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Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

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Penanka72 · 127k words  ·  84  13 · 762 views

Thank you for reading friends!


No problem!

Thanks for responding to my post, thanks for the advice, although I have already changed many elements of the story. I have even changed the name of the protagonist, now it is a completely different story

OP #1,331 · 1 week ago · · ·

You may get more engagement by posting on the forum, but allow me to provide my opinion.

1: power can be defined as many things, but I’m assuming you mean the ability for one to assert themselves over the world around them. Powerful characters are not bad, you just need to make it believable in the setting. For instance, a physically weak character may domineer over others through wit. On the other hand, a near unstoppable fighter may be easily flattered and finds themselves being manipulated by a false friend. There are many ways to balance a character and some options don’t even require taking away any of the raw strengths. It all depends on how clever you can be.

2: I’m of the opinion that fan fiction is fiction written by a fan, therefore you can do whatever you want, no matter how far it deviates from the source material so long as you have the AU tag. Many do not share my opinion so take this with a grain of salt.

3: I would suggest you rework the OC. No offense, but he seems a bit generic and juvenile in design. His sword as a cutie mark might work narratively if you can justify it. Maybe he’s from a family of blacksmiths and he had a talent making and honing blades. Keep in mind that it’s agreed upon that cutie marks are achieved in childhood, so you’d have some explaining to do if you want to justify a foal being good with a sword. It can be done, just difficult.

Also, the red iris thing should be tossed. If you can justify it in the story then I suppose you can keep it, but, again no offense, it’s kind of basic. Like “evil robot has its eyes turn red,” trope. First, how do his eyes turn red? Is it a biochemical reaction (can of worms that you don’t want me going into) or is it magical? What are the consequences of this ability (if it’s just for show then it might not be worth including)? And can you explain the ability in a concise way? It seems like a lot of work for something most readers will see as a trope.

4: All personalities are generic and unique at the same time. People will do their best to be original while falling into groupthink and at the same time they will have ridiculous quirks that let them stand out and define who they truly are. Don’t get hung up on if the personality is too generic. The important thing is that the character has consistent traits that act and react to the events of the story. Keep a note pad to list out starting traits and it will give you ideas on what kind of conflicts the character may encounter.

Good luck writing, it’s a lot of fun!

Comment posted by SpiralKingdom deleted May 3rd

Hello, I am a new writer who is writing his first story in fimfiction, I need some advice to be able to write a good story as possible, so I have some questions so you can help me:
1.How can I make the protagonist of my story not so powerful but at the same time not be useless?
2.Should there be seven elements of harmony instead of six?? (my story is set in an alternate dimension of Equestria)

3. What name should I give to my protagonist?? (He is a black male unicorn who has a white sword as a cutie mark, but he has one unique thing: his eyes can show his emotions, for example when he is angry, his irises turn red)

4.How can I make the protagonist have a good personality that is not generic?

That would be all my doubts that I have so that you can help me, I hope you have a good day or night, it depends on what time you are reading this publication, bye

Don't know if I'm too late but here goes: (I'm no expert, this is just on the top of my head)
First, chose a type of comedy. Is it pun-based, absurd, situation-based, character driven, etc?
Pun-based rely on puns. (duh) It can be from the narration or the characters.
Absurd and situation-based can be very similar, but in one, almost everyone is fine with the world not making sense, while in the other, only a few characters or things aren't making sense. (ASDFMovie is a good example of the first one, the second one would be your typical Pinkie comedy)
Situation-based can also occure if everything is perfectly rational but the way it plays out seems unlikely. (FiM does that)
Characted driven is were the characters are overeacting. Your typical slice of life comedy anime.

Of course, you can mix. Either way, now you gotta write. Have an outline, but try to make unexpected funny turns while you progress. Something that doesn't make you go too far from the intended outline, but something that isn't spotted that easily. Comedy often works best when you know it's coming, but you can't see it. (Although there is fun in just knowing it'll happen and just wonder how it will play out)
I could go all day, but it really depends on what you do/want to do. Just, write it. If it makes you smile or giggle, that's a good comedy.

How do I write comedy? Cause I am trying to make a retelling scene of flash and Twilight's first meeting, with flash being awkward and trying to be funny.

I'd advise getting Grammarly and looking up editors.

Also you can look up assistance groups to give you aid.

Like I said, do you have Grammarly? It's helped me a lot with spelling mistakes and punctuation even sentence restructuring.

I wanna know how to not get grammar issues.

Sorry, got sidetracked, do you have Grammarly or auto correct that would be one solution.

If not then why don't you shoot me a private message and we can get to work.

Well I keep having grammar issues. How can I fix that?

Alright, what's the issue though? Punctuation? Ideas?

I need to know how to be a better writer.

Sure, I can offer advice if you want it, P.M me and I'll respond when I can.

Can you help me be a better writer so I can understand what it takes? I also need an editor please. I need help.

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