• Published 13th May 2024
  • 311 Views, 6 Comments

Necroprancy - ShowShine

Fluttershy is dead. But that's okay, Twilight can fix it.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Fluttershy was dead.

As much as Twilight wanted to deny it, she was dead. Trampled under the paw of an Ursa Major. It sounded much more heroic than it actually was.

Instead, it was agonizing. Yet surprisingly quick. It was almost reminiscent of a berry popping. Twilight scrunched her muzzle, mentally scolding herself for thinking of such a vile comparison. This was her friend, not some poorly constructed metaphor!

Twilight attempted to slow her rapid breathing, wiping the continuous dripping rain from her cheeks. She brought her hoof to her chest, finally letting out a semi-clear breath.

“This is fine!” Twilight tittered. Fluttershy wasn’t really dead. She was just broken! And Twilight could fix her. It was like a puzzle. Puzzles can fall and break, but you can always put them back together.

Twilight stared at Fluttershy’s body. Her limbs were contorted into a hideous shape, almost flattened. Twilight retched, levitating the corpse above her head.

She needed to think. Fluttershy was alive; she needed to be alive. Twilight wracked her brain, squeezing her eyes shut.

A fizzle of an idea began to form. Soon, the fizzle turned into a flame. Twilight inhaled deeply, forcing a smile onto her face.

“This is a-okay,” She reassured no one in particular. She began her trek through the castle, her trot fast and uncoordinated. Her wet hooves occasionally slipped across the crystal floor.

Twilight knew resurrection spells, but they would be useless here. Any life she would live in this body would surely be in agony. Twilight doubted Fluttershy could last another hour if the shock didn’t get to her first. Instead, she would do the reasonable thing. Recreate her form into something greater.

Well, nothing could replace the real Fluttershy, but this was the next best thing. It wouldn’t even be a real replacement if she was exactly like Fluttershy. It was more like a clone. And if anything, she’d be better! Stronger and faster, just what Fluttershy needed. Twilight didn’t want to admit it, but Fluttershy could use the strength.

Twilight's trot slowed to a halt as she reached a dead end. She pressed her hoof against the wall, pushing it open. Behind the door laid a staircase, seemingly leading into a dark abyss. One of the many hidden rooms this castle had.

She began her descent down the crystal staircase, entering the darkness. The deeper she got, the more distant the pounding rain became. Twilight sighed a breath of relief. Finally, no more overbearing noise.

Soon enough, Twilight made it to the bottom. She reached overhead, clicking on the light. Heavy machinery towered over her. While the sheer size would frighten an unknowing pony, Twilight knew this was vital for her project.

On the table in the middle of the room lay Twilight's creation. A sleek, silver, near-completed robot. It was pristine, looking as if it had never been touched. She was saving this for a rainy day, but this was much more important.

Twilight gently placed the corpse onto the floor. One bad bump and what Twilight needed would be gone. The alicorn crouched to the corpse, pressing her horn against the chest. With a quick glow of the horn and a twitch, a ball of light popped from her innards.

Fluttershy’s magic. A crucial part of her being. It wasn’t everything about her, but it was a start. It hummed beautifully, glowing a gorgeous yellow. Twilight nudged the corpse, having no more use for it. She had everything she needed in the palm of her hooves.

Twilight approached the robot, gazing into its hollow chest. It wasn’t big, only a few inches deep, acting as a storage compartment.

She lowered the magic into the robot's chest before quickly closing it. The gorgeous hum was hushed by the metal. Twilight hurriedly screwed the chest, preserving the fragile essence. The robot gained a dull yellow glow.

A magical being living in machinery wasn’t ideal, but it was doable. With routine checkups, Fluttershy should be able to live a long, normal life.

Fluttershy could never know about this; Twilight had already made her mind up about that. She was sensitive. Who knows how Fluttershy would react to this!? This could send her into a lifelong crisis. It was best to keep it under wraps until Twilight knew she was ready.

Twilight flipped the robot to its back, gazing at its bare back. She turned on the heels of her hooves, bringing her attention to two metallic items: a horn and a pair of wings.

She picked up the wings, weighing them in her hooves. The wings were lightweight, perfect for short-period flights. In fact, it might make Fluttershy a stronger flier. If anything, she was doing Fluttershy a favor; this was an upgrade!

Twilight levitated a drill, bolting the wings onto the bot. The wings were now one with the machine, almost looking like a real pony. Almost.

Twilight pulled unfurled the wings, admiring the size. The tips of the wings were sharp enough to cut. With the proper casing, the sharp ends would barely be noticeable.

Now, for the physical aspects of the robot. Twilight turned around, looking at her other materials. On a table lay a pane of silicone and a sheet of faux fur. They didn’t seem like much on their own, but together, they could act as a layer of muscles and flesh. They would hide the harsh texture of metal.

Twilight hummed, rubbing her hoof across her chin. The fur was a starch white, nowhere near being the butter-yellow of Fluttershy’s coat. It was also far too shaggy. Twilight had to run out for some dye in the morning. As for the mane, she would have to pull some strings for a high-quality wig. But being a princess, she could make it work.

While Twilight would love advice from a certain fashionista, she had to keep this under wraps. Including her friends could make this worse.

If she did this right, she could get Fluttershy up and running by the next afternoon. None would be the wiser. Fluttershy could go back to her carefree, animal-loving life.

“Twilight?” A whisper came from behind. Twilight froze, her blood running cold.
