• Published 8th Jan 2023
  • 3,781 Views, 498 Comments

Regeneration - Rated Ponystar

The Doctor has to stop the Conversion War and save humanity from Celestia's madness, but a worse evil is playing everyone as pawns for a greater plot

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Regeneration Part 10

“I’ve seen worlds destroyed, civilizations choked in their cradles, whole races fleeing in terror. I’ve seen centuries of art, of science, wiped out in an instant. I just saw a beautiful rainforest burn along with every creature in it. I didn’t even know the planet’s name! If you’re prepared to accept that much collateral damage to the rest of the universe, then what exactly are you fighting for? I’ll protect those with no choice in the matter, no voice.”

-The Eighth Doctor

"I don’t make threats. But I do keep promises."

- The First Doctor


When Lyra heard that several nations had fired nuclear weapons at Equestria, a small part of her cheered for it. It was only after the reports of it failing that she felt sick of what she felt and nearly threw up. It was something she never wanted to feel again when it passed, but the unicorn understood why she felt that way. Why, for one moment, she wanted to see her home destroyed in a nuclear fire for the crimes it had committed. Lyra knew there was a massive loss of life with the war and how it went on, but seeing so many lives die in one blow was beyond explanation.

There would be no forgiveness for this, not for any of them. Even Lyra couldn't help but be disgusted for being a pony because of what the so-called "Harmony Canon" had done. She wasn't the only one either, as the massive reports of violent insurgency in Equestria made it clear that at least half the nation had finally woken up to the fact that they were the villains. It was far later than Lyra had hoped, but she supposed it was better than nothing. Diplomats from all over the rebel areas of Equestria were asking to join in revolting against the Alicorns and their loyalists. They didn't care if humanity occupied them or if Equestria became a militarized zone. They just wanted to stop this madness and were willing to repent in any fashion.

Most of the human race and its leaders were close to telling them to go to Hell until The Doctor contacted all the prominent leaders of the U.N. and offered a promise. He would end the war in less than three months, and if he did so, they wouldn't commit a massacre that they would regret years, if not generations, down the line. Considering all he had done for them, they gave him a chance. So far, the Doctor merely asked for time alone in his TARDIS. Everypony else was just waiting for him, but Lyra had enough of that. She needed to do something—anything—instead of waiting around.

Walking down the hall in the hotel room they were being given in Geneva, she paused until she knocked on the door that was supposed to be The Doctor's room. Even after hearing no answer, she pushed the door open with her magic to find the TARDIS open and waiting. Walking inside, she didn't see the Doctor until she noticed him by the tea set table, a cup in hoof while focusing on the TARDIS control panel.

Slowly walking over, Lyra cleared her throat. "Hey."

"Hey," The Doctor muttered, not looking in her direction. "Need something?"

"I was just...wanting to know what you were planning?" Lyra whispered as she bit her lip. "And see how you were doing."

"I should be saying that to you," The Doctor whispered as he sipped his tea and got up. Dusting himself off, he looked at Lyra with sympathetic eyes. "I should have been there to help you and the others deal with this. I know this isn't easy-"

"Easy? It's bucking horrible," Lyra grumbled as she did her best to focus on not crying. "My homeland just ended the lives of eighty-five million humans, and some of them were even ponies. They just committed an act of genocide. I knew some of those ponies who gave the order. One was my fillyhood friend from Canterlot, whom I used to joke around with when we were fillies. The other babysat my friends and me when we were younger. I used to admire Princess Celestia and Luna as if they were idols to be worshiped or loved. I saw the Elements of Harmony as heroes. I loved my homeland even if it was faulty at times."

It took a moment for Lyra to realize that she had failed to hold it in and was crying. "And I just saw that place I was born in perform an atrocity that will never fade away from my memory."

The Doctor slowly wrapped his hooves around her and let her cry. She sobbed and felt the last of her innocence fall apart in his hooves, and she knew the others weren't any better. They all were like this to some degree, and it hurt knowing that things had come to this. To go so far beyond the point of no return that if humanity was to wipe out all of the remaining life in Equestria, she wouldn't blame them for it.

"I know what you are feeling," The Doctor whispered.

"How?" Lyra asked, almost bitterly.

"...Because my species has done worse."

Lyra's eyes widened as she slowly looked up at him and simultaneously saw eyes of pure sorrow and hatred. "The sad truth about the Time Lords is that, despite all the good we have done and the greatness we have achieved, we are not so above all the so-called "savage" civilizations that some higher-ups look down upon. We've committed acts of such cruelties that I won't begin to describe them. Much as Time Lords are respected, they are also feared and hated by the other races in our dimension. I am not above this even."

"But... you've done so much good," Lyra whispered in awe.

"And yet so much death happens because of me or around me," The Doctor sighed as he walked towards the TARDIS controls, with every step heavier than the next. "I've seen so many losses of life, numerous planets become lifeless husks, civilizations wiped out, galaxies burn, empires fall, and even universes crumble, and yet it never gets easier. I personally have wiped out species and destroyed planets. Even got the title Destroyer of Worlds by some, and yet it's fitting. For all I do to save and heal, I am equally responsible for so much destruction and death. Sometimes I want to just run away from it all. Sometimes I just want to stop and never look back."

"So why do you do it?" Lyra asked curiously. She couldn't even begin to fathom living such a life, even if it was as exciting as The Doctor's.

The Doctor turned to her and walked over before using his hoof to wipe away her tears. He gave her a small smile and replied, "Because I don't like seeing tears on faces like yours. Someone has to stop the crying. Someone has to be the monster of monsters that protects the children in the dark. Because every time I think of quitting, I realize I can't because it would all be meaningless in the end. All the things I've done and the sacrifices that were made. I can't let them be in vain. I must keep fighting to believe in something I've come to hold dear in my heart."

Putting his hooves on her shoulders, he whispered, "There is good in this universe, and it will win in the end. Even if someone has to come around in a box and give it a good kick in the right direction here and there."

Lyra was quiet for a bit as The Doctor's words came to her and washed over her worries. They were like medicine after a cold, and she couldn't help but smile. "I guess we'll have to be the kickers, then?"

"Yup," The Doctor said with a cheerful grin before clapping his hooves. "Now then! I've got to take down Equestria as part of my deal in a proper time limit with the U.N. to prevent a total massacre. I need one more thing to achieve that plan, but first things first! Taking down the Harmony Canon! We must do that, and first of that first that was talking about which was first, we need to find out where it is!"

"How are we going to do that?" Lyra asked.

"Oh, I'm sure something will show up to push us in the right direction," The Doctor said as he began to push a few buttons on the console.

"How long will that take?"

Before The Doctor could answer, they heard the door to his hotel room being slammed over, and Derpy flew in with her eyes all dazed and breathing heavily. "Doctor! You have to come quick!"

"What's wrong?" The Doctor asked.

"Spike and Princess Flurry Heart are here! They know where the Harmony Canon is!"

Laura's jaw dropped, and she stared at the grinning stallion.

"Well, that didn't take long now, did it?"


Flurry Heart had expected to be distrusted for her status not only as a Princess of Equestria but also because of the dragon beside her. Flurry Heart gazed over at Spike while sitting on her seat in the interrogation room that was provided for her. He glared at two human soldiers across from them, who looked nervous upon seeing a real-life dragon before them. During their travels, Spike ensured she was safe and threatened anyone who thought of doing anything harmful, but she assured her honorary uncle could keep his anger in check.

With aid from the Underground Railroad, Discord had helped transport her and Spike to Geneva, where Fluttershy was waiting for them along with another armed escort. She had sent a letter to them saying she wished to defect and aid them in their war against Equestria and proved her sincerity to the effort by giving all the information about the Harmony Canon save for its actual location. She had to have some means to get them to take her in without playing her whole deck.

It had been risky enough to do all this without her mother, fellow alicorns, or the ESS finding out about it. But once she gave this information to their enemies, she knew there would be no going back, and it would be a matter of time before she was discovered. Even if she was Cadence's daughter, she didn't trust Celesia or her Aunt Twilight in their current state of mind to not hurt her. Besides, this was the best way she could think about saving Equestria.

Spike went with her because he felt the same thing, but he was much more vocal about it. Nopony knew what happened in the argument between Twilight and Spike, but it was clear their friendship had all but ended as Spike outright disowned her. She only asked once, and Spike told her: "The Twilight I know and love is dead."

That was all she needed to hear. If Spike, of all creatures, had given up on Twilight, then she was a lost cause.

Flurry Heart twiddled her hooves while trying to calm herself down. On the other side of the room were what were known as "The Doctor's Companions" and a human in the military named Major-General Marshall Highmoor, who was looking at her with a stoic expression. Her fellow ponies, however, were mixed. Discord and Fluttershy were looking at her with sympathy, and it was only them that Spike's eyes showed any real soft emotion towards. Flash Sentry looked at her with suspicion, as was Carrot Top, while Dinky stared at her like a puzzle trying to figure her out.

It didn't take long for the last two companions to arrive, along with the stallion who had changed the war. The same stallion whose actions took her father away from her forever: The Doctor.

Of all the things she expected, she wasn't expecting someone so young and dressed so weirdly. The Doctor took a look at her and smiled warmly. "Hello again, Princess Flurry Heart."

This made Flurry Heart tilt her head. "Um, I never met you."

"Not now, and well...not in this new timeline. But I did during a Zygon Invasion in the two hundred and eighth year of your reign when they tried to make you marry one of their own in disguise to take over the Crystal Empire. Long story. Thankfully, you married someone who wasn't a red sucker-covered alien a few years later. That was a great wedding. Didn't like the cake, though. Coconut cake. " Ugh, so wrong with those two words mixed together," The Doctor said, which only confused Flurry Heart. She turned to Spike, who just raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

Although he was soon given attention when The Doctor also cheerfully greeted him. "Spike! You old dragon! Well, young dragon, but eventually old one! It wasn't long ago that I saw you with Sunny and the others! Back in my previous body! Wow, you really look good. Word of advice? Keep it easy on the diamonds, or you'll get a big belly."

"Um, okay?" Spike said as he shook his head. "Hold on, whose Sunny?"

"Sunny Starscout? Well, she's Twilight's successor. Brilliant girl. Absolutely fantastic pony and leader. But that's not important right now," The Doctor quickly said.

"So you do travel through time and space," Flurry Heart whispered in awe.

"Yup," The Doctor said with a smile. "Want to see how it's done?"

"Doctor? Please hold off showing your little machine for another time?" Major-General Marshall Highmoor sighed in annoyance.

"Right, sorry. Got a little carried away there," The Doctor apologized as he cleared his voice and sat down across from her.

However, Flurry Heart knew she had to get this out of the way before he could open his mouth and held her hoof up. "Wait." He paused. Taking a deep breath. "Before we talk? Before I officially side with you and do whatever it takes to end this war? There is just one thing I have to do."

A split second later, she slapped The Doctor in the face. Everyone in the room had a tremendous outcry of anger, and the human soldiers looked ready to move, but The Doctor halted them by holding his hoof up. He slowly looked at Flurry Heart with understanding as she bitterly wiped her tears and took a deep breath. "That was for my Dad."

"...I understand," The Doctor said with sympathy and nodded.

"Good," Flurry Heart whispered as she took a deep breath. "I'm here because I want to end the war. My mother, Aunt Twilight, and Aunt Luna are all sucked up by Celestia's madness, and I want it to end. Equestria is tearing itself apart, and the actions that we have done against humanity are unforgivable. Even before the Harmony Canon, we've tried to wipe out a species for no good reason other than we were scared of them. I never wanted this war, but I could do nothing, both because of my age and lack of the means to do so. But after what happened with the canon? I am not standing on the sidelines anymore."

With a deep breath, she turned to Major-General Marshall Highmoor and bowed her head. "Major-General, I know this is not much, but on behalf of Equestria's sane citizens, I apologize for the actions we have caused. I know that is not enough, and it will take decades, even centuries, to be forgiven for our actions, but I am so sorry."

"Sorry isn't enough. It will never be enough for what you have done," Major-General Marshall Highmoor growled.

"I know, but I can start at least by helping end this war. And taking out the Harmony Canon is the first means to do so," Flurry Heart whispered as she stared at the Doctor. "But I want just a few things in return."

"Such as?" The Doctor asked, eyebrow raised.

"I don't care what you do to Celestia, Princess Luna, or Princess Twilight. I know that there is no chance for either of them to walk out of this alive when this war is over. While I love them deep down in my heart, they are not worthy of being our leaders and are no longer the aunts I love and cherish. But I want my mother spared. Jail her for life if you must, so long as she lives and I can see her, I will accept that outcome," Flurry Heart said before standing firm. "In return, I will lead Equestria. I will seek peace with humanity and spend my entire reign making up for the sins of my people. I even plan on eliminating the Church of Harmony. I am neither a goddess nor feel worthy to be one if it was true. The same can be said for my fellow alicorns. Especially since the whole Church is based on life."

"What do you mean?" Flash Sentry asked.

"The Church of Harmony was a means to help unite ponies through a belief that those who are alicorns are living goddesses," Flurry Heart replied with a sigh. "I don't know if there is a god, but I am neither one nor anyone in my family. Hay, they're all atheists if you really get down to it."

"Well, I'd like my time spent at church for all those years of my life back now," Carrot Top grumbled.

"Anyway, I plan to rule not as a divine being but simply as the mortal I am. If need be, I will submit my authority primarily to the U.N. and even slowly transition us into a democratic government. But Equestria will need an alicorn to lead her when this war is over if only to help keep citizens calm and orderly."

"I see no problems with that, do you, Major-General?" The Doctor asked.

"... It's up to the politicians to decide, but I think it would be fair," he answered. "What about the Elements of Harmony? They are still a threat themselves because of their abilities."

Upon hearing this, Flurry Heart's and Spike's faces went dark, silent. Sorrow was decorated in their eyes, and instantly everyone knew something had happened. Fluttershy stepped forward with worry on her face. "What happened?! Spike?! What's wrong?!"

"...Pinkie Pie is dead," Spike whispered, and all the light in the room seemed to have gone out in a blink as everyone stared at him. "She killed herself because she couldn't live with the grief of what she had done."

Fluttershy gasped and held one hoof to her heart and another to her mouth. "No...no nonononononononono!"

Her eyes were wide, and her mouth dropped as her wings froze. Her face began to pale as Discord was quickly at her side to help her stop shaking. "NONONONONONONONONOOOO!”

She rushed out of the room, wailing, and Discord soon followed her. Everyone from Equestria stood in shock as the realization of what had just been told to them was still processing.

"...Pinkie..." Derpy whispered as she sat down and began to tear up.

"No..." Carrot Top muttered in horror as she, Derpy, and Dinky wrapped their arms around each other and sobbed.

Flash Sentry cursed and kicked the nearby wall before muttering to himself as he tried to fight the tears. Lyra looked heartbroken and turned away to hide her sobs as The Doctor sat there with a stoic look on his face, but his eyes were glazed with fury and loss. Taking a deep breath, The Doctor closed his eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Don't," Flurry Heart whispered as she shook her head. "You didn't cause it. Of all the things you did, you didn't cause it. We caused it. This war did it. A war that Celestia started and...I don't know what to think of her anymore. I just...I just don't understand how she can be so...insane!"

Spike snorted. "Considering what we saw in her eyes when they turned black, is it a real surprise?"

"...What?" The Doctor snapped his head towards Spike and immediately went to his face, much to his surprise. "Say that again. Right now. Say it!"

"Um, her eyes turned black at one point. Nopony saw it but Flurry Heart and me. It was when we were debating whether to use the Harmony Canon," Spike said as he turned to Flurry Heart and nodded. "She had a headache. She's had them a few times. Her eyes then turned black. Not like night black, but like pure dark black. Like you couldn't see any light in them."

"And they felt so...evil," Flurry Heart whispered. "I've never felt anything like it in my life."

"...Has she been talking to herself?" The Doctor asked, getting their attention. "Acting moody? Seems like she's having a conversation, but nobody is around her? Repeating certain words over a bit? Isolates herself at times and seems off? Is her mood always going off in random directions at times, especially when stressed? And she seems like a complete 180 ever since coming to Earth compared to how you've known her all throughout your lives?"

Spike and Flurry Heart looked at each other before nodding. "Yeah, how did you know?"

The Doctor was quiet for a few minutes before yelling and slamming his head against the wall, much to everyone's shock. "Of course! It has to be that! It would make sense, but if she is, who is it?! Who the blood damn is it?!"

"Doctor?" Lyra asked. "What are you talking about?"

"CELESTIA!" The Doctor shouted as he looked at everyone with his teeth gritting in frustration. "All this time, I've been thinking, why?! Why would Celestia suddenly do this?! Why change direction in attitude and behavior and start his war?! Why teleport all of Equestria towards this universe in a different dimension?! It made no logical sense, and I think..." He started to calm down and began to look calculated. "No, I have to be sure. I have see her. Face to face. It's the only way."

"Doctor?" Flurry Heart asked before he turned to her quickly.

"The location of the Harmony Canon! Tell me where it is! We don't have time!"

"It's in a military base in the Crystal Empire," Flurry Heart said quickly. "Fort Obsidian."

"I know where that is. Hopefully, it's still in the same place last time I visited," The Doctor said before turning to Major-General Highmoor. "Major-General, tell your entire force to stay on red alert and prepare for anything. Something is coming, and I fear it will be terrible."

He then turned to the others. "Flash? Get Fluttershy and Discord and tell them to meet us at the TARDIS. Carrot, Derpy, and Dinky? You can come too, but you don't have to. This will be more dangerous than I imagined if my worst fears about this situation come true."

"I'm coming too," Spike demanded.

"Fine, but obey everything I say. Got it?!" The Doctor ordered with a glare that quickly made Spike back away and nod.

"Doctor?! What's going on?! What's got you in such a fritz?!" Lyra asked with concern. "I've never seen you like this before."

"...Lyra, I fear that there is more to all of this than we were led to believe. There is a secret reason behind this war, one that Celestia doesn't realize, and that we are all being used. There is another player in this war. Someone who has a stake in and benefits from it but has been doing so in secret, and I fear Equestria is how he or she or it is doing so for whatever unknown goal of theirs," The Doctor whispered in both concern and fury. "If this is true, this changes everything."

"Are...are you saying that Princess Celestia is being manipulated? Or mind controlled?" Flash Sentry asked in disbelief.

"You're joking, right?" Major-General Highmoor asked.

"No, because the signs are very similar to mind control I've seen in the past," The Doctor said seriously. "Plenty of powerful races and beings could be behind this. If it is true, mind you. If so, then Equestria is just as much a victim as Earth is, and that someone is seeking to come up on top in a war they orchestrated for whatever purpose known only to them!"

"But who, Doctor? And why?!" Lyra asked.

"...I don't know," The Doctor admitted but growled. "But whoever they are...they are powerful."


In a small section of the universe, a single planet unknowingly played essential roles that many species would not understand how or why. This single planet, which laid perfectly between the tiny sun and moon designed only for it and it alone, had survived countless invasions, disasters, and outright apocalypses despite all the odds. Sometimes it was on their own, and other times it was thanks to a particular well-known alien in a blue box whose name was known throughout the known galaxy.

This planet would one day become the center of many critical galactic events shaping the universe in ways that those currently living it would never dream of having. It would be a plant that would change everything.

Only now, it was a husk of death and rot.

One side forever burned dry, and the other frozen in darkness for eternity. Life no longer existed. The last living being, a dragon, had cursed the pony race before breathing its last and died alone, scared, and forgotten on a planet that now served as the tomb for billions.

"Just as planned, of course."

The figure hidden in the darkness of his new lair strummed his talons upon the benches of his crafted throne. Carved out of the very Tree of Harmony ironically. It had long died the moment it was chosen, abandoned its home dimension, and perished with sorrow and grief, knowing it had failed in the end. The entropy, darkness, and death that had come in the remaining years without the ponies moving the celestial objects had slowly empowered him. Giving him the strength to regain a stable form in this universe that he wished to be his at one point, but no longer.

Not when there was a new universe, a fresh and young one, that he could carve into his own image. It had been his most clever plan to achieve ultimate god-like power. More so than he had already, but it would need careful planning. It had taken him so long to regain his strength after his last encounter with The Doctor. He had time to think and plan while also enacting his revenge on him. After his previous attempts to attack the Doctor directly, he thought it best to hurt him instead by taking what he treasured most. This planet and its pathetic people. It was a slow manipulation, but he was careful and patient, if nothing else. Nothing would stop him this time. And not only would it be the key to restoring his strength and revenge against The Doctor by destroying the world he treasured, but it would also be the means to becoming the God of a new universe. One where his accursed brother didn't exist, and he was free to do whatever he pleased. Mold it into true chaos and use it as a stepping stone to conquer more universes and dimensions. His brother would not be powerful enough to stop him upon his complete victory. He would end their eternal battle of good and evil.

Order and Chaos.

White and Black.

The loss of life on this planet was enough to empower him and regain much of his former strength, but he needed more. More death and chaos. The war on Earth was undoubtedly doing him great favor, and best of all, it didn't matter to him who won in the end. It powered him regardless of the means of who died in the war, be it a pony or human. His carefully conceived ritual had ensured that death itself, irrespective of the living mortal, would empower him through their entropy and dread.

The time for his ascension into his new universe was close. The Harmony Canon was a brilliant means to do so, and it made him wonder why he never chose to control Twilight Sparkle instead.

"I should thank The Doctor. His actions have made Ms. Sparkle quite the monster compared to her true self," He chuckled at the irony. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time The Doctor created his enemies. "Still, The Doctor getting caught up in Equestria's travel through dimensions was not what I had planned. And I will not underestimate him this time. He still is a danger, and I cannot let him defeat me. Not when I am so close!"

A part of him wanted to take part of his power, form himself into his servant, and take care of him personally, but so long as his true identity remained hidden, he could work through his puppet in the shadows. No, he would have others help him instead. Ones who had just as much a grudge against The Doctor as he did. He would send them with his powers. He had enough strength to do so.

Raising his hands, he used his god-like abilities to find two representatives of the evilest races in the galaxy. Ones he liked for the destruction they brought upon the universe in their growing spread of darkness. It was child's play to do so for his strength, but he had to be quick, lest his brother would find out what he was doing. Veils of the void slowly opened up, and from their iris came two figures that looked around in confusion and scanned the area.


"Where am I? What is the meaning of this? Senses indicate an unknown presence in the area and the species known as Dalek. Is this your doing, Dalek?"


The first of the fingers was known as a Dalek. Formerly of a species known as Kaleds from the planet Skaro, they were mutated beings created by the genius and yet mad scientist, Davros. Since their ascension into space, the Daleks had built an empire of conquest and extermination in which they sought to destroy all life in the galaxy except their own. They felt no pity, no concept of mercy, and they hated everything that wasn't of their own kind with extreme prejudice.

The second was known as a Cyberpony. Initially from Equus's twin planet, Mondas, it was knocked away by a comet which made the planet highly radioactive. They replaced parts of their dying bodies with cybernetics. Eventually, they added emotional inhibitors, suppressing all feelings – love, hate, even fear. To survive, they took over words and converted any species they could into fellow Cyberponies, eliminating all others or forcing them into servitude.

They were among the most technologically advanced races in the galaxy and among the most feared. But they would do nicely for the evil he was planning.

"I was the one who summoned you," He spoke with such power that it echoed in the cave that stood as the Tree of Harmony's memorial. "I have summoned you because I have need of you."


The being laughed at the creature that was an ant before him. "You have no power over me, mutant. I am far older and more powerful than you could dream."


The Dalek fired the energy from its gunstick only for the beam to be harmless, ignored, and bounce away off the figure's frame as if it was merely a rubber ball. The Dalek fired several times, but the results were the same.

"It seems," The Cyberpony muttered as it calculated what was happening and reached a quick logical conclusion. "That this being's abilities are far outside your own."


"And yet I am unphased by your pathetic attempts to attack me. Now be silent and act smart like your monotone friend here," The being hissed before turning to the Cyberpony. "Unless you wish to try your luck?"


"Good," He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Honestly, I didn't bring you halfway across the galaxy for nothing. Like I said, I am in need of you, and I will offer you a reward for doing so."

"And what is it that you have in need of?" The Cyberpony asked.

"Currently, I have a plan to take over a new universe that lies in a different dimension. Pieces are in place for my ascension into it where I will be unchallenged in power and rule it however I see fit."

"How did you accomplish this? Dimensional travel has only been theorized and never successfully done."


"I have my ways. Needless to say, it's thanks to the Equestrians, who I am currently manipulating into a war with a race known as humanity, which is the only race in this universe. The first of its kind, you could say," He answered before leaning forward. "However, one threat stands in the way of this plan of mine. An enemy we all share and one you are very familiar with: The Doctor."


"He is also the enemy of the Cyberpony race. His elimination is highly required for our domination of the galaxy," The Cyberpony started with a little bit of anger. It amused the dark being to see that the so-called "emotionless" race could sometimes show such things when pushed.

"Yes, and I require your assistance in eliminating him, and all the remaining Equestrians and Humans should my original plan fall apart. Do this for me, and I will grant you access to the universe I seek to take over. You can even fight for it if you wish. It will amuse me."


"Indeed. What assurance do we have that you will not betray us?"

"Well, I could just do this to you," He said before his pure black eyes glowed, and he snapped his fingers.

In an instant dark energy erupted from the bodies of the Dalek and Cyberpony, who screamed in horror and pain as they were tortured by his power. Their mechanical bodies sparked and spewed as their cries of pain echoed. Their systems completely malfunctioned, and their brains scrambled to try and make sense of all of this, but they were too much in agony to do so. After letting them suffer for a bit longer, their abuser snapped his fingers, and the pain ended. The two gasped and wheezed as they struggled to regain control of themselves.

"Now, are you going to help me, or should I just get rid of you two and try to convince another Dalek Commander and Cyber Leader to take my deal?"

"....I OBEY."

"...As do I."

"Good. Now I will send you back, and you will gather the forces under your command to these locations that I will send to you telepathically. From there, you leave the rest to me. And you will follow my orders to the letter. Fail to follow them or even THINK of betraying me? I will make what you suffered from pale compared to what I will do to you. Understood?"



"Good. Now begone." He said as he waved his claws and sent the two back to their original places in the universe. Smirking, he whispered, "Soon, Doctor. Soon I will have my revenge."

Author's Note:

Alright, guess the baddie. If you didn't get it by now, you'll have to wait for the next chapter which will be two weeks from now. I left the biggest clue here so all you Whovian fans should get it.

As always, please help out at the NegotationsVerse TV Tropes Page. We even have a Regeneration Focus section: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheNegotiationsVerse