• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 1,291 Views, 489 Comments

Worlds Apart - Goldfur

The world of Equus and the nation of Equestria begin formal relations with the people of Earth.

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Inspection Day Disaster

“We’ve finished commissioning the new portal facility, Your Highness” the project engineer said. “All that’s left to do is get the Australian inspectors to certify everything and it’ll be ready to go. I’ll have a crew doing the finishing touches in the meantime. Those will be completed in two days, tops.”

Prince Mark Wells gazed at the floorplan of the new building that had been constructed adjacent to the existing Alice Springs office and portal. The facility had two interdimensional portals, one on either side of a control station. One would handle outgoing freight while the other would handle incoming. This eliminated the bottleneck that developed when the rapidly increasing shipments caused delays due to the single original gateway. That one would now be reserved for priority and emergency transfers. The construction of the new building allowed easy expansion for two more portals, if that ever became necessary. For now, though, the new ones could cope well enough, and the layout of the yard enabled a free flow of the trailer loads to and from the transfer and inspection facility located outside of the Equestrian Exclusion Zone.

Mark nodded in satisfaction. “Good work, Sturdy Frame. I’ll schedule the inspection immediately. I anticipate that they will come out early next week. I’ll inform you when it has been arranged.”

“Very good, sir.” The stallion gathered up his documents and bade the prince farewell.

Mark checked the time on Earth to ensure that it was suitable. There was only a small degree of time drift between the worlds, so it crept up on you if you weren’t careful. Noting that it was office hours in Alice Springs, the alicorn placed the first of several calls before going back to his other work.

The tall man opened the door to let in his acquaintance. Leaving the guest in the living room, he went into the kitchen to fetch a couple of cold cans of beer from the fridge. He passed one to the visitor and sat down before asking, “Did you get the vehicle, mate?”

“Yeah, yeah, Barry,” the man replied as he popped the top of the can. He took a swig before continuing. “I told you it would be easy. Keeping it out of sight is the tricky part.”

“It won’t need to be for long. The Equestrians have booked the inspections for next Tuesday. Their ambassador announced their intention to hold a public opening ceremony immediately after they’re completed. Will your men be ready?”

“No problem. You worry too much.”

Barry glared at him. “Listen, Jeff,” he snarled. “You’re not taking those unnatural creatures seriously enough! I’ve been studying them for months and their security is ridiculously good. Between their demonic magic and hyper-vigilance, it’s practically impossible to get through them. They don’t even let any drivers take their trucks into the Equestrian Exclusion Zone – their earth ponies hitch a dolly up to the trailers parked in the freight transfer yard and they pull them to the portal. The few humans who get in there are thoroughly checked out. If I’m going to get to the horned demon, you and your men have to go in hard.”

“If their fucking security is as good as you reckon, what makes you think you’re going to get in at all, let alone kill the bitch?”

Barry put down his can and got up from the chair. He opened a nearby cupboard and lifted out a cardboard box. From it, he removed the elephant gun that he had acquired and showed it to Jeff. “Think you can off one or two of them with this?”

Jeff whistled. “That’s some gun,” he said with a grin. “Those beasts are going to have a real bad day, I promise you.” He then looked up at Barry. “That still doesn’t explain how you’re going to get to the main target.”

Barry smirked. “That’s already taken care of. I’m counting on you to provide enough distraction for me to do the deed. Here’s the plan…”

The tall man explained the details and Jeff grinned.

It was a foregone conclusion that the new gateway building would pass inspection with flying colors, so Mark had told Smolder to arrange a press conference to announce the official opening of the facility. The local Imparja television station had a small crew of trusted people who regularly covered Equestrian events and were allowed into the exclusion zone along with a few hoof-picked reporters from other major news outlets. Besides the normal Gateway crew, Mark, Chrysalis, and Smolder were present for the event, along with their bodyguards. They portaled over as soon as one of the facility’s staff had informed them that the inspection had been completed.

Chrysalis provided extra security for the event in the form of several changeling guards who would monitor the emotions of the visitors. She confirmed that everything was in place with the facility’s security officer before rejoining Mark and Smolder. Smolder made a short opening speech thanking all the locals who had assisted in the construction, then the inspectors signed the official paperwork in front of the cameras. Prince Mark began his speech extoling the benefits of the new facility, but just before he could declare it officially open, an ambulance with lights flashing and siren shrieking raced into the freight transfer grounds and was only brought to a halt by the guards at the gate of the Equestrian Exclusion Zone.

“What the buck is going on?” Mark demanded, looking toward Chrysalis for answers.

“No one has reported an incident requiring an ambulance,” she replied. “Either someone has called one in to harass us or—”

The changeling queen did not need to finish her sentence because the driver of the ambulance and the passenger both jumped out and began firing at the security ponies. The suspicious and well-trained guards already had their shields up and the bullets were stopped dead, falling harmlessly at their hooves. Other guards were already moving in when the back doors of the ambulance opened to allow three more men to emerge. Two aimed at the approaching guards while the third took advantage of the covering fire to move up to the gate, carrying his huge weapon.

Jeff raised the elephant gun and fired it at one of the guards. With a pained cry, the changeling’s shield shattered and he fell to the ground. The man’s follow-up shot was deflected by a unicorn soldier who dived in the way before likewise collapsing in agony as her shield imploded. Before Jeff could complete reloading the massive gun, he was tackled by a griffon diving from the sky.

In the meantime, the bodyguards immediately placed themselves between the action and their charges – Penumbra and Gallus manifesting enchanted shields designed to stop firearms. Mark threw a spherical shield around the four of them and the reporters in front of the stage while calling back to Chrysalis to protect the inspectors and facility staff members behind them.

The changeling queen nodded and used her hive link to instruct her changeling bodyguard Whisper Wing. He moved to his queen’s left and they both raised shield walls. While neither could make a spherical shield large enough to cover all the bystanders, between the two, they blocked all lines of fire. Chrysalis reassured the humans that they were completely safe. Then she frowned. Something was wrong. Despite the chaos of emotions coming from the gate area, another hostile feeling was coming from… She whirled around a moment too late and cried out in pain as something struck her at the base of her neck, penetrating her natural armoring. She saw one of the humans holding a mini crossbow. He was already moving to place another bolt in the weapon when she blasted him with a magic bolt of her own. A changeling guard was upon him a moment later.

Around the ambulance, Equestrian troops yelled out, “Hostiles secure!”

Only then did Chrysalis drop her shield and turn her attention to the crossbow bolt. Mark came up to her, attracted by the commotion and with worry etched in his face.

“Sally! What happened?!”

“Would-be *argh* assassin among *ack* inspectors,” she grunted painfully as her magic tugged at the bolt.

“Get a doctor, now!” Mark yelled at the facility staff.

A unicorn mare said, “I’m on it!” and teleported away.

Mark turned his attention back to Chrysalis. “Maybe you should leave that in place until the doctor arrives.”

“No, it isn’t a fatal wound and I can begin healing myself with it out.” She cried out in pain as she pulled at it again. “But it seems to be stuck. Help me, husband.”

Against his better judgment, Mark complied. He winced when she shrieked as the bolt tore its way out of her. She then swallowed and focused her abilities. The wound started to scab over but then her magic faltered.

“Something’s not right,” she gasped. “My magic is not responding. The area is going numb. I’m… feeling dizzy.” The changeling queen’s legs collapsed beneath her.

Nasty laughter came from a few yards away where Barry had recovered from the blast and seen enough to appreciate his work. “She’s a goner! That bolt was coated with a neurotoxin. The demon will die within minutes,” he crowed triumphantly.

Mark turned to him with horror on his face. “What?! Are you insane?! Why have you done this?”

“Do you think we wouldn’t recognize evil when we see it? That demon dared reveal herself to us and you, her unnatural thralls, do her bidding. God told me to kill her before she spread her influence over Earth.”

You bigoted fool!” Mark screamed at him before looking around helplessly. “Where’s that doctor?!” He turned his attention back to Chrysalis. Not knowing if his efforts were achieving anything, nevertheless, he persisted with the strongest healing spell that he knew.

Eventually, a unicorn mare turned up at Mark’s side. “I’m Mercy Dash, a paramedic. What’s the situation?”

“Chrysalis was wounded with a crossbow bolt coated with a neurotoxin,” Mark replied. “Her magic is failing, she’s feeling numb, and she’s just started struggling to breathe.”

The mare blanched. “Sweet Celestia!” She picked up the crossbow bolt in her magic and passed it to the unicorn guard who had fetched her. “Give this to the apothecary in Canterlot Castle. Report back with anything they find or any antidote, especially if it is broad spectrum.”

The mare teleported away once more.

“You have to do something!” Mark said desperately.

The paramedic’s horn lit up with a powerful spell. “Without an antidote or knowing the exact toxin used, the best that I can do is reinforce your healing spell with my own.”

Both ponies sweated with the intensity of the effort that they put into the spells, but as the minutes ticked by, they could tell that the changeling queen was not responding. Chrysalis’ breathing started coming in gasps and her slit pupils dilated to practically fill her eyes. She reached up with a trembling hoof.

“Mark, are… you there? I… can't see.”

The alicorn took her hoof and she gripped it weakly.

“Ah, there you are… my stallion. Know… know that you kept your promise… and never neglected me… or our children.” She paused as she struggled to breathe. “Know also that… I am filled with joy... my love.” Then the last of her breath left her with a sigh and she ceased moving, her eyes staring unseeing at the clear blue Australian sky.

NOOOOOOOOO!” Mark screamed in anguish, his eyes filling with tears. He slammed his hoof into the ground and several beings nearly overbalanced as the shockwave shook them like an earthquake. The alicorn turned to face Barry, fury etched on his expression. His horn lit up and his magic grabbed the man and hurled him halfway across the yard.

The man landed hard, unable to do more to save himself due to the manacles on his wrists and ankles. He sat up, spitting out the red Outback dirt, sneering at the pony.

Mark advanced upon him, snarling. “Do you know what you have done, you miserable man?”

“I rid the world of a demon like I swore I would,” Barry replied with satisfaction.

“No! You took the life of the Queen of the greatest changeling hive in Equestria. You deprived her children of their mother. You. Murdered. MY. WIFE!

Even while his ears were still ringing from that shout, Barry smirked back. “I think humans will see otherwise. I’ll be sure to let the world know the truth even if those cameras don’t do the job for me.”

Mark glared at him. “So, you’re not satisfied with killing my beloved and intend to spread your hate further?”

The man laughed. “I’ve surrendered, not resisting arrest, and entitled to a fair trial. Everyone will hear what I have to say. There’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

Mark paused before smiling maleficently. “You think you’ve figured it all out, but you’ve forgotten something. You committed your crime on Equestrian territory, therefore you’re subject to Equestrian law. And do you want to know who has ultimate judicial authority?” He spread his wings and lightning arced between them and his horn, building in intensity. “It’s the Triarchs. I, Prince Mark Wells, Triarch of Equestria, for the crime of regicide, sentence you to death!”

Smolder called out, “Father! Think of the consequences!”

“To Tartarus with the consequences! Let the sentence be carried out!”

Barry’s eyes went wide and he turned away, covering his face with his arms in a futile effort to protect himself. The enormous lightning bolt that Mark unleashed not only killed the man but also left his corpse blackened and shriveled.

Mark turned away from the body and went back to Chrysalis. Picking her up in his magic, he then carried her toward the facility to return to Equestria, tears pouring down his cheeks.

Penumbra said to Smolder, “I have to go with them. Can you handle this mess?”

The dragoness nodded. “It’s my job. Go! He needs you more than ever.”

The batpony hastened to join Mark as Smolder turned her attention to the chaos. She raised her voice. “Ladies and Gentlemen – I require that you all leave this facility immediately and promptly. No questions will be entertained at this moment. Portal shipments will be suspended until this tragic situation is dealt with. Guards – please escort all visitors off Equestrian territory and bring those five terrorists to the portal. They will face trial in Equestria for their crimes.”

Jeff and his cohorts all quailed in fear after seeing the result of Equestrian justice. Smolder had no intention of reassuring them.

As everyone hastened to comply with the dragon’s orders, Smolder sighed, knowing that the repercussions of the day’s events would reverberate for weeks. In the meantime, she had a herd-mother to mourn.

Princess Diadem tearfully took possession of her mother’s lifeless form and carried it into the hive that she would now rule as their new Queen. Her connection to her mother through the hive was unhindered by passing through an interdimensional portal and she felt the moment that Chrysalis had died. It was sudden and traumatic for the young royal changeling, but she had every one of the hundreds of Canterlot changelings there to share her grief and give her support. The younger changeling princesses, Sybilla and Esperanza, grieved even as they realized that they would have to grow up faster without their matriarch to guide them.

Mark, despite being the titular King of the Canterlot Hive, could not share that support. However, he had his herd. Trixie, Penumbra, Celestia, and Steady Flight all comforted him as best they could even as they too mourned the loss of their co-mate. Rarity soon joined them after she was informed, and Loopy was woken from her sleep in her universe to complete the herd. Their children also did their best to help their father, but it was Lacewing who empathized the most. As both a changeling and as one of Mark’s immediate family due to her Companion bond with Allura, she experienced the overwhelming grief of both sides of her heritage.

Mark was excused from royal duties for a few days. That left it up to Trixie, Twilight, and Smolder especially to deal with the aftermath. With no extradition treaty yet signed between the nations, Smolder politely declined official requests to release the conspirators into Australian custody. Mindful of the last exchange between Mark and the assassin, the dragoness likewise refused to turn over the murderer’s remains. The killer’s grave would not become a pilgrimage for like-minded humans.

Because the crimes took place on Equestrian territory, the prisoners would be incarcerated in a Canterlot jail until they went on trial for their roles in the murder of a member of Equestrian royalty. Fortunately for them, both guards shot by the elephant gun survived. While their shields had shattered, they had done enough to slow the bullets to prevent the wounds from being fatal. On the other hand, the accused all faced multiple charges of attempted murder. After witnessing what happened to the one person who succeeded, none of the humans were in a hurry to get tried and sentenced.

Smolder held a press conference two days after the assassination. She announced that the five would likely get life sentences without parole. She declined to release their names as she did not want them used as martyrs for their bigoted cause. However, she was unable to do anything about Barry Fletcher.

It did not take long for investigators to learn that the man had been on the inspection team, and they traced him back to the government department where he had worked. After questioning his co-worker, they determined that Barry had bribed a colleague to take his place on the inspection team, taking advantage of a tiny flaw in the Equestrians’ security. When asked what reason Barry gave for wanting to do the job, he had been told that he “wanted to meet them up close and personal”. The colleague shrugged and said, “I did last time, so it seemed reasonable to me.” He was subject to internal discipline but, because he had no direct involvement, was not charged with a crime. Soon, every detail of Barry’s past activities and social media posts were dug up and broadcast, stirring up controversy in communities across the world.

As Smolder had feared, Barry Fletcher became the poster child of the humans who saw the Equestrians as an existential threat to the world. This attracted every muck-raking reporter and sensationalist blogger on Earth. Smolder was busy with damage control for several days and gave multiple interviews responding to many of the same questions. The much-practiced self-control that she had developed for her role as ambassador had worn quite thin by the time she ended up doing an interview on Megan Nightly for the Truth First Network.

The host, Megan Mandel, began innocuously enough with some of the common questions, but then abruptly switched tracks. She demanded that the conspirators be allowed to speak to her “so that the real truth can be told”. Smolder coldly informed her that since the crimes took place on Equestrian soil, they could tell their “real truths” to an Equestrian judge.

“And will they be executed like Barry Fletcher when he tried to surrender?” Megan asked snidely.

“Fletcher did not surrender – he was captured in the act.” Smolder frowned. “How do you expect someone to react when his mate is killed horribly in front of his eyes and her killer boasts about it? He admitted guilt – he received just punishment. His actions were carried out on Equestrian territory and his fate was legal under Equestrian law.”

Megan persisted. “Even the accused have a right for their opinions to be heard.”

Smolder leaned closer to Megan and bared her teeth. “That's really why you’re upset, isn't it? Prince Mark Wells robbed you of the chance for a ratings boost from interviewing that piece of filth. And you don't care about the consequences at all, do you? Such as the two copycat murders soon after your channel’s 'exclusive interview' with the Adelaide Strangler.”

“That has nothing to do—” Megan began.

Smolder cut her off and stood up. “Fuck off, Megan. This interview is over.”

Over the next few weeks, "F*ck off, Megan" was the buzz phrase that took over social media, calling out BS at every level.

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Author's Note:

This one wasn't easy for me to write. Chrysalis had found her place in life and had become such a positive force in Equestria. Above all, she found true love and gave as good as she got.