• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 2,530 Views, 29 Comments

Starfall: Dominion of the Night, Part I - AuroraScribe

The course of time has been changed... and as the war of the sisters begins, will Star Swirl's involvement change things for the better, or has the mage doomed Equestria to an even more terrible fate?

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Chapter Six: Afflicted

“Star… Swirl?” Celestia croaked the mage’s name barely above a whisper, her voice catching dryly in her throat. Taking a small breath – and suddenly realizing she had been holding it – she cautiously stepped forward. “Is it… really you?”

The old bearded unicorn held his head low but he appeared to gaze from side to side, apparently taking in his surroundings. But he gave no sign that he had heard his name spoken.

“You may leave us.” Luna spoke firmly to the royal guard that had escorted Star Swirl and motioned towards the still open doors.

Looking a bit confused, Scarlet Blossom quickly glanced to Star Swirl then back to Luna and gave an impromptu salute. “Of course, your highnesses.” She quickly turned and moved to exit the grand hall, her armored hooves clacking loudly against the tile floor. As if uncertain, she held just outside the doors and looked behind her, then sealed the doors in a heavy thud.

The loud sound seemed to trigger something within the mage; Star Swirl tilted his hat away from his face and raised his head, his eyes meeting with Celestia’s. “Your majesties, it has been far too long.”

Celestia couldn’t speak. She felt frozen, terrified, and was gripped in absolute disbelief. She was certain it was him.

“Star... Swirl…” Luna announced the name plainly then tilted her head. “I had my doubts... Having you locked up for impersonation was even considered.”

Star Swirl looked to Luna and thought a moment as he raised an eyebrow. “Is that how the royal court of Canterlot welcomes guests these days? And nearly on the eve of such a wonderful occasion, no less?”

Luna’s posture instantly changed; the almost warm facade she had put on since Star Swirl's arrival vanishing in an instant. Concerned her sister might say something she’d regret, Celestia quickly cleared her throat as she decided to speak up.

“Please don’t think too harshly of us, a lot has changed since you were here last.” Gaining a bit more courage, Celestia took another step forward. “It is… good to see you.”

Star Swirl shifted uneasily and almost cautiously met her eyes once more, but for what seemed like an eternity he didn't speak. As Celestia felt her cheeks begin to grow warm, he finally cleared his throat and nodded. “It really has been far too long. I’ve missed…” he blinked then quickly shifted his attention to Luna, tugging his beard. “Missed you, both.”

“Why are you here, Star Swirl?” Luna’s voice was icy, and like a cat splashed with water, she was clearly agitated. “And why make an announced visit? That is quite unlike you.”

Unknowingly, Celestia’s lips pursed together as she tried to think of a way to attempt to reduce the obvious tension building, but nothing came to mind.

“It’s never too late to make a change,” Star Swirl said coyly then glanced at the tile mosaic under his hooves. “There was always the chance you may be dealing with sensitive matters and it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to drop by without any warning whatsoever.”

Celestia couldn’t hide her sudden grin. “There’s only one thing inappropriate…” she made a motion as if tugging on an invisible beard.

Star Swirl chuckled. “Oh, this? I’ve been growing it for quite some time, impressive is it not?” He held his chin out putting his beard on display proudly.

Celestia gave a twisted smile. “Only in the worst way,” she shook her head and felt nostalgic. “It’s like you’re wearing a polar bear on your face… Why on Equestria would you grow tha-”

“More importantly,” Luna spoke over her sister. “You didn’t answer my question. Why are you here, Star Swirl?”

Star Swirl’s gaze turned cold as he looked to Luna, something Celestia had never seen before. “My apologies… you are right Princess Luna, we should skip any pleasantries. There is indeed a very important matter to discuss,” he bowed low, his beard brushing the polished tiles of the floor. “Why am I here? I find that a strange question… especially since I’m certain you already know the answer, princess.”

An engulfing silence fell upon the grand hall. Celestia wasn’t sure what Star Swirl meant, but there had to be a way to calm this strange feud. “Please rise, Star Swirl, there isn’t any need for that,” she said as she waved a foreleg for him to stand.

Luna moved to stand directly in front of the mage. “How would I know why you are here? Explain yourself.”

The last trace of Star Swirl’s smile faded as he inhaled and strangely winced as if in pain. “As I’m sure you’re quite aware, at one point, there were a near endless... well, let's call them incidents... in the outer villages. Over the years, there have been attacks from timberwolves, children taken in the day then found mysteriously the next night, even a dam that wiped out a large settlement in the south,” he took a breath then gave a look of relief to Celestia. “Fortunately, few have ever been seriously injured… however I believe each and every one of these incidents can be traced to a single being - one that plans to do great harm.”

Celestia raised a hoof for him to stop and shook her head once sternly. “I know your ability to move through time comes at a great cost… but long ago you made a promise to never tell me of the future,” her features soften and she sighs lightly. “Knowing it could prevent it from ever becoming a reality.”

“I did, of course,” Star Swirl said then gave a respectful nod. “As I said, this is something you were already aware of… the course of time will not be changed,” he finished with a stiff tug at his beard and oddly turned his focus to Luna. “However, as a guardian of Equestria allow me to be clear. I will not allow these incidents to continue… and I will do whatever is necessary to bring them to an end.”

Luna scowled then glared at Star Swirl. “Nothing like that has happened in years! What you speak of is ancient history... ”

Star Swirl smirked, apparently unfazed by Luna’s angry stare. “Is it? I think it’s only just begun.”

Feeling strangely like she wasn’t part of the conversation, Celestia moved to be seen by both Star Swirl and her sister. “For many years now, we've sent a portion of Canterlot’s defenses throughout Equestria to help the outer villages at the heart of every season… we’ve found doing this has greatly helped everypony over the years, especially during winter. Since this began, we've had very few of the incidents you described.”

Star Swirl nodded to Celestia. “That explains much, actually.”

Determined to at least change the topic for now, Celestia cleared her throat. “Luna, this day has run quite late. It’s long overdue that I fully lower the sun… would you accompany me, Star Swirl?”

Before the mage could say anything Luna spoke up. “It has... far too long. So please go ahead sister. I’d like a moment to speak with him.”

Celestia reluctantly nodded then couldn’t help but give a concerned look to Star Swirl.

He just smiled and gave a small nod. “I know it’s dreadfully cold, but if we could, I’d greatly enjoy a walk through the royal gardens. Would it be alright if we spoke there?”

Feeling reassured Celestia nodded. “I’d..." her voice held for a moment, noting just how intently Luna was gauging her response. "I'd like that.”

* * * * * * * *

Star Swirl swallowed nervously then with another jolt of pain surging through his side he clenched his jaw tight and watched Princess Celestia formally nod her goodbye. As he gave a respectful bow, every bit of him wanted to tell her not to go, to stay and help him through what must be done next.

But he remained silent.

The doors of the grand hall shimmered brightly with the purple glow of Luna’s magic and swept open, revealing numerous royal guards at attention just outside the room.

“Be well, sister.” Luna spoke, but with a twinge of sarcasm.

After slightly adjusting her wings Celestia stopped at the doors then slowly turned her head as if to say something, and Star Swirl could see the concern in her eyes.

“I’ll be along shortly.” He said comfortingly, trying to mask his own fear.

Looking relieved, Celestia nodded again then stepped outside of the room, the doors magically sealing quietly behind her. Star Swirl couldn’t help but grin as he heard the soft click of the inner bolts of the locks sliding into place.

“This is a dangerous game you play.” Luna said barely above a whisper.

Star Swirl took a deep breath then sighed heavily, but rather than respond he instead chose to make his way across the room to stand before a marble statue of a unicorn.

“I cannot say for certain why you are here, but… I wonder, just how much do you know?” Luna spoke a bit louder, her voice seductive and venomous.

“Enough that I know meeting with you alone is likely a mistake… But I am not the enemy I'm certain you believe me to be. I am but a messenger, one that knows all too well what you're capable of.” Star Swirl kept his back to her, instead keeping his interest in the ancient robes trimmed with large bells the statue had been decorated with. “It’s been many years… yet so much has remained just as I remember,” he said and brought his leg forward to touch the statue’s silver nameplate, his hoof gently tracing the inscription of his own name. “Being able to move through time, I’ve always found it intriguing how some things change so little,” he began then looked over his shoulder at Luna. “And how others can change so very much.”

Luna’s head lowered as her narrowing eyes glowed lightly from the energy of magic coursing through her. “What is it you want?”

Star Swirl blinked and wrinkled his brow at the question then shook his head. “This isn’t about what I want… the question is what do you plan to do?” He turned and looked to the doors of the grand hall. “The exit is sealed and I’d imagine the enchantment you quietly cast as Celestia was leaving will prevent any sound from exiting this chamber.”

Luna stepped closer, barely visible tendrils of purple energy swirling around her. “Just… precautions. I simply want answers before you run off to speak with my sister.”

Star Swirl raised an eyebrow then winced as his wound throbbed painfully. “And what is it you’d like me to say? That I know you’re responsible? That for years you would plan terrible events to make those already loyal to you even more dependent…” he said then sighed heavily. “That amongst these atrocities, you would even create horrible nightmares… causing the fearful to stay awake through the night and sleep in the day. Is that what you wanted to know?”

Luna stood trembling, her wings spread slightly to help maintain balance.

Star Swirl edged closer. “There is one thing I’ve never understood, though… how do you retain control of an element, even though your heart is afflicted with evil?”

Luna closed her eyes and turned her head. For a brief moment, Star Swirl wondered if it was due to shame, but the growing spell energy in the air made him realize she was instead trying to control her anger.

I am sorry, Luna, he thought. I never wanted this… I hope one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me. He closed his eyes and wondered what would happen next – would she attack? Would she risk everything on a direct conflict?

A loud knock came at the doors of the grand hall and instantly the purple shimmer of Luna’s magic keeping them sealed vanished. More surprising, Star Swirl could hear the sound of the inner bolts unlocking.

He looked at Luna confused, but she was blinking and looked almost as shocked by this turn of events as him.

After a moment, the large doors slowly swung open and a female zebra with multiple royal guards following her stepped into the room. She briefly looked at Star Swirl then turned her attention to Luna.

Luna cleared her throat. “Zaira? Wha-what are you doing here? I thought you had retired for the evening… Why would you disturb us?”

Zaira bowed. “I apologize, but Princess Celestia has requested that I escort your guest to come speak with her. She also wanted you to know that she is ready to fully lower the sun and doesn’t want to put it off any longer.”

Star Swirl looked to Zaira with curiosity. Zebra magic is quite powerful, but it’s developed through potions and long incantations and often has a limited use, he thought. I’ve never seen it used to dispel pony magic… let alone magic as powerful as Luna’s.

“Tell my sister she should have lowered it ages ago," Luna began and waved her foreleg to dismiss Zaira. "And the meeting you so rudely interrupted has yet to conclude...”

Star Swirl cleared his throat and tugged his beard. “No, I think it has actually. After all, it's gotten late and - as you know - there's quite a bit I still need to discuss with Princess Celestia," he nodded slowly to Luna and seeing her look of desperation made a quick adjustment to his hat then turned his attention to the strange visitor. "Your timing is impeccable… Zaira, was it?”

The zebra nodded. “Then I’ll take you to see Princess Celestia. As you requested, she’s waiting in the royal gardens.”