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The Madwomen

She/her, they/them, a system of people who just want to create art (plural system) (art by www.tumblr.com/atlas-hope)


For his interference with so-called "lesser" lifeforms, The Doctor is being punished. His friends have had their memories wiped, he is barred from travel through time and space, they intended to exile him to Earth and, worse yet, they chose the wrong version of it. Through an error in their calculations and technology, the Doctor was sent to what is seemingly another Universe. One where hooves beat feet in the evolutionary race, and where magic exists side by side with technology.
The Mane Seven also have a problem. They just had a strange stallion crash into their tree with a blue box, completely unconscious. And while the rest of the girls are underway with helping him, Pinkie has a secret she needs to tell Twilight, about how she knows that unmistakable blue box... And maybe go for a quick trip to a new place. There's also the mysterious new sets of mannequins being given as "free samples" for every business in Equestria. What on Gaea could be going on..?
An alternate universe, about midway through season 6 and right as the 3rd Doctor regenerates. An AU for both, you might say. This is one of our many, MANY day dreams. This is simply the first time we put it to paper. Well, monitor, but that's semantics. We do hope you all enjoy!

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 26 )

I am a colossal Doctor Who fan. I don't know who My Doctor is, or what the first episode I watched was; because I genuinely was watching it - on my father's lap - before I had teeth. Big Finish. Faction Paradox. Peter Cushing's Dr Who. I have consumed it like a black hole consumes Stars.

So you have my attention.

I am enjoying this version. I love the idea. The Third Doctor's Exile to Equestria is brilliant. The 10 Coded Time Turner is all well and good but this is novel. Its new. I'm excited to see what you do with it.

> One heart felt the misery while the other pumped out hope that things could be made right.

Right. Great start.

> A waste of a life, certainly, but he would only be on his third, as far as he knew.

Hah. Also, holy smokes. Raven got a mention. We are in Deep Lore territory. Seems like he has narrowly avoided 6B it in this timeline but yikes. And you've merged Division into it. Nice work. Was that a reference to a young Jo Martin back there, as a potential next face? Very clever.

Pinkie being Romana is a hell of a twist.

If I were to be critical, I would say that you might lose a few readers on the info dump there. Plus Twilight takes the notion of Pinkie travelling universes well. She suddenly behaves very unpinkie like. Her personality evaporates to suddenly tell Twilight shes a few hundred years old and Twilight just... goes with it. That's a niggle.

But I'm interested in seeing this continue. The fact that in Equestria they are familiar with both parallel universes and Time Travel spells might smooth the transition compared to the Doctors early arrival on his exile. I'm guessing that this is a version of Romana who never returned to L-Space, and instead ended up in Equestria on Regeneration 3. Certainly an improvement on Lady Trey. But it's hard reconciling Pinkie with the would-be Imperiatrix of the Nine-Gallifeys. Or maybe this Romana is much much later, having fled the Time War. That's gonna make having a past Doctor much more troubling.

I have a few thoughts.

- The 3rd Doctor is incredibly grumpy with UNIT at first. He cheerfully tries to leave them in the lurch, lies to his new assistant and only agrees to help out UNIT in part due to the resources he needs to repair his Tardis. I think, in contrast to Pinkie, Doctor might find himself a tad put out by the absurdity of Equestria to begin with. Certainly gonna be had to repair the Tardis here.
- The Doctor has every reason to distrust Romana. Not only is this a River Song situation, he can identify a Timelord. And right now he is not in a forgiving mood with the Timelords. They murdered him, erased the memories of his friends, tried to coerce him into a secretive black ops group, in a stunning act of hypocrisy and he knows it. Assurances that one day they'll be great friends might not cover it. A contact "Definitly-Not-A-Mind-Meld" might alleviate some distrust, but Romana knows his future. Daleks, Guardians, Key to Time. That's a risk.

I'm excited to see what happens.

I love Doctor who and the fact you're willing to use the time when the Time Lords banished him and FORCED HIM TO REGENERATE in such a way is definitely interesting.

I still feel bad for Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot, having your memories messed with is not cool in the slightest.

Thank you for your comment! We're going to go through it bit by bit, since we are so excited that we got a comment so soon!

Hah. Also, holy smokes. Raven got a mention. We are in Deep Lore territory. Seems like he has narrowly avoided 6B it in this timeline but yikes. And you've merged Division into it. Nice work. Was that a reference to a young Jo Martin back there, as a potential next face? Very clever.

Yes and yes to all of that! Truth be told, we don't know Big Finish all too well, but we were smitten by an animation with The Raven in it that got us wanting to learn more. This one, in fact.


And yes, that is a young Jo Grant! Imagine our wonder and surprise when we saw that, in the actual clip of 2's regeneration, they never actually showed the 4th face. Naturally, we had to connect those dots.

If I were to be critical, I would say that you might lose a few readers on the info dump there. Plus Twilight takes the notion of Pinkie travelling universes well. She suddenly behaves very unpinkie like. Her personality evaporates to suddenly tell Twilight shes a few hundred years old and Twilight just... goes with it. That's a niggle.

That's all fair. We'll try to tone down the info-dumping in the next chapter. We would also like to say that Pinkie will become more like herself later on. Having an old friend crash into the castle you're in, with clear signs of being recently resurrected, is bound to do things to your mental state. The way she's acting here is meant to be similar to how she acted after she messed up with the mirror pool, with less guilt and more concern. That all being said, we should focus more on Twilight's thoughts on all of this in general for future chapters. This is a lot to take in all at once, both in and out of universe. Thanks for the advice! It's going to be useful.

But I'm interested in seeing this continue. The fact that in Equestria they are familiar with both parallel universes and Time Travel spells might smooth the transition compared to the Doctors early arrival on his exile. I'm guessing that this is a version of Romana who never returned to L-Space, and instead ended up in Equestria on Regeneration 3. Certainly an improvement on Lady Trey. But it's hard reconciling Pinkie with the would-be Imperiatrix of the Nine-Gallifeys. Or maybe this Romana is much much later, having fled the Time War. That's gonna make having a past Doctor much more troubling.

We're going to outright say that this Pinkie went through the Time War. She won't want to dwell on it in the actual tale, but she did go through it, and managed to take a lucky escape to Equestria. We'll also say that this 3rd Doctor is from a different universe from this Romana/Pinkie, as well. We'll hint at why the 3rd Doctor ended up here later on in the story... And exactly where Equestria is.

The 3rd Doctor is incredibly grumpy with UNIT at first. He cheerfully tries to leave them in the lurch, lies to his new assistant and only agrees to help out UNIT in part due to the resources he needs to repair his Tardis. I think, in contrast to Pinkie, Doctor might find himself a tad put out by the absurdity of Equestria to begin with. Certainly gonna be had to repair the Tardis here.

Yes, he is going to find it insanely impossible, to the point where he thinks it is, but he is still the Doctor, so he's going to be fascinated by everything. Who wouldn't be?

The Doctor has every reason to distrust Romana. Not only is this a River Song situation, he can identify a Timelord. And right now he is not in a forgiving mood with the Timelords. They murdered him, erased the memories of his friends, tried to coerce him into a secretive black ops group, in a stunning act of hypocrisy and he knows it. Assurances that one day they'll be great friends might not cover it. A contact "Definitly-Not-A-Mind-Meld" might alleviate some distrust, but Romana knows his future. Daleks, Guardians, Key to Time. That's a risk.

... You are a gods-damned genius. We never even thought about that, but it is insanely obvious in hindsight. They won't meet up until near the end of this story, but when they do... Ohhhhh it's going to be a doozy!

But yes, thank you for the short and concise review! Glad to see we're at least on the right track! We hope that we never disappoint! So long for now!

Comment posted by The Madwomen deleted February 6th

Alright, new chapter is still out, and we improved the ending to the first one, taking in Haradion's advice. Enjoy!

Really liking the Pony version of the 3rd Doctor.

Seeing Pinkie with her Tardis is selling me on the notion that she is *still* Pinkie.

I wonder what Narvin, Brax and Leela would think of Romana as Pinkie?

Romana is one of my favourite characters, but I'm particular fond of the Gallifey series of Audio Spins offs. She has a tone of cool adventures; involving 2 K9 Units, the Ghost of a Time Lord Empress; and an Odyssey through parallel Time Universe versions of Gallifrey to find a the cure to a Time Lord Zombie Plague. You should give them a go.

The Last we see of Romana in the Big Finish Audios, the Time War breaks out in earnest and she fails in her attempt to reclaim the Presidency when her political rival Resurrects Rassilon as President Eternal. She believes her close friend (and fellow Ex-companion and recipient of K9) Leela, to have been murdered by the Master when she attempted to 'Suicide Squad' the Master, (seriously, that's a Story, give that one a listen to if you can) and goes on the run after a failed attempt to assassinate Rassilon (alongside the future incarnation of another ally: who is the executed for his future selves crime). Its a glorious scene, because it solidifies her friendship with a character who over a Decade went from despicable Time Lord Sleazeball to probably her closest friend (After the Doctor, and Leela).

I wonder of Pinkie Remembers Narvin and Leela?

Eventually almost all her friends and allies are killed, Leela is Conscripted to Fight on the Frontlines of the Time War (They always have use for a Savage) and Romana is imprisoned in her own little hell of the Matrix: Archiving the lore and deeds of others.

The Time War wasn't kind to anyone who fought in it, but it certain cost Romana everything. And not in a vague sense: she had been President. She had worked and suffered trying to force the Tiemlords to evolve into a forward looking species, advocating for Non-Timelords to study at the Academy, for Gallifrey to lead a coalition of other Time Sensitives and share their wisdom and power with the World. She watched Gallfrey die, but only after watching them devolve into something worse than the Daleks.

Imagine Celestia watching Equestria die, but only after watching them regress into magical Nazis first...

I've always liked the notion that subsequent Regenerations were informed by their previous adventures. You sort of get that with 12 and 14. I wonder if Romana's hyperactive, slightly crazy persona is the result of her penduluming back away from President Romana? Romana who was weary with the weight of Timelines and the loss of friends, turning into someone who likes cakes and sweets and friends and young kids. Who likes being silly and playing loud music.

The Doctor became a Warrior because he had to fight.

Did Romana become Pinkie because she needed to laugh?

>Best save that for the fairy tales, used exclusively to defeat the likes of the Big Bad Wolf and the Toclafane. It had no place in reality.

Hah. You can tell the Doctor is young here. There are few things more terrifying that a fairy tale.

Zagreus sits inside your head,
Zagreus lives among the dead,
Zagreus sees you in your bed,
And eats you when you're sleeping...

>"It was called 'Set Ram industries."

Now that's an odd sounding - Oh. Oh I see.

>"The Master."

Nailed it.

I always loved the 3rd Doctors reaction to the Master. "I refuse to be worried by a jackonapes like the Master! He's an unimaginative plodder!"

Still. In canon, the Time Lords are concerned enough that they let the Doctor know he has escaped. I wonder how he ended up here?

My guess is that hes made a fragile alliance with the Nestene, and now sees the chance to ditch them for the Doctors allegiance.

What's curious is that in main canon, the Masters arrival on earth comes after the Doctor is helping out Unit for some time. He has an incentive to protect it from the Master who schemes to conquer the earth. In this timeline, arriving at pretty much the same time as the Doctor, changes the dynamic somewhat. Is he stuck here too? Is he interested in working with the Doctor to escape?

I wonder which incarnation of the Master it is; and if he is from Romanas Universe, the Doctor's universe, or a new one. Did he flee the time war? Has he already fought the Doctor across the stars?

I'm assuming hes a minotaur version of the Delgado Master, but he could plausibly be from anywhere in his timeline. Or even a Pre-Delgado incarnation.

I wonder how he got here.

That opens up the possibility of theed timelords from three different time periods, potentially from three different universes.

The Web of Time has to be under strain.

How intriguing.

I wonder what Romana will think of the Master. In Big Finish she greatly fears him, and she spends several years believing him to have personally killed her closest friend (though she does turn out to have survived. They meet up again when Romana is on the run) but yeeting her out a Tardis into the Vortex.

Well, you have once again added so much with your mountain of Dr. Who knowledge. We had never realized the MOUNTAIN of accomplishments Romana had under her belt. We're also doing something similar to that Celestia analogy, as well as why she became Pinkie, thank you very much for the ideas! That being said, we'll put on the record we are far more familiar with the comics when it comes to extended universe lore.

Now that's an odd sounding - Oh. Oh I see.

Yes, truthfully it's meant to be somewhat obvious, but only with hindsight.

Still. In canon, the Time Lords are concerned enough that they let the Doctor know he has escaped. I wonder how he ended up here?

That will be revealed in a future chapter, though we will say he's from the same universe as the Doctor. We'll also say that this is the Delgado Master, since that's not likely to come up within the story.

I wonder what Romana will think of the Master. In Big Finish she greatly fears him, and she spends several years believing him to have personally killed her closest friend (though she does turn out to have survived. They meet up again when Romana is on the run) but yeeting her out a Tardis into the Vortex.

Ooooh good point. We're loosely following Big Finish lore here, so we'll be sure to add that in. In any case, thank you for your comments! They're always appreciated!


There's a whole Bunch of stuff in Wider EU lore. The idea for the Last Great Time War originates in some of the books and features a "War In Heaven" between the Time Lords and an Unknown "Enemy". Because the Entire War exists in the future with its events rippling back to through History to the present the books take place in, the exact details are murky, but it seems that the Romana in these Books regenerates into a much colder, less noble form. Almost like her version of the War Doctor (though it predates the concept by about a decade.) This version of Romana is not nice. She's arguably a villain in her own right, is fairly contemptuous of the Doctor and willing to do some pretty messed up stuff. She is eventually killed when the Doctor averts the upcoming Time War by destroying Gallfrey - though the possibility it could be restored is left open.

Personally, I prefer the timeline depicted in Big Finish; (I think of one as the Pre-Time War timeline, whilst the latter happens as result of changes made in the Time War) and can wholeheartedly recommend Big Finish. A lot of the older stuff is available for free on Spotify if you're interested. They are dedicated Doctor Who fans who singlehandedly revived characters like the 6th Doctor (not a very popular Doctor as they go) and Mel (One of the worst Companions) and turned them into something brilliant. They've made spin offs of just about every Doctor Who character to have ever lived, they've got enough of Tom Baker recorded that if he dies tomorrow they'll still be releasing stories with him up to the 2030s, and they're a tiny company with so much passion for what they do.

Their spin off stories involving Romana, Leela and Narvin are some of the best they've ever done, and they were the first to go diving into the Time War; all three of them fighting in the War. I am particularly fond of Leela's description the War Master. This Interaction during the Time War is delightful. Leela never meets the Master in the TV series, but there are some Big Finish Stories when she meets the "Crispy" Master. The Master thrives in the Time War and that frightens her more than anything. (Big Finish couldn't get Ainley back when they wanted to have Master Stories set After "Survival", so established that The Master "Reverts" to the Crispy Master whenever he loses whatever body he is possessing at the time. So there are Crispy Incarnations set between the Ainley and Bruce all voiced by Geoffrey Beevers. Technically he dies in that form for good. For about 10 seconds: at which point his future incarnation Resurrect him. Technically "The Time Lords" The Master mentions in his phone call to the 10th Doctor were his War, Bruce and Missy incarnations. Not that he ever knew that. Big Finish does *crazy* stuff. I can't recommend it enough.)

After about 20 years of Big Finish, I think Leela is more Romana's companion than the Doctor's. What precisely happens to Leela's Gallifreyan Husband is a bit of a spoiler, but its suffice to say that she ends up relying on Romana's protection to survive on Gallifrey where is she treated more as an animal than a person. She nevertheless ends up considering it her second home though, and fights for it.

Seeing Romana change and become this Pillar of Strength is really something. In one of my favourite Scenes, she takes possession of a Chameleon Arch and briefly considers using it to escape the War. She cannot bring herself to do so, because she considers what the Time Lords have become to be in part her responsibility, and instead stays behind and is seemingly exterminated by approaching Daleks (She was in fact plucked out of this point by an old friend, but this wasn't known in Universe or indeed to many listeners for a good few years. She is used by the Dalek Emperor as "His Voice", speaking through her to the Time Lords. She is rescued by a group of Renegade Timelords who are opposed to Rassilon's Reign, but she is recaptured by Rassilon.

Honestly, having "Future Romana" Meet a Doctor who is younger than she ever knew him is quite a fascinating concept.
Initially, Romana is the student. She's never left Gallifrey when she is assigned to the Doctor in the search for the Key to Time. She's just graduated the Academy. She is a skilled student. In some respects, she needles him by being better: She makes a better sonic screwdriver after realising she can improve upon the design, she remembers facts and figures more than he does. Nevertheless he teaches her more of the universe than she could have found and ends up staying in a pocket universe just to avoid going back home; then when she returns she succeeds him as President of Gallifrey. She's also the first Companion to be the Doctor's equal. Not an assistant or someone who needs rescuing but a fellow renegade Time Lord.

But Future Romana is probably older than this Third Doctor by now. And this Third Doctor is essentially still the Second at this point. For the first time in their relationship, she's the one with knowledge, with authority. She has more experience, more wisdom, and knowledge of his future. The Last Time She Saw the Doctor, she had reports he was refusing to go by the Name Doctor, and had raided the Omega Arsenal. She was ashamed at what the Time Lords had become, and that it had happened on her watch: to the point she was willing to die assassinating Rassilon - the closest thing to a God the Time Lords have.

She's very different to the Romana we saw on screen. Mind you, come to think of it, if she is expecting to see Her Doctor, she's going to be disappointed. This version of the Doctor isn't the Man with the Scarf. He hasn't seen any of that. He summoned the Time Lords to put an end to the War Lord, and for that they stole his friends, murdered him and sentenced him to exile. Rainbow Dash understood it well: It would be as if She saved the Day and the Sister's thanked her by separating her from her friends, erasing Applejack and Twilight's Memory of her, clipping her wings and leaving her flightless on a desolate island somewhere inhabited by primitive griffons.

Its going to be interesting.

Pinkie gave a nervous chuckle of her own. "Would you believe me if I said it all started in a place called Coal Hill Elementary School?"

Ohhhh is she talking about miss Faust?

Comment posted by BestinDworld deleted February 26th

I don't know how many folks will recognise the *Children of the Revolution* and Gamma. But at least *one* Person in enjoying the deep Cut references. Christ, I haven't thought about Pythia for ages. Love it.

Great stuff.

The Equestrian Sontarans seems slightly more... noble? That's an odd one. They apparently have positive relations with Gallopfrey, and are intrigued by the premise of alien life visiting them, though they seem to be a mercenary world, selling their might to the highest bidder. That could end up coming back a few stories down the line of they need the backup.

I note Prime didn't technically say till death. Just till first blood. Things might not be so bad after all.

All in all, rather interesting.

Well, thank you very much. Originally, it wasn't going to be so intensely filled with deep cuts, but your comments on Romana made us think "well, if we're going to use Romana, we're going to do it correctly." Thus, research was in order, and this in turn led us down the rabbit hole of the Doctor Who wiki (they have articles on beer and murder, as in the literal concepts. You can't help but get lost in any wiki that extensive). We thank you for your help and for getting us on the right track when it comes to this sort of thing. We also included quite a few references to the comics, since that's the form of non-televised Doctor Who media we're most familiar with, so keep an eye for a few of those.
The Sontarans here are made to be a bit more noble. Since concepts like friendship have legitimate magical influence in this universe, some species are a bit more friendly than their Whoniverse counterparts. Some are still of the aggressive sort, and some are arguably more dangerous thanks to the various different kinds of magic. You'll likely see more of the former than the latter, but it's still good to keep in mind.
As for the rest... Well, as a certain archaeologist would say, spoilers. :)

I am rather stunned that the Master is capable of feeling concern for Starlight.

But I rather liked the link between Starlight and the Master losing their friend and going to such extremes. Fundementally the Master is the ultimate control freak. He wants to be Master of All Matter. I think he'd find Starlight - and her affinity for Destiny Magic - intriguing. But I struggle to believe he would ever actually change. He is as fixed as a fix point I suspect.

I wonder who that random Guard Celestia just nearly sacrificed Equestria for. He is gonna need some therapy. His entire job is protecting the Princess and she just nearly burnt Equestria to spare him. I rather suspect she doesn't even know his name.

The Master's Mindscape was really fascinating.

I'm getting the sense that the Doctor may have met the Doctor before. Out of order.


But I struggle to believe he would ever actually change. He is as fixed as a fix point I suspect.

Well, he definitely wouldn't stop causing trouble. We figure a few hundred years of trauma and drumming would prevent that, at least not in the span of one meet-up with a unicorn. But we do think he could improve, especially if he has someone even close to understanding them. At the very least, we think he may see Starlight as a new adversary.

I wonder who that random Guard Celestia just nearly sacrificed Equestria for. He is gonna need some therapy. His entire job is protecting the Princess and she just nearly burnt Equestria to spare him. I rather suspect she doesn't even know his name.

Woops. That's our bad. In our mind that guard just wanted to join the fight for their country. We might rewrite that bit at some point.

I'm getting the sense that the Doctor may have met the Doctor before. Out of order.

We're assuming you made a bit of a typo and meant Luna. Concerning that... Most likely, yes. We've thought quite a few stories ahead, but we haven't gotten to that point yet. It's safe to assume that it does happen at some point, even if we don't get around to writing it.

Ah yes. Right on that.

And the Guard is neccessarilly a problem. I like the idea that Celestia would do anything to protect just one of her ponies. Even one who isn't "Special" like Cadance or Twilight.

I'm just suspecting it might fine number on that particular Guard. In a sort of Donna Noble "But I'm No One Important" kind of way.

Or he turns out to be this Realms version of the Brigadier. Left Bridge ir something.

We made some slight changes. So you don't have to reread it, we made it to where Celestia is holding the guard back so they don't charge into their doom. It's a small fix, and sorry it took a while, but we've had some IRL things to deal and this guard wasn't meant to be of the utmost importance, so that's that.

> That is how our GLORIOUS, centuries-long, still-waging war was started with our most beloved of enemies, THE RUTANS!

Beloved Enemies. That phrase alone really tickled me.

I love it. That's hilarious. They are still the Sontarans, but filtered through the "Good Vibes" prism of this universe. Of *course* they would see their most hated of enemies that way. That's brilliant. *Thats* what MLP Sontarans look like.

Gosh, I'm half expecting Rassilon and Omega of the Temporal Royals to be bickering co-rulers. With Faction Paradox being a moustache twirling *assholes*, who really are partially motivated by just how *uptight* he Timelords are. I love the vibe of how they're still the doctor who villians but also still very much a part of the MLP universe and subject to all its rules and conventions about being slightly more decent to one another than the Prime Universe.

I'm half expecting Davros to have made the Daleks in this after his research was shut down by the Kaled and Thals signing a peace treaty.

I love how you write the Sontarans.

Stax was a great cameo.

Excited to see what's next.

Ooooh good ideas! We will say that while, yes, many species of the whoniverse have gotten softer, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Some may be worse. Imagine a Whoniverse baddie like, say, The Minotaur (from the 11th Doctor's run) in MLP world. It's a being that feeds on faith, but it's limited in its reach and power. Compare this to Changelings and The Dazzlings, who are more than happy to just passively consume feelings of love and hatred, respectively. The Dazzlings in particular are able to create hatred amongst others with their voices alone. In fact, we imagine quite a few species would likely go from being carnivorous to being emotion-eaters upon entering the MLP universe. At least, that's our view on it.
Also, we're glad you enjoy how we wrote the Sontarans! We think it's quite humorous while still being fascinatingly alien.

What I like about your story is that the tone fits the My Little Pony universe. Even when there was fighting, it wasn't overly violent; the fighting matches the personalities of Twilight and Pinkie. I also love that The Master and the Nestien Consciousness were defeated by the characters helping them or telling them to be nice. You know a lot about Doctor Who and capture the vibe of My Little Pony well. I hope you keep writing and continue to have fun doing it.

Absolutely amazing work! I loved reading this story so much. Definitely one of my favorite Doctor Whooves Fics EVER!!

Well. Thats intriguing. Something odd about Rarity.

And the Raven turning up again. She is intriguing too.

I have to say I'm rather hooked.

I wait for months or years between chapters. Don't worry about it no need to appologise.

And with that, our story is complete! We hope you enjoyed!

Very much enjoyed and looking forward to sequel.

Excellent. One of the deeper looks into the series.

I hope you've been enjoying the latest series. It would seen that suggesting Discord has siblings - a pantheon even - is closer to canon then you'd expect.

I loved the little reference to a Certain Faction. Very nice.

I have to say I'm intrigued. Especially by the possibility of a (marginally) less homicidal Master. I look forward to the next story.

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