• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Leila Drake

I am an undead user, meaning that I'm alive but not very active on this website. I appreciate it if you like my stories, though.



This story is a sequel to Dead Heart

After the incident on Nightmare Night, Jonathan has adjusted to life in Equestria - but he misses his magical abilities. So he returns to his homeworld to get a wand, right into the middle of the undead lands. Twilight Sparkle and Arcus Tangens, eager to strengthen the new bonds of friendship, join him on his quest. They have no idea how valuable their discoveries are and how far both the living and the undead will go to use them to their advantage...

3rd installment of the Twilight Goes to Dalaran series.
Knowledge of World of Warcraft is not necessary to understand the story.

Chapters (24)
Comments ( 50 )

Bit of a time junp if I remember right. Can't wait to read more.

Ohh and Stargate best series.

I say let the Death Knight come back with them. If only long enough for him to recover.

Rainbow Dashs' worst nightmare is about to come true.

OK; I read from chapter 1 to now and I like the story.

So the Bloodelves want most likely to catch the Ponies to get to Equestria? Or so I guess. Politics in Azeroth? How surprising. :ajbemused:

I never played the horde. 🤔

Darren showed some really interesting stuff about himself here.

did Twilight ever cancel that smell spell on him?

The spell faded away along with the smell when Jonathan was healed. I didn't expressly mention that, though.

Well now, things are getting interesting here.


So I have to ask: When is Sylvanis going to hear about what happened to one of her Forsaken? She will most likely be very displeased by this.

I have a feeling she might want to try to move the Forsaken to Equestria in order to help them become human if she I suppose still wants to cure them of undeath.

Their secret may not keep long after this. Arcus still has the Sin'dorei scrying orb, so they know now....and that information is exceedingly valuable. A certain goblin who's sleep was interrupted could make a lot of money off of that info.

You're actually not far off for how a military base would treat civilian troublemakers during peacetime. In times of war, they're by necessity much harsher, but in peacetime for simple 'drunk & disorderly' charges it'd be more or less the same: overnight incarceration, fines, and a temporary or permanent blacklisting.

Pff...Sylvanas? Not likely. She'd probably send a plague to Equestria instead and try to instill the curse of undeath in their ambient magic. She's an omnicidal megalomaniac.

Actually ,Sylvanas did dream when the emerald nightmare took over most of the world in the Stormrage novel. So she should know it's possible for her to do that.

Ah, you see, I never read that. Thanks for the info. ^^

heh The Blood Elves seeming inability to just give the straight truth and their reputation for being deceptive is probably a big part of why a traitorous wretch like Sylvanas was made warchief before Lor'themar...who I don't remember ever seeing outside of Silvermoon.
Going to the Tauren or Trolls would probably be the best for groups within the Horde who could easily accept the ponies. Pandaren, too, but they're more of a third party awkwardly trying to get the Horde and Alliance to talk to each other with more than weapons.


Regrettably the Pandaren are not succeeding.

And even after messing with the timelines, things are still not going any better than they did before

That's more because any time anyone gets close to trying to make serious efforts to end the conflict, Blizzard either kills them off, retgones the character development to revert them to a hate machine, or hands the entire leadership of both factions a new series of idiot balls. The developers won't allow that primary conflict to die, despite the fact that between Wrath, Cataclysm, Pandaria, and especially Legion, the main conflict should have been overwritten and crushed by the shared conflicts.


Obvious answer then: Overthrow both sides leadership entirely

I wish we actually could. Though I suppose it would upset the PvP Zealots if the Alliance and Horde ever brokered peace.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out this story was released after going back and re-reading the other two again, it's turning out great so far.

I think Lor'Themar fought on the Thunder Isle in Pandaria and in the Siege of Orgrimmar. I remember him and Sylvanas exchanging weird jokes while holding off mobs for the Raid. :D

8795351 I had quit during Cataclysm and only recently started again (your fault). I haven't gotten to those yet.

As to this chapter...Twilight still has some elves to deal with, unfortunately for her. They're just undead high elves instead of blood elves. Sylvanas isn't going to let them leave so easily...though Jon did say he'd be willing to listen to orders from her...

I am half expecting a pilgrimage to Equestria from all the Forsaken that want to properly live again...also, starting to wonder if magic items like the Elements would work in Azeroth. Those or a similarly powerful source of Equestrian magic likely would be able to start countering the Scourge magic of the Dead Scar or the Plaguelands.
Also, also...I doubt that we've seen the last of Gladius and Endimon. The rogue not being near the house strikes me as odd, that he may have been a double-agent set to watch Sarithra as much as the ponies.

Lets just hope she didnt take any stupid pills

Meeting Sylvanas is probably a bad idea....hopefully she's in a less Elven mood.

Wasn't it Equestria's Magic that cured Jonathan? Or just the lack of the curse in equestria?


Twilight's working theory was that the Curse of Undeath is magic-dependant, but the severe disparity in magic levels from Azeroth to Equiss is severe enough that it cannot sustain itself and eventually dispels

I still think Endiron is likely working for someone else in Silvermoon that doesn't think experimenting on the ponies is the best route.

Yes, being in their presence (especially Twilight's) does seem to make the denizens of Azeroth inexplicably nicer...but one should never underestimate the sheer amount of backstabbing and double-dealing elves do to themselves.

Well, if they bring that Death Knight back with them, he can be the test subject. So Twilight could probably convince Sylvanas to let them go, in exchange for sharing her research and results with her.


Sylvanis is not to be trusted lightly under any circumstance

yeah, but this is an opportunity that even SHE knows will NEVER come again if she fucks up or betrays them. She's Evil, not Stupid.


She tried to commit suicide from atop Icecrown Citadel and failed

Pretty sure hat's irrelevant, due to when this story takes place. After all, didn't she do that In Wrath of the Lich King?


After when Bolvar took over the Frozen Throne

Just due to the coincidence of it, I half expect Vol'Shalai to end up coming upon them just as Twilight gets the portal open...just to get the chance to make Jonny boy sweat (and swear) over trying to explain trolls to the Equestrian princesses, and to force their hoof in eventually having to go back to Azeroth.
I wonder how Sylvanas will look at them returning, since it won't be in Forsaken territory....but she'll be warchief by then.

Maybe Darren will have a adventure of his own? And did his gryphon come with?

Good end for now, but now I want to know, hows it going elsewhere?

Nice story. Perfect for everyobe who does not know the wow lore. Happy to see them succeed

Lol, that mushroom vendor...

But there is magic grove in Plaguelands, Pines there too . And druids.

Darren snorted, a spark of amusement in his eye. "The Banshee Queen as Warchief of the Horde? A fool's dream if I ever heard of one", he muttered.

Lol... and she is now...

So many hanging threads is left, as if a sequel is to be expected. E.g. Lizzie story, or Darren and troll shaman perspectives leave effect of Chekhov's gun.

Comment posted by Leila Drake deleted Jan 3rd, 2019

This was a long time in my read later list, it was about time I came to it. And I don't regret bingeing ok it one bit :twilightsmile:

I do want to know what happened to Darren afterwards, though. And their next adventure. Sequel when? :pinkiehappy:

"We have been on this journey for three months and really need a break from all the adventuring", explained Twilight.

They were gone for four days therefore they were gone for at least four months not three

One can say three months and not mean three months exactly. That's how Twilight means it in that context. She rounded down.

Wow this still has more threads than a fine cotton sheet.

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