• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 8,035 Views, 567 Comments

Rainbow's Parents: The Truth - Songbrony

Rainbow Dash has been living on her own since she was a filly. Nopony knows what happened. Until now

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The Reason

Hey everypony. It's me. The one and only Rainbow Dash! You probably wouldn't realize this, but I'm a pretty laid back pony. I raised myself since I was little. Not only did I earn my Cutie Mark with zero help from my parents, I did it with zero help from anypony. I know, pretty sweet, huh? Anyways, I'm telling you this because a friend of mine told me I should. It's been a few years since she told me to, but what the hay. Better late than never right?

Well first off, lets start off as to why I'm doing this now, years after I was told to. You see, while I may be the fastest and most loyal pony around, I still need my friends here to keep me company. They all left to do some calling or move further in life or whatever. Fluttershy opened up an animal clinic in Baltimare. She's needed there since so many animals are left injured and untreated in that bustling city.

Rarity made it to her dream. Top fashion designer in Canterlot. Yep, she's hanging with the Canterlot snobs. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for her, but the ponies there are just completely rude and stubborn. I went to one of her fashion shows there and somepony made a remark on my dress. I hate dresses. I hate them with a burning passion. I only wore it because it was Rarity's fashion show and I wanted to show my support. But some snobby rich pony spilled her red wine and ruined it. Then she had the gaul to blame me for the spill. Me! I was standing still watching the show! How could I have done it? They said the dress was awful and that I should be ashamed for it. You know, in their, "I'm so high and mighty. Get out of my way you village folk!" attitude. Urgh! It's so annoying! Anyways, I left before they could figure out Rarity made it. I didn't want to hurt her chances in Canterlot. And don't tell her this, the dress wasn't all that great. It wasn't as cool as I had hoped for.

Applejack's barn burned down in a fire. She says it was because the hay was so dry and the heat just set it on fire. Or something like that. I don't know what it's like in a barn. I live in Cloudsdale for ponies sake! She's a horrible liar, being the element of honesty after all. I knew it was something more than that, but I didn't push her. Whatever it was, she didn't want to share it with me. So she and her family moved in with Braeburn. They buck apples all the time in the hot sun without taking naps. No naps? That would kill me! But she's so busy because there are so many apple trees that they need all the help they can get.

Pinkie Pie is...well, she's at rehab. She was hosting a New Years party at SugarCube Corner and invited all of Ponyville to come. Typical Pinkie Pie thought it would be a great idea to see how much punch she could drink. I'll give her some credit, she can chug punch like no other! She even had the loudest burp I had ever heard! You know, next to me of course. She kept chugging away the punch. She finished about 10 gallons of the stuff! And if you know Pinkie the way I know Pinkie, she doesn't need that much sugar. Halfway through her 11th gallon, she shot straight up into the air with fireworks coming from nowhere!

Now I know Pinkie can do many weird and unexplainable things, but man I was shell shocked! At first I thought it was just Pinkie being Pinkie, but it didn't end there. She started getting really hyper. Like more hyper than usual. If you were to put this pony in 50 straight jackets, tie a chain around her, and put her in a bomb proof bunker, she would get out easily with the amount of sugar she had in her body. She was wreaking so much havoc in Ponyville that they had to get Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor here to calm her down. They combined their magic to do some weird green light spell. Eh, I don't remember what it did exactly, but she stopped bouncing and demolishing buildings. They put her in rehab to get her off of her sugar highs and addictions.

Now Twilight. She's the pony who told me to do this all those years ago. It was around the 1004th Summer Sun Celebration. I don't remember why she told me to, but she did. I shrugged it off and ignored it. I wasn't going to express my thoughts like some random egghead! I had a reputation to uphold. If ponies started to figure out that I expressed my deepest feelings down on paper or out loud I would be ruined! Completely and utterly ruined! I wouldn't be able to try-out for the Wonderbolts! Why would they accept an egghead like me to join that amazing flying force? They wouldn't! So I never did it. Then something totally awesome happened! She was chosen by Celestia herself to be the next Princess! When Twilight accepted, could you imagine how I felt? I was so happy for her. She could get me into the Wonderbolts at a whim! But I didn't ask her to because of her royal duties.

She's been traveling Equestria on her duties as Princess, so we haven't been able to see each other that often. There is some good news though. She was able to open trade with the Griffons and the Changelings. I was excited about the Griffon's trading with us, but I hated the idea of Changelings trading with us. It made my blood boil. They nearly took all the love and happiness from Equestria and Twilight decides to open trade with them? I mean if I was her, I would've destroyed them! But I'm not ruler of Equestria, even though that would be so awesome! We hold the annual Equestrian Games now, though. It's supposed to be a celebration of peace between the three races. We gather our best athletes to compete in a variety of competitions. My personal favorite is the Five Mile Flight Dash. I've been competing in that spot ever since the first games. I've won Gold each time. Yeah, I know. Hold your applause, autographs will be given out after we're finished here.

Anyways, Twilight is always so busy with her Princess stuff that I'm left in the dark all alone. I mean, sure it's great to have 10 Gold medals on your wall, but what's the point if there's nopony I can show it off to and gloat about it? Being a competitor is fun and all, but nopony cares during off season. It's like I'm nopony. I've tried for the Wonderbolts, but they hold try-outs the same time I'm in training for the Games and if you miss a training day, you can't compete. I can't let Ponyville down! If I do I'll be rejected and shunned out of Ponyville. The try-outs end the day after I'm out of training too! I've tried to ask them to make an exception but they won't budge! And Twilight won't make them because she thinks I have to choose between the two. She's a high and mighty Princess and she's still making me learn lessons!

So yeah. I'm alone in Ponyville. With nopony to hang out with. It's not that bad. I mean, I can sleep all day, I can fly all day; If I wanted to I could just fly and never land again now that I'm alone here. I do miss them, though. They are still my friends after all. But what made me want to tell this story is because of a letter I received a few days ago. It was from my brother, yes I have a brother. He's three years older than me and he lives in snobby ol' Canterlot with his snobby ol' wife, Fleur or something like that. She only married him for his money, but he wouldn't believe me. Anyways, he wrote to me saying that he wanted to talk to me one last time. We talked about some ponies who knew me and who I used to know. They left me, though. Left me to fend for myself, which I was awesome at, without telling me why they left, where they went, or when they would be back. They just got up and left. I did find out, though. A few years after it happened, they sent me a letter explaining everything. I never told anypony about it, but after what my brother told me, I feel like I should. The reason why my parent's left me...

Author's Note:

I would like to thank CountDerpy for editing these chapters. He is one of the reasons I'm able to get these out so fast. Check him out! He's a great writer!