• Member Since 13th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago



She's done her very best to avoid this day—diet, exercise, medication—but she can't avoid it any longer: she needs to start taking insulin. Luckily her friend is there to help her. A repudiation of 'diabetes ruins everything forever' stories.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

As you can probably guess, this story was inspired by two things: a couple of comics I saw on Derpibooru featuring Pinkie getting diabetes and everything being Ruined Forever, and my own experience as a diabetic who just started on insulin. So I decided to scribble this down. Hopefully it's of merit.

Show of hands: who saw the end coming, and who got surprised? And did you come to the right (or wrong) conclusion because you were expecting a twist, or did you take the story at face value?

I assumed it was straightforward, and that the story was written because of the author's personal experience. (Type II diabetes?).

Personally, I don't think pony technology would allow them to produce pony insulin via recombinant DNA. Perhaps they use magic.

And I agree, Twilight Sparkle needs Zoloft.

I liked this story! I liked the mature take on things, where magic couldn't solve all problems. I liked the hopeful tone, and how Pinkie Pie was sad without becoming Pinkamina. I'd like to see this continue, actually... Maybe more 'slice-of-life' stuff as Pinkie Pie tries to hide her condition, before fessing up to her best friends why she's been acting oddly. (I can see Rainbow Dash being all "That's it?" when the truth comes out.)

That was heartwarming. Good slice of life story :) And yeah, I shook my head at that ridiculous story - I don't think anyone who actually knows anything about modern diabetes treatment could have written it. Of course, pony society being less developed could be different. That's why I assume the pony i the story uses that kind of syringe, btw - I haven't used those in almost 20 years...

(I've had diabetes for 25+ years, insulin all the time, have seen things change, and have taken very little damage despite being hopeless at taking care of it.:derpyderp2:)

Liked the little bit at the end - I know what sertralin does, although I suspect she would fare better from some lithium medication...:moustache:

Cute AND educational!

this was a good/educational read.

uhm, i took at at face value. i mean, the description and all, it ... spelled it out.

but as a person who takes 0 pills except an occasional OTC allergy pill when i need it and someone who's not gone to the doctor in 5 years, i can see how something as life changing as diabetes could seem like the end of the world.

uhm, doctors are scary ... sorry.

I like this.

My mum is one though she takes pills for hers.


I'm a type II diabetic, yes. And yeah, I figured that ponies wouldn't do things like perform experiments on dogs to isolate insulin. Mainly, though, I used the name because (a) pony pun and (b) that's what I'm taking.

Strange that you should say that...
What do you use?

Those - insulin pens. You set it to a certain amount of insulin, stab yourself with the needle, and push a button.

You put on a new needle every time you use it. They look like this.

As I said, I've used slicker and slicker models of those for the last 20 years. The one exception was when I had an accident, and ended up in hospital with no medication with me. The nurses pulled out an old-fashioned set so I could take my meds. I had no idea they were still regularily used by diabetics.:pinkiegasp:

It's probably because I'm on... I forget what acronym they're using this week, but state benefits, including medical. The syringes and vial are probably cheaper than some fancy-dancy pen.

Like I said in the story, though, it's not a big deal. I'm currently taking seven units once a day, and I just poke myself after my shower.

Well, that explains it.:pinkiesmile: (It works a bit differently here in Sweden.) Good luck with your treatment - and you are right, it doesn't affect the story, as the point stands.

I want to make a comment so bad, but I'm afraid any humor I might try would be incredibly offensive to diabetics.

Let me guess. "That story gave me diabetes"? :trixieshiftright:


More like a rant about Pharmaceutical propaganda attacking the Equestrian baked goods industry.

And how do diabetics feel about that "Spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down" song?

Hmm, I took it at face-value for the most part, but a small part of me was waiting for a twist.

awwee that makes me feel better about MY Diabetes:pinkiehappy:

I Favored Your "In Which a Pony Gets Diabetes" Story, and Added it to My Group Called "Diabetic Bronies" :twilightsmile:

This was way cute and well handled. Props! :heart:

I enjoyed this story. It's a short with a little bit of funny, a little bit of cute, and it resonated with me. I smiled at the end.

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