Fallout Equestria 5,398 members · 2,623 stories
Comments ( 41 )
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Hi (new) writers. Here is a collection of useful resources and links that will help you start off or write your story.

Writing Guides

A guide on common errors in writing.

Another guide on common errors in writing.

This group gives lessons on writing, editing, and a myriad variety of information that may not have been covered in the guides above. Stop by here and read one of their many [Lectures]. Simply Ctrl+F search the keyword 'Lecture' while in their forums, and you'll find them. (They aren't stickied.)

A guide for new writers. Please read the disclaimer in the OP.

A section from the FimFiction Survival Guide

If you need personalized help with your writing, come to this group. There you can post a thread concerning perhaps a passage from your story that you want advice for, or if you need to clarify something, etc.

In-Universe Resources

A comprehensive guide to the Fo:E universe. It covers material canon to Fo:E, only, and is more succinct, accurate, and trustworthy than the wiki. I suggest stopping by here and the other guide/timeline first before going on a fact-finding mission on the wiki.

A timeline that accurately lists all of the Pre-War and Wartime Era events mentioned in Fallout: Equestria in chronological order. Use this timeline as a reference to make sure you aren't breaking Fallout: Equestria canon.

Need to look up some information from the story? Go to the wiki. You must be aware that only information from Kkat's Fallout: Equestria is actually canon to the story. All other articles are fanon from sidestories and are not canon. So be careful as some articles may not be labeled correctly.

As a general rule of thumb, articles that have the suffix (Insert Sidestory Name Here) in parentheses are not canon. Additionally, articles about Kkat's Fallout: Equestria often have non-canon sections with information about other sidestories in them. These non-canon sections are usually labeled by a heading that states the sidestory's name, or are specified to not be canon in bold or larger font.

Here are lists of articles that concern canon characters from Kkat's Fallout: Equestria:

(ArtisticMink is working on a new Wiki Category for Canon Articles, among many other things. We'll see how this develops as the days go by, and this list will change accordingly.)

Looking for Editors and Pre-Readers?

If you are looking for editors or pre-readers, please stop by one or several of the following groups:

Want Reviews?

Can't Find Any Editors or Pre-Readers?
Here's your last resort:


The list above and this entire thread may and will change. BECAUSE THIS BUREAUCRACY NEEDS 5-12 BUSINESS DAYS TO MAKE COLLECTIVE DECISIONS

Let's have a race: Flu (7-10 days) versus Bureaucracy (5-12 days). First to reach the societal collapse threshold wins. If only one causes an apocalypse, it is the winner by default.

Group Contributor


Trust me, I debated weather or not to reply to you with this for a while... well, about an hour.

Why is it this wonderful thread of usefulness has to be around now of all times. I tell you: if I had this way back yore I'd be more glorious than Leonidas kicking people off cliffs just to show off his new laced sandals.

A topic of discussion: why is this necessary?

I like this, absolutely! I have no issue with how it's done, and I think it's great thing to have stickied!

But there's the question at to why it's needed. I mean, we have a wiki, and the site has a writing guide.

I'm going to say that there's a bit of a 'culture' of constant hand-holding present in the Fallout: Equestria community; 'culture' is in italics because I would normally loath to use the term for something so small, but it fits well, here. It's rather fascinating, because it's beyond the norm of what could be expected for a sub-fandom that's present here.

Basic questions about writing get thrown around here; How do I get more views? Has anyone done this before? Does this conflict with canon? Do I have to do the quote at the top of the page? Does this element from the original have to apply to my fic? Raiders, how do they even work? Does this crossover with another shooter series make sense? What if I humanize everything? What about anthro? Is this a cliché? Can I have humans? Where do I get cover art? Anyone paying for cover art? How do I in-joke? Is too much originality too much? How do I get reviews? Can someone leave a review for me? Should I care about downvotes? Should I use the mature tag? Would anyone dislike me if I change this element of the story? What if everything's steampunk? Does my story have to conform with what's written by other people? How do I deal with 'haters'?

It just seems like there needs to be some discussion as to how many new authors start with a story based on a crossover fanfc, and sticky that. I think that's a conversation to have, anyway.


It's necessary because FO:E is a special case. I won't go into this here because it's the subject of one of my threads.

Additionally, young, new writers tend to flock to this fandom, and they don't know where to start off. The majority of FO:E sidestories are poorly written, so this thread is an effort to mitigate that by providing information for people the moment they step into these forums. I've resolved that the only way to help make FO:E stories better, in general, is to start helping people at the source: the FO:E forums.

As for the content of this thread in comparison to other guides, the Survival Guide that's linked here is different from your traditional guide in that it attempts to aid writers in making their FO:E story more competitive among other FO:E sidefics and stand up better at a glance in comparison to other stories.

This is basically a hub for people to branch off to. Those 'basic questions' aren't answered by FimFiction's guide. People learn them through experience, and I sure as hell didn't know the answers to all of them when I started off here by myself. You cannot assume that all the new users on Fimfiction will know the answers to the questions you think are basic, or where to look if they need help, or what the unmentioned etiquettes of fanfiction writing are in this fandom. Because they don't. And unless someone tells them or they learn it themselves (which likely ends badly), they'll never know.

The wiki and the FimFiction writing guides are resources, yes, but they don't say a god damn thing about the little unmentioned do's and don'ts new writers get slammed for when they publish their first story. The wiki, in particular, is labeled and categorized incorrectly for the most part (they're going through a massive reboot of the category system right now), so it cannot be trusted to provide all the answers people need.

It just seems like there needs to be some discussion as to how many new authors start with a story based on a crossover fanfc, and sticky that. I think that's a conversation to have, anyway.

I don't see how this benefits or helps anyone. The answer is obvious: a shit ton of people do. And there isn't a problem with that, specifically. The problem is that the majority of the people who write FO:E seriously need help. The reputation sidestories have is present for a reason. Why?

Because new writers don't know where to turn to for help. That's what this thread is for. It's a crossroads with different roads leading to other resources and back.

4052135 Do we ever really need anything? Guides aren't needed, but it's nice to have. It's also, at times, easier than trawling through a wiki.

Updated the Survival Guide with some new tips on how to get views on your story without begging or making an ass of yourself.

Group Admin

You posted my guides out of order! :raritydespair:

Okay so I am planning out a new Fo:E side fic, mostly to replace my monumental fail that was my first fic I wrote back when I first got on FIM... To do it right I am trying to understand a game that I wanted to play, but never actually got to since it has undesirable things in it and my parents banned it from my home... (Long Story) Therefore I am looking for someone who knows Fallout so I don't screw this up, lol.

Anypony help?

(Note: I just need someone who can give me answers to questions every now and then regarding Fallout. You will be credited as "a great help" in the description of the fic alongside my two co-writers. (They are pretty much just adding ideas and their OC's to it, not actually writing it, that's my job, lol))

Professor Plum
Group Admin

In future, this thread is probably more what you're after, but if you're just asking questions about Fallout, I should be able to help.

4819946 Noted, I shall proceed with further details in a Private Message as to not clog this thread up too much!


I just wanted to say thank you for the list of sources for Editors/Pre/Proofreaders. I was having the hardest time finding a new pre/proofreader for my fic. While it was still a little challenging to find someone interesting in taking on a FoE fic, I did find a couple of leads with just a few PMs.


It is my pleasure.

4047517 So I'm rewriting my Fo:E fic after the first stunning failure of an attempt. It's centered around five OCs. My pony OC, and a group of sisters that, I won't lie, are expies of Team RWBY. Each fills part of the Five Man Band trope.

Ruby: The main protagonist and heart of the group. As the youngest of her sisters, she fills the role of The Chick. She works to keep her sisters getting along and in general spreads her cheerfulness wherever she goes. Her specialty is in sneaking around and getting into secure areas, becoming quite the expert at infiltration and looting. She also has a precocious crush on my OC.

Diamond: The eldest of the Stable 413 sisters. Diamond is The Leader, using her levelheaded intellect to barter and bargain with the best of them. Her silver tongue and leadership skills are her best traits, but she's only somewhat skilled in a fight, mostly staying in cover with Ruby and trying to keep her from using her sneaking to kill and sully her innocence further.

Obsidian: The adopted sister. Obsidian fills the role of The Smart Guy, being a prodigious gunsmith and good with gadgets in general. Just as there's hardly a lock that Ruby can't pick, Obsidian has yet to encounter a computer system she can't make her bitch. Along with being a skilled gunsmith, she's also an excellent gunfighter, using her wits to win fights. She has the second closest bond with my OC.

Topaz: The secondborn. The chief of security for Stable 413, Topaz is the most physically imposing of her sisters, being the only non unicorn, instead being an earth pony. Her role is that of The Lancer. As the group's muscle, she gets in the thick of things and prefers to let her martial arts talents do the talking. She's good with guns, but is even deadlier at close quarters, being very sturdy and powerfully built.

Facet: The dark secret of Stable 413, Facet is a veteran of the Great War, kept alive in cryogenic suspension for 200 years, until Ruby, in a desperate attempt to save her sisters from invading raiders, awakened him. After summarily slaughtering the raiders, Facet and the sisters, the sole survivors of the attack, ventured out into the wasteland. Facet is the Big Guy of the group, being silent for the most part, and content to kill any who try to kill him. Facet is more machine than pony, having suffered injuries in the war that necessitated extensive cybernetic reconstruction. Most of his organs were supplemented or replaced with implants, all of his limbs are prosthetic, and he requires a respirator to breathe. As a result of losing so much living tissue, Facet can no longer work any spells besides basic telekinesis, which he has refined into a lethal weapon. In addition, his cybernetics are supplemented by a built in AI called Dusk Shine. Without Dusk Shine, most of the tech built into Facet's body, like his kinetic barrier and stealthbuck, would be impossible to work operate.

I have a party, I have an entry into the wasteland proper. What I lack is a villain for them to fight or an idea of how to translate their abilities into sets of statistics.


What I lack is a villain for them to fight

That isn't a question I can answer or help you with.

The issue at hand is that you told me about your characters without telling me about your setting, and your story's premise. AFAIK, you've created a cast of characters to stand in a void of nothingness, where they serve no purpose. Their backstories mean nothing until they have a place in your story.

A villain that cannot oppose your characters if there is nothing for him to oppose. He can't oppose anything or anyone if there isn't a story.

My only advice is, if you haven't already, to first create your setting, then create the premise of your story, and then see how your characters fit into the plot. Once you have an actual story, rather than a list of characters, you can build a host of villains to oppose whatever purpose your characters are meant to fulfill in the story,

or an idea of how to translate their abilities into sets of statistics.

Are you writing a story, or developing a video game?

If I may good sir...

Your group does not neccessarily need a specific villian to fight in your story. Equestria itself is the villian, the land an irradiated pus hole of broken souls, mad raiders, incredibly hostile fauna, and all manner of means of death, usually the rape-ish kind. Hell, you can make the characters themselves their own villian, struggling with their own morals and ethics in a place that laughs at the notion of common decency or looking out for anyone but number one.

I''d also go with what 5380146 said

Are you writing a story, or developing a video game?

Kkat has stats on her characters. WHAT A NERD AM I RIGHT?:trollestia: <totally doesn't try to hide a 20 sided dice and stats sheet>


Don'cha just hate it when an image stops working?

5607254 RIPperonni. Can't remember what it was so here's a placeholder while I get it through my thick skull.



Comment posted by Mocha Star deleted Nov 22nd, 2016


This isn't a group for finding editors. You should visit the groups I have listed in my OP, instead. If you somehow can't find any there (which I highly doubt will ever be the case - unless you're doing something wrong with your requests) then you can look for help in the Pre-Reader and Editor Corner. You can find a link to it at the bottom of my OP.

Comment posted by Mocha Star deleted Nov 22nd, 2016


(EDIT: I misread you post because i glanced at it instead of reading it)

You can find either at the same place.

Pretty sure that's what editors and pre-readers are for, dude. Both, in my experience pretty much do the same thing, except editors are usually just more meticulous people who do more than just give feedback. But both fulfill the same role nicely.

Pre-readers are people who read your story/chapters before you publish it/them, which editors basically do, too.

If you want readers to read your story after it has been published, you may advertise it in the proper thread.

Comment posted by Mocha Star deleted Nov 22nd, 2016


And having a prereader isn't the same because they read it and say 'it's good, here's why' while an editor well tell you what is wrong and how to make it right.

Which is basically the same thing, but like I said, editors do a little bit more. If anything, editors can do the same thing if asked, so I don't really see a problem, but an advantage as you will be having someone who can edit and give you positive feedback. But why would you only want someone who tells you 'it's good, here's why' anyways? It doesn't really help you improve your writing.

I detected an attitude in your post too, but turns out I was wrong because I glanced at it instead of reading it fully. Sorry about that.

Comment posted by ChristtonMash deleted Jul 31st, 2018

Thanks for this. Years later, it's still useful. I'm ~23k words into my first draft of my story. Starting to consider some of these other details (editor, prereader, art, story descriptions, etc). I'm sure I'll be back for more advice later.

I have a question for anyone to answer. Has there been a chimera lead story?

Search for chimera fallout. Beyond that, why bother asking? If you've got an interesting story to tell, lets hear it!

Well I’d tell ya but last time I advertise in the wrong place the admins got mad


Do you know how to make your own threads? You know you can do that, right?

Um hi... I'm trying to write my own fallout equestria fanfic... But need some tips on how to execute it. And also maybe just an ear liaten and tell me if my concept is good^^... Plz help.

hello fellow writers readers and internet browsers I am looking for an editor and sadly can not pay someone to and so I come here to ask for your help to make the story's I wright truly shine I am accepting anyone who knows anything about anything from Kitty

Wouldn't be cool to make a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Fallout, Fallout: Equestria (and a couple of side stories of it), Halo, Star Wars, Gears of War & WW2. Using this pre-war timeline, of course?

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