• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 8,035 Views, 567 Comments

Rainbow's Parents: The Truth - Songbrony

Rainbow Dash has been living on her own since she was a filly. Nopony knows what happened. Until now

  • ...

Pranks and Friends

We arrived at Town Hall where Pinkie told me to move a cloud nearby the doors. "A little to the left. Now back to the right while staying leftish." she said. I rolled my eyes as she kept shoving me in different directions.

After a few more times of this I snapped. "Pinkie Pie!" I shouted.

"Hehe, that's good! Now wait for my signal!" she said as she hid herself next to the door. Spike walked out of the building carrying a large stack of scrolls. Pinkie gave me the signal and I kicked the cloud, releasing the bolt. Spike jumped in out of his scales, dropping all the scrolls. Pinkie just stared at him as if she was waiting for something. He let out a few hiccups and Pinkie began to laugh hysterically.

"Oh Rainbow Dash! We startled Spike into getting the hiccups!" she said laughing.

"Haha, good one Pinkie *hic* Pie. *hic* You're always pulling a fast one *hic* on me. *hic*" He said. He picked up one of the scrolls and when he hiccuped, he sent the scroll with a puff of fire.

"Oh no. You're not hurt are you?" Pinkie asked concerned.

"Neh *hic* eh. Don't be *hic* silly. *hic* Dragons are *hic* fireproof. *hic*" he replied.

"Oh. Okay, good." Pinkie said relieved. We looked at each other and began to laugh our tails off.

Spike had picked up a bunch of the scrolls and let out another puff of fire as he hiccuped again. "I wish the same thing *hic* were true with scrolls." he said. He ran around picking up scrolls one by one and hiccuping along the way, sending them off to where ever he sends them to.

"Have you ever seen anything more hilarious?!" Pinkie exclaimed as she rolled on her back laughing.

"I can think of one thing." I said. I kicked the cloud and let loose another bolt from the cloud. It scared Pinkie, who also got the hiccups. She laughed harder after each hiccup. "I didn't take you for a prankster Pinkie Pie."

"Are you *hic* kidding? *hic*" she said. "I love to pull pranks. *hic* It's all *hic* in good fun. *hic* And Pinkie Pie loves to have *hic* fun!"

"You know Pinkie Pie? You're not as annoying as I thought." I said. Her face dropped a little low. "You wanna hang out?" I asked. That perked her right back up.

"*hic* That'd be- *hic* I'd really- *hic* When d- *hic* I mean- *hic* When would you-" I stopped her with my hoof before she could hurt herself.

"A simple nod will do." I said. She nodded her head and we ran to the joke shop. We had sneezing powder for Rarity, invisible ink for Twilight, washable paint for Applejacks apples, and a small squirt turtle that I wanted to use on Fluttershy. She never really got mad at me, and I'd always wanted to pull a prank on her, but events going on never allowed me to test it out.

We placed the squirt turtle in the lake where she feeds her little animal friends. "Is someone over there? Who we gonna squirt, who we gonna squirt?" Pinkie asked excitedly as she held the squirt pouch in her mouth

I gave a low chuckle as I looked at our target through a telescope. "Fluttershy!"

"What!?" Pinkie exclaimed. She spit the pouch out and walked next to me. "No no no no we can't prank Fluttershy, I mean she's so sensitive. It'll hurt her feelings, even our most harmless prank."

"I guess you're right." I said. But she could easily tackle her mom in the Everfree forest and put her life on the line for me. I thought to myself. "We need another victim who's made of tougher stuff. So, who's it gonna be?"

"Oh, hehe, I've got someone in mind." she said giggling. "The toughest around."

"Oh awesome! Who, who, do I know them?" I asked, excited.

She laughed some more and pointed to the water. "Oh yes. Haha, you're very close."

I looked into the water and saw that I had a black ink spot around my right eye. She must have put it on the scope when I wasn't looking. "Good one Pinkie Pie." I said, giving another laugh. I put my hoof out for her to tap. When she did, I pulled it out of her reach and quickly put it back. She tried to hit it again and I pulled it back again. I was in such a good mood I couldn't help but laugh at her.

The sun began to set as we walked away from the lake. "It's getting late Pinkie. After all that pranking, I need to get some Z's. I'll catch ya' tomorrow!" I said.

"Oh. Okay then! See you tomorrow." she replied, sounding a little down about me having to leave. I flew back to my house and into my room.

I yawned sleepily. It had been a good day. I plopped on my bed and let out a sigh. Despite Pinkie being annoying and hyped on energy, she's pretty cool. I thought. I yawned again, rolled over onto my stomach and fell asleep.

"Rawr!" I heard someone shout.

"GAAAH!!!" I exclaimed. I looked to where the loud roar came from and saw a giant bird standing on the bed next to me and laughing. After a closer look I realized it was actually a griffon. "Gilda?" I asked surprised.

"What's up speed freak?" she said as she held up her claw for a hoof bump. I call it a hoof bump even though she has claws. It's one of many things we argue about. "It's been awhile."

"You're telling me! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I sent you a letter saying I was going to be in Ponyville for a little bit. But let me guess. You were too afraid of being an egghead to read it, huh?" she said.

"No! I just...never received it." I said.

"I saw it on the table Dash. But eh, whatever. I'm here, and I've been itching for a good race." she said as she spread her wings.

"Good! Ever since you moved back to the Griffon Kingdom I've had nobody who could fly half as fast as me." I said.

"From what I remember, I was the fastest." she said, pridefully.

"Nuh-uh! I beat you in every race!" I said.

"Please! I kicked your slow flank through the gorge!"

"Only because you caused that rock slide! If you hadn't cheated I would've won!" I retorted.

"Want a rematch? The sun just rose, and I doubt you still have what it takes to win a morning race." she challenged.

"You're on! First one to the lake wins!" I replied.

"Rise and shine Rainbow Dash!" I heard Pinkie say below. "It's a brand new day and we've got a lot of pranking to-" she stopped as Gilda poked her head out.

"Morning Pinks!" I said flying down to her. "Gilda, this is my gal pal Pinkie Pie." Gilda flew down from the house and landed next to me.

"Hey, what's up?" she said.

"Pinkie, this is my griffon friend Gilda."

"What's a griffon?" Pinkie asked.

"She's half eagle and half lion." I said.

"And all awesome!" she added. We hoof bumped and laughed a little.

"Gilda's my best friend from Junior Speedsters Flight Camp." I explained. "Hey, remember the chant?" I asked Gilda.

"Shaw!" she said. "They made us recite it every morning. I'll never get that lame thing outta my head."

"Soo?" I asked.

She sighed, annoyed. "Only for you Dash." We flew into the sky and recited the chant. I loved it personally and I knew Gilda hated it. But it was always fun to watch her do it despite that.

We landed on the ground and finished the chant. Pinkie began to laugh like she always does. I moved some hair out of my eyes and stood pridefully. "That was awesome! And it gave me a great idea for a prank!" she said. She slammed her head into the ground where she dropped her crazy glasses and somehow got them back on her head. "Gilda, you game?"

"Huh, well I groove on a good prank as much as the next griffon, but Dash, you promised we'd get a flying session in this morning." she said and flew into the air.

"Yeah, uh, Pinkie Pie? You don't mind do you? Gilda just got here. We'll catch up with you later." I said.

"Oh, um, sure! No problem! Have fun you guys, I'll, um, catch up with you later!" I heard her reply has Gilda and I flew up into the air.

"So, first one to the lakes and back to Ponyville wins?" Gilda asked. "Finish line is that cloud over there." she said as she pointed to a cloud over a road.

"You're on!" I said, and shot ahead of her. She quickly caught up and was neck and neck with me. We reached the lake in little to no time at all and zoomed back to Ponyville. I was far ahead this time and when I passed over Ponyville, I decided to do a loop just to show off.

All of a sudden I see Gilda shoot ahead of me. I tried to fly ahead of her, but she landed on the cloud only a few seconds before me. I landed next to her, angry that I lost because of that loop. It was fun though. I haven't had a competitive race like that in a long time.

"Whoa! That was sweet! Just like old times." she said.

"Yeah! Only faster!" I said as we hoof bumped again. "So now what?" I asked. We were about to hoof bump again untio Pinkie Pie's head jumped up from underneath the cloud.

"Hey there!" she said.

"Huh?" Gilda and I said simultaneously.

"It's later!" she said as her head popped back up. "And I caught up!" I looked down the hole she had made with her head and saw that she had a trampoline that she was jumping on.

"Haha! Pinkie Pie. You are so random!" I said.

"Hey Dash, think you got enough gas left to beat me to that cloud?" Gilda asked as she pointed above us.

"A race? You're so on!" I replied happily.

"1, 2, 3, GO!" she shouted and we zipped to the cloud. I reached there right before her.

"I win!" I shouted boastfully.

"As if! I won dude!" she exclaimed.

"No way!" I shouted at her.

"Way!" she said. We fought back and forth about it until I heard Pinkie.

"Wow guys! That was really close! But I think Rainbow Dash beat you by a teeny weeny bitty of a hair. Or a teeny weeny bitty of a feather." she said.

"Ha! See?" I said, proving my point. "Good thing Pinkie Pie's here to keep you honest, G."

"Okay, Dash. Last one up to that cloud is a gnarly dragon egg. Go!" she shouted and I zipped up without a second thought. I reached the cloud in a few seconds and looked around for Gilda. She had landed on top of the cloud comparably a long time after me. There was a short awkward silence. She was never that slow before. Maybe she just hurt her wing before now and it caught her by surprise. I know random wing injuries can happen when flying, even to the best fliers.

"Wow guys! You nearly got away from me that time." I heard Pinkie say as she pedaled up to us in a weird flying contraption of hers. Where in the world does she get these things? I thought to myself.

"So, Dash. Got any new moves in your trictionary, or are you 100% old school?" Gilda asked.

"New moves? Ha! Sit back G. It's gonna take awhile." I said. I flew off and began to start off my tricks I had planned for the Wonderbolts. I did all my flips and all my tricks that would undoubtedly prove to the Wonderbolts I was worthy of them. I landed next to Gilda after I finished.

"Try to go and beat that!" I said. I looked around for Pinkie, but I didn't see her anywhere. "Hey, where's Pinkie Pie and her crazy contraption?" I asked Gilda.

"Ehh, she left. Something about being as busy as a bee." she said.

Author's Note:

Please bare with me on this chapter. I had to have this episode in for a setup. Don't worry though. More intersting stuff will be coming in the next chapter. I would like to thank CountDerpy for editing these chapters. He is one of the reasons I'm able to get these out so fast. Check him out! He's a great writer!