Rainbow Dash 4,158 members · 7,317 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Just a little suggestion: Could it be possible, to create some under-folders? Like "Romance", "Adventure", "Dark", and so on. That would help to sort the fanfictions in this group.

Kindly regards & Sorry for my bad english

1471270 it wood make story easier to find.

Thats a good thing, isn't it :rainbowderp:?

1471270your not the only one with bad English. i have dysgraphia it macs it hard to tipe fast. (macs) is meant to be (makes)

If we're talking group improvements, I would like to suggest using this picture for the group banner/icon.

1471323 ya that is needed to liven things up a bit.

1471270 1471323 1471330

That would require the group owner to be doing stuff.
As such... they're not.

To prove a point, just over 19 weeks ago, I sent a PM to the owner, offering help in sorting out the stories. I have received no reply to speak of, I don't even know if he's read it.

One sec. Lemme try something.


That would require the group owner to be doing stuff.

I know, thats why I created the thread - maybe the group owner sees it.

To prove a point, just over 19 weeks ago, I sent a PM to the owner, offering help in sorting out the stories. I have received no reply to speak of, I don't even know if he's read it.

... Oh :ajsleepy:.

I'ma just gonna post this here

That is all


If he went on holiday just after you posted that comment...

Seems appropriate.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 12