• Member Since 16th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2017


I'm a fantasy enthusiast who loves to write, and I'm aiming to be a professional fantasy writer eventually. I love to help out other authors when I can. Feel free to PM me or drop by and say 'hi'.

More Blog Posts114

  • 385 weeks
    One Neat Thing That I Did Get to Do Last Summer

    During August of 2016, my friends and I visited South Korea. When I went there, there were three things in particular that I wanted to do: I wanted to get some good hiking in, I wanted to see some live Starcraft games, and I wanted to do some karaoke. It turns out I got to do all those things and more. If you want to see that Starcraft bit,

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  • 385 weeks
    I'm Back, After an Age

    Hey folks,

    It sure has been quite a while since I was last on here. I just want to say that I am back to jump back into A Heart of Change and to bring it to its conclusion, and that's the gist of what this blog is about. If you want to hear a rambling story explaining my absence, by all means keep reading.

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  • 474 weeks

    Heya folks,

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  • 481 weeks
    I Happened to Stumble Upon a Beautiful Treasure

    So I just happened to click on the stats button for AHoC because I hadn't done that in quite a while, and suddenly I noticed that I had gotten a few hits from EqD since I had last looked, which I thought was quite strange. So I clicked on the link and ended up on this page which showed the results of an event that

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  • 481 weeks
    Chapter 24 is Done and Going Through the Final Stages of Editing.

    And I aim to publish it sometime tomorrow. Thank you for your considerable patience and continued readership. I'll definitely get the next chapter out in a more timely fashion. I am tentatively aiming to wrap this story up by sometime around August or so.

    Now I'm going to go straight into planning and writing the next chapter.


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Free-form Poetry, and Why I Think it is a Good Idea to Practice (Not Too Concise) · 12:39am Oct 23rd, 2013

Writing poetry is something that I have done for a good while now. I have always seen it as a form of writing that is closer, and more a part of me than any of my other forms of writing, and because of that, I'm usually far more critical and careful about sharing it. I practiced writing poetry for a solid three years or so before diving into writing my first novel (Scion of Chaos). When writing poetry, I almost never did so with the intention of sharing it with others, but every once in a while I would look at one and think it was worthy of having other people read it. I usually used it as a way to play around with various ideas or work out my own feelings on something.

Because of this background of poetry writing, I found it entirely sensible to include poetry in my work at points where I think it fits. But one thing that I have noticed about including poetry alongside other fiction is that many people will feel free to pick apart the fiction and point out mistakes and such, but they will generally ignore the poetry (even editors and proofreaders). I wonder if that is because they just haven't read much poetry and think that it abides by some laws that are purely opinion-based, making it immune to rules or the possibility of being edited. But of course, I know that poetry is subject to being critiqued and edited as any written material is. They can be good and bad, as much as any form of writing. But many people, for the most part, haven't interacted with poetry on the same basis that they have with fiction, so they don't know how to critique and engage it, or how to even begin to write it.

With this blog post, I'll share some of my own poetry that was written due to my experiences from writing on this particular website, and I'll write a bit about the benefits that I've experienced from writing poetry in general.

People Like You

On the precipice of fear
I look to the future.
In awe I see their anticipation
And still cannot see
How my writing could be important to anybody.

But it's there in their eyes
As they're reading my words,
And for a moment I know,
One day
I'll reach my goal.

I see it drawn before me,
Upon each steppingstone inscribed with comments,
From people I consider better than myself.

People like you.

This particular poem was free-form poem inspired by the amazing comments that I have received on my stories. I used the poem as a way to try and sort out how I felt about writing at that moment. I still feel hesitant sharing poems just because of the context that they carry, but I figure a poem like this is as much about me as it is to anyone reading this blog.

I often use poetry when considering a new story idea to try and catch a certain tone or paint an upcoming scene. Here's a particular poem about Sweetie Belle when I was considering writing a shipfic with her in it. I was trying to gauge what it would feel like for a character to be enamoured with her from afar and to finally interact with her. Needless to say, this story idea never really made it beyond a poem, but it was still a worthwhile exercise.


Her hair speaks with the voice of the wind,
Calling to me.
Her emerald eyes hold my glance,
Deeper than the seas.
Drowning in her gaze.

I am left speechless,
With this dazed smile; the only gift I can offer
While fumbling with the fortune of being known.
If just for a moment,
I wish words could be spoken without a stutter.

I truly think poetry is something that just about any author will benefit from practicing. It's a fantastic way to work your way through a single thought and play around with language and word use. Doing so will seriously improve your vocabulary and word-choice as you consider each and every word, and try to find the one that fits most perfectly.

But I find I am at a loss for words when it comes to writing about what makes poetry special. I know I get a lot out of writing it. And I am quite proud of a handful or two of them, but it's hard to express them properly. So, I'll let a poem do that for me:

The Embers of Poetry

Sometimes I look back and it seems to me
That every poem I write begins similarly
Though some may rhyme
And others carry a syllabic time
They all start with what I feel at the moment
And continue on until I reach a sentiment
But that's not how every poem is written

For at least a handful of maybe ten
These are the precious ones that I had to write
It was a struggle, an emotional fight
An experience I will always remember
My desperate inspiration as a fading ember

The reasons of writing might seem as random as a thunderclap
But before too long you begin to see the overlap
These tangled threads that pull my limbs into a dance
I become a marionette as I grasp at the chance
To discover a feeling and phrase it beautifully
And follow through, ever dutifully

So I do every day
And I would have it no other way
As I search endlessly through time, tile to tile
To find something I consider worth my while

I know it's out there waiting

Well, perhaps you found this somewhat interesting. I've written hundreds and hundreds of poems, and I've never regretted writing a single one. I highly recommend writing your own, even if you never share them, there's a certain experience that you have when working on a poem that you just can't find anywhere else.

Thanks for reading, I gotta go to work,

Report SilentBelle · 522 views ·
Comments ( 6 )
Wanderer D

Maybe I should dig out my old poems and let you laugh at them

I'm never any good judging any kind of writing. I can tell you if I like it or if it is really bad but I can never say if anything is good.

Blue bathed walls in my room
Blurred view out the window
Golden toasted clouds seen
It's time to go for now
But dreams refuse to part
Visions saturated
Painted and so surreal
Of some far away land
People dear to my heart
Living in warm comfort
Safe from the rising tides
Tides of time, tides of space
Tides of hunger, shrinking earth
But I swing my legs off
Stand on the left, then right
Because my dreams won't live
And won't stand for themselves.

I spit this Chiclet out right where I stand on the spot. I hope it turned out decent. I tried making it in sixes, but I don't know how it turned out.

nice poems and i agree it could be an awesome experience. i however never completly understood how i should write one that was any good. most of mine were kinda cheesy course i havent written one since like 9th grade and that was like 7 years ago or so. maybe i could try to write one someday. i totally agree though. good blog.

1445179 A poem about waking up and gathering your thoughts before finally getting out a of bed. As well as alluding to dreams being something that we strive for, and have to seek out in our daily lives. A feeling and sentiment that just about anyone can relate to. The six syllables makes it feel rhythmic and the shorter clauses reinforce lethargic feel of waking up.

I rather like it.

Poetry teaches a writer about the economy and flow of words. It forces writers to consider which words to use in what context, and the affect those words have in that context; after all, slam poetry is designed to be performed rather than simply read aloud, while other poems are naturally designed to be read a certain way and do not sound as beautiful when spoken by another person.

I actually made an OC of mine a writer in my latest story, My Little Poem (shameless plug + relevance = WIN!). The long description has a poem with some, not much, symbolic significance, and the first chapter involves said OC creating a simple poem. One reason I did this is because I wanted readers to get into that OC's head right from the first chapter, since seeing an OC make something reveals things about that character that would otherwise be missed by readers.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the subject, and I do apologize for the shameless plug; I couldn't resist! I really think there should be a Poetry group here on FimFiction if there isn't already one.


Mr. Album

P.S. There IS a poetry group! http://www.fimfiction.net/group/1089/poetry

Not much recent activity, but color me REALLY intrigued!

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