• Published 11th Apr 2018
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If Wishes were Ponies . . . . - tkepner

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends — with the help of a real gang member — wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The CMC find him. A year later, an owl brings his Hogwarts’ letter!

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101 — Endings and Beginnings

“A wonderfully chaotic thought!” Discord practically gloated, staring intently at four trapped ponies. “What would happen now? Two could easily escape, gliding to safety off the cliff. Or would they stay and fruitlessly fight the doom that faced their family.” The tiny Discord watched with evident delight and anticipation. “Such suspense!”

The wolves were taken aback at the unexpected change in two of their victims. But they quickly recovered and made their way closer. They wanted the four away from the edge, to run. That way none of the wolves, or their prey, would accidently fall off the cliff to their deaths. And it was doubtful the surviving wolves would be able to get to the dead prey before others had scavenged it. No, it would be better if they could get them to run.

The ponies were also stunned at the change. The stallion flapped his wings once and twice. His front legs came off the ground. That definitely alarmed the wolves.

He shouted something to the adolescent. The adolescent was staring at its wings in shock as they moved up and down. It started at the shout, stumbled, and grabbed for the foal with its front two legs.

The wolves started a charge from the side with the mare to drive them in a panic away from the cliff-edge and towards the partially hidden and more numerous part of the pack.

The stallion turned and grabbed the mare in his front legs, and pushed them all over the edge. It was a chaotic few seconds. It became clear that the stallion was gliding quickly a few yards from the face of the cliff. The mare clutched frantically at him, as he did her. The adolescent with the foal was more falling than gliding. The little ones were barely managing to hold each other. It appeared, more than once, that the foal was going to slip free and fall to its death. But both sets were falling far slower than the rocks cascading down from the cliff’s edge behind them.

Their landing, a reasonable distance from the base of the cliff and well past the scree, was rough. But they were alive.

The wolves looked over the cliff’s edge, perplexed.

The audience in the ballroom breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a moment’s silence, filled only with the orchestra’s music and the soft drone from the dance floor. The scene dissolved into air, revealing Discord once again seated in his pink smoking chair.

The ponies standing around them started whispering among themselves. Was Discord really responsible for pegasi? All four princesses had watched the scene intently.

Luna looked at the draconequus with narrowed eyes. “Did that really happen?” she asked suspiciously.

“You wound me!” Discord exclaimed, slapping a paw over his chest where an arrow appeared, blood dripping. “It’s the absolute truth!”

He slyly looked away as the arrow dissipated. “Or are you suggesting that the stallion’s desperate desire to save his family triggered his innate magic to find a solution.” He cleared his throat, “And that I didn’t . . . direct . . . the magic . . . gave it a viable outlet . . . perhaps gave them a bird’s instinct on flying?” He gave her an offended look. “Well, I never!”

He looked at Celestia. “It was all my work.” He shrugged. “But I swear that’s what happened.” He smirked. “And the chaos that a flying pony caused on the plains was delicious. . . .” He sighed happily. “A single, little moment of inspiration, and the chaos continues to today.”

The chair and draconequus disappeared.

Fluttershy and Discord were now dancing a slow dance on the ceiling. They were accompanied by a small band of five Discords playing a music no one else could hear.

The four princesses exchanged looks. The crowd of nobles and court hangers-on around them slowly dispersed to spread the story of what they had seen and heard. And debates on the scene’s accuracy likely would rage for centuries, Albus knew. Especially given Discord’s history of pranking ponies.

Because, how trustworthy was Discord’s word?

A tiny Discord appeared on Shining Armor’s head, and blew a raspberry at Princess Cadance. Princess Cadance narrowed her eyes and glared at Shining Armor. He began to look alarmed and took a quick look around. He looked back at her and raised his eyebrows in hopeful query. He was clearly afraid he had done something wrong to make her angry at him.

It was clear who wore the pants in that marriage.

Albus saw Castor with his wife and daughter not too far away. He wondered what the squib thought of Discord. Did he realize just how powerful the creature really was? Or did he think it all hyperbole, exaggeration, and tricks?

He watched the man’s contemplative expression for several moments until the man looked over at him. The Headmaster smiled and raised an eyebrow. He inclined his head to one side.

Castor narrowed his eye, slowly nodded, said something to his wife. The two stallions slipped away from the whispering royals and the entourage around them. Castor’s wife led their daughter to the refreshments table.

Once the two former men had reached a secluded alcove, they stopped. There was a moment’s silence as they studied each other. Of course, being ponies made it very difficult to really make any judgements based on stance and expression. Albus noted that the man-turned-pegasus avoided looking him in the eyes.

“How did you get involved with the Equestrians?” Albus finally asked.

“Are you going to rape my mind if I say the wrong thing?”


Harry saw Thalia returning from the dance floor when she suddenly changed direction from the refreshment table and towards the Hogwarts contingent. Had the Princesses told the Searles that the latecomers her age and younger were actually students from Earth, just as she was?

“Are you really from Earth?” she asked when she reached them.

Apparently they had.

The twins grinned at her and said, “That we are, dear,” and threw their hooves across whichever of the others they could reach. And each other.

Percy frowned at them. “Mostly,” he said officiously. If he’d been wearing robes, Harry was sure he would have been smoothing the fronts down. He pointed at the three Cutie Mark Crusaders, “These three fillies are actually Equestrians. Their sisters are Element Bearers. But we all go to Hogwarts School of . . . Exceptional Students, in Scotland. It’s very exclusive, invitation only, you know.” He didn’t quite preen, but he looked smug.

She stared at them for a moment, then frowned. “So, if you’re ponies, here, then you have magic. Just like me. Except I don’t have enough magic to do anything on Earth. My father told me when we went through the portal that people without magic went through as people.” Percy and the twins exchanged surprised looks. Ron, Ginny, and Myrtle just frowned.

“And that those with enough magic become unicorns.” She stared a moment longer at the twins. “So, can you do magic on Earth? My father said only about one in a thousand people have magic.” She studied them a bit longer. “But you all have magic, because you’re ponies like me, and go to the same school.” She looked down at the floor, then back up. “I’ve never heard of Hogwarts as an English school, so, is it a magic school?”

Harry was impressed that she so quickly guessed they were wizards and witches.

The Weasleys were caught off balance.

Harry stepped forward, “Naw, it’s just a private school. They only invite students who had a parent go there. Both my parents went there. It’s why I got an invite even though I was in Equestria at the time.” He frowned. “I do wonder how the owl found me, though. It really shouldn’t have been able to.” His frown deepened and he looked up at the dancing couple on the ceiling. His gaze sought out Discord in particular.


“Yeah.” He shook his head. “For some weird reason an owl brought my invitation instead of regular post.” He made an expression of disgust and shook his head. “My relatives really wouldn’t have liked that.”

She sighed and looked disappointed. She shook her head. “Princess Celestia told me that you were all wizards and witches, and that you went to a school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

They all stood silent for a moment.

Several other young ponies had gathered to listen.

Myrtle sighed and looked apologetic. “It’s against the wizarding laws to talk about magic to anyone not magical.”

Thalia glared at the unicorn witch. “But I’m magical, or I wouldn’t be a pony, would I?”

“But not all squibs — wizards and witches who can’t do magic — know about wizardkind,” put in Percy. “So we have to act as if we don’t know what you’re talking about or we’ll be arrested for breaking the law. Unless we meet you in a wizarding place, we have to assume you don’t know about magic.”

Thalia looked around the room. “This place not magical enough for you?” She asked sarcastically.

“Being here doesn’t mean you knew about the wizards and witches on the other side, does it now?” Percy said.

They stared at each other a moment before she reluctantly nodded. She hadn’t known about them until the Princess had told her.

“It’s because we’re afraid that if the muggles find out about us, they’ll restart the witch hunts of old,” explained Ginny. She shivered.

It was Harry’s turn to sigh. “Even though most of the people hurt or killed in those hunts weren’t actually wizards or witches.”

“So, if you talk about this to anyone who isn’t a witch or wizard,” said Myrtle, “the aurors will come and arrest you. You even have to be careful who you tell in your own family!”


“Magical police,” explained Harry.

Thalia stared at them, as did several of their audience.

“Do you really use wands?” she asked, changing the conversation.

Ginny popped the wand out of her holster. She had it shoot some sparks, and levitated a piece of cake from the nearby refreshment table. Then cast lumos.

That she was a pegasus and doing magic awed the surrounding ponies and whispering quickly spread the word to those who didn’t see it themselves.

Harry noticed a Guard pony headed their way. He also saw a couple of Guard pegasi watching from overhead, as well. In a matter of moments there were four guards on the floor around them, watching from far enough away not to be a distraction to the conversation. The obvious unconventional magic had drawn their wary attention.

“Here,” said George, and hoofed her his wand. “Say lumos and think that the end of the wand lights up.”

Thalia tried it, but nothing happened. “It just feels like a warm stick to me,” she said, and looked at it in disappointment. She gave it back.

“And that’s why you never received an invite to Hogwarts,” explained Fred. “You haven’t enough magic to work a wand, so . . . .” He shrugged.

Somewhat disgruntled at the way they had lied to her, at first, the conversation didn’t last too much longer. She was also disappointed to confirm she didn’t have enough magic to be a witch. She did, however, get them to let her take a picture of them. And promised to mail them copies when she got home.

Harry told her to just send it to the Equestrian Embassy, addressed to The Weasleys, care of Princess Twilight.

She had barely turned away before there was a crowd of ponies around Ginny, of all three races, demanding she show them more magic. They were all astounded at seeing a non-unicorn so effortlessly manipulate magic. Soon Ron, Ginny, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Percy were showing off some of the things they could do with wands. Percy, the most advanced of them, was soon the centre of attention.

Harry saw the twins sneak away while the others were occupied. He hoped they hadn’t discovered that salt was the pony equivalent of alcohol to their magic. Combine the two, and, well, it could be as bad as any alcohol-driven party on the other side. Only magical.


Albus took a step back at the naked antagonism from the pony . . . muggle . . . squib? After another moment of silence, he said, “I’m sure nothing of the sort will be necessary, unless you plan to reveal the wizarding world to the muggles.” He smiled gently. “And I’m sure you want that holocaust as little as I do.”

The pegasus stared at him with narrowed eyes before he slowly nodded. “I was a sergeant in the Surrey Police when I noticed that there seemed to be a lot of activity in the Green Zone beside Little Whinging.” He continued on to give a brief summary of how the situation with the Equestrians had been kicked up to the Prime Minister. And their efforts to keep the word “magic” out of the public’s notice in order to prevent an antagonistic response by the conservatives in the Church. That they hadn’t suspected there were wizards and witches until they met Princess Celestia and the Prime Minister had mentioned there might be people who could do magic.

That had been a very rude awakening, he explained frostily. As had the revelations of just how wizards and witches tended to regard the “muggles” and squibs.

And that he knew all about Harry Potter, Voldemort, and Hogwarts.

And why the wizards and witches wanted to stay hidden and secret from their non-magical brethren.

Castor stressed that if the wizards could keep their pointy little hats and heads out of the muggle arrangements with the Equestrians, there wouldn’t be any problems with anyone breaking the wizards’ precious Statute of Secrecy. The only people who knew the truth were those that had to know the truth. That, in fact, having the Equestrians at the forefront provided cover for the wizards, until the wizards felt safe enough to come out of hiding. If they ever did.

And that squibs, if they wanted to be pegasi, could come to Equestria and work for the British government. As could disaffected half-bloods, except they would be unicorns. All would be welcome in Equestria, from what the Royal sisters had told him. And an English Embassy on this side of the portal would probably employ hundreds — and service both their needs easily.

“Why hasn’t the Prime Minister said anything to Minister for Magic?”

“How?” came the simple answer. “There is no mechanism for him to initiate contact. Telling the wizarding portrait in the Prime Minister’s office that he wants to talk to the Minister for Magic has been useless.”

Albus sighed. Of course it would be. The muggles had no magic to trigger the magic in the portrait into action. And, unlike most portraits, it wasn’t supposed to be constantly moving — hence it could only be activated from the wizards’ side of the connection.

Plus, Cornelius, a pure-blood, would dismiss any request from the muggle Prime Minister as nothing important. Muggles were, as far as he was concerned, barely more than subsistence-farmers. Totally inconsequential beings unworthy of his attention except in an emergency — a wizarding emergency, that is.

“Well,” Albus said, “We know about the Equestrians, and that they are involved with the muggles, too, now.”

“What are you going to do?” Castor’s eyes narrowed and his stance became a bit more hostile. “If it’s anything that we consider hostile, we are more than ready to take that step. We know where most wizards are, now, and have already trained up hundreds of squibs in our military.”

“Nothing,” Albus said, shrugging, not letting on his alarm that the muggles knew what squibs were. And were actively working with them.

And squibs, by wizarding law, were allowed to work with muggles.

The only restriction under Ministry law was that the squibs could not talk about magic to uninformed muggles. But if the muggles already knew? The laws were rather vague in that respect.

“As long as you don’t threaten the Statute of Secrecy,” the old wizard said.

He sighed. “The Department of Magical Accidents is going to start investigating all instances of accidental magic. The goal will be to catch muggle-born children, and their parents, before their friends notice. The sooner we can get them prepared and informed, the safer we will be.” He paused. “Some will suggest we should foster the magical children with wizarding families.”

“Kidnapping children or coercing their parents is against the Queen’s law.”

They stared at each other.

Albus remembered what Discord had said about the world going up in smoke in retaliation for attacks on muggles. And he had no doubt the muggles would regard the taking of children from the rightful parents as an attack. Especially as it would necessitate obliviating the parents.

It might have worked a generation ago. Or at least before the Equestrians arrived. Now, too many would notice the magic and begin to question.

“I intend to point out that that would be counter-productive in the long term.”

“You need to bring your laws more into line with the Queen’s Law. Many of them are outright contrary to laws we’ve had for decades.”

“It will be very difficult.”

“But if you use the excuse that you are securing the Statute of Secrecy in view of the appearance of the Equestrians on the scene?”

“Perhaps. But still difficult.”

“But better than annihilation. We know where the important wizarding enclaves are all over the world, now. Especially in England. Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, the Ministry itself. Many of the minor ones, too, such as Godric’s Hollow. Moreover, with Squibs, like myself, who aren’t a part of the wizarding world, Her Majesty has our full support. So simply hiding with muggle-specific charms won’t work.”

Albus gave him a long look. If they already knew how to find the Ministry, Hogsmeade, and Diagon Alley, the muggles could do the wizarding world a lot of damage. And the Equestrians were the wild-card. How would they react if the wizards started obliviating their friends, right and left?

“What if we both set up a new department,” Castor suggested, “to allow wizards and witches to work in Her Majesty’s government and with the Equestrians? From your side, to preserve the Secrecy Statute; from our side, to keep the public thinking any magic they see is from Equestrian ‘technologies’ and not wizards or witches. Working together would be better than working at cross-purposes.” Castor paused, then added, “The Queen’s government takes a very dim view of mind rape. That will have to be the first thing to go.”

Albus stared at him levelly.

“And the Equestrians? What would they do?”

Castor shrugged. “They want trade. And they’ve shown they are very nimble at juggling their neighbours.”

He looked over at the two sisters and lifted his chin in their direction. “Princess Celestia has enough magic to move the sun, here. Bloody hell! The Sun!” He shook his head. “Princess Luna has enough to move the moon. I saw them do that yesterday and today. Imagine what they could do if wizards. Piss. Them. Off.” He looked down for a moment. “Or we do.”

He looked back up at Albus. “Working together may be the only way we have to level the playing field with the Equestrians. And we have far more to gain with them as friends than enemies.”

Albus remembered how powerful Luna had appeared when hunting the basilisk. She hadn’t even been winded. And she had shrunk the basilisk almost to the size of a small, harmless garden snake — something no one in the wizarding world could possibly have accomplished. But moving the Moon? He turned and looked at the two sisters. The Sun? The sisters had to have used magic to fool the poor muggle. Castor had to have been tricked by the sisters. There was simply no way anyone, or anypony, could move either the sun or the moon. If they had, astrologers would have noticed that long ago. And he knew neither the sun nor the moon had risen or set at an unusual time in the last few days. Or centuries.

He took a slow breath and carefully studied the four princesses. He slowly stopped looking at them with his eyes and shifted to using his magic. Two brightly glowing images came into view, completely obscuring the other two. He couldn’t see them as individuals, they were too bright for that. He couldn’t even make out their shapes. As before, one was half again as bright as the other. Just how powerful were they?

Something was watching him.

He blinked his eyes, several times. The room swam back into view. Princess Celestia was looking at him, and smirking. Had she actually felt him looking at her? He shook his head. It had to be a coincidence that she was looking at him. No one could pick up on such a small thing when in such a magic-rich location. Especially with so many ponies around looking at their rulers.

Castor looked around the room, as did Albus. Discord was nowhere in sight.

“And, based on what we’ve seen, the Royal sisters might ask the God of Chaos to step in. And I rather doubt he would listen to either of us. So, do you really want the God of Chaos throwing a wobbly at you?” He took a deep breath. “If even half the things they’ve told us about that creature are true, he could wipe out both magical and non-magicals — and not break a sweat. After all, he fought the two sisters to a standstill. They required the help of the . . . Elements of Harmony . . . a magical artefact, to beat him.”

Albus shuddered.

They continued discussing things for the next hour.

Naturally, no decisions could be made, but Princess Twilight would be their contact point for the moment, they decided, before separating. Castor left to find his wife and daughter. And Albus needed some time to mull things over.

Getting the Wizengamot to agree to some of the muggles’ requirements was going to be very, very difficult. Fortunately, the muggles were willing to give him time, if he could get the more egregious wizarding laws revised quickly enough.

During one trip to the refreshments table, he noticed the twins were no longer scouring the ballroom’s walls anymore. They seemed disappointed for some reason. However, later in the evening, he saw the twins dancing, or trying to dance, with other ponies. Mares, he assumed, from their dresses.


The ball lasted for several hours before it began to break up.

The children were all dead on their feet by that time, and their sisters had to carry them. And Percy carried Ginny while the twins switched off carrying Ron. The younger ones protested, of course, but not much. Which amused the adults.

Although it could have been just one twin who carried Ron and they merely pretended to switch.

Princess Twilight, of course, refused to let anyone else carry Harry to her castle.

And then she kindly escorted Albus back through the portal.

The reverse trip through the portal security was much more stringent than his arrival. They really did not want someone sneaking into his world.

When he was back in his office, he brought out his pensieve. Then he requested that Severus join him in a nightcap. He poured them both a large fire-whiskey, and settled back into his chair. There was much to discuss. And little sleep to be had before morning.

What he had seen and heard had major implications for the wizarding world. It would take intricate manoeuvring to keep the peace in the new triangle of power between the wizards, the Equestrians, and the muggles. But the benefits far outweighed the difficulties. The most difficult part would be getting the old wizarding families to take muggles seriously.

If he could get the Princesses to assist him, Voldemort would not be a problem. As powerful and cunning as the wizard might become, he still would not be able to stand up to the sisters. And while he might be still on this plane instead of the next, it might not be that enjoyable an existence if someone, or rather some creature, threw him to the moon or sun.

However, clearly the most obvious thing to do would be a new rule waiting for the Gryffindors when the winter hols were over and they returned.

11. Students are strictly FORBIDDEN to call upon a certain Equestrian-Atlantean during Professor Snape’s lessons. Or any other lesson. Or within Hogwarts in general. Or anywhere near it. Or quote this rule out loud more than once in twenty-four hours. Per whole group and not per person. Just . . .DON’T! Penalties include dismissal from Hogwarts and/or time in Azkaban.

And the other three houses would discover the same rule posted beside their House entrances, inside the common rooms, that would probably leave them all puzzled. Who was this mysterious Equestrian?


The day after the Ball started with laughter, then a mournful, duet wail from the twins’ room. The Weasleys quickly gathered, followed by the other Castle inhabitants. They burst into the room to see two very plain looking, dull-coated mares. One was much shorter than the other, with a bushy, stringy mane and tail, and an expression that made her look like an oaf. Her coat was grey, the mane was just a darker grey, and it completely hid her ears.

The other was tall and thin with buck teeth, a crooked muzzle, and brown coat. Her mane, the same colour as her coat, was short, almost unnoticeable, with ears that stuck up twice as high as they should.

No one would ever confuse the two. Making that even more unlikely was the white-furred “F” on the face of the brown mare.

They were still unicorns, fortunately, but the horns were twisted instead of a spiral.

Harry didn’t know whether to laugh or not. Ginny saved him from his dilemma by bursting into laughter and sitting down. A moment later, Ron followed. Percy tried to hide a smile, but it didn’t work.

If his mum hadn’t assured the twins that the poison joke could easily be cured, the Weasleys would have been horrified. But in the meantime, Myrtle grabbed her camera and took pictures.

So it was, after breakfast, that they all adjourned to the Ponyville Day Spa where Aloe prepared a special bath for the twins. Lotus Blossom made sure the rest were properly attended to in the other pool. Harry might have objected if it wasn’t so obvious the mares in the group really liked it. That and it gave him an excuse to cuddle with his mum and no one could tease him about it.

And gave the others plenty of time to tell the Blossom sisters all about the Ball the night before, including Discord’s revelations about pegasi.


Author's Note:

Rule 11 suggested by Firestorm.

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