• Published 10th May 2024
  • 568 Views, 92 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic The Movie: What If? - SuperPinkBrony12

(Takes place within my "What If?" rewrite series, familiarity with its volumes is recommended.) An alternate take on the 2017 movie exploring if scenes had played out differently, and some characters were written differently.

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Part 4: Checking In

Despite the heroic stand taken by Shining Armor and the hooful or so of royal guards, they were no match for the invading army of the Storm King. They were soon defeated, their hooves (and wings and horns for those who had them) bound up with chains. They were promptly led away at spear point.

Tempest could only lament to herself. "This was almost too easy."

Meanwhile, Grubber was learning of a rather troubling development. Some of the grunts working for the Storm King were rounding up the crystallized princesses, preparing to take them to Tempest. There was one just problem: There was only three of them, not four.

"Hey, where's the fourth princess?" Grubber questioned, only to receive a shrug from one of the grunts in reply. "Oh yeah, very funny," He rudely remarked. "The Storm King was very clear in his instructions to Tempest. I know, I was there. He said specifically that he wanted four alicorn princesses, not three. So what happened to that fourth one? Where did she go?"

The grunts could offer nothing in reply but vague gibberish.

The hedgehog frowned. "Well, someone's gonna have to explain to Tempest that we lost that last princess. She won't be pleased, at all."

The grunts all looked at Grubber, and their eyes conveyed more than words what their intentions were.

Grubber gulped and shuddered. "What?! You can't be serious! Why do I have to be the one to tell her?! It was supposed to be your job to capture the princesses! What did you expet me to do?! I'm small!"

But the grunts were quite determined. They seemed to have every intention of making Grubber take the fall for them, whether he wanted to or not.

The little hedgehog sighed as his shoulders slumped and he walked away. "Finnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeee," He let out a long, drawn out sigh. "Thanks for nothing, guys! All I ask for is a little respect, and what do I get: Nothing!"

Meanwhile, Tempest had set up residence within the vacated crystal castle that had previously belonged to Twilight. The hornless unicorn smirked as she said aloud. "So this is where you were hiding out all this time, princess. If only I'd have known, I would've come for you first," She looked down at the ground and scoffed. "How typical: Royalty always hides behind others. And you call yourself the princess of friendship."

Taking in her surroundings and surveying the now immbolized town of Ponyville, Tempest's overall mood did not change in the slightest. She could see all the colorful balloons, banners, and streamers that had been set up for the festival. Not to mention the elaborate stage finely decorated, but currently void of any musical performances. "To think, all this time and effort, wasted on parties and festivals," She coldly hissed. "Meanwhile, ponies like me are left to fend for themselves." And she shook her head from side to side in disapproval.

Just then, the front doors of the castle suddenly swung open! In walked a very nervous and anxious looking Grubber, his entire body already coated with sweat as he panted heavily.

"What do you want from me, Grubber?" Tempest demanded of the hedgehog. "I'm not in the mood for your 'games'."

The little hedgehog gulped, swallowing hard as he stammered. "S-sorry, T-Tempest. B-but... t-there's a... problem."

The hornless unicorn frowned. "What is it, Grubber? Spit it out!"

Grubber reluctantly, nervously answered. "You know those alicorn princesses the boss wanted you to capture? Well, we only got three of them. The fourth is... missing."

"What?!" Tempest exclaimed as her eyes went wide in disbelief! Her eyebrows subsequently narrowed.

Already, Grubber could see the sparks pouring out from the stub on Tempest's forehead. He tried to back away as fast as he could while maintaining an innocent, sheepish smile. "Uh, sorry." A raging blush formed on his cheeks as he spoke.

Rather than reply with words, Tempest concentrated her sudden fury on the hedgehog. A few jolts of electricity singed the tip of his fur, causing him to yelp! Then she took a deep breath as she turned her back to him. "Grubber, leave my sight at once," She coldly told him with a swish of her tail. "And don't bother me again unless you have information about where that fourth princess is. I must find her. I will find her, no matter what it takes!"

"Y-yes, Tempest," Grubber replied as he rushed to the doors. "T-thank you for not yelling at me." And he was soon out of sight.

Mere seconds after Grubber had departed, however, two of the Storm King's goons entered the castle. One of them carried a potion in a bottle that was glowing brightly, emitting a tune of sorts as it did so. Looking to Tempest, the goon said to her. "Urgent call from the boss."

"Well, answer it!" Tempest firmly demanded.

The goons obeyed. They set the potion down on the floor, then carefully removed the cork at the top. A dark blue mist rose up from the vial, and the sound of crackling static filled the air as an image took shape. Soon, within the mist, it was possible to see the Storm King himself. Or rather, his backside.

The Storm King seemed to be unaware that he was facing the wrong way, as he just called out. "Is this thing working? Hello? Anybody there?"

"Behind you, sir." Tempest replied.

Now realizing his mistake, the Storm King spun around, now face to face with the hornless unicorn. In his paws, he held a large staff with a light blue crystal sticking out on the top. "Oh, right," He quickly recovered, coughing into a paw. "Sorry, new technology. Still trying to get the hang of it. Anyway, just thought I'd check in. How are things on your end, Tempest? Have you invaded Ponyville like I asked?"

Tempest firmly nodded. "Yes, sir. And the invasion was a complete success. It's just like you said, the ponies were no match for us."

The Storm King put his paws together, an evil smirk spread across his face. "Good, good. I knew you wouldn't let me down, Tempest. All your training has paid off," He then sighed and lamented. "If only all my associates and subjects were as reliable. I think I need to have a chat with those pirates again, because there's a shippment of Storm King merchandise that was supposed to be here yesterday!" He briefly growled, appearing to lose his cool. But the moment passed and he quickly recovered. "Sorry, sorry. I just get a little worked up when other creatures let me down. You know what that's like, right?"

The hornless unicorn nodded again. "Yes, your excellency."

The Storm King smiled. "So, I take it the opposition has been taken care of? All the alicorn princesses have been captured?"

"Well... not quite," Tempest reluctantly replied, a hint of worry crept into her tone of voice. "I was able to capture three of them. But the one native to Ponyville somehow managed to escape. Rest assured, I'm going to track her down for you. I'll have her back here at the time you arrive in Ponyville."

The evil stayr's smile grew wider and brighter. "Make sure that's the case, Tempest! After all, I'll need the princesses' magic if I'm going to power up this staff!" He held it up. "If the legends are true and this staff really was carved from the Tree of Harmony itself, once it's fully powered I will be unstoppable! The whole world will tremble in my wake!"

Tempest remained silent as the Storm King slowly set the staff back down. Then, she seemed to slowly find her voice again as she asked him. "...Is that all, my lord?"

The Storm King gave a confirming nod. "Indeed it is. Once I've taken care of my little 'issue' with those lazy pirates, I'll set off for Ponyville. And by the time I arrive, I'd better see all four alicorn princesses captured and immobolized."

The hornless unicorn nodded back and bowed. "Consider it done, your majesty. Your wish is my command."

"Excellent!" The Storm King happily exclaimed. Then, suddenly, he saw fit to add. "Oh, and Tempest, one more thing: Remember that I alone have the power to make you whole. I alone can restore what you lost long ago. So serve me well, and you'll get what you deserve. Fail me," His voice took on a low, ominous tone as his eyes seemed to narrow. "And your horn won't be the only thing about you that's broken," Then just as quickly, he returned to his normal, cheerful self as he concluded. "So don't mess this up. 'Kay?" And with that, the image of him faded.

Tempest sighed, reflecting on the orders given to her. It was now all the more imperative that she track down Princess Twilight as quickly as possible. But where to start her search? Where could the princess have fled to on such short notice?

Suddenly, the unicorn mare with a scar across her right eye remembered something: Instructions that another princess had shouted out in the thick of battle. "'Flee south of here, beyond Equestria!'" Just like that, Tempest was certain she knew where Princess Twilight and her "friends" were headed. Trotting over to a nearby window, she thought to herself. "You can run, Princess Twilight. But you can't hide, not from me!"

Author's Note:

Considering they clearly intended for Tempest Shadow to be a Twilight expy, and considering Grubber is always by her side as the comedic henchman, it feels weird that they didn't try to make Grubber be like Spike to Twilight and have him constantly be on the receiving end of pain from her. It's even weirder when you realize that Tempest is meant to be serious in contrast to the Storm King's silliness, so why does she need another comedic villain to play off of?

I also don't believe the movie ever stated how Tempest was first put on the trail of Twilight, so I wanted to address that here.