• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
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Graphic Designer that is a writer and streamer for fun. Check me out on Twitter/Twitch @Cornutt101 and twitch.tv/overlordcornutt respectively!


The Pyramids assault has left the whole of Humanity in a state of panic and dread. There are not enough NLS Drives that can get all the Guardians everywhere fast enough to stem their unrelenting assault. That's where the Drifter came in, with his newest cobbled together death trap: the Paracausal Engine. It's a simple idea, utilize the paracausal energies of Light and Dark to make ships go faster, what could possibly go wrong? And best of all he knows just who to test it.

This is my first attempt at writing a proper story in years, and the first that uses either of these franchise. I hope I do them both justice, and I hope you enjoy reading this silly idea of mine.

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 251 )

Ohhhhhhhh i really like this!
It was a long time since i saw a really good Destiny crossover. So pls continue it!

This peace however would soon be broken, as a low roar began to echo across the sky. Ponies all around began to search all around for the source, afraid an irate dragon might be throwing a fit like the incident in Ponyville some time ago. But no such sight appeared, at least as far as they could tell. THe sound persisted, gaining in pitches it seemed to get closer to the main thoroughfare of the city. A squad of Royal Guard suddenly looked up as screeching overhead was a large oddly shaped…. Thing. Fire bellowed from what looked like large tubes, jetting overhead at insane speeds. They quickly took flight, intent on tracking it wherever it may be going. Suddenly the strange shape did an about face and began racing back towards the city allowing the guards to observe a little more clearly. The object had a long blunt tube connected to a much wider body, strange lights just barely visible in the mid afternoon light. Connected on either side were large cylindrical tubes roaring with bright orange flames, with a third circular tube jutting from the back of the larger portion producing a similar flame. The most baffling aspect of this strange machine however, to the guards at least, was that it was made entirely of painted metal. Most of the machine was a dark grey with small accents across its various sections being painted a dull green.

Is that the Arcadia class ship?

Correct! I wanted to try and approach this scene from the crowds perspective, which is why the Arcadia Class ship is described so oddly. They have no concept of thrusters or self propelled aircraft (planes and jets), so the jumpship is to them what the stereotypical flying saucer is to us.

Oh, ok then, i was confused at first when i readed that part, but when i saw the "three tube" description the Arcadia was the only thing that came into my mind haha.

good story btw.

It is a bit confusing going from one perspective to another, and I’m still trying to figure out a way to do that without relying on just stating it outright prior to the next story beat. I get that it’s a common thing, but I feel like it takes away from the natural flow of the story and can be more compelling if presented naturally through dialogue or the vague as of descriptions. Regardless, I’m glad your enjoying it thus far! Chapter 2 should hopefully be out soonish.

I hope so haha.

Ok, one last thing i promise.

I was wondering when the story is happening, is during Forsaken, Season of the Drifter or Arrivals(?

a few incorrect words and places that don’t make sense but overall a great chapter.

Would you mind pointing out a few? I generally use a spell check but it doesn’t get everything, and I’d like to fix any confusing sequences.

the big one is when drifter is going to the hangar. there is a collection of misplaced or erroneous letters there.

Thanks! I’ll go back over that part

The crowd slowly dispersed, each complying to their princesses request. While they were still afraid of this unknown terror, they knew Twilight would figure it out, after all she and the other elements were heros!

After seeing what our Guardian did through D1 and D2, everything the Mane 6 do just seems like nothing compared to what we did...

I suppose that’s true, though I can’t help but feel like Discord would be a Guardian worthy threat... if he was more of a cruel tyrant rather than a mean-spirited prankster.

I feel he would be more of a Strike-level danger, i mean, i think that his magic would't have effect on us, because we are paracausal beings. Or other case is that everything I say is just nonesence and Discord could just erase all our powers or just destroy our Ghost's.

In every case, if every thing we do to stop Discord fails, the Traveler would only do the ultra yeet he did with Ghaul.

(Sorry if the're any errors in my grammar. Im not English :-:)

Fair enough, it would depend on what he decides to do and how much he could (or perhaps couldn’t) affect a guardian. It’s up to the individual basically.

(I get what your saying though, And I myself often times struggle with my native language, it’s a complex mess honestly.)

Meanwhile, i just want to see a Titan punch a timberwolf.
Though if i'm honest, i also kind of hoped for your Guardian character to be a Hunter.
Eh. I'll be happy with the Sentient Wall of "I Will Kill You" shoving his fist into Equestria's.... Unique fauna.

At one time I thought about leaving the class a mystery, but the action scenes that were being planned out just wouldn’t work with that kind of limitation. Besides, I’m a Titan main at heart, those crayons are too good to pass up! And don’t worry, he’ll be punching plenty of critters.

Everywhere you have "I'm" is supposed to have an "um" there, isn't it?

Uhhh maybe? I kinda pushed this out since I had been holding off for so long, I’ll be going in and fixing any mistakes once I’m not stuffed in a car 😅

I'm asking for the spots where they seem to be considering their words mid sentence.
They sometimes have "I'm" where it makes no sense.

If you wouldn’t mind, where does that start being the most noticeable? I’ve done a bit of editing and hadn’t seen that section just yet.

But I’m the other hoof, it had to be the one who made that strange flying machine! Without it they wouldn’t get any answers, and besides that they had no reason to let any creature die at the hands of an Everfree monster!

This where i first noticed it.
Different word should be there.
On as opposed to I'm.

Thanks, I’ll take care of that ASAP!

Oh shit i didn't notice you updated this, oh god. Well, time to read.

“This thing is pretty fast for a hunk of metal! But not faster than me!” Rainbow thought to herself, as she slowly began to overtake the speeding behemoth of metal and fire. She took a second to ready her left hoof, Twilight's special tracker held firmly by the frog.

Uh.... yeah... sure, whatever you say....

“Like there was any doubt Rarity! Rainbows waaaaaay too fast for something that big and heavy to out race her!” Pinkie replied, her ever present smile as wide as it could be.

Should we tell her that that bigand heavy thing can go from planet to planet in matter of minutes? ._.

With a groan it lifted itself onto its feet and in a flash of light was wielding a new weapon, a large sword glowing with purple light, the blade almost as long as the creature itself and as thick as a tree trunk! It growled in rage and pain before righting itself and taking up a defensive stance, waiting for its foe to attack again.

My boi Dark Drinker is back.

Or is Falling Guillotine(?

In this instance I’m still trying to decide if I want it to be Falling Guillotine or Lament. Probably the former since I don’t think Cyrell would have had time to get Lament prior to the incident with Drifter’s NLS drive.

Shhhh, let her have this for a little longer. 😂

My reasoning is that Cyrell wouldn’t have the autopilot flooring it at any given time, just going fast enough to avoid being hit by anything. And RD is capable of going pat the sound barrier, so that’s more than enough to keep up.

Well, it would make more sense if it was Falling Guillotine, first of all because it said that it emaned purple energy, while Lament is a Solar damage sword.

And second, if this story takes place before Beyond Light, like you said, i dont think he would have time to go to Europa to get the sword from the Clovis Bray AI, and because the Deep Stone Crypt raid would still not happen, wich is essencialy what triggered the dreams from Banshee in first place.

(Im very srry if my english is shit on this.)

And btw great chapter c:

Oh this story takes place during Beyond Light. It’s part of the reason why I was vague about what the “gift” he plans on using from the darkness was. I wanted to wait for the expansion to release before expanding in some of those details. Likewise, he will have a chance to explain what exactly happened prior to the botched test as well.

As for the sword... yeah it’s best to leave it as FG. Makes more sense in context.

And thank you! I’m glad your enjoying the story so far!

Story line is good, maybe you should see if you can find someone to proofread for you though

That’d probably be for the best, yeah. I’m just not sure where I’d go to find someone who’s want to proofread this kind of story. But I’m glad your enjoying it so far despite the errors!

Drifter wished he could have seen the Vanguards faces when little Ikora’s Hidden agents reported not only that the Fallen were wielding Darkness, but so too were their own Guardians! And to make it even sweeter? He had been right the whole time! Darkness was now wielded by numerous lightborn, even the Hero of The Red War, Slayer of Oryx and all those other fancy titles had taken to Stasis.

Wait, so Cyrell and Young Wolf are different characters(?

No? I used a few general titles available to players but didn’t want to make the though for on for longer than it needed. Plus Drifter usually only mentions the above anyhow, or atleast I don’t recall him ever using that title. Suffice it to say that it can be assumed that any title that you can earn as a veteran of D1 or D2 can or will be used to define Cyrell by certain characters.

Perhaps I worded it odd, and it gave the impression that he was talking about someone else towards the end of the paragraph? Might need to rework that one if that’s the case.

Maybe you need to rework it, maybe not, but I think it was just a problem of mine, cause I tend to mix up some sentences or simply dont undertanding them because of my 50/50 knowledge of english.

Anyway, nice chapter and I hope we can se the next soon.

Happy Dawning btw.

Reading it again I can see how it comes off as confusing. Without the direct context of Cyrell being the one Drifter’s referencing, it seems as if he is talking about multiple different people. I’ll have to revamp that part! Thanks for pointing it out!

And a Happy Dawning to you as well!

Me: Looks at the newest chapter

Chapter: Released 22nd Jan 2021

Me: Looks at the calendar on my computer

Calendar: 21st Jan 2021

Me: "What?"

What's this a crossover with? I literally just came across it.

The game Destiny. It's by Bungie, the guys who were behind Halo CE, 2, 3, and Halo: Reach.


It's a crossover with Destiny 2

Specifically it’s a crossover of Destiny 2, taking place during its latest expansion Beyond Light. Equestria meanwhile is somewhere between Season 8 and 9 time wise.

Thanks for the info. I've never even heard of Destiny......or Destiny 2. I'll check it out and if I like it I'll check out the story.

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