• Member Since 5th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 12th, 2012

Sir Clopsolot


Not your typical Doctor Whooves fanfic. A series of events cause the TARDIS to blast into a dimension populated by (you guessed it) ponies and (of course) crashes. While waiting for the TARDIS to repair itself The Doctor runs across a certain brown stallion, whom he will discover is a reflection of himself in more ways than one.

But even after The Doctor was gone his mere presence created a ripple that would awaken an ancient being. Continued in the sequel http://www.fimfiction.net/story/15733/Doctor-Whooves-and-the-Sea-of-Dreams

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )
#1 · Jan 25th, 2012 · · ·

"Leeroy Whoofkins"

I see what you did there...:derpytongue2:

157150 Who's a clever pony? :raritywink:

I thought it was Leeroy Wingkins.


The pic got me, although I have never watched Doctor Who.

Bwaha, he dressed up Whooves.

157189 You should watch it one of the best tv series ever

nice story and then whooves goes home and one day Rose finds a familiar watch Whooves "oh that old thing its just a broken watch I havn't even opened that thing for so long" Rose "if you havn't looked in it how do you know if its broken"? Whooves: " I dont know I've just never thought of it" *picks up watch and hears the same whispers of voices like the tardis* well i always had some theories about Whooves and this would explain if hes a time lord or not as his entire family and history would be just implanted memorys and he would actaully be a time lord anyway great story keep up the great work :pinkiehappy:

157283 ya I thought about doing something like that but I wanted to keep Dr. Whooves and The Doctor as two seperate people, basically Dr. Whooves was a 'human' version of the Doctor like with what happened in the series (don't remember the episode) where a human version of The Doctor was left to live with (I think it was) Rose. This was kind of the ponified version of that but it happened naturally b/c alternate dimensions and stuff.

Very good story my fine gentile-pony.:twilightsmile:

good idea.. but i can see a continuation.
doctor whooves fixes the silver watch.. only to find out it is his own.
his memories return and he remembers where his TARDIE (time and relitive dimentions in equestria) is hidden and why he had to go into hiding in the first place. his brother is actually a regeneration of himself and was acting as a decoy so the doctor could find out what he needed.

A few spelling errors, but I've got to hand it to you, you've done very good with this.:pinkiehappy:
Five stars!

157452 Hmm I can see that working. I might do just that sometime in the future although I would have to come up with either a slice of life type thing to write about or I would have to come up with a good big baddie tries to take over Equestria that would work in canon with the show. That's the thing it has to be able to work with canon (ie no baddies from the doctor who universe) and it has to be enough in the background that no one else would notice. So unless I can come up with a really good idea I probably won't make a sequel/continuation. (The only thing i can think of at this moment would be a story just about, like you said, Dr Whoves rediscovering his true identity and learning about the true Doctor through the memories he left behind in his head)

157497 I tried to catch all my spelling errors/inconsistencies but I'm just one pony (im so sorry), that's why I asked if anyone would be interested in pre-reading + grammmer/spell-checking my stories

Fanfics like these are why I love being a Whoofian!!

A nice story, the plot was well done. The characterizations were also spot on. One thing though, the grammar and spelling issues really detract from this fic. I'm not going to point them all out, because there's a lot. I cringed when I saw a "u", in place of "you". This is probably the only pony-fic I've read that's done that. Try to pre-read the fic at least once before submitting it, or wait for somepony to take up your offer of pre-reading for you. Aside from that, I really enjoyed this.

Two quotes describe how I feel right know. "You, my friend, are a champion!" and, "You are absolutely brilliant."

157618 oh really? oh my god how did i accidentally do that and how did I not pick that up when i was reading through it?! ugh i'm so sorry, this is why i need a pre-reader! *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

Please write more, the characters where just so accurately depicted it'd be a shame if you don't continue:pinkiehappy:

158512 thanks, I really did my best on the characterization on this one (and I'm a huge Doctor Who fan who's seen every episode at least twice by now). Like I commented earlier the only way I would continue this would be with Dr, Whooves (or maybe I could just write a Doctor Who fic *gasp* with no ponies) and I would find it really difficult to characterize The Doctor as a pony simply because you can't imagine the same mannerisms you'd expect from him as a 'human'

i became a fan of Dr. Who BECAUSE of the fandoms character Dr Whooves, and let me just say, great job writing both characters! fine story

i love doctor whooves! :heart: great story too!^^

Doctor Who... Doctor Whooves.
It's all just very lovely. :raritywink:

157367 I'm afraid you are incorrect. It is actually Martha who was watching over him while he was a human.

205372 well of course I know that, but first of all you make the assumption that doctor whooves is a timelord in hiding, which in this story he isn't, and secondly its an alternate dimension so everything doesn't have to be the same. I used Rose because there was already a background pony named Rose

Very, very good. A great read and overall worthy of a mention in any Doctor Whooves story.

Apodemus-an astral mouse? Same type as an Ursa, eh; animals with translucent bodies and 'stars' in them? Faved.

Very intriguing...
But a little on the short side. Still, it was good while it lasted.

Well, it was certainly a different frequency to the Doctor Whooves stories I'm used to, but enjoyable nonetheless.

That was pretty good, but I found a few spelling/grammar errors:

"Oh hes a bright one, you should keep him."
"How should I know, hes the one that just stopped to stare up at the sky."


had emerged from the forest and where on


Oh nothing at all, your sky lovely actually.

Either "sky is" or "sky's"

Well at least now I know your not made of marshmallows or dark matter.

Also, "you're"

Yes, yes of course its magic.


The trio where in Dr. Whooves' workshop witch also doubled as his home. Most of the specialize shops

"were," "which," "specialized"

The second floor is


my interests had lead

Either "interests have led" or "interest has led"

This could easily be represented by a strait line correct?"


The Doctor is never able to contain his excitement whenever he discovers more proof of this.


Well it's not really your own fault that you where off.


"I think your brilliant,


"Iv never had the opportunity to cook for a horse before


it had been gilded interlocking

Perhaps you mean "gilded with?"

Your lucky that the biggest monster


Three had reached


Additionally, you might want to have a look at your commas, or lack thereof.
Sorry for the wall of text; I really like this story and want to see it be the best it can.

Heh, dam I didn't realize how many mistakes I make when I write stuff late at night :3

You know what I think I know why all my grammar and spelling was so terribad in this. I actually wrote this one on paper first and then typed it up and corrected any mistakes as I did so but I kinda suck so in the process of fixing old errors I made a bunch of new ones and I didn't bother proofreading it again. Anyways thanks again for caring enough to point out every horrible little mistake

Anyways, I'm off to stop being lazy and try to finish the sequel. :pinkiehappy:

You did a really good job at The Doctor's personality. I'd say spot on


So... The Master's a mouse in this world..

It makes all too much sense.

The Doctor and the monsters. They say you cannot have one without the other, that the monsters follow him wherever he goes. This time however the only monsters The Doctor found where his own inner demons. He had seen a reflection of himself within Dr. Whooves, of things both wonder and tragic in his life. Now all he saw was a reflection of what could have been- and it was breaking him. The Doctor had been running his whole life from so many things, sometimes he believed that's all he knew how to do.

seems kinda fitting

as for the color washingfc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/321/5/2/discord_whooves_by_altimos0023-d6umy37.png

Doctor Whooves and the Other Doctor sounds like an exciting adventure! I can't wait to see how they navigate through time and space. Plus, with Access Global Doctors and Hospitals Database at their disposal, they're sure to have all the medical expertise they need wherever they go. Here's to a journey filled with thrilling escapades and timely rescues!

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