Blueberry Pie

by ImNoPony

First published

Set after Rainbow Rocks, this story is about two crazy girls forming a frindship

Set after Rainbow Rocks, the defeated sirens reluctantly came back to Canterlot High as students. With tensions high within the group, Adagio and Aria called Sonata out on her less then intelligent behaviour and caused her to become upset. Wanting to prove them wrong, Sonata left the Dazzling so she can prove how intelligent she can be without them.

Meanwhile, Pinkie to was feeling that she getting much appreciation. She thinks that she is only good at parties and nothing else. And so, in order to better educate herself, Pinkie went to the library so she can learn.

But when she discover that learning was hard a boring, she happen to come across a certain human-turned siren who had a falling out with her friend. Once they realize that they have things in common, the two began to have a wonderful friendship that become very attach to. And this story is about that friendship

Part 1

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Episode 1A: Blueberry Pie

Canterlot High, a bright school with bright students. While it's a place for education, it is also a place where students can find friends who they click with and form lasting memories. And thanks to one student who came from another world, they no longer just hang with people in their own group. Once they could see that they can get along despite how different they are, they made the Canterlot better then ever.
Before entering the main building, some friends waited for each other in front of the horse statue. A statue, unknowing many except to a happy few, which is a open and shut door way to a world. A world, that is a home to a very special friend. Once the students met the people they were waiting for, they quickly rushes indoors and continue making memories in school.

Everyone was happy, except for Adagio. Seeing all the happy student, smiling and not worshiping her, made her angrier and angrier. Seeing everyone was just fuelling her raging fire of revenge inside of her. However, she knows that she must be calm and must be patient. She and her siren sisters can no longer spread anger and mistrust anymore and no longer manipulate the students. In order to get what she wanted, just must play it cool and must play along as a student. However, she can't do anything and looked back to see her sister was falling far behind her.

"Will You Hurry Up!" she cried out load. "They are gunna punish us if we'll be late.

"I'M COMING!" Aria shouted infuriating and she managed to catch up to Adagio. Sonata wasn't that far behind her. Even though she wasn't all that bothered on the outside. But on the side, she was as confused as Aria as to why they're there. Aria asked the obvious question of:
"Why are even coming back her to this stupid school. The people here doesn't want to see us as much as I don't want to see them or this place."

Adagio felt like that she want to slap her subordinate for not thinking the same why as her. However, she understand that this would be a confusing decision to make. So she calmly explains:
"Like it or not, but we lost the remaining magic that we had to those..."

"And who's fault is that?" Aria asked, implying that it's Adagio's fault.

"TO THOSE MEDDLING RAINBOOMS!" Adagio yelled back, trying her best to not to hit her. Instead, she got up close, eye to eye, with a finger twitching at her. Even though they want to express their anger to one another, they can't be bothered to move their fight to physical. They backed off and Aria let Adagio continue explaining her plan.

"This school still has Equestrian magic so there is still a chance to get our powers back. And I heard the last time we were here that there is a portal her to get back to Equestria."

"Wait! There was a portal to Equestria!? HERE!?!" Aria shouted in surprise. This even got the attention of Sonata.

Adagio asked: "Remember the purple singer of the Rainbooms?" and her underlings begrudging remembers. "Apparently, she's a princess from Equestria and she has a portal to come her and back."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Sonata called out. "Lets go to that portal and go back home."

"Think for a second, idiot" Aria talked back

"It takes an idiot to know an idiot, aria" Sonata argued back, thinking she said a good insult.

Nothing anybody said was stating Aria's rage. However, she had plenty of time to learn to control it. "Think! We know where the portal is all along, then why did we spent the last several month laying low?" Aria waited for Sonata answer, but thought that she would never get it. She was about to give the answer, until Sonata replied:

"Because we don't know where it is?" Sonata answered/asked, wasn't sure that it was the right answer.

Adagio and Aria was left speechless by Sonata's sudden smartness. Even though it was rare, they do have times where Sonata isn't a complete idiot. However, this often leads to them becoming angrier and Aria was about to loose control of her's" But fortunately for Sonata, Adagio's hold her back. Once she was less angry, Adagio let her go and then asked her:

"Ok, but what made you think that they are happy to us now?"

That question actually lighten Adagio a little bit. "Apparently, they can't expel you if you try to mind control the student body with magic."

"Really!" Aria asked amusingly, finally hearing something to lighten her mood.

"Yeah. The people here don't believe in magic. Sunset did the same thing and they didn't expel her" Adagio reiterate. Even though she said the person that they hated the most, the sirens couldn't help but to laugh at that fact.

Once they finish laughing and catching their breath, Adagio told them: "Hurry up. We can't be late."

"Fine" Aria replied, returning back to her usual mood. Even though she didn't like it or continue following under Adagio, but she now understand what they're doing there.

As they were heading indoors, Sonata skipped in front of them and gleefully state: "I don't know about you, but I actually don't mind coming back here." As they are shocked and puzzled on why she would said that, Sonata explains: "I actually think the food her are pretty good. And better yet, they serve it for FREE!"

"We know that Sonata" Adagio complains, "That's one of the reasons why we should come back. We can no longer pay for your eating habits."

Getting upset, Sonata argues: "I don't have a eating habit! I just really like their food here. And besides, I sometimes get all that food so I can cook for the two of you."

"Yeah, but your cooking is terrible . Most of your food that you made tastes awful" Aria retorted.

"Hey! You Two Never Tried My Cooking!" Sonata rebutted.

Before they could fight any longer, Adagio broke them up and told Sonata: "Listen! We aren't here to taste all the food in the world. We are here... TO GET BACK HOME! Aria understand this so why can't you? So stop being an idiot and focus."

"Will you guys stop calling me an idiot" Sonata yelled back frustratingly. "Just because that I like some stuff here doesn't make me an idiot."

"No... you're an idiot because you miss the surprisingly obvious" Aria stated.

She tried to argue back, but she could only make out a: "But..." before Adagio stopped and explains:
"No! She's right. While we always trying to do something important, you would always be in your own little world and focus on the most stupid, useless things. You're an idiot and you must be smart enough to realize that."

Hearing all those mean words struck a cord within Sonata. She knows that she isn't the brightest siren, but she feels like that she tries and thinks she made it up in different ways that can help them. But hearing her closest and only family say how useless they think she were broke her heart. She tried her hardest to not to cry, but she was couldn't hide her tears or stop from wheezing.

Adagio and Aria couldn't stand seeing Sonata like this. To make her stop, Adagio told her: "Ok, if you want to prove that your not an idiot, why don't we split up." Sonata was confused about what she means and Aria was curious on what she's on about. Adagio explains: "We'll split up. Me and Aria find the portal our way and you find the portal your way and see who can find it first. If you can find the portal before us, then we won't call you an idiot."

Sonata eagerly called out: "DEAL!" She then rushes up the front door and cried out: "And If I Win, I Can Cook Everyone's Food For The Next Two Weeks!" before she run inside.

Before she could run too far away, Adagio yelled out: "Just Don't Do Anything To Get Us Into Trouble!"

"Nice work Adagio" complimented Aria. "Now we can no longer listen to the idiot."

"And that's why I'm the leader" Adagio replied as she walked menacingly inside. However, the mood was ruined when Aria asks:

"Then how come we no longer have our powers?"


Sometime later, the hallway became filled with rustling teenager moving about. Some were heading straight to their next class while others were taking their time and doing whatever they want before the next bell ring. And amongst these students, Rainbow Dash come across Sunset Shimmer by her locker. She wanted to struck up a conversation, but she could see that Sunset was getting a few stuff from her locker. And one of those things in particular was a very special book with a sun pattern on it which they use to communicate with a very special friend that's far, far away. However, when she closed her locker, Sunset was greeted by an unexpected third friend.

"Hi Ya Sunny!" says Pinkie Pie who loudly greeted her friend.

"AAAH!" screamed Sunset in an unexpected surprise and dropped all of her things. Once she was calmed down, she picked up the things that she dropped and told Pinkie: "Don't scare me like that. You're as bad as your sister."

As Pinkie helped pick up Sunset's stuff, she replied: "Oh, you mean Maud. Yeah, she can be really sneaky."

Once she got all of her stuff off from the floor, Sunset began ripping away the dust that was on the really important book.

"Hey! Is that the book we can use to communicate with Twilight?" Pinkie asked when she recognize the book.

"It sure is" replied Sunset as she became sure that it was safe. But then she explains: "And it's a good thing that it's still in one piece, or else in might not work any more"

"Oh My Gosh!" cried Pinkie as she process that horrified thought. "If that happens... then everyone will..."

"Calm down" says Sunset as she stops a panicking Pinkie. "No one will hold it over you if it was by an accident."

As Pinkie calmed down, Rainbow appeared beside her, rapped an arm around her and says: "Yeah... Though they will be mad at first, but eventually they will get over it... maybe... I don't know?... I mean, I would probably won't... or maybe I will?

"Rainbow Dash!" yelled Sunset in frustration. "That isn't funny."

As Rainbow was chuckling, she could see that Pinkie's eyes were spinning. Still half laughing, she snapped Pinkie out of it and told her: "Don't worry Pinkie. Nobody can hold a grudge forever." Once she said that, Pinkie was finally relaxed and smiles.

Once everyone was settled, all of them began walking down the hallway.

"So... When do you think our new gig is?" enquire Pinkie. "I realize that we haven't been practicing for quite a while."

"Yeah... about that" replied Rainbow as she was about to bring some bad news. "I think we'll stop being a band for a while."

"WHAT!" yelled Pinkie.

"Relaxed Pinkie. We're not splitting it up for good" explains Rainbow Dash. "We'll come back together if we want to perform concert or a contest or whatever. It's just that we can't be a band and do all our other stuff at the same time."

"Oh! Ok" replied Pinkie who sounds ok about it. "Now that you mentioned it, I haven't made enough parties then I wanted to."

"At very least, it gives me enough time to finish all of my assignments" says Sunset who sounds relief. "My teachers is currently giving me way too much homework for me to handle."

"Yeah" Rainbow Dash agrees. "My history teacher wants me to do a 10 page book report on the worlds leaders."

"Really? Oh, I Know!" replied Pinkie who had an idea. "Why Not Have A Homework Sleepover!"

When Rainbow and Sunset looked at her blankly until they look at each other and Sunset goes: "Alright. Sounds like a good idea" and Rainbow agrees.

"WooHoo!" yelled Pinkie as she jump in the air.

"I'll call up Fluttershy and Applejack. Not only are they good at history and biology, but I'm sure that they have other assignments that they are having trouble with" explains Rainbow.

"Yeah! Homework Party At My House!" scream Pinkie in excitement.

"Why is at your house?" enquire Sunset. "Why not at my house? Not do I have all lot more books there, but I think you all haven't came to my place before."

"Yeah, but it will be so much more fun at my house" Pinkie argued that made Sunset and Rainbow stop walking. Without noticing that they stop, she continue to argue: "Not only did we stock up our fridge with apple cider, but I also got a new speaker system from Vinyl so we can listen to awesome music while we work."

"Um... Pinkie" Sunset called out to get Pinkie's attention. "They all sound nice..." she told her, but then asked: "... But how do they help us study?"

"What do you mean Sunset?" enquire Pinkie.

Sunset explains: "Sure, some people might work better if they are enjoying something around them like music, but it could also be too distracting and they just won't focus on the work. Just look at Rainbow Dash right now."

When Pinkie looked at Rainbow Dash, she notice how much of a daze that she's in. Rainbow's leaned up as if she was looking into her own imagination. She was also uncontrollable drooling a little bit and was muttering: "Apple Cider." Fortunately, Sunset snapped her out of her day dream before she could embarrass herself even more.

Once she ripped the drool off her face, Rainbow added: "Thanks Pinkie, but she's right. You might be really great at parties, but we really need to study hard if we really want to get the work done."

"What!" yelled Pinkie, sounded like she was offended. "Are you saying I'm not smart enough to study hard?"

"What!" yelled Sunset, who was afraid that they might upset her. "No, we're not trying say that at all. Are we Dash?" When they look as Rainbow Dash again, they could clearly see that she didn't mean that, swiping her arms side to side and looking worried.

"Well... ok" replied Pinkie who believes them. "It just that you sounded like that I'm not very smart."

"We would never say that... or even imply that" says Sunset who was trying to comfort her. "Hey, we still like your slumber party idea. We'll all meet up after school and we can even go to your house."

"No... That's ok" replied Pinkie who was feeling depress. However, when she realized that she's depressed, she pretend that she's feeling better for her friends and told them: "Besides, I really want to see what your house looked like."

"That's the spirit" says Rainbow Dash as she and Sunset thinks that she's better.

Then suddenly, the bell rang so their time is up. "Oh shoot" Sunset says loudly by the surprise. "We have to see you later Pinkie. I may have change from the old me a long time ago, but the only thing that hasn't changed is my tardiness record." As she and Rainbow Dash began running down the hall, she yelled: "We'll meet at the cafeteria at lunch time."

And as the both was about to run around a corner, Rainbow Dash added: "And Don't Forget To Bring The Cider!"

"Will Do!" yelled Pinkie in reply. But as soon as they turned the corner and there wasn't any other student in sight, Pinkie finally shows how upset she was feeling. However, she decided that she won't be feeling like that for long and loudly proclaims to herself: "I Won't Let This Get Me Down!"


Some time later, Pinkie Pie arrived at the library. She recalled that she been in the library before, but she can't remember when. So that gives her a reason to be amazed and says: "Wow" to see how many books there is.

"Hello Pinkie" says a voice to welcome her. When Pinkie wondered who said that, she looked to her sides and was pleasantly surprised when she see Cheerilee by the librarian counter. "Are you here for a book?"

"I'm sure am Ms Lee" replied Pinkie as she let her excitement to take control of her voice.

"SHH! You're in a library."

"Oopsie... Sorry" apologized Pinkie who was much quieter.

"And it's Miss, not Ms. I've never been married"

"Oops... Sorry again.

As Pinkie walked over to the counter, Cheerilee asked her: "So Pinkie, which book would you liked to...

But then, Pinkie interrupted her and says: "But its really unbelievable that you never been married. I mean, you're a good looking woman."

"Why... Thanks Pinkie" replied Cheerilee who liked the compliment.

But then Pinkie added: "But then why wouldn't a guys asked you already? Like... Whenever you find a guy, they would leave you the when relationship is about to get serious?"

With her mood ruined, Cheerilee told her: "Thank you Pinkie. That's quite enough."

"I mean really. Why would a guy..."

"Pinkie!" quietly yelled Cheerilee. "That's Quite Enough!"

"Oh! Sorry" replied Pinkie Pie as she realized what she been doing. "I said something stupid, didn't I."

"No" replied Cheerilee with a hint of sarcasm. But then, she realized that Pinkie was honestly feel regretful about what she said. Hoping to make her feel better, she asked: "Hey... is there a book that you want to get?" very sincerely.

Snapped out of her downer mood, Pinkie replied "Oh yeah!" before being politely shushed. "Me and my friends are gunna have a study session after school and we would really need a lot of books to help us."

"Ok... so what sort of books do you need?" she enquired. "Do you need math, history, biology...?"

"Ooh... we would be tackling a lot of different subject so we would probably need all of the subjects."

"Ok... just look for the sign for the subject that you want." As Pinkie was about to start her search, Cheerilee then told her: "Just remember that you have a limit to how many books you can check out at a time."

Pinkie Pie was then off on her search, checking each shelf for the books that she needs. Eventually, she got all of the books that she wants and she believes that they are the ones that her friends need. However, before she would go to the counter, she thought that she would read them first before checking them out. She thought that she would impress her friends by already knowing the facts that they need. So instead, she sat by the computers and began reading them.

However, as soon as she started reading, Pinkie found the book really, really boring. She knew that studying isn't a fun thing to do (for many), but she found it more boring then she expected. Whenever she needs to learn something, she would ask her sisters or her friends to teach her the subject. Pinkie never studied on her own before and she was having trouble to be engaged into it. However, was determined to go through with what she's doing and try her best to memorise the thing that she's reading.

However, as Pinkie was failing to remember the thing she's reading, she suddenly heard the girl next to her who was also having the same problem.

"Oh My Gosh! This is so boring" yelled the girl who Cheerilee then yelled back:
"Quiet! This Is A Library!"

Without looking away from her book but wasn't actually reading, Pinkie whispered to the girl: "You find reading boring too?"

"Didn't I just say that?" the girl replied.

"I guess you did" replied Pinkie. She then enquire: "What book are you reading?"

"It's about a group of kids that got sent to another world that it's a winter wonderland. I think it's called "The Chonics Of Nar-Nia.""

"The Chronicle Of Narnia! I'm not sure how good the book is, but I really like the movie."

"I that what this book is. Well... the movie is defiantly better then this thing."

"Yeah... Though I know that there's people who think it's the other way around."

"Well those people are silly."

Pinkie couldn't help but laugh at that and she was really liking the conversation she was having with her. "Hey... I really like you. My name is Pinkie Pie. What's yours?" she asked as she put her book down and look to see who the girl looks like.

"Hi, my name is Sonata" as she put her book down and look towards Pinkie.

When Pinkie and Sonata looked at each other, it took them a minute but they soon recognize each other. And once they did, they were defiantly surprised to see one another.

"YOU!" the girls shouted in unison at each other as they shot up from their chairs. Cheerilee tried to shush them, but they were too surprised to hear her.

"What Are You Doing Here?" yelled Pinkie as her anger was about to be released.

"I'm Here To Find Out What A Portal Looks Like!" yelled Sonata in retaliation.

"Not Under My Watch You..." replied Pinkie as she was thinking on dragging her out. However, when she finally heard the words Sonata told her, her anger slowly be replaced with confusion as she ask her: "Wait... What was that?"

Falling back into a slump, Sonata turned back to her to flick some pages and explains: "I'm trying to find the portal which Adagio and Aria is looking for, but I don't know what a portal looks like. I thought I would find out here, this place with a lot of books, but can't find anything that helps me... and they're really boring."

Curios and slowly becoming concerned, Pinkie sat back down and asks: "If you are having so much trouble, why not ask your friends for help."

"Oh No" replied Sonata strongly, who wasn't happy to be reminded of her "friends." "They think I'm a complete idiot and thinks the only thing I cares about is food."

"Yeah... I can relate to that" Pinkie commented, feeling like she was going through a simular situation. She knows that her friends don't see her as an idiot and she isn't dumb, but does feel the least brightest member of the group.

But then, as she was feeling pity for the both of them, Pinkie began hearing munching sounds coming from Sonata. When she look and see what she was eating, she saw her holding a colourful pink cupcake.

"Hey, where did you got that cupcake" Pinkie asked curiously.

"Hm... I got it from my bag" Sonata replied, thinking that's what she meant.

"No! I mean where did you bought it from?" she reiterate.

"Oh! I got it from it from a place called Sugar Cube Corner. It's not really a giant sugar cube though."

"Oh My Gosh!!!" Pinkie yelled surprise. "I Work At Sugar Cube Corner! I Make My Special Cupcakes There."


"You Are Eating My Cupcake!"

"Oh My Gosh! Your Cupcakes Are The Best Cupcakes That I Ever Had!"

"You Mean It!?"

"Totally!" Sonata replied before both girls began squealing in excitement and joy. They were so load and high pitch, Cheerilee had to cover her ears but it still couldn't help.

Once they stopped, Pinkie asked Sonata: "Hey, want to come and meet my friends?"

"OK!" she replied excitingly.

The girls grabbed their bags and rushes out of the library. Cheerilee went to the place they were sitting and see all the books that they had left behind. Cheerilee loves being a teacher, but didn't like being the school's librarian.

Part 2

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Some time later, it was lunch time and most of the students were eating at the cafeteria. After she got her vegetarian meal, Sunset Shimmer just looked at all of the students and could see how much things has changed. The rocker teens was with the fashionistas and the drama club. The eco-kids was chatting with the techies and even the jocks was with the other nerds. When she ruled the school, Sunset couldn't even imagine the groups would hang together. This was clear evidence of the magic of friendship. And speaking of friends, Sunset could see Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy at their usual table.

"So that's the plan" says Rainbow Dash who was finishing explaining things to Fluttershy. "We'll all meet up after school and Sunset will show us where she lives."

"That sounds great Rainbow" replied Fluttershy. "But do you think Sunset would have enough room for all of us."

"Don't worry Fluttershy" Sunset answered as she took her seat. "I have enough space for everyone."

"Well that's good" Fluttershy replied. It took them a second to realize that Sunset had arrived, but the both was happy to see her and was about to dig into their meals

However, before even Sunset could take her first bite, Rarity and Applejack appeared as they rushed over to them with great urgency. They were startled to see them arrived like this while AJ and Rarity were catching their breaths.

"Guys!" yelled AJ once she finally caught her's. "You'd Never Believe What We Found Out!" she asked in a panic.

"Does it have something to do with the sirens?" Sunset answered as she didn't know how to feel. Sunset had a blank expression, but the news did shocked Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash

And apparently she was right as Rarity and Applejack looked baffled at each other. They found out something really important and something that need to be concerned about, but they did not like that their friends had already figured out without they even need their help?

With her pride dented: Rarity asked her: "How'd you know?"

Sunset didn't know how to explain it to them. She could try, but she found it to surprising to be put into words. All Sunset could do was point towards something behind AJ and Rarity and let her friends find out for themselves. When everyone looked around, they all see a startling seen of Pinkie Pie happily bringing and equalling excited Sonata towards them.

"Hey Guys! I Made A New Friend!" yelled an eager Pinkie.

All of Pinkie friends strongly believes that she isn't an idiot. She might say and do things without thinking and might not be able to read the room, but they find this extremely dim-witted; Bringing one of their enemies to them. They figured that she was thinking that she had befriended one of them and thinks that she can redeem her, but they believes that they should be cautious about it.

Once Pinkie Pie and Sonata finally arrived at the table, a crossed Rainbow Dash asked: "PINKIE! What Do You Think Your Doing!?"

Without picking up that her friends were upset with her, Pinkie explains: "I met her in the library and her name is Sonata."

"Hello" greeted Sonata to everyone.

"At first, we didn't like to see each other. But then we found out that we have a lot of things in common."

"I find out that she makes my favourite cupcakes."

"And I found out that we like all the same movies."

"Don't forget music" Sonata reminded.

"And we are really funny."

As the two girls were shearing joke and was having a little chuckle, everyone else was weirded out by the conversation. To them, it was like they were seeing two Pinkie Pies.

However, Rainbow Dash quickly asked the important question: "Hang On! How are you still here? Did you sirens got kicked out or something?"

Pinkie and Sonata stopped laughing so Sonata can explain: "Apparently, you can't get expelled from school if you use magic to take over the school."

Everyone just left speechless by that revelation because it surprisingly made sense. They all remembered how Sunset didn't got expelled and couldn't remember if they ever got told why. It all made sense to them now.

Pinkie then told everyone: "Anyway. Sonata had a bit of a falling out with her siren friends and I though she can hang with us."

The girls looked at each other and see who was gunna talk to Pinkie. They all didn't like the idea and was very doubtful, but they could see that Pinkie was clearly excited and Sonata appeared to be a nice girl. But however and somewhat expectedly, Sunset Shimmer was the one who was gunna talk with her.

Sunset got up from her seat, got over to pinkie and talked softly enough so Sonata might not hear them. "Pinkie, don't you think you might be rushing it a little bit."

"What do you mean?" Pinkie replied.

Sunset elaborated: "We know how excited you are about making new friends, but remember, she's a siren. You know: she's one of the people tried to spread hate around the school and almost tore us apart."

"Yeah... but she said that she'd changed since then" Pinkie tried to rebuke.

"But Pinkie... just because she said that she changed doesn't mean that she has."

But then, Sunset realized how hypocritical she just sounded. Out of anybody in the school, the person who knows how hard redemption is should be her. When she looked at her other friends, she could see how shocked and appalled they are at her. It was so shocking, even every other student in the cafeteria stopped what they were doing and just gave angry looks at Sunset.

Instantly regretful in her choice of words, Sunset turned back to Pinkie and asked: "Well... Is she at least sorry about what she done?"

"Sorry? What's that?" Sonata overheard and asked out load.

Shocked that Sonata didn't know what sorry means, Applejack had to explain to her: "Ya know... sorry. As in yer regretful about what ya done and ya want to make up for it."

Still confused, Sonata then asked: "What did I do?"

Shot up from her chair in frustration, Rainbow Dash explains: "How about when you and your other freaky sirens tried to take over the school and try to steal all of our magic."

"Hey, Don't Look At Me! It Wasn't My Idea! It Was All Adagio's Idea!" she replied, trying to push her blame away from her.

The girls slump over their seats as they gave up in frustration. However, Fluttershy proposed: "Wait... If everything was Adagio's idea, then does it mean that you didn't wanted to be evil? You just went along because you were pressured or forced to do it by your friends?" When Fluttershy said that, they all turned back to Sonata and was curious if that what happened.

Unfortunately, her answer quickly dashed their new found hopes. "Not really. I went along because I wanted my full powers back."

Everyone then gave their disappointed looks at Pinkie and even a bit embarrassed about it. "Ok... she might still need a bit of work" Pinkie begrudgingly admitted. But still determined, she swung her arm around Sonata and proclaims: "But don't worry, I can still help her."

"Pinkie" muttered Sunset who was growing more worried and concerned. "Do you know how hard it is to reformed someone?"

For a second, Pinkie thought about what Sunset told her, However, she came out to different conclusion then what Sunset expected.

"Hang On! You Don't Think I Can Do IT! You think I'm too dumb to do anything" Pinkie angrily told them.

"What!" Sunset said off-guard. "What made you think of that?"

"No No, it's ok. I'll just show you how smart I really am and show Sonata what it really means to be a friend."

"Pinkie!" Rainbow yelled.

However, Pinkie just ignore her and she and Sonata began walking away. "Come on, Sonata. Lets find somewhere else where we can have our lunch."

"Ok" she replied. Although she was happy to go with pinkie, but she was still disappointed that they won't be with pinkie's other friends.

When they left them, Sunset just stood there while her and everyone else remained in silence. They haven't seen Pinkie this upset since (old) Sunset gave all of them false texts and emails. All of them was left with the question: "What did we do to Pinkie Pie?" But both Sunset and Rainbow might have an idea on what it would be about.


Much later, school was over and the students do whatever they like before they return home. Some remained for their after school clubs. Most of the other students however was hanging around the town, either shopping, meeting friends around the town's monuments or eating at cafés or restaurants.
Usually, Pinkie and her usual friends would meet up a Sugar Cub Corner and do their thing there. But since she still didn't want to see them, Pinkie wanted to go somewhere else with Sonata. Instead, they went to a place Sonata knows.

In between Canterlot High. and Ponyvile suburbs, they lies Cloudsdale Mall. It's a triple floor shopping centre and like the Equestria's counterpart, it has a Greek theme. It's a usual place for teenagers that is filled with stores for any interests. Rarities Boutique is not too far off from it. And one other establishment that is nearby is the place where Pinkie Pie and Sonata went to; "Pop Star Bar."
It's a karaoke bar where a few teens might hang. The food is more then decent and they didn't cut any expenses for their stage equipment and special effects. It isn't thee place where teens usually hang, but has more then enough costumers to make a profit. It's also the place where Vinyl Scratch works.

Inside, the place was filled with costumers and no short supply for karaoke volunteers. It wasn't completely full, but there was no empty table. And out in the corner with still a clear view of the stage, Pinkie Pie and Sonata had just got their order of a big bowl of onion rings. Within the first few second of digging in, Pinkie could notice that Sonata was savouring the rings longer in her mouth and clearly enjoying the food more then her.

"You really like onion rings. Don't ya" commented Pinkie.

"Not exactly" she replied. "I like all food from your world. Italian, Asian, Mexican, European, you name it." Sonata then explains: "Before we got banished, I mainly just eat the hatred from ponies. When we got here and have to fit in, we started eating stuff with out mouths. Aria and Adagio didn't think much of it, but I just LOVE tasting food now. It's what I like most in this world."

"Cool" Pinkie replied. "Hey, if you like food so much, have you ever thought about cooking?"

"Oh I have" Sonata answer, but then reminded something depressing. "But whenever I tried cooking, no body ever wants to try my food."

Feeling sorry, Pinkie sympathetically told her: "Don't worry. I'll try your cooking."

"Do you really mean it?"

"Of Course! That's what friends do."

Overflowing with joy and leaking tears, Sonata told her: "Thank you Pinkie. You are way nicer then both of our friends."

Once, she said that, she accidently reminded Pinkie of her friends and fell into a slump. When Sonata realized the she was looking sad, she asks: "What's wrong?"

"Oh... it's nothing." Pinkie lied. "It just that... Even though they think I'm not that smart, I still call them my friends."

Sonata looked perplexed and asked: "Why?"

Pinkie pushed back her sad emotions and then explains to Sonata: "Sure... we may fight sometimes, but we always get over it. Thee bestest of friends always stick together after the meanest of arguments. We went through nearly a year of fighting before we made up. And Now We're Better Then Ever!"

"Wow! That's really interesting" Sonata commented.

But then, before either of them could take another onion ring, the manager appeared on stage. The guy was slight tall, slight overweight man with grey skin like Derpy and with a brighter grey suit. He takes his job and his establishment very seriously, so he try everything he can to attract more costumers.

"Welcome Ladies And Gentlemen And Thanks For Coming!" the manager loudly greeted his audience. "Tonight, We Are Having Duet Singers For Our Usual Karaoke Night! So If There Is Two Good Friends Who Want To Come On Stage To Sing Their Hearts Out, Raise Your Hands And Yell How Much You Want To Sing!"

The room then became filled with loud noises and commotion to the people who want to sing. Not everyone wanted to sing though as there were plenty of people who just want to sit and watch. That discourages the manager a little bit, but could clearly see the people who does want sing scatter about.

However, the person that he really takes notice was Pinkie who was the loudest and the most hypoactive.

"ME! ME! I MEAN US! PICK US! WE WANT TO SING! PICK US!" screamed Pinkie at the top of her lung.

"Well I Guess I Know Who Is Our First Singers Of The Night, Ladies And Gentle!" proclaims the manager who made his decision. "You Two Girls In The Back There! COME ON DOWN!"

The crowd began cheering and clapping Pinkie and Sonata to get down to the stage. However, just as Pinkie was about to rush on stage, Sonata grabbed her and stop her from going.

"What's the matter Sonata?" asked a concerned Pinkie.

"Pinkie..." replied Sonata who was both embarrass and hesitant. And then she stated: "... I can't sing."

"WHAT!" yelled Pinkie In surprise. "But You Sang At The Battle Of The Bands!... And You Were Great!"

"Yeah... but when our gems got destroyed, we lost our ability to sing good. I'm Terrible Now!"

Just as Sonata was about to feel sad for herself, Pinkie had already came up with a good counterargument:
"Don't worry about it. It's karaoke. It's ok to sing terribly."

"You mean it"

"Yeah!... Now Come On!"

It took for a second for her to think about it, but Sonata became brave enough to do it. She happily got up and then both of them got on stage. Pinkie spotted Vinyl and yelled to her:
"Scratch The Record, Vinyl!"

On cue, Vinyl picked a random record track and began playing the music. The song that was playing was: "The Perfect Night For Fun!" But obviously, it's instrumental so the girls can sing the lyrics.

Pinkie started to sing first because Sonata was a little bit hesitant. She was great, as usual, and the audience was really digging her performance. However, when Sonata started singing, she was as bad as she let on. Some words didn't came out clear, pitch going up and down and the crowd was definitely finding it as a sour taste. She was about to be discourage enough to stop. However, seeing how excited Pinkie was and how happy she was singing with changed her mind. When Sonata decided to stay, her singing grew a bit more tolerable and was starting to enjoy her self. Long enough to make it to the end.


If this was an actual episode, there will be a montage her while the girls would be singing. And in that montage, it would show all the things Pinkie and Sonata would do in the week.

In the gym class, everyone was running laps around the track field. Pinkie Pie accidentally tripped and fall, but Sonata was with her to pick her up. Rainbow Dash witness this and was intrigued on how things were going.

During the home cooking class, Pinkie and Sonata partnered together and was cooking chocolate muffins together. However, after they finish cooking in the oven, they inexplicably exploded and covered the girls. However, they wasn't bothered. Instead, they decided to eat the chocolate off each other. Applejack and Rarity was also there and managed to protect themselves from the explosion. When they saw them eating the chocolate off one another, they couldn't help to be glad for them. And then they notice that Granny Smith wasn't so fortunate about to explosion.

At some point in the week, Sonata and Pinkie come across a photo booth. They grinned at each other before they rushed inside. However, once they were inside, they discovered it was out of order. Just as they were about to be depressed about it, Pinkie came up with a clever idea on using their phones. They still posed in the booth and they took their pictures by themselves. They eventually left the booth and giggle about the experience.

When the montage would be over, it went back to Pinkie and Sonata as they were finishing their song. When they were finished, the crowd applauded them as they find the whole performance not that bad. As the audience were applauding them, Sonata got so over joyed and that she hugged Pinkie. And off in the distance, Sunset was secretly watching them and she was happy for them.


Days later, it was early morning and school was about to start again. As the students were making their way inside, Pinkie Pie and Sonata was taking their time as both of them was eating their hands full of snacks and candy. When either of them finish a packet, they would left the rapper on the ground. However, when they were about to walk off, a loud and stern voice yelled at them.

"PICK THOSE UP!" yelled the booming voice at them.

Pinkie and Sonata was startled and look around to see who shouted at them. When they found out who it was, they was happy to see it was Vice Principal Luna.

V.P Luna told the two: "School policy does not include littering. So pick them up and dispose of them properly."

The two looked around before Sonata stated: "But... their isn't any trash cans around here."

However, Luna replied to them: "Then keep hold of them until you find one."

Once they begrudgingly picked up all their rubbish, Luna felt good enough to leave them alone. Once she was gone, Pinkie and Sonata began their venting.

"Wow... She is so uptight" commented Sonata.

"Tell me about it" Pinkie agreed.

Sonata looked at all of their rubbish that they were holding and asked: "Do we really have to carry all this trash around until we find a trash can?"

When she see how annoyed Sonata was, Pinkie decided to do something that was a bit naughty. She looked all around them and check to see if there wasn't any witnesses. Once she could see that there weren't any, Pinkie got up close to Sonata and whispered:
"Will you keep a secret?"

"Stick a cupcake in my eye" Sonata promised... as she literally sticked a cupcake in her eye... and then eat it.

Pinkie then took Sonata in front of the house's statue... where the portal was. Pinkie then knocked on the glass to see if it's open. And to her fortunate surprise, it was. She then took the trash off of Sonata and chuck all of it through the portal.

Amazed, Sonata commented: "Wow! That. Was. AMAZING! What is that?"

"Yeah... it's a special "trash can" that I sometimes use" Pinkie sarcastically remarked.

"Can I use it sometimes?"

"Well... I don't know?"

"Please!" she loudly begs.

She was hesitant about it, but Pinkie eventually told her: "Ok, sure you can. We're true friends after all."

"Thanks Pinkie!" Sonata replied. She was so happy, she wrapped an arm around Pinkie and hugged her tightly. Pinkie was really appreciated it as she returned the hug. Once they were done, they began to run inside and make it to their lessons before the bell.


Later, before school could be over, Sonata was at her locker to get her stuff. When she decided to admire herself with the mirror inside her locker, she notice that there were people behind her. When she quickly turned around, she was surprised to see who it was.

"Hello Sonata" greeted Adagio with Aria right beside her. "We missed you."

Part 3

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After setting her stuff in her locker to be picked up at another day, Fluttershy gleefully shuts her locker and began making her way to meet up with her friends. Over the past few days, everyone had kept a watchful eye on Pinkie Pie and witness how well she was getting along with Sonata. Even before Pinkie began telling the stuff they have been up to, they actually become more then willing to let Sonata hang with them. Fluttershy had never seen what Pinkie and Sonata done for herself, but she had heard many good things and she never found Sonata all that scary. Suffice to say that she was really looking forward to getting to know Sonata.

However, as she was walking down the halls with much anticipation, Fluttershy noticed Sonata down a separate hallway and was frighten to see the other sirens were with her. She could see Adagio and Aria with gleefully intimidation while Sonata looks like she wasn't happy to see them. Fluttershy was too nervous to get involved. But instead of telling the others, she decided to hide around the corners and keep watch on the situation.

"What do you want Adagio?" Sonata asked, not really happy to see her "friends" that she spent so much with.

"Why do you have to be like that?" Adagio replied, trying to sound friendly. "We're just here to congratulate you."

Sonata couldn't helped it but she became intrigued. "What do you mean by that?" she enquired hesitantly.

"What are you talking about? You managed to get yourself into Sunset's little clique of friends and trying to convince them to tell you where the portal is. That is really ingenious" Adagio explains who actually sounds like she was genuinely proud of her.

"Really!" Sonata replied.

Aria even remarks: "I hate to admit it, but you were really good. If we tried to pull the same trick, I bet we wouldn't get very far. But you... You managed to pull it off."

Never before had Adagio and Aria gave such kind compliments to her. They had just used her to help get what they all want and berate whenever she said something stupid. However, Sonata couldn't forget what they said to her before they parted ways and wants to test them so see if they mean it.

"So... are you sorry for what you said to me?"

And just then, Aria's and Adagio's kind demeanour crumbled as Sonata had said a word that they have never heard before. Aria asked: "Sorry? What's that... a food."

Using the stuff that she learned to the test, Sonata explains: "Sorry is a word which someone says if they are regretful about their actions. You know, like... you should say sorry for calling me an idiot."

The two sirens was shocked to hear their bumbling friend said something so intelligently. They realized that she must have caught that word from being around the Rainbooms and they did not want to admit to something that's so kind. They feel that if they apologized, it will ruin their bad girl reputations.

"Oh come now" Adagio replied, trying her best to avoid saying that word. "We had said worst things to each other before and we never had to apologized."

Aria then added: "And besides, aren't friends allowed to say mean things to each other. Because... You know... They want them to get better or something like that?"

Seizing the opportunity to what Aria had just said, Adagio had came up with a convincing argument and tells Sonata: "Yeah! If we hadn't called you stupid, you would had never did something that is so smart."

If Sonata was a little bit brighter, she should have picked up that they had never apologized and that she shouldn't trust them. However, her deceptable mind gave into their words and was convinced that they have changed.

"I guess you're right" Sonata hesitantly admitted. At that moment, the two sirens thought that they had got Sonata back into their hands. But then, as a last test of friendship, she then asked them: "So... are we friends again?"

Both of them looked at each other surprised before they made the happiest smiles that they can and Adagio begrudgingly replied: "Yeah... We're... friends."

"Really!" Sonata replied a happily. She then wrapped her arms around Aria and Adagio and told them: "I missed you so much!"

The both of them found Sonata's hugs really strange. They always found anything nice and sweet as boring or uninteresting. However, they oddly found Sonata's hug oddly welcoming. Adagio then pat her back and replied to her: "Um... Thanks Sonata. We really missed you too so you can let go now.

Once she let them go, Adagio and Aria ripped their blushes off their faces and got down to business. "Ok... Have they told you where the portal is yet?" Adagio enquired.

Still very excited, Sonata told them: "No, but I did learn a lot of things about everyone else."

At first, they were disappointed at Sonata for not finding out what the was. But they could see why they wouldn't tell her just yet and they were curious what else that she found out about their enemies.

Sonata tells them: "Well... Rainbow Dash gets really sensitive if anybody touches her feet, Rarity doesn't like green hair, Pinkie Pie's secret trash can is at the horse statue, Fluttershy doesn't really like lizards, especially the komodo dragon, and..."

But then, Aria stops her what she should that she heard something important. "Wait, what did you said just there? "Trash can at the horse statue"? There is no trash can by the horse statue."

Sonata explains to Aria: "Well, you see, whenever Pinkie have to get rid off a lot of trash really quickly, she chucks it into one of the mirrors and it all gets sent to a different place."

When they heard such a fact, Aria face palmed and Adagio ground by the sheer idiocy. The don't know if they want to be mad at Sonata for not realizing that it was actually the portal or Pinkie who use the portal in such a manner. In the end, Adagio yelled to Sonata: "SONATA! That! Was! The Portal!"

"Really!" she responded. She then put two and two together and realize that it makes a bit of sense. "Oh yeah... I guess you're right."

Still very frustrated, Adagio then told her: "Come on. You are gunna show us where it is exactly."

And then the three sirens leave, with Adagio and Aria following Sonata's lead. Fortunately, they went down a different direction from where Fluttershy was. When they were gone, Fluttershy got out from hiding and was very, very shocked.


Out in a different part of the school, Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity and Applejack was making their way out of the school while Pinkie Pie was telling them all of her best moments with Sonata. Everyone couldn't help but smile when they hear Pinkie excitably tells them her tales.

"... And after truth and dare, we had a crazy night with Maud when we went to Boulder's birthday party. And then..."

"Ok Pinkie! We get it. You don't have to convince us anymore" interrupted Rainbow Dash who was at her limit in stories.

"I have to say Pinkie, you sure love spending your time with Sonata" Rarity commented.

Applejack added: "Yeah, it's like you two were made for each other. If I didn't know any better, I would say ya were replacing us with her."

"Oh don't worry Applejack, I would never do that. And besides, we can now hangout together again" Pinkie replied. She then turn to Sunset and then ask her: "So... will ya let Sonata hang with us?"

Sunset replied to her: "Ok Pinkie. She can hang with us. You two have shown us how much you can get along with each other."

Upon hearing the good news, Pinkie Pie squealed with delight and joy while her friends just barely covered their ears in time. But then, before they could continue the conversation, Rainbow Dash's phone started buzzing.

"Oh! Hang on guys, Fluttershy is calling me" she declared before she answered the call.

While Rainbow Dash was answering her call, Sunset took this time to seriously ask Pinkie: "Pinkie, before we meet up with Sonata, did you tell her anything about the portal or how it would lead back to Equestria?"

"Don't worry. I didn't tell her anything about the portal" Pinkie replied nonchalantly.


Everyone else yelled "WHAT!" upon hearing the revelation. As everyone was looking at Rainbow Dash with horror, she explains to them: "Sonata Had Gotten Back Together With The Other Sirens And She Is Taking Them To The Portal Right Now!"

Everyone then look at Pinkie with disappointment and disgust, especially since she told them that she didn't. Pinkie looked confused by the situation and tried to explain: "WAIT! I Didn't Tell Here Anything About The Portal! All That I Told Her Was... !" But then, the gears in her head started to turn as she was starting to recall what happened that morning. She did told Sonata and because of her ignorance, she has now endangered the safety of Equestria, the home of one of her closest friend. She clasped her hands up close to her face and said: "Oh no!" as she was horrified to what she had done.


Everyone was rushing down the hallway, hoping they could make it to the portal before the sirens. And while they all were frantically running, Sunset also had to write the warning down in her magic book and hopping that Twilight could get the message in time.

"I Could Not Believe You Would Tell Sonata About The Portal!" yelled Rainbow Dash in frustration towards Pinkie.

"And I Could Not Believe You Would Use An Inter-Dimensional Portal As A Dustbin!" Rarity added

AJ then added: "This Is Thee Most Foolish, Idiotic Thing Ya Have Ever Done!"

Pinkie yelled back: "I KNOW!" as she was busting down into tears while she run. "I... I Never Thought This Would Happen!"

As she was finishing writing, Sunset yelled to everyone: "We Can Sort This Out Later! For Now, We Have To Stop The Sirens!" And for the rest of the way, everyone ran in silent.

Everyone eventually arrived to the entrance hall where Fluttershy was secretly watching the sirens from the doorway. Fluttershy initially jumped when she saw her friends behind her, but Rainbow Dash quickly calmed her down.

"Calm Down Fluttershy!" she asked while she got hold of Fluttershy's shoulders. Once she was finally relaxed, she let her go and then asks her: "Tell us about the situation."

However, Fluttershy was confused on what to say. She wasn't panicking like the situation was completely terrible. Instead, she just point everyone outside so they can see for themselves.
Outside, they could see Aria, Adagio and Sonata was at in front of horse statue, on the side where the portal was. However, they did not see any part of them was through the mirror. In fact, when Sonata was trying her hardest to push her way, she wasn't going through the portal. The Portal was closed. Everyone had a sigh of relief as a heavy burden had been lifted from them.

"Oh Thank Celestia! The message got through in time" Sunset muttered. Even though they know Sunset's phrase was something she picked kept from Equestria, her friends always found it weird that she was saying the name of their principal. But they don't care. They are just happy that the crisis was successfully adverted.

However, once all the relief and tension was all gone, they then turn their attention back towards Pinkie as they remember that they are still really upset at her. She was intimidated by their intimidating stares at her. However, she know that she did something really stupid and she closed her eyes in acceptance to any insult or punishment that she will receive from her friends.

But then, as they were about to yell at Pinkie, they began hearing shouting from the courtyard.

"Sonata! Are you sure the portal is here!?" asked Adagio who was slowly loosing her patients.

"You have to believe me! The trash disappeared when they went trough here" she replied as she was touching every corner of the mirror, hoping that there might be a switch or something.

Aria commented: "I hope you haven't been lying to us."

"I"M TELLING YOU! It's Here!"

After touching everywhere on the mirror surface, Sonata then tried to push as hard as she could to make it through the other side. After that failed, Sonata then got any leftover rapper she had with her and try to see if they can go through. Unfortunately for her, it did not.

After the failed attempt that left all the rappers on the ground, Adagio remark: "You know... we might have been too hasty on calling her a genius."

And then Aria added: "Maybe it was all dumb luck?"

Combined with the frustration from not opening the portal, Sonata turn and face them in anger and responded: "HEY! It wasn't just dumb luck. It's just... She shown it to me here... It just that... I... I... I don't know why, but..."

But as she lost grip of her bravado and was starting to stammer, the other sirens had enough with Adagio declared before she and Aria was about to walk away: "This has just been a waist of time."

Sonata grabbed a hold of their arms to stop them from leaving and began pleading: "NO WAIT! I can show you. I can show how smart I gotten. You just have to..."

However, before Sonata couldn't finish, the two sirens then pulled their arms away from her grip and then Adagio began criticizing her. "No we don't. You were supposed to find us the exit to get us out of this accursed world, Which You Were Supposed To Do! Instead, You Were Dilly-Dallying About With Someone Who Is Equally As Dim-Witted As You Are! You had your chance And You Wasted It!"

The Rainbooms was watching from afar as they could see Adagio was tearing apart Sonata. They felt pity as Adagio's cruel words was bringing Sonata to tears. Eventually, Pinkie Pie had enough of it. Before any of them could see it coming, Pinkie had snatch Sunset's book and began jotting something down.

"Pinkie! What are you doing?" Sunset asked.

However, by the time that she asked, Pinkie had finished writing and handed the book back. She then walk outside and began making her way to the sirens who was picking on her friend. The other Rainboom tried to stop her, but Pinkie had a strong determination in her eyes that made them to let her go.

When Pinkie finally made it to the sirens, Sonata was about to be burst into tears. When they finally notice Pinkie, with Sonata was the first person to spot her, Pinkie calmly told them: "Girls, calm down. There's a misunderstanding."

"Pinkie?..." muttered Sonata who was still reeling from the insults.

"What do you want?" asked Aria intimidatingly.

Pinkie then got in front of everyone, stood in front of the mirror and began telling: "Sonata's right. The portal is here... but it just won't open to anyone."

Pinkie then grabbed a can of soda pop out of her hair and quickly drinkk all of it's contents. When she finished, she then chuck the empty can at the mirror and it went right through the porta;. Pinkie friends was shocked that she revealed to them the portal and Adagio and Aria was shocked to see the portal was right in front of them. However, when the two sirens tried to run through it, they slammed against the statue.

After landing on their asses, Adagio asked out loud: "What!... What in the name of Tartarus just happened?"

After getting them off the ground, Pinkie then told them: "Like I said: the portal won't open to anyone. You have to be really best friends with an Equestrian princess in order to use it."

As Pinkie just stood there with arms crossed and was looking proud of herself, everyone was left speechless. Pinkie had came up with a cleverly concocted lie that not only help defend Sonata, but also keep the security of Equestria as well. The rest of the Hu-Mane 6 was admittingly impressed for her quick thinking while Adagio and Aria was left duped by the lie.

While Aria just looked away and stomped in anger, Adagio was still shocked by the fake revelation and was muttering: "Wait... Our first ticket to get us out of exile... and it won't let us."

However, while Pinkie and the Rainbooms were impressed, Aria was angry and Adagio was having her mind broken, Sonata just stood there and was trying to make sense in all of this. She just stood, slowly piecing together a picture which she thinks that she understands. And when she was done, she came to a conclusion which no one could have predicted.

"Hang On!" Sonata yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. She then points towards Pinkie and then says: "So then... You Lied To Me!"

"What!" yelled Pinkie.

"What!" yelled Adagio and Aria.

"What!" yelled the Rainbooms.

Sonata then angrily explains while still pointing at Pinkie: "You said that I'm allowed to use the portal, but now you say that I couldn't use it in the first place!"

Shocked that her friend who Pinkie shared her laughter and kindness with, Pinkie became upset and pushed Sonata's hand away from her.

"Now Hang On A Minute!" Pinkie yelled back as she now pointing her finger back at Sonata. "You're the one who betrayed me. You Pinkie Promise that you would keep this a secret. And Then You Go Ahead And Tell These Two!"

"Well FRIENDS Are Allowed To Share Secrets" Sonata rebutted. She then took Adagio and Aria under her arms and proudly proclaims: "And These Two Are My Friends!"

A confused Aria then ask one of them: "Wha... What's going on right now?"

A still infuriated Pinkie then argued: "Friends!? But They Call You An Idiot And Was Insulting You!"

Sonata then pushed her "friends" away and then argued back: "Well Your Friends Treat You Like An Idiot To And You Still Call Them Your Friends!"

"Well At least They Treat Me Better!"

"Treat You Better While They Stole Our Ability To Sing! Which I Remember That You Insulted!"

"I Didn't Insult! All I Said Was That In Karaoke, You Are Allowed To Sing Badly!"

"Well In That Case: YOUR SINGING SUCKS!"

"WHAT!... Well In That Case: YOUR COOKING SUCKS!"



Their bickering then dissolve into the both of them yelling "SUCK! SUCK! SUCK!" at each other at the same time. Eventually, Sonata then yelled to Pinkie: "FINE! If That's How You Feel About Me, THEN I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE!"

Pinkie replied back by yelling: "FINE! I Don't Want A Friend Who Betrays Ya!"

As she was about to push Adagio and Aria away (who was still very confused by the way), Sonata yelled back: "You Were The One Who Betrayed Me First!"

"No! You Did!"

"No! You Did!"



They kept having their argument even when the sirens were leaving. And as they were becoming further apart, Pinkie then let her pent-up tears loose and was dripping down her face. She still continued screaming until her friends went up and Applejack yelled at her:

"Stop Pinkie! She's Gone!"

When Pinkie opened her eyes, she could no longer see Sonata or even hear her voice. Her emotions began to sink in. Pinkie had finally met someone who felt like a kindred spirit to her. She told a lie in order to help her, but that lie also tore them apart. She broke up with friends before and some of them ended on a really sour note, but they never felt as painful as the pain she was experiencing now. When she look at her friends who looked very sorry for her, Pinkie burst down even harder into tears and began crying onto Rarity's chest. Despite not expecting for Pinkie to be crying on her, Rarity knows that she needs to and let her cry on her. Everyone then gave Pinkie a group hug, but this time, it was to comfort her as she was still crying very loudly.


Sometime later, the Hu-Mane 6 took Pinkie to the soccer field so she can rest on the bleachers. Pinkie was still very heartbroken, but at least she was about to stop crying. And while everyone tried their best to cheer up Pinkie, Sunset was standing away from everyone so she can quietly give her friendship report to the princess.

Dear Princess Twilight,

We're sorry about letting the sirens know about the portal. However, I don't think this will be a problem again. That is, not unless they have a reason to think it will open for them. We perfectly understand if you want to keep the portal shut for a long time now, but we still hope you can still come and visit us while you have a chance.

And during this who fiasco, I learned an important lesson on friendship. I learned that friendship is a delicate thing and it has a great effect on people. Some people would could feel really insecure about themselves and they could use a friend to make them feel better. However, I also learned that some friends can patch things up if they really wanted to. And honestly, we hope that Pinkie can patch things up with Sonata because they had so much fun together, even through they are on opposite sides.

Your friend
Sunset Shimmer.

When Sunset finished writing, she put her book away and go and check on how Pinkie was doing. And she was happy to see that Pinkie had cried her last tear.

"Hey Pinkie" Sunset greeted as she walk up to her. "How are you feeling?"

Pinkie replied: "Sigh. A little better then before. You guys must think that I am a total idiot now?"

Rarity argued: "Hey Now! We didn't thought that."

And Rainbow Dash then added: "Yeah. And because you think on your feet, you managed to help Sonata when she was having trouble with her "friends.""

However, Pinkie rebutted those words by stating: "Yeah. But because of it, Sonata now hates me."

After she said that, Pinkie then buried her face into her arms. Her friends were worried that she would fall back down into depression. However, Sunset quickly asked her: "Hey, do you want to know something which I learned from Princess Twilight."

Curious, she de-buried her face so she can look up and replied: "What?"

Sunset got down to the same level of Pinkie and then she reveals to her: "Twilight wasn't the one who closed the portal in time."

Everyone became surprised and Pinkie even yelled: "What!"

Sunset explains: "You see, it was the Pinkie Pie on the other side who was opening and closing the portal. She even helped you in your plan when you tried to help Sonata."

Having that fact revealed to her had lighten Pinkie's spirit a little bit. It even brought out a little smile on her face. She even felt good enough to jump out of her seat and happily cried out: "Alright then. Didn't we suppose to have a study party at Sunset Shimmer's house?"

Everyone believed that Pinkie had gotten better and they all yelled: "Yeah!" at here. As everyone was starting to leave, Rainbow Dash quickly swung her arm around Pinkie and told: "And don't worry Pinkie. Nobody can hold a grudge forever." The only reply that Pinkie Pie gave back was a grateful smile.

But then, as the Hu-Mane 6 was making their way to Sunset's house, Pinkie stopped for a second and none of them notice. She then got out her phone and began deleting photos that she took with Sonata. She delete the picture with them singing at karaoke, them cooking and them when they were at Boulder's birthday party. However, she was hesitant to delete the last photo she had with Sonata, the one that they took while in the broken photo booth. After a quick deliberation, she pressed no for deletion and decide to keep the last photo.


After she decided to keep the last photo, Sonata then put her away and catch up with Adagio and Aria when they yelled to her to hurry up. But what both she and Pinkie didn't notice that in the last picture that they saved was the pony ears that both of them have.