• Published 22nd Jan 2020
  • 2,636 Views, 144 Comments

Alicorn Princess - Bad Dragon

Your memories make you who you are. But what’s left of you when they are stolen?

  • ...

1 - Who Am I?

I gasped. My heart pumped like crazy despite standing completely still. All four legs were spread out and strained as if I was in the midst of a tense situation. I opened my eyes.

Before me stood a lavender alicorn. My presence didn’t seem to be worthy of her attention. All I got from her was a passing glance. Her wings, on the other hoof, were getting a full tending treatment.

I relaxed my body a little but still kept my mind observant. The corridor of the big building was made of crystals. It didn’t look like a bad place. If I had to guess, I’d say it was a castle. A bit hollow, maybe, but that was nothing life-threatening. If there was an imminent danger, I didn’t see it. Something felt off, though. My teeth were still clenched. Yet, I just couldn’t point a hoof at the incorrectness. I felt uneasy in my own skin as if I was in a wrong spot, somehow.

In contrast, the alicorn before me was relaxed—enthusiastic actually. Her wings were an endless source of joy for her since she uttered a high pitched squeak at their every flap. She hardly appeared hostile, seeming even less so when I watched her munch on the feathers.

I relaxed my body a little, but the tension persisted. I felt as if I was being violated somehow. Yet, I could detect nothing menacing around me. The only thing that stood out was a necklace that lay on the floor, but it was static; not much of a threat. Yet, despite the insignificant size of the talisman, a preternatural glow was cast around the pendant. The alicorn wasn’t disturbed by the object or its glow; she was still engaged in the wing pruning session, and it didn’t seem appropriate to disrupt her euphoria just to sate my curiosity. The closest thing to violation was the pointy hat clenching on my horn. When I touched the bony spike with my blue hoof, I determined that it was, indeed, a part of me. I turned my head around and slid a foreleg under my starry cape. There were no wings hiding under there. Apparently, I wasn’t an alicorn like her but a mere unicorn. I sat down and looked between my hind legs—it seemed that I was a mare.

The door behind the alicorn suddenly opened, making me twitch; a dragon peeked out. “What’s the ruckus?” His eyes spread wide as he looked at me. “You! Why are you here? What did you do this time?” He didn’t seem pleased at all to see me.

“Um, hi there.” I tried to alleviate the tension.

The dragon turned to the alicorn, ignoring my greeting. “Twi, what happened? I heard the door bang against the wall, and then you screamed like a little filly.” He stepped in front of the alicorn to get her attention. “Are you okay, Twi?”

I deduced that they must have known each other well. Her name was apparently Twi.

“Tri—” She cleared her throat and took a deep breath “I am fine, indeed.” A grin snuck on her face.

“Tell me, what happened?” the dragon persisted “It sounded like you were in agony. Did you bump a hoof in your eye again?”

“Everything is perfect!” Twi curtly exclaimed.

“What’s that necklace doing on the floor?” He reached out to it with a claw.

“Don’t touch that!” Her horn glowed. “It’s mine!” The necklace levitated up and sprang around her neck.

“Any of you ponies care to explain what this necklace does?” Spike looked at Twi then at me. “It’s glowing, so it clearly has some magic to it.”

Twi ignored the dragon. Her necklace swayed as she turned to her wings again.

I had no idea what its effect was, if any. Not even knowing who I was, I decided to gather more information before attempting an in-depth interaction with the surrounding system.

The dragon put a claw under his chin. “I think I’ve seen it somewhere before.” He stepped back in the room he’d come from. I could tell it was a library from the smell alone. The archaic, stale, heavy scent of tomes. I whiffed at the air and swallowed the excess saliva that gathered in my mouth.

I instinctively followed, then abruptly stopped when the content of the library came into my view. My whole body shuddered at the sight as my eyes gulped at the bountiful books. All my nervousness from before vanished and was replaced by a relentless drive to absorb the sweet knowledge that was waiting there.

Spike walked to a shelf and reached out for the old looking book.

“Hey!” Twi peeked in from the hallway. “Forget about it. It’s just a necklace! Nothing special about it. Trixie just brought it as a gift. Nothing more!”

The locomotion woke me up from the trance. It seemed, my name was Trixie.

The dragon turned back to her. “You seem to be very protective of an ordinary necklace you just got.” He glanced at me. “And since when does Trixie bring gifts? Disasters yes, but gifts…?”

“Trixie can bring gifts, too! She’s just misunderstood and labeled an enemy. She didn’t want to be hated by everypony anymore, so she brought me a necklace to make things right.”

“Is that so?” the dragon looked at me. “Did you bring a gift for me as well, Trixie?”

I looked over my body again. The cape was too big to fit a little dragon, so too was the hat. Either of them would cover him whole. I had nothing practical to give him. “I don’t think I did—”

“Don’t believe her, dragon!” She pointed a hoof at me, accusingly. ”She’s lying because she’s Trixie, and we all hate her for some reason.”

“You didn’t even let her say anything, Twi. And did you just call me ‘dragon’?”

I turned to her and leaned my head to the side. “You hate me?”

She looked at the dragon. “Well, she wanted to lie. And you are a dragon, are you not?.”

“I do have a name, you know? Would it hurt to call me Spike?” He looked away and murmured. “Maybe I’ll start calling you ‘pony’ from now on.”

I still didn’t understand the situation I’d found myself in, but at least I knew all of our names if nothing else.

Twi turned to me. “You were about to accuse me of something so ridiculous that nopony would believe you, weren’t you, Trixie?”

Her accusation wasn’t true. I half-closed my eyes. “Why would you think I would accuse you of something? And if I did, what would I charge you with?”

Twi tilted her head and approached me. “Why are you asking Twilight Sparkle, the renown and praised Princess of Friendship all these questions?”

Spike face-clawed. “Twi, I think Trixie can understand you just fine even if you don’t sink to her level.”

She gasped at that. ”One does not sink to Trixie’s level!”

“I just want to deduce what’s going on, that’s all.” I lifted up my tail and sat on my plot.

She turned back to me. “You do?” Twilight rotated her eyes sideways then jerked back at me. “What’s your name?” she asked.

Spike turned toward her with eyes wide open. “Twilight, why would you ask her such a redundant question? You know who she is.”

“I am—Trixie?” I answered.

“You don’t even remember, do you?” She grinned. “Tell me, what’s your earliest memory?”

“I recall opening my eyes. You stood in front of me, looking at the necklace on the floor. Then you spread your wings and gasped.”

“They are fabulous, are they not?” She spread them wide, knocking books from the shelves on both sides. “This is so great! It’s like a scene from one of my wet dreams.”

“Um, Twilight...” Spike lifted a claw in the air. “I know that sharing is important to you, but, perhaps, you could make an exception and keep this one to yourself. Neither of us wants to hear about your sexual fantasies...”

She took a deep breath through her nostrils and looked down on me. "Behold mortal, you are in the presence of the great alicorn princess." She closed her eyes and raised her head in the air while she knocked down a few more books with her flapping primaries.

Spike face-clawed. "What was that all about?"

"Shush, dragon, you're ruining the moment.” Twilight banged a hoof against the floor.

“What’s your problem, pony?” Spike clenched his claws.

I stood up and walked between them to ease the tension. Their friendship was in danger, and I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. Something compelled me to help them.

“The mere unicorn pony and this alicorn princess"—she struck her pose again—"shall go for a walk outside now. The princess desires it!" She folded her wings and pushed me toward the door with a hoof.

He sighed. “You’re in heat again, aren’t you...”

She didn’t even throw him a glance as she replied, “When this princess returns to her very own castle, she will indulge in—” she put a hoof under the chin and looked to the ceiling“—peaches! Yes!”

He just stood there with a gaping mouth.

Twilight turned to me. “Outside, now!” She pushed against my buttocks.

I glanced at the dragon. “Later, Spike!” When a hoof pushed me from behind again, I stepped forward to catch my balance.

She ran to the hallway, ruffling my mane with a wing as she passed by me.

“Um...” I caught up to her.

She jumped up and down as she made her way toward the exit, flapping her wings along the way. “I’m an alicorn princess. I’m an alicorn princess.” She spread her wings. “Everypony will deify me now.” She raised her head and spoke into the air. “Bow down and worship me, mortals!”

“Do you do that often?” I asked.

She glanced at me. “Do what?”

“Jump around, screaming you’re a princess...”

“No.” She shielded her eyes from the sun with a hoof when I opened the front door for her. “But when I do, I flap my wings like this.” She stepped to the stairs and flapped her wings but couldn’t keep up with the acceleration. Her head connected with the first stair. “Aau!” Her plot followed along, tumbling over as she rolled down the stairs.

I trotted to her. “Are you okay, Princess?”

She got up almost as fast as she had fallen. “Stupid stairs! They’re even worse than wheels. Who, in Equestria, invents such health hazards?”

“Are you sure it’s not your proficiency at flying that is to blame here?”

“I’ve succumbed to your evil distraction ploy!” She pointed a hoof at me, accusingly. “I deem you guilty of an assassination attempt.”

I sighed. “If my question really was the cause of your fall, I can assure you that it was not intentional.”

“Apologize or be judged by royalty before you!” Twilight yelled at me.

“I’m sorry,” I said, simply.

“Good.” She got her grin back. “Apology received.”

“So, did you bring me here to tell me something?” I asked.

“Trixie…” She cocked her head as she looked at me. “Do you know how you lost your memory?”

“No.” I shook my head. “Do you?”

“Will you believe unquestionably what I tell you?” She looked at me with just one eye.

“Um, okay...” I hesitantly said as I perked my ears.

“Here’s what happened, Trixie.“ She poked me with a hoof. “You attacked me.”

“I did?” I asked. “I don’t remember...”

“You tried to use foul magic on me, but it ended up erasing your memory.”

I sat down. “Is it permanent?”

She smirked. “I don’t know, and I don’t care. All I want to know is; are you going to try to make things difficult for me again?”

“No. I don’t want to make things difficult for anypony. I would, however, really like to know what happened to me on the psychological level, and if it can be reversed. Maybe I could learn a thing or two in the castle’s library. Surely there are some books that deal with thought spells, right?”

“They’re my books, now!”

“Would you mind if I took a peek at some of them?” I asked.

“Yes. I would mind, indeed.” She half-closed her eyes. “You have no right to those books anymore.”

“Please. I don’t know what else to do. I don’t even know who I am! Do you know of anypony who could help me remember?”

“Pf!” she puffed. “You won’t find a decent pony in this whole town. They all hate you and won’t even talk to you, much less help you.”

“Am I really that bad?”

“No. It’s the ponies. They say they’d give a pony another chance, but then they don’t.”

“Are you like that, as well?”

“No! I’m nothing like that!” She clenched her teeth.

“You say that I attacked you, and I’m sorry if I did.” I shuffled a hoof on the ground. “But I really don’t remember anything. Can I, maybe, make it up to you somehow? If you let me read your books, I promise I’ll take really good care of them.”

“Ugh!” She snorted “I guess I really can’t let you just stroll around Ponyville and bring attention to yourself. If you’re not going to be a burden, you may stay in the castle… but you’re forbidden from the library!”

“Why can’t I use the library?” I asked.

“Because I don’t trust you, that’s why.” She lifted my chin with a hoof. “If you suck up to me, maybe, in time, I’ll let you read a book or two.”

“Well, if I did something wrong, I want to fix it.”

“It’s settled then! You stay out of my mane and I’ll try to tolerate your presence.” She turned around and trotted to the castle. “And now it’s time to roll in my bed and eat my peaches!”

Author's Note:

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