• Member Since 14th May, 2024
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Princess Twilight Sparkle wanted to put down her crown and just be Twilight.
Many issues have been plaguing her reign, and she has found herself at the center of a broken world. Celestia and Luna had told Twilight she was ready to lead Equestria, but what if they were wrong? Now Twilight wonders if she can ever fix the kingdom that has been torn apart.

Fortunately, with her friends by her side to help her journey back to the Equestria she loved, Twilight's reign as ruler will help the world heal.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 7 )

Well this story went from 0 to 100 during the middle of the story very fast.

I feel like the story should have a gore tag.

Also Celestia ruled Equestria alone for 1000 years, surley she has some advice for Twilight? I think they should have a conversation.

I thought I had put a tag for "violence" on this fanfic but as I look now I see that it wasn't there. That one description of death is a single instance; there will be no other instances of gore in the fanfiction as it goes on. There will be some minor depictions of violence, but nothing at all graphic or anything. I will of course still add that tag for this scene, and I sincerely apologize for failing to provide said tag when I posted this chapter. Thank you for alerting me to this issue and I appreciate your comment.

But a warning of what?

Ya... I think it's time Twilight got Celestia and Luna here.

Obviously there out to get Twilight for her accident, is this a representation of what Celestia went through for 1000 years?

Twilight is the ruler of Equestria, that much is obvious, so when they said "she's not our ruler," I think they meant that they don't view her as there ruler due to the accident.

I do have 1 quastion though, can't Celestia still raise the sun? Surley if Twilight is late to raising and lowering the sun and moon, Celestia and Luna could have handled it, right?

Sure there on retirement but controlling the sun and moon looks like a job that could just take minutes, I don't see why Twilight has to take over that job 24/7.

Oh yeah, and great chapter.

She looked around again, as she was rushed up to her private chambers by her guards, trailed behind by her friends. Rarity was still somewhere helping the brides, and Spike had sent word of the attack but encouraged Rarity to keep Applejack and Rainbow Dash calm and ready for their big day. Even Zephyr Breeze, in all of his irksome self, needed to help keep the mood high and worry low. After all, the show must go on–in this case, a wedding. Such an important event couldn’t be canceled by such a rogue group of ponies, even if they had attempted to hurt Twilight. She refused to cancel the event even though her own fear crept down to her shaking hooves. The last thing Canterlot needed was to bring even more bad news to their citizens.

Oh my gosh, she is turning into a Celestia 2.0.... This is exactly what Celestia did during the Changeling evasion!

All of that and more flashed through her mind in the endless expanse of her memory. She could see ponies crying on television as they were interviewed about the Neigahara Falls disaster, or the missing pony posters that dotted every street corner, some families hoping that their children weren’t dead but had just gone away for a while. Twilight could see the raging wildfires that were plaguing cities close to the sparsely populated Foalwood forest. Before her mind flashed images of Cloudedale’s overworked weather factory employees, as they struggled to keep up with the increasing demands of the public. All of the mental waves she was trying to keep at bay crashed ashore, and she couldn’t take it anymore. She collapsed in a heap(her second breakdown of the day) and cried until her eyes were dry again.

The more I read this story, the more I believe that Celestia and Luna shouldn't have retired atleast for another decade.

Someone let them in.
Someone here wants me dead…

I was waiting for her to finally figure that bit out.

She took a survey of the room that she reluctantly called home, not knowing when she would come back. She had a kingdom to attend to, but herself to attend to first. It would occur to her later, when she was halfway across her trek to Celestia and Luna’s home, that she could have sent a scroll instead. But she was grateful for her lack of foresight, as the flowery plains of rural Equestria gave her the time she needed to think. Without the instant use of her teleportation, her mind naturally wandered, in tune with her wandering hooves.

Oh good, about time she went to those 2, well this will be exciting for when they have there interaction together.

As dawn broke, the two ponies set out, with renewed hope and renewed vulnerability.

Yay! A new adventure that's either going to last a couple days to a couple weeks up to a couple months.

Well now I'm excited.

Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate it very much. There are plenty of exciting things to come, and I am glad you have taken an interest in this story! Although it's certainly slow moving, I think that character study we get of Twilight's mind in this story will be impactful, especially with certain events down the line. Thank you for commenting and I hope to have a new chapter up within the week.

Twilight’s stomach churned at the site and she resisted the urge to vomit. It couldn’t be… could it? She looked down again, half expecting the water to be a crimson red and hear the voices of shouting paramedics, but nothing had changed. In the logical part of her brain that was currently screaming at her, she knew this wasn’t the place of her nightmares. It simply wasn’t possible. They were too far South and it was far too warm. She wanted to turn back, to scream and hide in the brush forever, but she couldn’t. Somewhere far deeper than where her intellect could reach, she knew she had come here for a reason. She couldn’t change the past, but she could shape the future. That’s what she was counting on.

Wait... Does Twilight have PTSD?

Ok I have so many questions.

  1. Celestia and Luna are dying? How and why?
  2. Why can't they tell Twilight? How hard is it to just give advice or something?

I have other questions but I don't know how to ask those questions so I'll just leave it off with those 2. Also Twilight might need therapy.

Yes, I assume Twilight has some sort of trauma regarding recent events in her life. I am not a mental health professional so I can’t accurately diagnose her as having anything, but PTSD would be my closest bet.

As for the impending deaths of Celestia and Luna, I have no idea how that happened! It wasn’t in my outline of the story at all, but for some reason when I was writing this chapter I just felt like it was a good thing to do for the story. I also firmly believe that no pony in this universe is truly immortal. I think that ponies can live for thousands of years, maybe millions, but the end of life comes for every pony. I think that the coming deaths of Celestia and Luna will end up being essential to Twilight’s development as a leader. Keeping them in the world forever will ultimately hamper Twilight as a leader.

Also, them entrusting Starlight with the secret gives an important sense of poignancy to her dynamic with Twilight. Perhaps it’s a bit of a plot hole or something, but that aspect of the story was very much intentional. Thank you for reading and commenting!

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