• Published 15th Apr 2014
  • 19,676 Views, 2,472 Comments

An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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36 - Onward to War

Extended Holiday
Chp 36: Onward to War
Act 4

Princess Luna stood boldly before the council. She looked to the left and nodded her head before looking back to Crescent Mane of the Wolf Clan. She waited to be called upon to speak. She could tell the other Tribe leaders were all staring down at her with varying degrees of emotions ranging from curiosity from the Fox clan to outright annoyance from Star Cub.

“Warrior Luna. I see you have returned to us.” Crescent Mane said after tapping a hoof to silence the chamber of any side conversations.

“Yes. I have brought a gift. During the night and day I hunted while my guides hunted for themselves. I bring you my hunt as a gift to all the elders here.” Even as she spoke they could hear something from one of the side hallways. They had allowed the warrior to have a private entrance for something and now it seemed she wanted to surprise them by offering them a token of a Thestral coming of age.

The tribes all seemed a bit taken by this declaration. “That… is quite generous, Warrior Luna. You are aware that such an action cannot change our decision, correct?” Crescent Mane asked.

Luna waited a few beats and timed her words to end as the semi massive cart entered the chamber. “We have found that it is never wise to speak absolutes until the event is finished.” She smiled at the tarp she had woven together from leaves, branches, and magic to cover what lay beneath. She could tell that her words were causing some fear and so she took her magic and pulled the covering off the cart as it rolled to a stop. It had been pushed not only by Lunar Fang and Pensword, but also warriors from the Dream Clan.

Stunned silence filled the chamber as each and every thestral stared at the cart in shock. It took a long time before Crescent Mane was able to speak. “You killed a great bear?” he asked, his voice a hollow whisper as it hissed through the caves.

Luna smirked as she dropped the glamour, revealing the injuries and marks she had sustained. The Thestrals did not think much about her hunt at first, but now … now they could see the full extent of her injuries. Bandages were wrapped around her torso, crimson blotches showing through as the wounds took their natural course. A swollen black eye squinted, glinting with the rush of battle as she stared down each and every Thestral. Blood matted her coat, further evidence of the ferocity of combat. Her trusty mace bore the dried and crusted remnants of ursa blood, the luminescent fur still sticking in patches. “We carry the wounds and signs of battle do we not? Forgive us for concealing our wounds at first. I wanted to make, what an old teacher would have called, a dramatic point.”

The silence lingered, the cavern resounding with a sense of awe and astonishment. Finally, it was broken by a chuckle as weathered storm rose to his hooves and walked over to Luna. “Warrior Luna, you have killed the great bear in single combat.” He removed his whip and placed it at her hooves, bowing. “As the stars follow the moon in the endless cycle, the manticore tribe follows you. We do give you our power and our respect, as well as the responsibility for us. Lead us well, great chief.” Behind him the manticore tribe roared in agreement. The effect was not fast, but slowly the other chieftains, some respectfully, some happily, and in Star Cub’s case, a bit begrudgingly laid their weapons at her hooves and pledged the loyalty of their tribes.

High Chiefess Luna of all Thestrals looked at her chiefs. “Take thine weapons and gather. We have a council of war to conduct.” She looked to Pensword. “As an officer of Equestrian Military take this oath to memory.” She turned to the Thestrals and rose her voice to the royal canterlot voice. “WE PLEDGE TO LEAD ALL FAIRLY. IF EQUESTRIA SHALL REJECT THEE AS A MEMBER OF EQUESTRIA, THEN SHALL THEY REJECT ONE OF THEIR OWN PRINCESSES OF EQUESTRIA. SO SAY I.” she took a deep breath, then another that was quicker as it hitched in her chest. She winced from the pain in her ribs. It seemed the Royal Canterlot Voice would have to hold off for the moment until she could fully recover from her battle. She smiled as she wondered what Lord Hammer Strike would do once she presented him with his newest project.

“You heard the chieftess!” Withered Storm shouted. “Let all warriors gear for war and begin to distribute the meat immediately!” He ordered as Thestrals went to the bounty to begin stripping the meat. Unarmed mares and a few young foals seemed to perk up at this site as they made their way towards it. They had seen that she had already skinned the beast and even in the cave the pelt glowed like a purple night sky.

Luna looked to Withered Storm with a raised eyebrow before she leaned in, showing a trait of a leader. “Why doest thou do this?” She looked to the cart. “Dost not the warriors need food to march on?” She was willing to ask questions.

“Those are families who have no hunters, mares or stallions. They cannot be warriors or hunters for one reason or another. There are also foals whose parents have gone into the darkness.” Weathered Storm pointed out. “The current law states that in a time of excess such as this they must be the first to feed from it. You are, of course, welcome as grand chieftess to change this law. But until it is done they will be fed first.”

Luna blinked, then blinked again. After a small space of time, she snorted. “If only the nobles of Equestria were as generous with their plenty as thou art with thine. When this war ends, maybe good can come from this tradition into pony society as a whole.”

“II I may, chieftess, you will have to forge a new weapon.” Withered Storm noted. “When a new chieftain is named they take for themselves a weapon and they keep to that weapon as long as they rule.”

Princess Luna nodded. “Lead me to a forge and you shall have my chieftess weapon in the space of two nights.” She replied with an odd expression. Weathered Storm bowed.

“As you wish, High Chiefess. You shall have use of our forge. And if you wish, none shall disturb you till the weapon is finished.” With those words Weathered Storm turned and began to lead High Chiefess Luna to their smithing cavern.

Luna smiled behind his back. “Thank you. I would not wish to disrupt the others preparing for war. All we truly need would be a corner to work and a runner to fetch supplies and tools. They know the forge better than we do.”

“As you command, High Chiefess.” Weathered Storm responded.

Meanwhile, Pensword was hunting for something else, all the while pulling a covered cart behind him similar to the carts that the native americans used to carry their Tepis from horse back. He soon found her near her personal meeting chamber. He paused to await acknowledgement by the Lion Clan leader.

Piercing Roar nodded her head to Pensword. “Hello, Moonkissed.” she said. Raising an eyebrow at the cart behind him.

“Piercing Roar of the Lion Tribe. I have brought the hide you asked for. However, something happened to it that cannot be explained. Also, your tooth is with the hide.” he replied as he unhitched himself from the sled he was pulling. He turned to see Piercing Roar’s expression.

“Pensword. This pelt looks like the pelt of a Ursa Minor.” Piercing Roar spoke, confusion evident in her voice. “Explain this.”

“The Grizzly thou didst send me to hunt was in the midst of this transformation. As thou canst see, while small for the legends of a minor, it is still twice the size of the Grizzly thou didst ask of me. I also waited as even after death the fur continued to turn to stars. I did not want to present a hide that looked like Discord’s pet, so I waited for it to finish changing before skinning.”

Piercing Roar pondered silently, her eyes piercing Pensword’s, probing the depths for any hints of falsehood. At last, she broke the silence. “Very well,” she said with a nod. “Distribute the rest like we discussed and you shall have permission to court Lunar Fang.”

“Very well. I shall finish with the teeth. I presented the meat to my grandmother as instructed by my Tribal leader. She shall give where it is needed.” He turned and slowly trotted away. Piercing Roar moved to enter her personal quarters when her left ear twitched and swiveled to focus on a new sound. She heard Lunar Fang’s hooves clip clopping along the stone floor. She turned, facing Lunar Fang even as she approached. Piercing Roar waited patiently outside the hide covered door for the presentation of Lunar Fang’s task. A few moments later Lunar Fang arrived carrying a smaller cart then Pensword. Yet she could easily see a wolf’s paw hanging over the edge. Her eyes brightened and a smile formed on her muzzle.

“I see you have done as I have asked.” Piercing Roar removed the tarp, examining the pelt before her. “I am proud to formally declare you a lion amongst ponies.” Piercing Roar eyed Lunar Fang. “Welcome back to your true family.”

Lunar Fang blinked back tears and bowed her head as she spread her wings. “Thank you, Tribe Chiefess. I shall do my utmost not to stray from the family again.” When she rose, full tears stood in her eyes as she found joy at being called a Lion Clan member once again. Even if it was in the past it still felt good to hear those words.

“I must say that I have already given a young Stallion permission to court you when you fulfilled your hunting duties.” Her expression remained neutral and Piercing Roar waited till she could see the doubt in Lunar Fang’s eyes on what the next words would be. “Pensword of the Bear Tribe and the Dream Clan shall begin his courtship shortly. Do not start swaying your wings to any Stallions now. Let this warrior have his chance.”

Lunar Fang bowed her head as she spread her wings again. “I accept my Tribe Leader’s judgement.” She spoke clearly, her eyes twinkling merrily.

Grif tested the armor carefully. It wasn’t the finest armor in history but it would pass for the iron armor most gryphons wore during wartimes. He had placed all his gear save for a few hidden knives in a locked chest in Hurricane’s tent. “If I’m not back in twenty-four hours, I’m either dead or imprisoned.” Grif went over the final details with Hurricane one more time. “If this happens, then you?” He asked.

“Then I inform Lord Hammer Strike or Pensword. I wait for their reply or for Pensword’s forces to show up. I do not assault the Fortress directly, nor do I move from this camp. I shall continue to build up the clouds in areas to be called upon when the assault happens.” Lord Hurricane replied as he looked at the map. “If you are dead, you’ll get word to me some other way.”

“Now,” Grif said as he handed Hurricane the shackles. “Hit me.”

Hurricane eyed him warily. “You promise that Pensword will not tear any feathers out of my wings? As thou art the only Gryphon he seems to have spared his wrath. I read the reports of his actions there.”

“I promise you nothing bad will happen to you. A gryphon warrior would never let themselves be taken easily. I have to look like you beat me unconscious.” He said. “Now hit me.”

Hurricane nodded and took a shackle in his hoof before he hit Griff with all his might. He swung again almost before it finished its arch, causing a slight whiplash with part of the chain.

Grif smiled through the pain as his face began to show obvious signs of bruising. “Okay. Let’s go save a pony or two.” Grif said.

Hurricane sucked in a breath as he was in mid swing and another bruise began to form on Grif’s back. “Very well. Sorry about the last one. I did not expect it to be so easy.” He looked to the skies and sighed. “May Faust bless with good fortune.”

“It’s ok. My species isn’t exactly popular right now.” Grif noted holding out his talons. “Time to cuff me.”

“Very well.” Lord Hurricane muttered as he placed the cuffs on the Griffin's talons. “Good luck.”

The march to Fort Triumph was a large public display with unicorns shielding the procession. Well armed pegasi and earth ponies walked in a box formation in front of Grif and storming hurricane.

“Stop!” Came the harsh command. “State your intention, Equestrian.” A gryphon spoke from the ramparts.

“I have come with an offer; a prisoner exchange.” he looked to one of his fellow guards and the Guard on the rampart heard him mutter. “The sooner we get this terror out of camp the better,” he growled. Hurricane looked at the Gryphon. He was glad they were respecting a flag of truce. He half expected them to be cornered and taken captive for food. “What say you?” When he did not get a response, he dared to hope that it meant the ponies had somehow escaped and were free. But it was too much to ask.

“What are your demands?” the guard asked.

“In return for this warrior adding to your ranks, one who sent an entire squad of my men to the plains beyond,” he wanted to make Gif sound impressive in fighting. “I demand the safe release and delivery of any captured civilians and injured ponies, as well as a guarantee on your word of honor that we shall not be pursued.” He knew none of the guards would leave if any ponies would be left behind.

“One gryphon for all the ponies?” The guard called back.

“Oh shut up and just shoot me.” Grif screeched back. “Seriously a week hunting the damned things and I get taken down by a pony. Got into the city, too. This close to Celestia.” He growled.

There was a silence from the wall. “Hold on. I want to check with my commander.” The guard said, the air echoing with the flapping of wings.

“They’ll do anything for intel on Unity.” Grif spoke under his breath with a chuckle.

Hurricane did not respond other than with a flick of his ear. “Guards. If this deal goes through make a show of tieing the keys to the shackles to an arrow. Send said arrow into the top of the tower away from any guards. I do not want to lose any more of my stallions to this monster’s beak or claws. They can release him themselves once the exchange is complete.” He knew that the guards at the wall heard him and already it seemed that they were preparing to clear a path for the arrow.

There was the sound of wings flapping followed by some bird like shrieks before a new voice finally returned. “We’re going to open the gate. Tell your soldiers to step back twelve paces and we will send the prisoners out.”

“Very well. We shall be placing the key to the bonds on an arrow and we shall first bury it into the gate doors before you open it. I will not let the Gryphon kill any more of my troops. Tell us when to act.” The ponies all retreated save for Grif, Hurricane, and the archer. All they got was a screech and the archer fired his arrow. It hit the wood and buried itself into the door.There would be no lasting damage. With the deed done, the two remaining ponies walked back as they pulled up the stakes to allow Grif to walk forward on his own as they regrouped at the agreed upon place.

Grif had a cocky grin on his face as he made a show of limping toward the gate while the clearly abused prisoners filed out: ten mares and two foals. Grif roared into the face of one of the foals as he passed, causing the young pony to whimper. He chuckled as he entered even as on the inside guilt crushed him like a boulder. The gates creaked as they closed leaving him inside the camp and the ponies out.

“Now you have twenty minutes to get out of bow range ponies before we skewer you to the ground.” The voice growled back from the wall.

The Troops turned and quickly marched at the fastest pace they could manage. The two foals were placed on the backs on some of the stallions and the mares were helped along by other soldiers. Sadly, one troop was brought up lame by an arrow at roughly twenty minutes or a little less. While he would live, he would not be able to fight another battle the rest of his days. The arrow had hit the armor over his cutie mark and cut a long gash down the leg.

Inside the camp a few warriors walked up to Grif to remove the shackles. The older of them laughed heartily as he slapped Grif’s back with a wing. “Oi, looks like they did a number on you, huh?” He laughed, he spoke in Gryphonian as soon as the ponies were out of ear range.

Grif puffed up his chest and looked back. “They rushed me, took twenty of the scads down before they got me, ruined my best knife in the fight.” He looked around. “Well, you guys got a nice set up here. Whats a gryphon got to do to get some refreshment around here?” Grif asked, searching hungrily.

The gryphon who had removed his shackles signaled to another very young gryphon, likely a new warrior still trying to get his wings. The fledgling grabbed a large bowl of something and brought it over. Grif took a slurp and did everything to hold back his gag reflex. The stinging taste of alcohol covered his tongue like acid. Instead of spitting it out the gryphon proceeded to throw his head back and down the whole thing before tossing the bowl away. The other warriors laughed as he did until a voice broke things up.

“Well, now that you are getting yourself comfortable, perhaps you would accompany me into my quarters for some questions?” The voice came from a large red feathered gryphon. Brown fur streaked across his back end. His body was mostly untouched bearing no scars from previous battles, but he wore the armor of a fort commander and he spoke with a capital Gryphonian accent.

Grif nodded as he limped over. “Oh aye sir, want to know what I saw in Unity ey? No fear commander, sir I seen everything.” He laughed as he followed the gryphon to his tent. Everything seemed to be working out just fine.

Pensword had been putting this off for a while, yet he knew he had to talk to his grandmother. He couldn’t keep this secret from her. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. He looked up and knocked on the plank of wood outside of his gramma’s cave. He blinked as he heard her voice call out strong as ever.

“Come in my grandson. Come in.” Pensword steeled his nerves and walked forward through the flap of skins over the cave entrance. Right away he noticed a strange lantern on a table of rocks as his grandmother looked on him from a perch halfway up the wall. Her eyes, he saw, were filled with sadness. A moment later she had pounced him into a tight hug. “I am so sorry I did not see this sooner.” She whispered. “My dear Grandson Pensword.” She pulled back and her eyes bore into him. “My grandson Matthew.” She spoke the dragon name. “Thou hast been through so much. Your mother has given me a glimpse of your past and,” She pulled him closer. “Look behind thee.”

Pensword looked around the cave. Three shadows stood out on the wall. He could see a Pegasus with wings spread out, then a Thestral on the other side wings also spread. In the middle was one tall creature that seemed to be looking at the world. Pensword looked to his grandmother who was crying now. “Gramma, can, can I call you that still?” His voice breaking a little, scared of how this might change his relationship with her.

“You can call me Gramma all you want. Even when it is time for you to return to your path I shall visit you as your mother visits you.” She cracked a small smile. “Many ages ago, the Gryphons were given a warning. If they ever came again to Equestria as they did before Discord, one whose body held three shadows would bring them shame and shall claim their grandest fortress.” This time she broke into a full smile. “You know this already. But to the Gryphons, they have forgotten those words from the Thestral before eating her. You shall bring justice. Even before Luna came with the signs of the High Chiefess, as blood and kin I would have granted you every warrior in our clan to bring vengeance to those that killed my daughter and son by love. They who killed two of my grand foals, and their kin. Know this. You are loved and shall always be counted as kin to the Thestrals.” She leaned in and hugged her grandchild. “Now please, let out the pain and cry. Steel yourself. Your time shall come. But know this. Others will push the lines. You only plug the flood.”

Pensword nuzzled as a grandchild to a grandmother and let the tears go. “Gramma, do I see because of the pain?” he asked.

“Yes,” His grandmother replied after a time. “Because of your life in Equestria and before. Your brushes with death have left you with a special thestral gift that may have saved you from being more reckless as you have much now to aim for, to fight for, and return to.” She smiled and looked to a wall. “Remember when you asked all those moons ago who you saw standing in my tent? That was my mate, who had passed before you were born. Even then your gift was growing. You shall be many things, but to me you shall always be my grandson.” She pulled back and smiled. “So. When is the wedding? Are you thinking of making me a Great Gramma?”

Pensword looked aghast before cracking a smile as he realized she was trying to cheer him up. It was working. “You will have to wait and see Gramma. Wait and see.” He chuckled. “I can be as mythic as you are.” He paused and blinked. “Gramma? Why do you have my pitchfork?”

She smiled. “So you can name it of course. A weapon is a weapon and I feel you should name it. Or have you already done so?”

“Concord, Gramma. I plan on taking Concord and Lexington with me to battle. They have meaning to me as Pensword, and as Matthew.” He blinked and looked at his Grandmother. “It feels strange hearing that name right now after twenty years of not even thinking of it or hearing it.”

Lord Hurricane met the glare of the two earth ponies, his expression a mixture of many emotions, but the current one was a determination to keep these two safe. “If I let you do this, imagine what Grif would say when he comes back and finds you two hurt or worse? You know that Grif is a trained fighter. Do you think anypony could stop him if he goes into a rage because two of his almost family got killed in their own schemes?” He did not let them speak before he continued. “That said, I will not send you away from the camp. We can use ponies with your skills. I need healers for the ten mares and the stallion that was injured in our exchange. Just be patient and keep yourselves safe.” He looked to the two a little longer. “Am I understood? You shall see Grif eventually.”

Tall Oak only nodded his equine head and gave a poor salute before he turned around. “I shall work with building some of the earth ramparts then.”

“I’ll look at them.” Willow said. “But if he doesn’t return I’m going in there and you are not stopping me.” She growled.

Hurricane gaped at Willow. “May I never have to place you into the ranks of field medicine with Pensword as that is the only way that fortress can be approached now. That is, if Pensword succeeds.”

“Then you better pray he succeeds.” She said with a menacing scowl.

Lord Hurricane gave a curt nod and waited for her to leave as well, Once she was gone, he leaned back. “What is the deal with Lord Hammer Strike finding these ponies?” he shook his head. “A pony raised by Gryphons, a Gryphon who is loyal to a pony, and I have a strange feeling that Captain is also involved somehow.” he looked to a scroll as he pulled it to him and started to write. “To Princess Celestia.” he began.

Within the darkened canvas Hammer Strike found himself looking around, his mind lost to the whispers that fell around him. His ears twitched at the noise, his mind registering them, but never placing a name. He couldn’t even place an image.


His head snapped to his right. The darkness was the only thing to greet him back.

Names, places, things, ideas, they all seemed familiar. But at the same time, not.

“My lord.”

He looked to his left, his mind ached as he tried to think of who the voices belonged to. He could only remember glimpses of things at best. But things were getting better. He remembered Taze, and Matthew…

Or was it Grif and Pensword…

He shook his head, a headache starting up again as he tried to think, a hand coming up to the bridge of his nose as he sighed.

He paused, opening his eyes to look at the hoof in front of him.

The sound of footsteps interrupted him again, boots against a stone floor. His head automatically turned towards the noise, only to meet darkness once again.

Was there a lady Hammer Strike a thousand years ago?

He looked forward. This time,instead of nothing he was met with a silhouette, a unicorn. He could tell by the shape of the horn on its head. But it dissipated before he could think any further on it.

It isn’t everyday one meets an actual fairy tale hero.

Fairy tale hero?” He heard his own voice echo.

A name can die out in a short way.” He heard himself again.

I’m sorry, but I just had to talk to you.” Another voice echoed, looking to his right he saw another silhouette, another unicorn.

Maybe you had something you didn’t think yourself ready to know?” He heard Luna to his left, but it wasn’t her visiting his dream.

And then came the silence.

Is it too much to ask that you go for a week without putting yourselves in mortal danger?” He heard the first voice again, sighing.

I need a week off anyways.” He answered back before realising he said it aloud.

In front of him the silhouette stood again. He focused on it, trying to figure out details. Unicorn…

Curled hair…

His ear twitched as his voice echoed once more.

It appears you know me. May I have the name of the beautiful mare before me?

The silhouette giggled into her hoof. “I am Rarity, my lord.

His eyes snapped opened as he came back to his senses, his mind trying to catch up with his thoughts as he slowly pushed himself out of bed. He felt fatigued mentally, and physically. He was shaking slightly, but he couldn’t figure out why.

Sitting up he pushed the covers off himself and he looked to one of his tables, his mind still trying to catch up to what he was doing as he stood and began walking.

Sitting down at the chair he felt himself grab a quill and inkwell with some parchment. Quickly dipping the quill into the ink he began to both write and draw.

At the top of the paper a name was placed. ‘Rarity

Below it he drew the silhouette, as much as he could remember at the time, for every little piece counted towards his memory.

The sensation of a hoof on his shoulder appeared quite suddenly. “Lord Hammer Strike?” A voice called.

He blinked a couple of times as he turned, finding one of the apprentices next to him. Giving his head a light shake he looked again. “Yes?”

“Sorry to wake you sir, but we need you to look over some of the recent work.” One of the apprentices, this time a large unicorn stallion, spoke.

Nodding he took a breath. “I shall be over shortly.”

The stallion nodded before quietly heading back to his station.

Giving one last glance back at the paper he sighed, whispering lightly to himself the name that haunted him for so long. “Rarity.

Lunar Fang walked slowly into the dining area of the Dream Clan. She saw that the furs had been marked for mourning. She blinked as she saw the lanterns of sorrow, low artificial blue moonlight lit the area. She noticed spread out spots were empty. she passed them, knowing they were left there on purpose. She shivered as she surveyed the seats. They were those of the dead. Sometimes she saw an entire table left open with plates and cups turned upside down. She finally found Pensword sitting alone at one table. Yet she saw something that confused her. A place next to him had a cup turned right side up. She realized a moment later that she was being invited to join his table. She smiled as he got up and moved the chair away so she could sit. He then pushed the chair in a little and he took his own seat. Once Pensword had returned to his own seat, she found that she felt the eyes on her turn away. She turned, realizing something.

“Why are you starting the courtship now? At the last meal?” She could not think of why any thestral would have been bold enough to do this. She was a little curious as well as the other Thestrals who seemed to be handling this change of events rather stoically.

“Because I need to start healing.” She looked to the table. “Also, I wanted you to be at a formal dinner with my family.” He grinned. “Yes they are here, as is all the town. This is, in a way, my mother’s request. To show that her family would not die out. That from the ashes of this sorrow shall grow a rose of hope.” He smiled warmly as he looked fully on Lunar Fang. “Those were my father’s words, not mine.” He frowned again with a twitch of his mouth as he looked to the empty plates.

Lunar Fang smiled back as she realized another thing. “You didn’t want to be alone tonight, did you?” She asked as she smiled a little more, showing her fangs. She smiled even broader as Pensword returned the same wide smile. “I do not know if I will be morbid or not over the fact that your parents will be giving you advice for ages to come.”

Pensword gave a quick nod of his head. “As long as I do not see my other parents for years to come it shouldn’t be too bad.” She nodded her head. She understood that to Matthew, his parents should still be alive. And yet they had not even not even been born yet in this timeline. He looked to the empty seat next to him. “Mom, this is Lunar Fang. I am courting her with intents of creating a family unit.” He smiled as he looked to the other empty chairs as he was about to start introducing her to his family. “Next to my mother is my father. Next to you on your other side is Whirlwind, my youngest sister. And next to her is my younger brother Moon Burn.” To Lunar Fang they were empty seats. Yet she knew these few meant the world for him.

“A pleasure to be in your presence. I hope you are accepting of, our courtship.” She paused and for the strangest reason she felt like warmth had seeped into her body at the comment. She liked it. She would have said more, but the meals were presented. Upon the plates in front of the empty seats was a wedge of lemon with salt on it, representing the bitterness of tears and loss. At the top of the plate a piece of honeycomb sat. She blinked back her own tears. Honeycomb was considered in this moment to represent the sweetness of when a reunion would happen many years from now as honey never spoils. It may crystallize but it never expires. She looked to Pensword and blushed a little as he was looking at his plate. “Good luck in the coming war. I promise. When that fortress falls, we shall be married in the grandest hall I have.”

Lunar Fang only smiled and nodded her head. The rest of the meal was conducted in somber silence. The night would be for reflecting and for Pensword. He would relay stories of the town where he could to bring and keep the memories of those who lived alive for just a little longer.

Grif kept very still on the bunk he had been assigned, his eye’s closed and his breathing measured. Relying solely on his ears the gryphon listened carefully for signs of the others in the room being asleep. The time at camp had been full of questions from the CO about Unity and exploitable weaknesses. Grif had for his part fed them the most realistic false information he could think of while observing his surroundings. Once the officer had squeezed as much information as he could from Grif he had another soldier show him around the fort. The thought of a gryphon against them never crossed their mind as the gryphon was shown where the weapons were stored, carefully explained to about the guard patrols around the siege weaponry and the wall tops. There was only one thing left that Grif needed. Something that he had spotted while with the officer.

A list of names and reassignments for raids near the borders from a few months back. He needed that list. He had a promise to keep. Finally, the sound of light snoring echoed through the bunks, the sound of the guards walking away for the night watch was enough for him. As quietly as possibly he got to his feet, strapping his stilettos to his sides. He decided to forego the armor. His natural black feathers would be a better aid in the night. Checking the door carefully, Grif moved out into the hall of the inner fortress. He took to the air staying a foot above the ground to allow him to move more stealthily. He navigated the hall as quickly as possible.

“Hey, someone's sneaking around over there.” Someone shouted carefully. Grif dropped to the ground immediately. Fortunately they had heard him before they saw him. Two large gryphon guards came running around the corner. They stopped and visually relaxed when they saw him. “Oi, what are you doing up this late?” One of the guards asked

“Sorry, I got up to answer the call of nature and I think I got lost.” He said, his tone as light as possible.

“Ah, you are that new guy who the ponies traded back to us. Don’t worry. Happens to the best of us. Just follow us and we’ll help you back.” The other guard laughed as the two walked past him before waving for him to follow.

“Thanks.” Grif said. “If you don’t mind me asking when do you boys get switched out?” He tried to pose the question as simple curiosity.

“Oh, we don’t get switched till dawn, best to make sure the day watch gets a full night’s sleep.”

“Good, good.” Grif said as he drew his stilettos silently, the first and then the second. “Well I just wanted to say,” In one movement he sank both stilettos through their necks from behind. “How much I appreciate your assistance.” He gave one swift sweep and tore the daggers out the sides covering up the guards attempts at screams with gurgles. Sheathing the blades Grif quickly stowed the bodies under a nearby flight of stairs.

Moving up as silently as possible the gryphon found no more resistance as he came to the door of the CO’s office. He moved to open it only to find it locked. Letting out a quiet growl of frustration, grif drew a stiletto and attempted to pick the lock only for it to break.

“Nitiva shock trofita.” He swore under his breath, examining the door for a moment he laughed as he found his answer. Digging the stiletto tip into the hinge, he slowly edged the pin out before moving to the lower one. Pushing from the opposite side he opened the door as far as possible. Making his way to the large desk he began searching through the documents. Finding the list, he carefully folded it up. As he scanned the documents his eyes fell upon marching orders and finding ink and paper he pulled out a feather and cut the tip, copying the documents as quickly as possible in short hand. Drying the ink off he folded the documents up and with the list and some string he tied it to the end of his tail.

Scanning the room for anything else of use he ended up recovering a map of the fortress. He was about to leave the room when a glass case caught his eye. Inside were two well forged and brightly polished daggers. A small emerald was mounted on each hilt. A grin moved across his face. Why not add insult to injury? Unlike the door lock he simply broke the simple padlock on the case. Swapping the daggers with his stilettos, he left the room. Making his way down the halls and out to the courtyard as quickly as possible he made his way to the gate.

“What are you doing out here soldier?” A voice from the wall top shouted suddenly.

Grif looked around in a start, “HELP! SOMEBODY’S GONE AND KILLED THE NIGHT GUARD! WE GOT AN INTRUDER!” he shouted.

As soon as the words left his mouth the alarm was sounded. “What happened?” the guard on the wall flew down to him.

“Dunno, got up to use the bathroom and I got lost, met the night guard who lead me back and when I came back out again there was some sound from the officer’s office. So i ran over to check and here the two guards have been killed and dragged behind the stairs,” he said.

“Come on men!” The guard shouted as the gryphons charged into the building. The moment they were gone Grif was in the air and over the wall heading as far away as fast as possible. He panted heavily as he landed, finally, well outside of bow range. The alarm could still be heard sounding from the base as Grif made his way out and towards camp on foot. At the cost of a simple set of iron armor, Equestria had just gained some rather invaluable information.

Grif withdrew the daggers, laughing as he examined them. A fine little extra to an already great take. His talons traced the emeralds carefully, their deep leafy green colour shining in the moonlight. He recognised the cut almost instantly, the same as the ruby on his black bow. If this were a videogame, he laughed to himself, there would be something important about this. But for now he just whistled quietly to himself as he made his way to the Equestrian camp. When he got back there was going to be at least two ponies who would give him hell. But for now life was great.

Pensword woke from his rest as he blinked away the crust of dried tears. He had been sleeping in his own tent. Lunar Fang and a few other Thestrals bearing Luna’s emblem with them were marching to Fillydelphia to help prepare for the Gryphons’ assault on a trading city. He was missing her company. He walked out of the tent as a few Thestrasl moved to start packing his items away. Six days. Six days, he thought to himself, counting the travel time. Yet from here he could see the peaks of the Castle of the two Sisters. Unity was in walking distance and today they would bring the news. He frowned. Today would begin the planning and implementation of a blow to Gryphon Morale and a gauze to the need of his own desire for payback. He paused and his other mind, older and yet younger, warned him to be careful and not to go overboard. He paused as he stood on the slight hill. For the moment, he stood alone as he let the morning breeze wake him up a little more.

“Is all well, Pensword?” Luna asked as she approached him.

“I miss Lunar Fang.” He admitted. “I am also wondering how the military will react to our march into the city in full military parade. I doubt they would be used to their Princess wearing the furs of the clans which thou doest now rule. At least till your robe is completed.” He paused and blinked. “I wonder if the Gryphons will even know I am aiming for them. That a survivor of their plans shall bring them shame and horror with what I have planned.” He paused and took a deep breath. “Also, the morning is a nice morning.” He looked at Princess Luna with a side glance. At the moment she was High Chiefess Luna as he still was a Thestral in eyes of society and of the clans. “You asked if all is well. I gave you my mind’s health.” He turned back to the sight before him and continued his breathing. “The Nightmares are subsiding, though thou might like to try to dream walk with our Dream Stalkers at some point in time.”

“Dream… walk?” Luna asked “What is that exactly?”

Pensword blinked as he realized. He blinked again before speaking as he watched Celestia’s sun climb into the horizon while not looking at it directly. “It is a magic that thestral warriors can perform. They hunt nightmares, bringing peace and prosperity to those that dream. To a Thestral and I am seeing logic now, a nightmare can consume a soul, bring about misery and torment. I have been suffering from Nightmares since I experienced what I did.” He Shivered and pressed his wings closer to his body. “A nightmare can be fought, contained, and banished once the dreamer knows about the nightmare and can find what in the real world is causing the problems.” He paused. “That is all I know. If thou desirest more information, talk to a Dream Stalker. They are always carrying a circle with a web in the middle around their necks to help catch nightmares in the daytime.”

“We think we shall make a point to talk with these dream stalkers. This magic is intriguing to us.” Luna noted.

Pensword only nodded his head in acknowledgment, while mentally wondering why him? Why did he cause the tickle that took Luna to become a dream helper. He shook his head and looked to the city. “I hope the city accepts our march.”

“We have signalled our return.” Luna said. “They will know”

“That is well to hear.” Piercing Roar replied. “We are ready to march. Lead the way, High Chiefess.” He spoke with a bow and sweeping of her wings. She waited for Luna to respond.

“The chiefs will walk beside me into the city, along with Pensword.” Luna ordered. “The rest shall come in behind us in a square formation.”

“As you wish.” Piercing Roar replied as she left the hilltop to relay the message. Pensword looked to the Princess. His eyes saying the question without any words. What had he done to favor this attention from his Princess?

“Penance for my failure.” Luna responded. “We failed you and your town. Unity will know that the thestrals shall no longer be treated less than other ponies. And a hybrid will strike the first blow against the gryphons.” Luna said. “Let Mountainside Falls’ last son be her greatest one.”

Pensword looked to the city. “Then I shall accompany thee at the front. I feel honored that it shall be done this way. Also thou dost read emotions rather well.” He complimented.

“We have had much practice.” Luna nodded. “Though in confidence it is nice to finally have somepony who appreciates our night.” Luna said. “We had begun to feel… unloved.”

“Thou hast not just somepony. Thou hast an entire group who celebrate this night, even I have always loved thy night.” He looked to the sky. “For it is the stars that truly bring the traveler home.”

“Thank you, Pensword.” Luna smiled. “We appreciate your kindness.”

“Thou art welcome, High Chieftess.” he paused and turned around as his ears perked and swivelled. “It sounds like we are ready to march. I shall await further orders with the Clan Chiefs.” he turned and slowly began to walk away, an act that was allowable within Thestral culture.

Luna moved quickly to approach the already forming thestral lines. As soon as everyone seemed in place she nodded. “LET US BEGIN THE MARCH!” She shouted. Luna lifted her weapon high in her magic. The war hammer was large and menacing as it shined blue in the light. It had a large downward curved spike on the back. On close examination anypony could see this spike was formed like that of the end of a large claw, bits of light shined like the night sky within it. the front was formed into a large flat head. The shaft stretched nearly three feet long covered in wrapped black dyed leather. At the bottom it flared out into a large bulb to counterbalance the weight while swinging. Meteor Impact, as it was named, was a weapon worthy of legend no matter what culture looked upon it. With a seeming ease the princess gestured with it to the soldiers at the front of the square. The drums began playing to set out the rhythm.

The march went on near silently on the outskirts. It wasn’t until they hit the more populated areas that ponies began to come outside to see the commotion. Many stared in shock at the lines of thestrals dressed and ready for war marching down the street behind Princess Luna. Some glared at the site while others merely watched. Quite a few foals cheered at the unusual parade. It was during this time that Luna pulled back her lips to show her entire mouth in a smile. Small fangs hung there as evidence to what the princess of the night had done to herself to make her more akin to her new subjects. She could feel a little fear but also confusion at seeing her teeth. Still they marched forward till they reached the outer walls of the Castle complex. She held a wing out to stop the march as a guard stepped forward.

“Your Highness?” The Unicorn guard bowed. “Are, what are your orders?” the Guard asked as he rose. The gates were closed and Luna saw that the guards were nervous about this parade.

“Tell Princess Celestia that High Chieftess Luna of the thestral tribes wishes a parlay.” Luna responded with no hint of emotion in her tone.

The guard was about to treat this as a joke until he saw the expression on Princess Luna’s muzzle. “Ver,” he started and stopped, clearing his throat. “Very Well. It shall be done.” He turned around and a Pegasus took to the air towards the castle. A few moments later Princess Celestia teleported into the area and looked at her Sister. “What art thou doing?” She had not spoken in the Royal Canterlot Voice at the moment as she was too shocked at what she was hearing. “High Chieftess? What is this?”

“We have come to discuss both reparations for wrongs to the thestral race by the Princesses of Equestria, as well as to discuss our alliance in the upcoming war. And do not condescend my title, Princess,” Luna noted in a very thestral fashion. she snorted in agitation and stomped a hoof. “We will be respected in our office.”

Celestia blinked and looked at her sister. “What didst thou do to earn such a title? Thou didst not have those fangs before, nor art thou a Thestral in blood.” Her sister looked on with concern. “As for reparations, I shall clear my schedule for my sister to air the wrongs she sees.” She smiled a little. “Will it just be thee? Or shalt others join as well?”

“We will be joined by the council of chieftains.” Luna spoke as the thestrals in question approached. She signaled with her hammer making a point to show the clawed end. “We have hunted and killed the great ursa major, sister.” Luna said. “And the fangs are to endear us more to our new subjects.”

Celestia nodded her head, a ghost of a smile indicating her approval. “Very well. And what of Pensword’s mission?” She asked her sister. “What shall come of a young dream?” She had already written off the mission as too dangerous and was not planning on moving forward. Luna could tell that easily in her sister’s neutral tone of voice.

“Pensword will be marching out tomorrow morning with enough thestral warriors to take the fort in the thestral name.” Luna said. “But that battle is personal to the thestral people, the family lost members in that fight and will have their revenge. The rest of this war has yet to be seen”

The group started to move forward only to stop as one of the guards, the same Unicorn guard as before, halted their advance. “I request that all weapons be surrendered during your time meeting with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Weapons will be returned after the meetings and your departure from the castle.”

“We are prepared to do this if you will do one thing in return.” Weathered Storm responded as Crescent Mane calmed the other chieftains.

It was Celestia who spoke next, taking over and hopefully turning the anger from a mortal unicorn to her own self, one who could handle any harm that might come.

“What might that be?” She had no clue what would be said. She had never spoken to a Thestral not raised in a Noble house before.

“Everypony else present must simply remove their beating heart from their chest until the meeting is done. We will give them back when the deliberations are complete.” He said before leaning into the unicorn’s face. “You ask for a thestral’s weapon. It is the same as requesting his life. To ask a chieftain for his weapon is a great insult to our people.” He leaned in further and the unicorn realised just how much larger the scarred thestral was. “So, unicorn? Are you prepared to cut out your heart for my weapon?”

“The, the rules,” He stammered in shock and a little fearfulness at this creature. He thankfully had enough sense to shut up and hand over the ruling to Celestia as she stepped forward and cleared her throat.

“If my sister shall vouch for each one of you, then you may keep thy main weapon. Pick one of your numbers to sit with the meeting and have them watch any side weapons. Is that acceptable? I almost lost my sister to Gryphon Assassins not even a week ago. I look out for my little ponies.” She had risen to her full height and was not backing down. “Am I clear?” She asked in a tone that said she had better be clear.

“It is acceptable.” It was Luna who spoke up this time, glaring fiercely at Celestia as she spread her wings to their full extent. “And you will keep to the same tone with chieftains that they maintain towards you, princess Celestia, or the Thestrals will simply vanish back into the stones of equestria and let it burn.”

Celestia blinked in shock at her sister, her younger sister. “Very well. If they are rude to us, we shall be rude to them back.” She turned around. “Follow me to the meeting hall. We shall continue our discussion there on parlay and what Equestria can do for the Thestrals. And,” she added, “what the Thestrals will be willing to do for Equestria.” She turned her head. “Captain Pensword. You shall be in charge of their weapons as thou appearest to be trusted by both nations at this time.”

“I may need a wagon.” Pensword muttered in shock at being told, no, commanded by a rule,r that they were going to be at a meeting, sit there, and keep accountability of the weapons of high importance to each pony present in the room.

In an act of fairness Luna approached Pensword first and gave him a knife she kept for emergencies. The other chieftains took her lead, each dropping all but their main weapon. As it turns out, Pensword did need a small wagon to store them in. It made a most interesting show as Thestral Chieftains of both genders, Princess Luna in furs, and Celestia clad only in a bit of ceremonial metal walked into the castle, all followed by Pensword pulling a wagon that was full of weapons.

In a small village kilo-trots away from unity in the personal gallery of one of the many lords of the land, a painting flashed brightly as the beautiful landscape painted within shifted away, revealing instead a large meeting hall with the oddest assembly in history gathered together.

Hammer Strike found himself sitting in his room having just finished with the project that Celestia had given him and the apprentices. While he chose to relax in his room after the amount of work, the apprentices chose to celebrate in the town.

“Lord Hammer Strike?” A voice asked as a hoof knocked on the nearby wall.

Hammer Strike hummed in thought as he turned to face the voice. Luna stood before him, tanned pelts wrapped around her form.

“I understand thou hast been busy in our absence.” Luna said.

Hammer chuckled lightly. “Just a bit. I mean, only armor for a whole town, and in a week’s time we are headed off to Fillydelphia to do the same thing.”

“We were wondering, if you are not too tired, if you would make a set of armor for us.” Luna said. “Armor made from a rather unusual material.”

“A set of armor? No problem.” Hammer responded. “Just name the material and I can see if we have them on hoof. If not, it might take me more time.”

“Oh, I brought the material with me.” Luna turned her head and ignited her horn, levitating a small wagon into the room. She removed the cloth cover to reveal large plates of bone.

Hammer Strike hummed to himself for a moment. “Interesting choice. What are these bones from?” He asked.

“A giant bear with teeth like diamonds and a very bad temper.” Luna said.

“Are you trying to make me jelous?” Hammer asked. “That sounds fun. Given those bones the thing must have been huge.”

“They call it an Ursa Major and it was possibly the most exciting fight we have had in years.” Luna laughed.

“I would believe it.” He responded. “Given that you did that and are wearing the pelts of several creatures, I take it the meeting went well?”

“We ended up becoming the high chieftess to the entire Thestral population.” Luna noted. “And made a new hammer.” She said levitating Meteor Impact for Hammer Strike to examine.

After giving it enough study he hummed. “Have you been going into my personal armory?”

“We may have taken some inspiration from something we saw you practicing with.” Luna responded with a grin.

Hammer nodded. “Not bad.” He responded. “Have you tested it extensively yet?”

“Honestly we only had two days to get it done before we had to march for Unity.” Luna looked at him. “Do not give us that look. Not all of us can turn out metal work at your rate.”

“I know, I know.” He chuckled lightly. “I am sure to hear about whatever happened from other nobles eventually. They tend to gossip too much.” He lightly shook his head. “I am sure it was a shock to them. But enough of that. I shall get to work on the armor soon.” He smiled. “It is good to see you again.”

“It has been long since we have been able to speak with our master.” Luna smiled. “It is somewhat ironic it should be in the forge of all places. It seems like it were only yesterday we were the apprentice working the bellows and shoveling coal.”

“You have come a long way since those days.” Hammer said in response. “How goes your sister?”

“She was so shocked when we talked to her as the Thestral chieftess and not the Equestrian Princess.” Luna chuckled to herself.

Hammer chuckled in response. “At least things are going for the better, despite obvious problems. Any major news going on besides what we just discussed?”

“Pensword marches for triumph tomorrow.” Luna responded. “He goes with the thestrals to rendezvous with Hurricane and Grif.”

Hammer Strike nodded as he listened. “We shall see how things go from there. For the best I will hope.”

“Hope is what we need most of all right now.” Luna said. “This war is still young, but I feel it will not be ignored by history.”

“It certainly will not be ignored.” He responded, rolling his shoulders. “I should get to work on the armor. I bet you want it as soon as possible.”

“We have tasks we must attend to then. Until later, Lord Hammer Strike.” Luna said.

“Until then Luna.” He responded. “I shall send you a letter when I finish.” He paused. “And stop with the titles. You know my feeling on them.” He chuckled.

Luna simply chuckled as she walked away.

Pensword carefully scrutinized the troops, his troops. They were predominantly Thestral but there were a few unicorns, Earth Ponies, and Pegasi as well. With them stood his platoon of mercenaries. He looked to the Twenty troops at his side and then to the volunteers for this mission.

“Troops, we march tomorrow to meet up with Colonel Hurricane. As you all know, we are marching on Fort Triumph for a moral attack as well as to cut off any major flow of reinforcements and gryphon supplies into Equestria. We shall be briefing you all on the particulars when we arrive and integrate fully into Hurricane’s forces. I expect fairness. If I hear anypony has excluded, or deliberately been attacking anypony whether verbally or physically, the result will be reprimands and even court marshals if it comes to that. We all know what we are facing. We know what the fate of any settlements will be if we fail. I have one order to all ponies in this army: No Survivors. Grif is exempt. He is fulfilling a debt to Pegasus and Thestral honor. If he asks for feathers, give him what he wants.” He growled. “Any Gryphon who wishes to divulge information may be spared. Afterwards they will be tried for the crimes they have committed or have helped to commit. Fall Out and get some sleep. we march at the last watch of the night.” He glared at the troops. “We have Thestrals, and Luna’s moon shall be full. We march by moonlight. Lets us show them that the night is no barrier to us.” He paused and stepped forward. “Any questions? You volunteered for this mission. That means you can comment.” He paused and waited for the troops to respond. He had a feeling the Thestrals would be supportive of this. As for the others, he was not so sure.

The thestrals stood tall and proud. They looked haphazard next to the golden armored soldiers of the assembled armies. No two thestrals wore a similar set of armor. Their weapons varied greatly from stone clubs to sword-like weapons that looked like large boards lined with sharp pieces of volcanic glass, two large shields, and even spears. Yet there they stood, proud to follow one of their own into battle. At the end of Pensword’s speech the block stomped their hooves in unison and respect.

The unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies were slower to respond. it was not so much that they were un-roused by the speech but more that they were uneasy being beside so many armed thestrals at once. They saluted their acknowledgement slowly until all stood at attention.

Pensword nodded to the group with a stern look. “Tomorrow we march. Tonight, we bunk as a unit outside of the city. I hope you are ready to leave. We are not returning to our homes. We start as a unit right now. Thestrals will be bunked amongst the other troops to start teaching survival in the wild. We shall be on our own and eventually battling Gryphons. The plan, I shall say now, is that we live off the land. No supply trains.” He didn’t wait for another word. “Dismissed. We march for camp in one hour.”

He turned to his unit as the troops departed. They had become his headquarters unit. “Blue Vase, I want you checking the medical carts. Also, relay my orders on hygiene, washing, and boiling of equipment.”

Blue Vase saluted smartly, turned, and left. Pensword was happy she was not going to question his odd orders there. He knew the surgeons and doctors would be another story. He looked to Applecore. “Begin talking with the engineers we are bringing.” He paused and looked to the other troops as they silently moved their heads in unison. Lunar Fang was approaching. “All the rest of you, you know your orders. Fall out.”

He turned and walked up to Lunar Fang, bumping his nose with hers. A smile and joy were in his eyes as he looked to his future wife, or mate, as they were called by Thestrals. “Thestral.” he whispered with a smirk.

“It seems you have things well in hoof, human.” She responded. “This will be a monumental event.”

“Yes. And one that will follow us for years to come.” he muttered to her softly. He grinned a little. “Have you thought of the animal we shall jointly hunt?” His grin widened. They both knew their future in the war. So she knew he was going to name an outpost after her. in fact, they didn’t need to tell each other their plans. They already knew it. It was a strange feeling for Pensword to have as well as for Matthew. It seemed that both had come to terms that they were going to remain a pegasus for life, and had, it seemed, gone native.

“I haven’t given it much thought.” Lunar Fang admitted.

“Ah. Then we shall discuss it when you arrive at Fort Triumph in two month’s time.” He looked at Lunar Fang. “My troops will be angry when they find the catacombs of the fort.”

“Shouldn’t they be?” She asked.

“Oh, of course they should be. I know they will be. Which is why I need you to come in two months after they calm down. By that time the entire pass and some of the foothills in Gryphon lands shall be under our flag and the second Thestral City will have been taken from the Gryphons.”

“Nothing will keep me away.” She promised

“Nothing shall keep me from thee either.” he replied with another nose bump.

“Until then.” Lunar Fang smiled. “I must attend to High Chieftess Luna.”

“Of course.” he bowed his head. “May the Gryphons learn to fear the night.” he replied with a small bow and a smirk to Lunar Fang.

“I have no doubt you will teach them.” Lunar fang smiled giving him a peck on the cheek before turning and taking to the sky, flying for the palace.

Pensword paused as he turned to face one of the unicorns, a minor noble, his mind recalled.”Yes, captain?” He asked as he looked at the mare before him.

“Major, is, are you not wanting prisoners?” Pensword only smiled a little.

“Are you questioning my orders, Captain?” he did not let the noble reply. “Because you have a valid point. However, I want to give them a message. No survivors. No parley. They refused when ponies surrendered to them. They refused when my mayor came in peace. This war requires them to feel what their policy is like. I don’t care if you say it is revenge. I know it is.” He turned around to leave the grounds. “Captain,” he paused with his back to her. “You shall follow those orders. I know it is hard, but all will make sense when I fully debrief you at Lord Hurricane’s camp.”

“I can not believe you did that!” Little Willow shouted as she stomped across the room. “What would we have done without you?”

“I saved over a dozen pony’s lives and possibly many more.” Grif responded. “You would have been fine. Hammer Strike would have made sure you’d be looked after.”

“You said we were family.” Little Willow said. “Family doesn’t do that.”

Tall Oak stood, stark and silent as he stared at Griff, anger and hurt burning in his eyes. “We are family. Where you go, we go.” he said. “I do not know what we would do if you do not return to us.”

“Tall Oak, what is the first rule for the strong?” Grif asked him.

“To help the weak.” He responded, his look softening.

“The gryphons didn’t know who I was. They thought I was one of their own. They traded living ponies to let me into their fort. I saved more than a dozen lives with that move.” Grif looked at Little Willow. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Little Willow sighed as she lowered her face. “Never again, Grif.” She said. “From now on, no more stupid moves. You let us know what you are doing.” Without warning, she took Grif in a loving embrace. Griff’s eyes widened in shock.

Tall Oak slowly joined the hug as well. “Agreed. Let us know if you plan any more moves so we don’t worry. And, if anything, so I can smack you on the head before and after you pull it off.”

The gryphon laughed as he wrapped his wings around them. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” he swore, receiving odd glances. “I’ll explain later.”

Tall Oak looked at Grif, confused. “I will hold you to that.”

“Listen guys. When we’re done here, things are going to get very frightening very fast.” Grif told them. “We’re going to be in almost constant danger and there will be a few times where things will seem bleak. Always remember: together, we’ll make it through the storm.”

“We are family and one that will stand together or walk to the Golden Fields together.” Tall Oak said, his expression grim.

Grif released them from the hug before retrieving the knives he had taken, offering one to each pony. “Keep these on you. No matter what happens we will be connected as long as you two keep these.” he explained.

Little Willow shot him a questioning look as she took the knife, Tall Oak following suit.

“Now come. I have to talk with Hurricane so we can make plans. Pensword will be here soon.” Grif said as he headed for the door of the tent.

The three smiths looked at each other with worry and concern. Lord Hammer Strike had upon a visit from Princess Luna, holed up in the best forge in the city. They looked at each other as a fourth came back out with a nervous look. “Uh… he won’t talk. I didn’t even see what he is working on in there.” He shook his head. “Still I left a note that we crafted ten more swords for combat and the armor sets are going through their second batch.”

“What gets me.” A mare replied with a heavy smock in front of her, metal tongs poking out of one of the pockets. She shook her mane. “Is he has been in that forge for three days. No pony has seen him come in or out. I heard he has food placed on the doorstep.”

“Nonstop,” The third replied, a pegasus smith. “What worries me is that it is the exact same thing if we can tell. Nothing going in and nothing going out. What did Luna give him?” he paused and decided to breach a subject a few of the apprentices had noticed. “Anypony else feel like it is getting hotter inside? And is he a bit more angry than normal?” They all jumped as they heard the sound of metal shrieking.

“Damn it!” They heard Hammer Strike yell.

“Do not tell me he broke another anvil? Just what did Princess Luna give him?”

The four smiths looked at each other. “Who goes and get the new one?” The Pegasus asked the group. “I think the metalsmiths have another five ready.”

The mare sighed. “I shall. I need to pick up some tools anyway.” She looked to the forge. “I just hope we get to see the end result.”

The first smith smiled. “You get the anvil. We will ask what he is making.” With those words the four split ways: three for the forge, one for the anvil.

The three smiths: a Pegasus, a Unicorn, and an Earth pony all walked into the forge. They shifted a little uncomfortably through the walkway as the temperature rose yet again. “Uh, Milord? Another anvil is on its way. But while we wait, um … may we know what it is that you are working on?”

“Luna commissioned me to work on these damned bones for armor.” He pressed a hoof to his head as he sighed. “Damned Ursa bones.”

“Ursa bones?” The Pegasus Smith balked.

“These bones are by far the most resilient material I have worked with.” Hammer Strike replied.

“Uh, you are talking about that … well, that is to say ... You do realize the Ursa is a myth, ri-?” The Pegasus slowly trailed off as his gaze shifted to the ceiling. He had been trying to avoid making eye contact with Hammer Strike, but now he could see a sight he would never forget in all his days. There, hanging from the ceiling, shining as always, was the hide of the Ursa Major, wrapped up and ready to be crafted into Luna’s robe. “Mother Faust in the sky. They are real,” He swore. “You ... Princess Luna wishes to wear this? What ever for?”

“If I can barely forge this material, how do you think it does for armor?” Hammer Strike asked with a flat expression.

The Unicorn paused, staring at the cracked Anvil. “Why do I feel like that is going to become some relic?” He shook his head. “What am I saying? With Luna wearing that, she will be nigh invincible.”

The Earth Pony smith just kept staring at the hide. “I can see the night sky. Those constellations, the way they’re placed. It is like an image of our night sky in the fall.” He looked back to Lord Hammer Strike. “Is this hide going to be part of the armor?”

“We shall see.” He responded.

“Lord Hammer Strike, I have three more anvils for you.” The mare smith replied as she walked into the forge, the anvils lay on a sled behind her. “Come on, you three. We need to get this one in place so he can get back to work. The other two are back ups for you. Another five will be ready tomorrow and that is all we have in Whinnysberg that we can lend. An order is out for more anvils to some of the outlying towns.”

“Thank you for the assistance.” Hammer said aloud.

“You are welcome, Milord. May you achieve your goals soon.”

Pensword looked from the sky to the ground as his troops marched into the camp of Lord Hurricane. He smiled to himself as he looked upon his troops and the captured colors of the enemy unit from Mountainside Falls. He knew it would cause confusion. Still, he was pleased with his troops using the flag of the enemy. He looked to the west and the foothills that would lead to Fort Triumph. What caused a worry to cross his features was the fact the Gryphons had built a military outpost that allowed them to attack and defend at their leisure. Because of this they had to change locations. Still, it had been an attack and at the moment the word had not come whether they saw Grif or not. Thankfully, the attack was not too serious. Pensword had the feeling it was just to drive the ponies away, not to capture or destroy units. There were no deaths. A few were wounded, however, and in need of medical attention. Blue Vase was on it immediately, followed by an entourage of some very confused doctors who were being reprimanded for doing what they had been practicing all their life.

Pensword smiled as his troops came forward, adding strength to Colonel Hurricane. Strength that they both knew would be needed if they were to have any chance of taking the outpost. Pensword finally alighted on the ground and trotted towards the command tents. He was planning to implement operation Nightmare upon the outpost to test and refine the tactic. He would use for Fort Triumph as a guineapig. His eyes roamed the sky. He could read the signs of what had to be the giant storm front they had discussed previously. Pensword’s face grew dark as he approached the tent . “They will find that we rule the sky this day.”

Currently Hurricane was going over the schematics for the fort that Grif had stolen from the Commander’s office while Grif examined the plans Hurricane had decided on should they be attacked again. While Hurricane looked tired and worn from the fighting, Grif seemed to be exuding an excited aura, like a predator before the hunt. The gryphon’s face perked up from his reading as Pensword entered.

“Ah. Welcome back, my friend. I trust your journey was productive?” he asked.

Pensword smiled. “My friend, I come bearing the strength of twenty Thestral Warriors. Lunar Fang shall march to Fillydelphia with thirty thestral warriors and Unity shall play host to the rest of the Thestrals for defense until we call for more.” He walked to stand next to Grif. “I also won the permission of the Lion Tribe to court Lunar Fang.” he replied with a happy smile. “Now, then, where is this outpost that attacked us? I want to be ready and see how we fight before we go after Triumph. Also, taking an outpost will mean we have a prebuilt defensive structure to raid from.”

“Your friend here took a risk.” Hurricane said bringing the schematics over to Pensword. “We have the entire fort on paper and several easy entrances.” he laughed.

“How did he risk his life?” he asked with a bored expression. “Get captured then steal the items from the inside?” he paused and looked at Grif. “I know you too well, my friend. Still, what do you have to show?”

“There is a grate here where they’ve diverted a stream for water.” Grif said, walking over and tracing along a map with his tallon. “Also, it appears there is, or at least was, a former tunnel to a cellar here.” Grif circled a spot. “Our earth ponies may be able to reopen it if they can get close enough.”

“That will work. They shall have a storm to hide their work under. Plus, give us three days and the Gryphons will be loopy.” Pensword smiled a little as he looked to Hurricane. “We will attack with Nightmares first. Then, as they fall to mental exhaustion, we shall encircle them with our troops and start digging our way into the fort. Thestrals will attack from the sky. Our Unicorns shall breach the walls with teleportation. Others shall attack from the cellars. It shall be as if the dead were bringing vengeance upon their heads.” he looked to Applecore. “The commander is to be left untouched. If he is to die, then it shall be by my own hoof.” he turned to looked at the paper map. “No one harms my sister.” he growled under his breath.

“I’ve recovered several documents about marching orders as well as a reassignment list that I will be keeping hold of for personal reasons.” Grif noted.

“Good. I want personal updates once in a while and an immediate report when you achieve an objective. I want a copy as well so I may know and keep track of any that I may find myself. I shall not hunt the enemy, but if they wander into my sights I shall not let them go.” He looked to Lord Hurricane. “Something personal. Please do not ask.” He looked back to the map. “Still, let the troops rest today, tomorrow, and the third day. We march to the outpost to try our skills. I want to cut them off of their outer whiskers first. Encircle them and entrap them. I do not want them sealing us off from reinforcements when we need them.”

“Then it’s a good thing we finished the first of the ballista yesterday.” Grif said. “We will be able to pin them down well outside of archery range.”

Pensword smiled, his fangs gleaming in the light of the tent. “Good, good. They will focus on that and will lose men as we attack from the trees. We shall show that we shall prevail. Equestria wins from now on.”

Grif reached out and grasped Pensword’s leg at the bend. “Then to death or glory, my friend.”

Pensword nodded his head and put his hoof on his free talon. “Death or glory. I think Glory would be best for us, though the gryphons may want to see us die.”

“Well lets disappoint them then.” Hurricane laughed, clapping both on the back.

Pensword nodded his head. “Then we shall live and start families and raise them. We shall live to show them just how resilient we are.”

“Then let’s get to work. I want to greet that bride of yours from the turrets of triumph, Pensword.” Grif laughed.

Pensword grinned. “Indeed. So, shall we focus on the outpost? I think Lunar Fang will enjoy it very much.”

“Come, let me show you what we have planned.” Hurricane brushed Pensword over to the planning table. Pensword looked up from the table quickly and back down. He smiled a little. Father and Son were planning together. Hurricane teaching Hurricane the art their house was famous for: The art of war. Pensword smiled even more as he looked back down. Earth had an art of war by Sun Tzu. Equestria had a book by Commander Hurricane, one that he intended to bring back with him to the present.

Lunar Fang looked from a tree as she listened with her ears. What she heard worried her. There was no mistaking. The voices, the shrieks, the raucous laughter, it had to be a forward scouting party of Gryphons. Right now the ponies were more apt to run from the Gryphons than stand and fight. Her wing touched a scroll for Hammer Strike when they would meet again.

She tensed as the scouting party passed through their region. She gave the signal and with an mighty cry the trees exploded with Thestrals as they descended upon the Gryphons. The battle was short, leaving one Thestral dead and the Gryphon scouting party taken out. She looked to the bushes where they had hidden their supplies. They quickly stripped the Gryphons of their supplies and parchments to add to their gear and kept moving forward. She landed as one of the warriors from the Manticore Clan approached her. She sniffed a little as she gestured with her hoof to remove the wings of the Gryphons. She found that she could not see much past the anger that burned in her belly for what these troops had done to her precious Pensword’s home. “Check the list. Identify any who might have been part of the attack. If so, remove their flight feathers and have them sent to Pensword.”

“Permission to loot the weapons?” One of the viper clan asked.

“Permission granted. I would like to see the looks on their faces when we use their own weapons against them.” She smiled a little. “I Wonder what Lord Hammer Strike would have to say about their weapons.” she muttered to herself as she walked through the scene.

The bear tribe had taken it upon themselves to dig a grave for the fallen thestral. It wasn’t especially deep but it was more than any of the gryphons were given as the body was laid to rest. All the thestrals gathered around their comrade and bowed their head in respect for his bravery. No words were spoken. None really needed to be at the moment. The tribe would hold a formal ceremony for the lost when word reached them and with war on the horizon there would be many more to mourn.

Lunar Fang looked at the site for a moment longer then up again to those warriors gathered around her. “We move silently now. We do not know when another scout will come by. Our goal is to get to Fillydelphia as quickly and stealthily as possible. These gryphons appear to have delved deeper into Equestrian lands then I thought.”

“Let us hope the battles to come have the gryphons as self assured as they were today.” One of the fox tribe noted. “Surprise is our greatest ally.”

Lunar Fang nodded her head in response, knowing of the war to come and the horrors that lay in wait. “They shall have confidence, but they shall slowly focus on key areas. Those that can become thorns in their military campaign.” She looked to the Thestral from the fox clan. “They shall attack any city that claims to hold a commander in it.” She smirked a little. “I might prepare a letter for High Chieftess Luna to cause mayhem in the ranks of the Gryphon Military. They will expect a Commander to be appointed soon.”

“Why the pegasi don’t simply make a city within the clouds is beyond me.” One Thestral of the lion tribe remarked. “If they are the brunt of Equestria’s military why not have a mobile fortress ready?”

Lunar Fang looked to the Lion Tribe Thestral. “Because,” She spoke with a smirk in her voice. “As Lord Hammer Strike told me, It was to bring equality to the tribes to have the Pegasi live with the other tribes. I see that changing after this war.” She finished, knowing only too well that Cloudsdale was being formed right now by her future mate to attack Fort Triumph.

“Lunar Fang. We may need to pick up our speed” one Thestral spoke up, his armor denoting him a member of the wolf clan as he brought her a slip of parchment. “There is a full scale attack heading for Fillydelphia.”

Lunar Fang looked at the parchment and the Gryphon writing on it. “Right. Double time. Get me the emergency fire. We must warn Hammer Strike to march to Fillydelphia as soon as possible.”

Hammer Strike stared at the finished armor, a small smile on his face as he realised it was finally complete. He did not have to break anymore anvils for it.

The chestplate was made of polished ebony reinforced bone plates, carved into it were stars that scattered about until they reached the edge. The edges contained the inscribed symbols of every animal that the thestral chiefs were named after. Viper, Manticore, Wolf, Dragon, Lion, Bear, and Fox. The pauldrons were made from thick articulated plates of evony with bits of Ursa fur coming out of the sides to add more defense to any possible gaps. With it, Hammer Strike had included a skirt of ursa fur with enough length to cover the flanks.

The helmet was also made from ebony in the shape of a bear head with parts of the ursas fangs for the open maw. In the center of the helmet a carved star shone brightly, a crescent moon circling a hole that had been carefully bored to fit Luna’s horn.

Plates of ebony and reinforced bone were made for each leg with chainmail heading up to finish the overall structure of the armor.

Giving it a final look over, he nodded to himself, accepting the final piece. His ear twitched ever so slightly, giving him enough information to know somepony was in the room. “This is the final product, Luna.”

“How is it thou canst always tell we are here?” Luna asked, walking out of the shadows.

“I have learned to notice these things.” Hammer Strike replied. “So. What do you think?” He said as he turned towards her.

“It is spectacular.” Luna said, awestruck. “We admit, when we heard thou wast setting out for Fillydelphia we feared that thou wouldst not have this done in time.” Luna approached the armor and placed a hoof on the chest piece. “We should never have doubted thee.”

“You and your sister tend to.” He chuckled. “But I do have some rules before you are to truly have this armor.”

“Of course. Let us hear them.” Luna said eagerly.

“One: you are to keep this armor maintained.” He said. “I spent a week of nonstop work shaping this. Should you have it broken due to a lack of maintenance, we will have words.”

“Two: if you notice anything wrong with it shapewise, you are to alert me as soon as possible. The longer you let it sit in that form, the worse it can become.”

“These seem like good rules for any set of armor.” Luna noted.

“I am saying these because it took me a week to do what I do in a few hours because of that blasted material. I broke nine anvils trying to shape it.” Hammer said in response. “And now, the final rule.” Hammer strike said, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Have fun using it. I spent far too long for you not to enjoy it.”

“Have you ever known a battle we did not enjoy ourselves in?” Luna asked him with a smile that for almost any other pony would leave them scared.

“The ones in which you had no true opposition.” He replied.

“Touche.” Luna responded. “This must be quite the strong material if it took thee a whole week.” She said, examining it. “Thus any other smith would have gone six months trying to work with it.”

“Which is why I shall repeat this. Should it become weaker due to lack of maintenance, or if it is forgotten about and decays I will bring hell to your doorstep.” He said, grimly.

Before Luna could respond two clouds formed before her horn before solidifying into two scrolls. She blinked as her magic took hold of the scrolls. She opened the first one before moving it to Hammer Strike as she opened the second scroll, letting Hammer Strike read the first.

Hammer Strike’s eyes scanned the scroll quickly,

Hammer Strike,

Plans have come to light in my march towards Fillydelphia that the Gryphons are planning the attack sooner than we had anticipated. They are already three day’s march away. This is by land. They are flying and outpacing their supply trains. We need you to be there with armor and supplies. If Luna can, we need our high chieftess to bring terror to the Gryphons as they still think she is dead. Let a ‘dead warrior’ fight them.’

Reaching the end, he sighed. “Wonderful.”

“It seems thou witl be marching sooner than thou hast expected.” Luna noted, opening her scroll.

“Certainly seems like it. I guess we are to part ways now.” He said. “For you have your duties and I have mine. Just remember, Luna. Hell. To your doorstep.” He said before sighing. “I have to prepare…” He muttered to himself.

“Hammer Strike, if we neglect thine creation, we shall bring hell to our own doorstep.” Luna said, lifting the armor in her magic.

Unity stood full of excitement once more as armed unicorns, earth ponies, pegasi,and thestral warriors assembled in their blocks. Princess Luna stood on a balcony above them and the pony’s who had gathered to witness the proceedings. Currently, she was dressed in her new armor save for the helmet which sat on a table by her side. Meteor Impact was strapped to her back on a sturdy weapon harness.

She eyed the assembled ponies below her. Celestia was currently sending letters to see if support would arrive from any of the other nations of Equis.

The older Unicorns, steeped in tradition, were standing aghast at the sight of their princess, albeit one that they rarely thought of or saw regularly. Yet there she stood, going feral in that ghastly armor.

The Pegasi stared silently as ancient feelings and not quite dormant emotions of past battles stirred their blood. Their expert eyes could easily tell what the unicorn lords had hoped against in vain. This armor was meant to protect in battle, not to parade around for show. Still they were the most attentive. They were almost wanting to make a show of being the better pony to the new additions to their troops.

Crammed in shadows, on roofs, and in alleyways, Thestrals looked on as they stared with adoration and literal joy at this scene. They were silent, hanging on the silence while ponies around them chattered and gossipped.

The Earth ponies were the most silent, having been farmers and more down to earth. To them, this was just another small change. The nation was at war and they were going to fight. So what if one of the rulers was wearing different armor. So what if they had creatures that lived in the night? They looked like Ponies and princess Luna said they were ponies. So they would treat them as ponies. Much like their new Thestral comments, they stayed silent. The chattiest of the groups, as usual, were the unicorns.


What followed was a roar that some would later say could be heard all over the land. A yell that carried the conviction of a nation willing to defend itself; a nation that once the news had spread what was happening, was galvanizing. The nation and the troops gathered in Unity at that moment showed the spirit of the city’s name. Poets would later say that any Gryphon that stood upon Equestrian soil felt an unearthly chill down their spine. Still, the roar lasted for a good five minutes and so great as the clamour that not even the Royal Canterlot voice could penetrate. Slowly, it tapered off and Princess Luna, Warrior Luna, could speak once more.


The Pegasi took to the sky with the Thestrals. The Earth Ponies began to stomp the ground with their hooves. The Unicorns only stood still but held a stance of pride. Not in themselves for once, but for an entire nation. As one, the troops of Unity began to march to the gates, leading off towards the attack upon the western shorelines, Fillydelphia being one of the main cities.

As Celestia looked from a side window a slight frown crossed her muzzle for a moment. Then it was gone. So quick was its flight that even she was not sure if it had been there. “Prepare the home guard for defensive stations. Unity shall stand.” She turned to walk to the inner sanctum of the castle. A moment later a captain from her personal guard appeared at her side. “Prepare our troops and our personal armor. We shall lead a strike to the Northeast. The Mountain passes are open and we know not what passes are being used by the Gryphons outside of Triumph pass.” She paused at the pair of double doors. “It is time to lead the houses of war in our campaigns, as well as choose a Commander to lead the war effort.”

“Good-bye, sister.” Luna said as she entered the room. “I hope we meet again when all is well.” She reached out a hoof to her sister.

Celestia took the hoof with her own. “We shall meet again. This war shall be the last one with the Gryphons; even if we have to bring the war to the Emperor’s feet in his mighty fortress capital on the sea.”

“Until the sun and moon eclipse again.” Luna bowed her head releasing her sisters hoof and turning for the doorway.

“Mother watch over your steps, sister.” Celestia whispered in return as she watched her depart from the small sanctum before the hall of lords. “She will have many to watch these coming years.”

Celestia stood once again before the assembled nobles. However, this time it was much less a headache then the last. War was no longer something far away that the nobles could bicker about. And most of the lesser nobles were not allowed to attend the council. Currently Celestia found herself only before nobles of rank or ministers of the government.

“As such, the King of Zebrica has offered us support in the way of natural resources to aid us in our defence.” Celestia was just finishing a statement of accounts from foreign parties. Equestria was still new on the world scale and as such her relations with other nations were still developing. Few if any nations had offered any kind of support. Fortunately Luna had met the zebras favorably at an earlier date. “Now I trust we are agreed that war is to be declared with Gryphonia until such a time as we have secured Equestria’s safety?” She looked around the room.

“That is correct.” A Pegasus in full armor replied as he looked to the other ministers. “The nobles have already drafted a form of service for all able-bodied military within their domains and they shall be marching out over the next couple of months from their holds. Some of the noble homes which cannot field troops shall be shipping a tithe of their food produced to feed the troops. Others shall allow housing upon their lands. The speaker for House Strike has stated that the forges during the war are open for master smiths to use if needed and supplemental weapons to elite troops.”

Celestia nodded. “And the houses agree that funds shall be allotted from everypony’s personal treasury to aid with the war effort up to and including our own royal treasury?” Celestia looked around.

“That is correct.” Her royal treasurer replied with a bow of her head. “All we need to do is have thee craft the words of war, and we shall all sign it before it is shipped to the throne of Gryphonia.”

“Then let it be known that on this day, Twenty fifth April, 125 ADF, We of Equestria, her princesses, her lords, her ponies, are at war with the empire of Gryphonia. We find the enemy, Gryphonia guilty of committing heinous and immoral acts toward our nation that has forced this declaration upon us. Let it be known that our soldiers will be attacking the Gryphonian army on sight and without warning. Quarter shall only be given to those who cease all hostility. By the Sun and the Moon it shall be written and by Sun and Moon it is done!” The declaration was written, immediately followed by the usual royal ending. “HRH, Princess Celestia of Equestria.” And with that Celestia stomped her hoof by her name.

What followed was a procession of the noble houses as they stamped either their hoof or a seal of their house. Each one either taking a moment to pause to sign the document. Others could signed with a look of iritance. Those in the room knew that any scheming or plotting was being put on hold. This war was for survival and all would be needing to wait and see what was to come next. Maybe a noble would be captured or become injured in the battlefield. All any of the nobles knew was that now, now they needed to use their energies and scheming to win a war and beat back something that wished to destroy all that they and their families had worked so hard to earn.

At the moment, Hammer Strike and his apprentices found themselves in Fillydelphia. Luna had thankfully teleported them on request due to Hammer Strike wanting to get to work as soon as possible. The apprentices were not told why they were to get to Fillydelphia by teleport rather than walking, and some noticed that Hammer Strike seemed to want to get to work faster than he normally would.

“Is something wrong, Lord Hammer Strike?” One of them asked as she worked to get the metal into the smelter.

“More in the sense of time, really. We have three days to work as fast as possible due to an incoming Griffon attack.” He turned to face her. “Which is why I said we have to work faster than normal. I will not leave a town defenseless in a time of need.”

“Three days to equip a full town?” The apprentice asked.

“We can do this if we work quickly.” Hammer Strike said. “Or at least produce enough to make a difference.”

“Three days? Three days to get a town ready? Do you expect us to all be like you?”

“I do not expect you to work like I do. I only expect you to work your best.” Hammer replied as he refocused on his current project. “Even if we can not fully equip this town, we can at least make a difference in the battle to come.”

“Do you want us to focus on armor or weapons, Master Smith?” the same Earth Pony asked, his ears flattened against his head.

“Focus on weapons.” Hammer Strike replied.

The apprentices murmured amongst themselves but moved as fast as they could to get everything prepared. Molds were set in place, metal was melted and poured, and soon the forges rang with the music of mallets and grind stones at work.

Pensword glared from the rain soaked branches near Gryphon Pass. This was what he wanted to know this place as. That was what his maps called it to confuse the enemy and to bring his tears to this outpost. He smiled as the cloud boomed with thunder and lightning.

Grif stood beside him, armor shined to a blinding sheen, swords and knives sharpened to a hair splitting edge. His quiver was full to bursting with freshly fletched arrows. The gryphon was grim faced as he looked down at his friend. Nothing needed to be said between them. They both knew what the other was thinking. They were going for blood.

Pensword looked to his left as a Thestral slipped into view. “They have had four days of being plagued by the nightmares. They are ready for your attack now.” The Warrior looked to the walls of the outpost. “All warriors are ready at your command.”

“Are you going to be okay?” Grif asked.

Pensword looked at the outpost. “No.” He said, honestly. “I won’t be well for a while. This will need to happen. We have to seal this pass up. Revenge will never fill the hole that they tore in me.” Pensword fell silent. “That will only be filled or shored up by raising a family of my own. Today, however, I plan on bringing what they did to the frontier towns back on their very own heads.”

“It’s not about revenge.” Grif said. “Well, it is for me. They hurt you, so I want revenge. But for you it’s about something closer.” Grif smiled grimly. “You’re a better person than I am. You want to stop them from doing what they did to you to someone else. I’m much more petty.”

“Yet we have the same goal. If you find a red feathered Gryphon almost untouched by scars, leave him tied up. He is my only personal target.” Pensword allowed a dark tone to leak into voice. He waited a moment later before he nodded to Grif. “Time to give the war cry to attack the outpost. A Gryphon war cry will work nicely till we capture a Gryphon horn.”

“Gryphons rarely use war cries.” Grif smiled as he pulled out his bow. “Pick a target.”

“Gryphon. He is leaning over the walls to your left. He appears to be half dazed already.” Pensword did not show emotion at the order.

Grif motioned for a torchbearer to bring the lit torch over. Lighting the front of the arrow on fire he pulled back the bow and took aim. Moments later the flaming arrow impaled itself in the gryphon’s side through the wing. The fire instantly spread across the gryphons form as he screamed and the others around him shot to attention as their comrade died a painful death.

From the rain clouds and the forest Thestrals attacked the walls. A ballista fired a flaming arrow into the wooden doors set in a stone arch. Pensword waited a moment longer before he charged forward to attack with his men.”

Grif fired several more shots, taking out as many archers as he could. The nightmare tactic had worked beautifully, messing up their aim with grogginess. For every shower of arrows few, if any, grazed their mark. Folding his bow he took to the air, working hard to get above the cloud. Then he dived, pushing a small chunk of cloud in front of him. The water collecting on his feathers made them heavy and he knew he would be unable to fly when he landed. Still, he dived on, using the cloud to cushion his impact with the ground. Drawing his blades Grif charged the first gryphon to meet his gaze.

From the gates behind Grif the unicorn mages blasted the doors off the hinges making for a dramatic effect as he landed and charged said Gryphon. Behind him and through the breach came grounded Pegasi, Unicorns charging with shield spells in front to protect from projectiles. From the sky Thestrals fell like shadow beasts upon the panicked Gryphons, a few of them actually killing each other in the confusion.

Slowly, they marched from the hole in full armor that he had picked from Hammer Strike and wielding blades that would not technically be made or even conceived for another decade. Pensword looked almost like an armored ghost as he had painted on one palindrome the City crest of Mountainside Falls, the other from the Emperor’s Beaks one hundred first. His eyes roamed around as he finished walking in before he spread his wings and charged a cluster of sleep weary Gryphons that had tried to gather on his right. They were holding weapons and shaking in fear, exhaustion, and confusion.

Grif never let up his assault, ever pushing forward as he wielded his twin swords like a whirlwind of death and blood. the gryphon’s natural adrenaline glands worked overtime as he moved. Barely taking stock of the glances and scratches grif looked at the fear in the eyes of his fellow gryphons as the equestrian forces fell upon them and drank it in with a primal thirst. The gryphon kept his focus on the distance, using his hearing and other sharpened senses to cover his immediate front. every time a gryphon raised his bow he found himself growing a blade out of his throat or chest. One unlucky sniper fell to the ground with a blade lodged in his eye, both pieces of his bow falling to the ground with him.

Pensword stood on the walkways, helping clear them of enemy troops. Twenty minutes later they had secured the courtyard and walls. The remaining Gryphons had fallen back and were fortifying the inner chambers. Pensword looked at his men, then to the doors. “Breach all the doors, but proceed with caution. Do not give them time to set traps.” They heard a gurgle from inside. Pensword looked to the walls. “Unless they set them off themselves in their sleep addled state.” His voice caused a few dark chuckles to spread among the troops as a league of ten earth ponies worked a battering ram to the main doors. Smaller rams were being placed at the doors that would lead from the walls to the interior. The constant drum of the iron smashing wood filled the air. The upper doors fell first, causing holes to appear and allowing ponies to work on taking the interior. It would be slow going. Bottlenecks traps, blind corners, all the tools he had used in his graduation exercise were the enemy’s advantage now. Still, they would continue the attack and take this outpost.

Grif placed both swords into the ground and drew his stilettos. He gave pensword a nod before he made his way inside, flying inches above the ground. It was a game of cat and mouse now. And for the first time in a very long history, the cats had become the mice in a sense of ironic justice.

Pensword entered, following a group of thestrals, parts of his personal guard unit. He looked to the courtyard where the Hurricanes were staying behind a wooden wall that would become a field hospital and command post for the moment. He looked back and charged into the room, ignoring the two dead Gryphons against the walls as he moved forward. He slowed his steps as he saw Ms. Saltwater looking at one door in particular, glaring. Pensword looked to his old school teacher and gave a curt nod before kicking the door with his iron hooves. He charged in and attacked the small room. It was, or had been, a storage room that had been emptied. Three gryphons lay huddled together in fear. A fourth lay under the door as Pensword entered the room. He came back out a few moments later and looked to Ms. Saltwater. “Did I get him?” he asked her.

“Yeah, you did. I think if I can, I’ll be teaching him Equestrian History. That is, if they let me.” She replied with a ghostly chuckle. “May Faust continue to watch over you and not call you home till you have avenged every one of us.” She wished as she slowly faded.

Pensword looked to his left as his ears heard the clash of metal on metal. He started that way, always pausing to smash a door in if it was closed. The Gryphons who were still alive had one last fear settle into their stomachs. They were not going to surrender to these prey animals. Something about that caused a break in morale. It was in that one moment that a guard tripped, losing his balance and creating an opening. Three gryphons took it, darting out a window for freedom and flying for all they were worth. All three would hope to make to Fort Triumph to give warning to the fortress of the impending battle and their horrific defeat.

Lunar Fang hurried her troops into the town proper. They had been delayed in their march and now mere hours separated them from the gryphon’s first attack. Locating the forges had been surprisingly easy given the thick black smoke rising from the building as the overworked forges burned on. She had ordered her troops to prepare for outfitting as she entered the forges, looking for Hammer Strike.

She barely had time to look around herself. The troops paused, gaping in the cobblestone square. The forge was a forge no longer. It had expanded into a massive metal shop.Tents had been erected, as hot fire pits burned, multiple anvilles singing in time to the beating of the hammers of the forge. The water hissed. The rhythm of the smithy was in full swing, but it was frantic. Lining the square, several shops and inns lay in wait. What had once been the center of activity, however, was now desolate, abandoned of all ponies. In the center of the great square stood a magnificent fountain, Two unicorns stood on either side of a floating pegasus, spouting water from their horns as they stared regally. The pegasus shot arcs of sparkling water from its feathers as it “hovered” in its place.

The most magnificent sight of all stood across the way. A massive cathedral stood, gloriously over the troops. They gaped as they gazed on the massive stained glass rendering of the great Faust. Many ponies bowed to their knees and said a hasty prayer for good luck and a hasty victory. Others prayed for the safety of loved ones and courage to press on. All were humbled by her gaze as the image seemed to peer into their very souls. The troops clopped their hooves on the cobblestones nervously. They knew they needed to get this city fortified as soon as possible, but an unarmored pony was a dead pony. They waited as Lunar Fang weaved through the tents to the heart of the forges. Her ears soon locked on a familiar voice.

“Yes, yes. I know that was the second anvil in the hour, I am just stressed because of what is coming our way, and how little time we have.” She heard Hammer Strike reply to someone, his back to the entrance.

“Your earnest effort will never be in question, Lord Hammer Strike.” Lunar Fang spoke as she followed the sound to him.

Turning on the spot he faced Lunar Fang. “Ah, Hello Lunar Fang. How goes?” He asked.

“Well I have a group of on edge, somewhat exhausted troops outside, and I am about to use them to defend a town from a massive attack.” She said. “So I am as good as can be given the situation.”

“Better than what it could be. Come, I need to work on armor for you all.” Hammer Strike said. “We have no time to wait. You will all be able to relax for some time, however long we have that is, afterwards.”

“I’m right behind you. The rest are waiting for however you want them to proceed.” Lunar Fang responded.

“How many?”

“Four hundred ponies. Roughly half of them are thestrals, the rest are interspersed with mostly pegasi.” Lunar Fang answered.

Hammer Strike hummed to himself before turning towards the others in the forge. “Stop your current projects. We need to get these troops prepared. I want you to get them armored up in any of the sets that are finished. And give them each a weapon that they like, or leave them with what they have.” He called out before he turned to Lunar Fang. “Come, I need to get your measurements. Then I’ll get you a set of armor.”

Lunar Fang followed Hammer Strike as quickly as possible.

The lone Gryphon flew far past the point that any normal sane Gryphon would have stopped. Already his two companions had fallen to the ground from exhaustion and lack of three days of sleep. Now almost four days since the nightmares came and the attack from ghosts? Wraiths? He was not sure but he had to tell, he felt that there was something behind him, hunting him. He screeched as he realized he had dropped a little and dozed off. He quickly regained his altitude and sighed in relief as he finally saw the walls of Fort Triumph. “To arms, To arms.” he called, unsure of how his voice was rising and falling. He had to warn his brothers in feathers. “Prepare. Prepare.” he cried as he rose over the wall and finally collapsed to the ground in a heap of feather, fur, and limbs. He breathed heavily, his eyes moving frantically around his surroundings.

The CO rushed towards him. “Get ahold of yourself, soldier!” He growled. “What happened?”

“Ghosts… I, There were Pegasi who had become half bat. They had a fallen Gryphon avenging us. Some dead warrior walking again, and one who leads nothing but the prey we have eaten.” He raved. “Three days of nothing but fears and nightmares. We could not sleep at all. They control our dreams and they are coming here. They will kill us all.” He yelled as he moved a talon to grip his commanders shirt. The red plumaged Gryphon moved his face closer to the red feathered Commander. “There was a pony. A Pegasus that had not gone fully bat yet, who wore armor that protected all. His wings would cut you down. He carried no blade, yet…. yet he has the crest of that mountain town. As well as the crest of the one o first. He took out part of the one o first.”

Before the commander could respond the gryphon’s body stiffened and fell to the ground, a large shaft sticking out of his back. A loud cry echoed from the clouds, a challenge to triumph. the officer ordered the archers to fire, but likely the gryphon who had fired on them was already gone.

“Double the guard.” he ordered. “barricade the gate and prepare for an attack. Looks like the ponies know we’re coming for them.”

“Sir, what of the outlying outposts and the supply trains?” A gryphoness spoke as she slowly moved her shield away from the Commander’s head. “Shall we pull them inside the fort? No pony army can take it.”

“Calm yourself, soldier. A few ponies and one rogue gryphon isn’t going to topple us. We are gryphons, we are born to kill! You will warn the supply trains and the other outposts and they will defend themselves,” he ordered. He loved his daughter but she was a female and it would take a lot for her to understand the true meaning of war.

She nodded her head and moved towards a few of the Gryphons on the wall to relay orders to be sent to the other locations. Here another of the guards had approached and was removing the arrow when a scroll was discovered attached to the shaft. On the parchment was something that might have worried a lesser general. Three symbols were on it: three unit crests drawn in cold ink. The symbols of units that the Gryphon Commander knew on a deep and personal level of thought. He knew they would not be reporting back to anything but the winds.

Hammer Strike put his hammer to the side, giving the helmet one last look. Something felt so off about the armor before him, but at the same time it felt right. Looking over his shoulder he saw Lunar Fang distracting herself with sharpening her weapons.

“Lunar Fang. It is finished.” He called out.

The thestral turned to him. “Then let’s get me suited up.”

Hammer gestured towards the armor which was, surprisingly, very familiar to her. The familiar part being that it looked almost exactly like her modified Lunar guard armor from in the present.

“Well at least I won’t need to worry about getting to know it all over again.” She laughed as she moved to attach the greaves.

“What do you mean?” Hammer Strike asked.

“This is the same armor you made me before.” She said as she slid the breastplate on.

“It is? That might explain a few things…” He muttered the last part. “I knew something felt off. So how does it feel? A good fit or no?”

“Perfect.” She said as she slid on her helmet, working the ears into their protectors before swivelling them to make sure they were loose.

“Good, I need to get back to work while the others get your troops equipped. We only have so much time.” He said, turning back to his work station.

“I’ll go and secure the defenses where I can.” She nodded, heading for the door.

Quite suddenly a thestral ran into the room. “Lunar Fang.” He spoke quickly. “Gryphons. On the horizon.”

Lunar Fang charged out of the room and out to the edge of the town. She peered into the horizon.

What she saw terrified her. The armies of the Gryphon’s were marching on talon and hoof. Her mind flashed back to the history Pensword and she had read. These Gryphons were showing that they would dominate this town on their own level. Marching on the ground was, in Gryphon military tradition, saying that they would conquer them.

The banners of many Gryphon prides waved and fluttered on the breeze as the armies paused. The tallest and largest was the royal crest of the Emperor and around that flag were the emblems of the five kings of Gryphonia. The flags and banners fluttered in the breeze. The sound of marching and metal slowly faded as the army stopped. A lone Gryphon stepped forward and yelled out. “Surrender and your lives shall be spared for service to the Emperor. Resist and your lives and afterlife are herewith forfeit.” The Gryphon under the white flag of parley puffed his chest out again began to bellow. “This city belongs to the Emperor and the Southern King. Surrender and your town and homes shall be spared. Resist and we shall not leave anything save the burned out ruins of buildings upon which we shall build our own city. What Say You?”

A moment later a rod of red hot metal landed nearby. A strange pattern of indentations were etched into it. Upon a closer inspection it read. ‘Look up.’ The landing of the metal rod caused the flagbearer behind the Gryphon herald to drop the flag. They both looked up. A moment later the herald dropped dead. A white hot metal rod that had hit him in the face. The other Gryphon turned and raced back as arrows rained from the sky. He made all of six strides before dropping, the arrows piercing his armor and body.

Back at the forge the troops that came with Lunar Fang in the forge stood a distance away in fear, shock, and awe. Hammer Strike leaned against a wall of the forge on his hind hooves as his fore hooves tossed another hot metal rod. It glowed a dull cherry red as it cooled. “Should have thrown a bigger one.” he muttered.

Lunar Fang’s jaw seemed to just hang there as her brain tried to contemplate what just happened. Finally she realized the others where looking to her. “Everypony to arms. Get barricades up. Use anything you can find. Hammer Strike has shown them Equestria will not back down. Now let’s show them just how far their doom will spread!” and with those words, the battle for Fillydelphia began.

A Gryphon slowly lowered a spyglass and looked to one of the Flight Leaders. “Celestia must be desperate. She has called out her ghost.” He said, his voice shaking.

“What are you talking about, scout?” the Flight Leader asked.

“Celestia’s smith. Luna’s teacher.” The Scout muttered, “An Earth Pony, tan like the sand just threw hot metal right from the forge itself at our messenger.” He looked out and let out an involuntary squawk. “Blue coat! Blue Coat!” That one code word seemed to cause even the very winds to pause for a moment.

“He is just one pony.” the Flight Leader said “We knew he was going to be in this war and we are prepared for him.”

The scout looked through the spyglass again. “Yes, but how many ponies shall die in front of him to protect him from his fate?”

“None.” The Flight Leader smiled “All our reports say he will be on the front lines when the time comes. And I will perform the act that will put my name in the scrolls of history till the end of time.”

“As you command, Flight Leader.” The scout replied. “It appears that there is new armor being deployed by the troops. And,” he paused. “They have really become desperate towards us. They have created more of those leather winged Pegasi.”

“The state of their wings means little. A pegasus dies like a pegasus,” he said. “Tell the warriors to prepare the lines.” The Scout nodded to his Flight Leader and moved to relay the message. They would attack soon.

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