• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 minutes ago

Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.


It's always been fun playing Dungeons and Dragons with the girls. Applejack never gave thought to running a campaign herself until their group hit a wall. Sunset's game had just finished, Twilight wasn't ready to start a new one, and no one else volunteered. It was Applejack or bust.

But she wasn't much into dragons, glowing swords, and all that. As her writing slows to a crawl, Applejack takes a walk outside in search of inspiration...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

An... Interesting one shot

Very different read than what I'm used to, but the writing was fantastic. Good story!

Wait until they play The campaign for North Africa. That game map is monstrous.

Very cozy examination of the creative process. Feels like childhood

I do like the idea of a lower stakes and lower level campaign. Not every campaign is a 1-20 epic, sprawling story that touches hearts and minds. Sometimes, it's just some people who decide they want to make things better, and so they do.

Your story really pulled me in!

Have a fave for doing such a great job capturing Applejack’s journey to self-discovery through DM’ing.

As a D&D nerd, this story really resonated with me!

I really could identify with Applejack's creative block, and the excitement and joy when she figured out what she wanted her campaign to be about, to be like, was palpable. And the description of that campaign itself (as well as the glimpses you give of the earlier ones) and how it all played out was awesome. :ajsmug:

Thank you for writing this. :twilightsmile:

Its quite the coincidence how I just got off after dmming a game and stumble across this story. It certainly is quite magical to dm a game.

Aww, this story makes me sad. I always wanted to play D&D but I never had any friends.😟

Nothing too strange for a role-playing adventure. But in between those adventures, that’s what brought it to life for Applejack. Fluttershy making a point to befriend their elf neighbors. Twilight clearing a room in her library for Sunset’s character to sleep in. An actual windfall of gold liberated by Rainbow’s sharp-eyed ninja from the sheriff, then a spirited debate for what to do with it. Their various antics during the village solstice festival, in a session done outside around a fire. Little moments of life that didn’t just give breaks between combats, but showcased what they all fought for. Home, friends, community. Returns to peace were the objective, making them feel like an accomplishment instead of mere downtime.

This? This is one of the most beautiful depictions of friendship I've ever read. It's not the adventures or the magic or the hijinks, it's the lives the friends share. What makes friendship so powerful isn't that it changes the verb of someone's story, but that it changes the pronoun ("I" becomes "We").

Masterfully done.

Your writing never fails to reel me in. I love this so, so much.

Ah yes, just a small-town adventure (no epic stakes, no cross-worlds travels).

The story managed to distract from the fact that it had been exactly 11 years since you joined the site :twilightsmile:
A date to celebrate, to be sure. Congrats! Here is to see so much more.

Beautiful. I absolutely loved this.

Exquisite little tale, and quintessentially Applejack throughout. A good campaign is always something to cherish, and part of what makes it good is who you're running it with. Thank you for a lovely read.

Now that was fun to read, mostly because I can emphasize with applejacks struggle here.

I've been interested in the idea of dming for a while, but I'm not quite sure where to start. Do you need a detailed plan, a general idea, or can you just make the plot up as you go? Do you stick to simple rewards of gold and plot devices, or do you look to thing in the dms book like granting the characters land?

Anyone in the comments got any suggestions?

Different groups like different things, so I'd ask your players what they like in a game and adapt. Some will dig the idea of owning land, others just want the happy numbers to go up.

As for the plot, that's more up to you as a DM. I generally script most things out in advance while staying flexible, but some people enjoy random encounters and the like.

Excellent read 👍

Great story that covered Applejack's personality really well. I would love to play in her game.

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