• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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Second Chances Are Miraculous Things, Indeed

“From what has been explained, I can only draw one conclusion,” Princess Celestia's voice carried along the early-morning wind over the K.M.C.A.'s rooftops. “In pursuing this 'Yaerfaerda' symbol, Rainbow, you have not only restored your health, but have restored the consciousness of Twilight Sparkle as well. It would stand to reason that pursuing the symbol further—by whatever powers have been imbued in it by the ancient properties of Austraeoh—must necessarily produce similar if not greater results.”

“Look, I always sorta figured that coming into contact with these torches of ruby flame have done a number on extending my lifespan,” Rainbow said, reclining on an angled piece of rooftop. “But what's it gotta do with bringing Twilight back? And why now?”

“That remains to be understood,” Luna interjected. “If I'm to understand your retelling just right, a spirit of some sort spoke to you, claiming that your current task was to 'foal yesterday?'”

“Well... y-yeah...”

“Maybe it means to literally bring back the past,” Twilight spoke up, floating alongside Rainbow. “As in bring back the Elements!

Rainbow spoke: “Twilight says she thinks the whole point here is to bring back the Elements!”

“In a manner of speaking, perhaps,” Luna said. “But, even if you accomplish this beyond Twilight, it would appear as though the ultimate result is bringing back your deceased companions in incorporeal form only.”

“But, how is that possible?!” Spike's voice deeply resonated. “Twilight and the rest of the girls died! I watched it happen!”

“Their bodies perished, Spike, that is correct,” Celestia said. “But it would seem as if we had made a premature conclusion about their spirits. They are—after all—the avatars of Harmony.”

“But how's that different from just being the Elements of Harmony?

Luna spoke: “We mustn't forget, they cleansed me of the taint of Nightmare Moon through simply being. The power of the Elements had transferred out of the stones and into their essences. It was something even my sister didn't predict.”

Rainbow muttered: “Celestia still knew we had to get involved, somehow.”

Twilight blinked curiously at the tone in her voice.

“Quite true, Rainbow,” Celestia said. “But my sister Luna is right. I never expected that Twilight and her friends would become one with the Elements in the way that they did. We have discussed this situation before... on more than one occasion.”

“You're right, Your Majesty,” Rainbow said. “Consider it over and done with.”

Spike spoke up: “So, if I'm hearing this correctly, if Rainbow brings back the Elements... she brings back all our friends!”

“Hypothetically, yes,” Luna said. “We still do not fully understand the nature of this 'Urohringr' which Rainbow has learned so much about. Even our immortal companions who first arrived on this plane alongside us were stumped.”

“It has taken us eons to simply map out the landscape,” Celestia said. “And with only two of us immortals remaining, we've spent most of that time struggling to maintain Harmony on the light side.”

“Yeah, with no help from me,” Rainbow muttered. She leaned her head back and sighed. “I've given you time and a half with that dang chaos rift...”

“Perish the thought, Rainbow Dash,” Celestia's voice carried. “You have done more good for the fate of this world than all mortals of the last several millennia combined. Ever since Axan spoke of the forthcoming death of this plane, I knew that—one way or another—you would be an integral device in counteracting that.”

“Yeah, well... heh... one awesome thing at a time.” Rainbow sat up straight. “It's nearly dawn. I'm guessing you can't hold off the rising sun for a little bit, eh, Luna?”

“Sadly, no, Rainbow. It is the cost of order, after all.”

“Right... so let's cover what we can.” She glanced at Twilight. “Assuming Yaerfaerda is leading me towards restoring the Elements. Should I go for it?”

Twilight exclaimed, “The six points across Rohbredden! There's gotta be a connection!”

“Twilight brings up a good point!” Rainbow spoke to the air. “She and I did some research at the library here in Kihutaja. Local geographical history speaks of six key points of interest spread across the archipelagos between here and the edge of the world. If they are—in fact—entrances to the Machine World, then that means I could come into contact with more ruby flame!”

“And you think this might be a way of bringing back the other four Elements?” Luna remarked.

“Then why's there an extra point?” Spike remarked. “I mean... Rainbow's one. Twilight's a second...”

“Look, that doesn't matter!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Let's pretend I can actually bring the girls back! Just like Twilight! I mean... what then?”

“There... might be a possibility...” Celestia thought aloud. “...on the Dark Side...”

“What? What possibility?!” Rainbow shot up, wings flapping. “You mean the Midnight Armory? Could the Harmonic Prism play a part?!”

“It is complete conjecture at this point, Rainbow. Rest assured, Luna will be doing a great deal of research in our most ancient archives over the next twenty-four hours.”

“And I'll help!” Spike chirped. “I am Ponyville's chief librarian, after all!”

“I could certainly use the assistance,” Luna said. “One way or another, Rainbow Dash, we will have acquired much information to discuss this over the next two evenings.”

“Sounds like a date!” Rainbow said. “In the meantime...” She smirked aside at Twilight. “...Twilight and I will look into finding these remaining five spots!”

“Can't this... Yiffyfart symbol thingy just lead you there?” Spike asked.

“It ain't that easy, dude,” Rainbow said. “This... is a totally different kind of culture than the places I've visited before. What's more... uhm...”

“Verlaxion,” Twilight murmured.

Rainbow gulped. “We have the Divine Verlax to deal with. From everything I've heard... she ain't good news.”

“And as memory serves us, you would be right to assume the worst,” Luna said. “Even Axan was easier to commune with than her.”

“Jee...” Rainbow droned. “...how nifty.”

The air crackled with dwindling energy. “Rainbow...” Luna's voice struggled to say. “The connection is about to be severed. I advise that you contact us as soon as the moon is within sight tomorrow evening.”

“You can bet on it!” Rainbow glanced aside. “Uhm... maybe some final words for Twilight would be snazzy.”

“H-huh?” Twilight blinked.

“Twilight, my good and faithful student,” Celestia spoke, her voice wavering slightly. “Your life has been the greatest joy I have had the pleasure of experiencing in eons. When I assumed you had perished, it filled me with great despair. Meditating on the chaos rift has been a harsh yet necessary distraction. But knowing that you are back and that your wisdom endures fills me with great strength once again. I am so proud of you, my little pony.”

“Mmmmmm...!” Twilight clamped her hooves over he mouth, instantly tearing. “I adore you, Princess Celestia!” She sniffled and stammered to speak. “You mean everything to me! You're like a s-second mother! I think of you always!”

“Uhhhh...” Rainbow smirked into the air. “Twilight says she loves you n'stuff!”

“Twilight... I-I never got a chance to tell you, but... uhm...” Spike's voice shuddered, turning breathy. “I never knew my mother, but that never bothered me. Because I always had you. You looked after me... and you made life worth living, even when I felt alone. So... thank you... and I love yo—” His voice cut off.

And just like that, Rainbow's pendant dimmed.

Twilight gasped, several tears rolling down her cheek. She clenched her eyes shut and hugged herself, drifting sideways.

“Hey...” Rainbow looked over. She hovered closer to the phantom, reaching through her with a strong hoof. “Hey, Twilight, c'mere. It's okay. Don't be sad...”

“Oh Rainbow...” Twilight sniffed, shaking her head. “Silly... silly Rainbow...” She reopened her moist eyes with a bittersweet smile. “I'm not sad.”

“Well... uh...” Rainbow cleared her throat. “Don't be soggy then.”

Twilight cleared her throat, wiping her muzzle dry. “You... you must be feeling sleepy.”

“Nope.” Rainbow shook her head. “Not in the least.”

“Good!” Twilight smiled jubilantly, ears and tail twitching. “Then there's much work to be done!”

“Right!” Rainbow bore a devilish smirk. Flapping her wings, she tore across the peeking dawnlight and made for the center of the college campus. “And I just know who to start with!”

“Uhm...” Twilight drifted after her, tumbling. “Don't you mean 'where?'”

“Heehee! Nope!

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