• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

David Silver

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After graduating college, Maya was eager to start her social work career helping disadvantaged youth, but got pulled into the whimsical pony world of Equestria while dressed as Posey Bloom for Halloween. Though now an earth pony herself, she finds purpose using her counseling talents to mentor the Mane 6 ponies. Maya's traumatic childhood left her craving friendship and wonder, which she just might find in this colorful new home.

Spoiler/Warning tags: Human to pony(fairly immediate)

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 182 )

Off to a good start, at least in my opinion.

Good start, interesting how she might be just a copy. Wondering if they will interact.

Twilight turned an ear back at Maya. "Children's media? Really? Not to... brag, but I go through a lot of genuinely terrifying things. You share that with foals? Your people must be very brave."

Brave is one word for it. :ajbemused:

Maya and Maya?
Maya and Ponyville?
Maya vs comics!

I was a little doubtful from just the description, and "Twilight bucked up a spell" is such a trope it's not even funny, but I appreciate that you got "you're from a kids' show" out of the way early. I'm on board.

Any suggestions, re: description to scare less folks off?

In my case, it's mostly because I'm not generally interested in human-turned-pony stories, so I don't have input there. It's just personal preference. What got me past it is the fact I read and enjoy several of your other stories.

A G5 pony isekaid into G4? Interesting!

I wonder if Maya will gain anything from Posey. Her grumpiness? Maybe even G5 earth pony plant powers?

I don't see crossover elements from between generations too often. Other than G1 at times.

It does seem fairly rare.

"Thank God..." She could feel through her hooves. Whatever she pressed them against, she could feel the texture and warmth and everything one would expect placing fingers on something. "Could be worse..." She had imagined hooves just not feeling much. They didn't in real horses, right?

If so, they won't tell you so. :ajsmug:

"Fashion is my life's passion, darlng!" Rarity declared. Her horn lit up as ribbons flew around Maya, taking measurements. "I design the most glamorous outfits in Ponyville."

Isn't she the ONLY seamstress in Ponyville? :ajbemused:

When your competition is your younger sibling and her friends it is quite easy to be the best.

"Obviously," sang out Rarity in agreement. "Now, let's talk about getting you comfortable in Ponyville. Are you a creature of culture?"


Dang horses and their secrets.

Twilight nodded thoughtfully, her horn glowing as she levitated her spell book back over. "It seems my transportation spell must have accidentally pulled you here from another world," she murmured. "But turning you into a pony is unprecedented..."

Yeah that was a jump of logic, not being a pony doesn't mean you're a fucking alien, and knowing Twilight isn't something special she's a national hero for god's sake.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" Maya apologized. "I didn't realize asking a pony's age was rude. Where I'm from, it's just a normal way to get to know someone." That wasn't entirely true, but it felt like a safe little lie to take pressure off.

Overreacting a little bit here author

"That she is." Rarity gestured with a toss of her head. "But she wasn't before. So she isn't a lost soul just yet. We should give her a chance to discover herself at her own speed before you all hurry it along."

Yes become a slave to fate, just look at how eager you are at losing your free will, go ahead.

"Somepony," corrected Rarity.

Be as racist as you possibly can rarity!

Immediately assuming she is from another world the teleportation spell could have brought her from anywhere, being a non-pony doesn't immediately mean she's an alien.

"Vanilla chamomile - a delightful melody for the palette." -- I think you want palate here.

Fixed. How was the chappy?

Maya shook herself out, getting her legs working after lounging through that show. A brief glimmer got her attention. Why did her hooves glow like that? It was a fleeting moment, there and gone again. She hadn't seen any other pony with glowing hooves.

The Earth pony magic!
Its forming

What are you? Daisy Jo from All American Girl?
Seriously they dont force a destiny on you!

It matters little If the hand that guides you is soft or hard, if you only follow a path paved for you, good or not, your existence becomes meaningless, no matter what you do everything will stay the same after all.

You might as well not exist at this point.


Oh boy it's G5 Pony in a G4 world.

Twilight probably had some "magic-meter" or knew that spell had failed (could've been mentioned though). What happens when a teleport or summon fails, but something still appears?

Both by DnD and GURPS rules: a deamon, a creature from another plane.

At least in G4, earth ponies always had magic, it's just not flashy like unicorns or pegasi. I wonder if non-earth ponies can even see the magic itself, or even if earth ponies can only see their own magic.

At least Maya seems pretty straight-laced. I can only imagine the trouble she could get up to if she just started conjuring up certain plants in the order Rosales or certain mushrooms of the order Agaricales... although I'm sure she'd quickly become Tree Hugger's best friend.

O wait until she discovers poison joke.

It was a circle of flowers, and that could mean many things. "I am a druid, controller of plants." She clopped her hooves. "I am a tender of minds, that they grow tall and powerful at my hooves." She clopped her hooves harder. "I will grow a circle of friends around me to treasure!"

Druids of that kind more... guide plants. Not so much control.

Spike nudged the hoof away, as if it were a loaded weapon. "Nope, not one of them. Earth ponies don't have magic, silly."

To quote Brock from the Skylanders series, "Wrong answer, pal!"

Of course they have magic. Just look at the Apples in general. When Applejack was acting as Smart Cookie, she picked up a hoof-ful of dirt and almost immediately a flower started growing. Similar things can be done by her family.
Pinkie Pie has magic, for sure.
There are more examples that I could list, but I think you get the gist.

Hey! That rhymes! :pinkiehappy:

I'm thinking spike is forgetting the winter wrap up ritual where earth ponies literally sprout seeds immediately after burying them the soil that has been frozen all winter, or how despite how apples would fall randomly to the ground always miraculously land inside the baskets after an earth pony kicks the tree.

On the the question of why Spike doesn't go to school. I had always a assumed that Twilight Sparkle had homeschool Spike in the same manner as she was homeschooled by Celestia herself. The idea of a structured School experience never occurred to Twilight.

Considering how strong Applejack is, a full-powered buck ought to snap any apple tree she delivered one to, but almost no apples would fall. Not until the tree crashed to the ground, anyway.

Completely valid, and quite likely. The question, would be if this is the healthiest option for Spike.

Well, aint that an interesting plot

"There's no magic for one. But we've advanced a lot technologically - science and inventions humans use to make up for what we lack naturally." That felt comfortably safe.

That... Is a matter of perspective.

  1. Wicca
  2. Chakra magic
  3. Telepathy or Psychokinesis etc.
  4. Mind over matter
  5. Self-Hypnosis

Stuff like that? A few can do it, but certainlynot everyone.

We have a lot of magic ideas. But has any of it been verifiably measured?

Oh. It just hit me: She's basically a Dryad.

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