giving advice, Twilight. Thank you. This is why I wanted to visit today. Um, while we're on the subject, though, I do have a confession to make."

Twilight nodded.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also a little scared, personally, of such a big social move for the changelings."

"How do you mean?"

"Politics take a lot out of me, Twilight," Thorax admitted with a grumble, carefully maneuvering Spike against one hoof so that he could lay his own head down. "Ask Pharynx. I napped for half a day after we got back from our visit with Cadance and Shining Armor, and those are ponies I’m familiar with."

"What about when I came to visit? You know me, and that was for three whole days. You didn't seem fatigued, then."

"That wasn't politics, Twilight. That was a friend visiting who happened to be a princess."

Twilight smirked. "Don't tell me you're nervous about having discussions with Princess Celestia."

"No, not with Princess Celestia," Thorax mumbled. "I'm nervous about discussions with Princess Celestia in Canterlot, with Princess Luna, alone. I've never even had a conversation with Princess Luna before!"

“Oh, come on. She gave you that medal during Starlight’s graduation, didn’t she?”

"Yes, and it was horribly awkward! Did you see how big and bothersome my antlers were?"

Twilight bit her lip. Debating Luna's skill with first impressions wasn't an argument she was equipped to win. She watched Thorax measure the width of his antlers and laid her head against the carpet.

"Luna is amiable, Thorax. I'm sure you two will get along just fine."

A defeated sound tickled her ear.

"I know, I just, I'm overthinking the whole thing, I guess. An unfamiliar city, the politics, keeping a close eye on the changelings I bring along with me—it's a lot of things to keep track of."

Twilight beamed an unseen smile. "I'm sure the changelings will be fine without Papa Thorax for a little while."

She could picture the squirmy blush without so much as turning her head.

"How about this: you can meet with the princesses and then relax with the changelings while you explore Canterlot for the day. If I'm not particularly busy with the school that day, I'd be happy to give you a tour. I can show you where I used to live, where I went to school..."

She trailed off to see the effect of her suggestion. Thorax merely hummed again. He was like an overgrown, meek cricket.

"Well, that does sound nice. I guess if I'm not only there for the politics, things won't seem so daunting."

"As soon as you get a group of changelings together for a trip, just send me a letter for when you'd like to schedule something," Twilight continued, allowing her eyes to close. The need for a nap was being magnified within this place, one reminiscent of Bookfort Twilight. "I'm well versed in the other princess's schedules, and I don't mind organizing a meeting for you all. I'll let them know in advance that you're looking to have a meeting soon."

"Alright, I'll definitely keep that in mind. Thanks, Twilight. You're always so ready to help me out. I really appreciate it."


Twilight's mind treaded between her library's waking world and the limitless potential of Luna's realm. With Thorax's concerns satiated, she was left a prisoner of unrelenting fuzz and various protruding pillows and blankets from the fort's shambled wall. A portal of softness, it was, ready to shepherd her off into blissful rest.

To Tartarus with modesty. It was a rest she very much deserved.



"Sorry, I hope I didn't wake you. I, uh, I just wasn't sure if you'd like me to leave or not. Would you like me to leave?"


"Was that a yes?"

Celestia help this over-considerate bug.

With two turns of her barrel, Twilight twisted herself about until the changeling's expectant look filled her view.

"No, Thorax. Why would you think I want you to leave?"

"Well, you're trying to take a nap, and I wasn't sure if me being here would make it harder for you. Spike can fall asleep on command wherever, but I know you struggle with anxiety sometimes like I do."

Butterflies hugged the sides of her stomach with warm, fluttery wings, and Twilight's cheeks dimpled accordingly.

"That's very thoughtful, but no, I'm just fine," she assured, igniting her horn to summon one of the library's throw blankets strewn across the fort's ceiling. Like a great bat, it spread its folds as wings and lay across the three of them, hugging their forms with its weight. "You're welcome to stay as long as you want, or at least as long as you're able without the hive missing you. You're a friend before a political ally to me."

Thorax grinned. "Same here, Twilight. Well, knowing Apex and the other nymphs, my absence is already causing tantrums, but that's fine. The other adults can entertain them too, and so can Pharynx, albeit on a limited scale. I'm enjoying spending time with you guys."

Thorax looked down at the drake between his hooves. Shameless drool marked Spike's lip, but it did nothing to curb Thorax's smile.

"Somedragon is making it hard for me to go anywhere, anyway," he chuckled.

With another spell, another pillow merrily danced its way over to the young princess. Slowly but surely, a cocoon of coziness was being formed, parts and pieces of the grand fort being remodeled into something more conventional.

"He's been making me a little jealous lately," Twilight eventually noted, settling on her side to face Thorax. "Spike and I have been inseparable for as long as I can remember, but I think you've got me beat on the nap buddy front. You're very special to him, Thorax. Granted, he adores all the friends we've come to make together, but he really cherishes the friends he's made on his own."

Spike pivoted in his nest of green hooves as if the mentioning of his name pierced through Luna's veil.

"He's special to me, too," Thorax said softly. "If it weren't for Spike, I don't want to think of how things might’ve turned out for the changelings or me. I might’ve never made a single friend. I might’ve frozen myself in the wastes, all alone. Chrysalis might’ve stayed in power, and the changelings never would’ve discovered shared love magic. He's 'Spike the Brave and Glorious' in more than just one empire, now. That's for sure.

"And you don't need to feel jealous, Twilight. If you'd like to cuddle as well, you're welcome to. Neither Spike nor I would mind."

Twilight's cheeks flushed. "Oh, uh, again, that's very thoughtful of you, Thorax. I'm fine, though; I've already created a sort of burrito for myself."

The burrito wriggled for emphasis. Twilight sheepishly smiled.

"Well, alright, but burritos are welcome to cuddle too, if they change their mind," Thorax laughed.

A faraway noise pulled at their ears, something soft and pattering. Upon a glance, trails of rain now raced down the glass dome ceiling. The sun had taken refuge behind a gang of clouds, freshly stacked by a team of pegasi. Their movements blurred to dashing colors through the lens of trickling water.

"Can you tell I'm used to being around changelings?"

Twilight turned. Thorax was staring at the ceiling, caught up in the whimsical behaviors of the pegasi overhead.

"I hope the offer wasn't awkward", he said. "I know ponies don't view cuddling the same way we do."

The alicorn beamed. "Why would I find it awkward? Ponies are known to cuddle too, you know."

"It's just, from what I saw in the Crystal Empire, close affection is more common in romantic partners than in friends. Friends mostly bump hooves, have short greeting hugs, or have lunch together and talk about their favorite sporting events."

She giggled. What an amusing turn in the conversation.

"Well, everypony is different. If you ask Pinkie Pie to cuddle, you're probably going to get a very different response than if you were to ask Rainbow Dash."

Twilight briefly thought about how each of her friends would react to such an offer. All of them seemed equally as humorous in her mind.

"Ponies are usually pretty cuddle-friendly in general, just not from strangers," she concluded. "As the saying goes, 'at least buy me a cider first'."

She snorted louder than she intended. Thorax looked as if he'd gravely mistranslated some delicate political message.

She coughed her attempt into obscurity. His aloofness was probably a blessing, this time.

"So, hypothetically, how many changelings do you think you'd bring?" she asked abruptly. "No pressure, of course, I'm just curious. Do you have a limit as to how many changelings you can safely look after? I know you brought eight or so to the empire."

"Hmm. No more than that amount. Maybe six," Thorax answered. "Eight was a good number for visiting Cadance and Shining Armor, but Canterlot is an even bigger spectacle. It's on a mountainside, and the castle has layers to it; there's a waterfall and everything. I won't be able to keep anyling in line at all."

Twilight giggled again. "Well, you definitely want to bring at least a few. I'm sure Princess Luna would be delighted to see, first-hoof, how love restoration magic works. Princess Celestia said she was very intrigued by my notes on it."

"Using changeling cuddles to win over others," Thorax jested with a weak laugh. "Now you're starting to sound like Spike. You're right, though, and I should probably prioritize changelings who don't mind being close, this time. If it can convince others that we've changed, I definitely don't mind showing how calm and friendly we can be, now."

Spike stirred from his dreams, clawing towards the surface with twists and turns. A melodic voice suddenly rang through the unseen halls.

"Spiiike! Princess Twiliiiight! Is anybody hooooome??"

Twilight's hoof found her face. That would be Gabby.

"I think you already have your answer to any possible political problem," she teased, removing herself from her burrito in a flash of magic. She made her way to the library door, then cast Thorax a reassuring wink. "When in doubt, just cuddle some changelings. It should work fine with just about every empathetic species. Luckily for you, you're already good friends with the Dragon Lord. Anyway, I'll be right back, Thorax. I need to tend to a friend before she gets lost."

The door creaked ajar, and on command, Spike rose from his spot, rubbing a sluggish claw along his spines.

"Oh, hey buddy ol' pal. Has Twilight shown up yet?"




Luna tended to her snout with a levitated cloth. Celestia sipped her beverage.

"Did we borrow that phrase from the Germandis?"


"And that bit about somepony thinking of you when it occurs?"

"Canteroon." Celestia turned a page in her aged tome. "Though in my two-thousand years, I've yet to notice a definitive pattern."

"Surely the timing works out somewhere." Luna discarded the cloth. "Perhaps a foal is regaling their parents with the lovely dream they had last night."

A snicker grabbed her ear. She ignored it.

"I shall go this time," Luna announced, standing from her spot. With a wary eye, she glanced out the window. "Should we wait any longer they'll surely knock again. One would hope that our chain of command need not be this reliant on us for such standard proceedings."

"I do love the ant colony analogy," Celestia mused, laying down her beverage in favor of a blank scroll and ready quill. "Also, thank you. I will grab the next frantic question, should it come. With any luck, this will be the last one."

Luna mumbled as she crossed the lounge's threshold, opening the double doors with a confident swing.

"’Tis barely three past the afternoon, do not dare get my hopes up," she said with a grunt. "Pray tell, who are you writing to? That's not another invitation, is it? How many dignitaries could we possibly need for a mere museum opening?"

Celestia smiled. "Just extending a personal invitation to a friend. The museum opening is sure to be a populated event, but also a relatively tame one. It could be an excellent opportunity for certain allies of ours to meet with the Canterlot populace."

The galaxy in Luna's mane swung as she turned.

"Oh, I see where this is going," she said. "Last I recall, that was another princess's job. Your faithful student is taking too long for your liking, is she?"

"Just providing a little nudge, Luna," Celestia sang, finishing her letter and depositing it into the ether with a bolt of golden magic. "Twilight has a school to attend to, as of late. No harm in offering a helping hoof. Besides that, if we're to broach our plans for retirement to her and her friends anytime soon, we may want to do all we can to ensure she is as stress-free as possible."

The room paused for a time.

"Fair enough," Luna said, at last, venturing the long corridor beyond the doors. "Should he accept, by the way, do try and be present for when King Thorax arrives. I do not wish to drown in awkward silence. I doubt I can look the changeling in the eye after my tomfoolery concerning his pincer horns."

Reeling back her head in a short fit of giggling, the sun monarch commanded the lounge doors to close with a click.

Author's Note:

*Insert longwinded explanation of school, work and new interests taking up all his time*. :twilightoops:

Truth be told I'm still not totally satisfied with this chapter, but seeing as it's a mirror of events from the previous chapter, it's perhaps as good as it's going to get. If I don't post it now it'll never get posted. :rainbowlaugh:

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