
Viewing 21 - 40 of 42 results

A minute for Mariupol · 9:16pm May 4th, 2023

I'd like you to please take a minute or two to look at this satellite imagery of Mariupol, Ukraine.

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Report Bad Horse · 1,164 views · #war #politics #Ukraine

My heart goes to Ukraine. I'm doing my part. · 11:24pm Feb 25th, 2022

Not by ignoring.

Not by downplaying.

Not by circle-jerking.

Not by virtue-signaling.

Only through dialogue can we find a solution for the crisis the world has found itself in. Help us understand all sides and find a solution to this conflict. Be part of:

[Adult group embed hidden]


NATO FORCES IN UKRAINE? · 8:10pm Jan 21st, 2023

Just found this video.

I’m sure there’s a lot more going on but the fact that NATO troops are in Ukraine at all is HUGE! What do you guys think?


Helping the People of Ukraine · 1:10am Mar 2nd, 2022

The average Russian does not want war with Ukraine. The Ukrainians certainly don't want war. But the tragedy of war has come to them, and even if peace comes soon, it will only have been bought by the blood toll of all too many lives.

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Examining Putin's recent claims. · 8:03pm Mar 4th, 2022

Many of the Russian people seem to believe NATO and Ukraine are an existential threat to the country. It seems like he's trying to convince them that not only was Ukraine about to invade them, but that NATO was installing nuclear weapons closer to Moscow. This puts the average person in a real pickle. Operations like that would be carried out with with the utmost secrecy, so it's entirely possible he's being somewhat truthful about the situation. Without military intel, we can't know. There are

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I promised no more Russia-Ukraine takes but.... · 9:44pm Mar 12th, 2022

What the actual fuck is this?

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I just don't understand some people..... · 2:06am March 29th

I was only out to buy some simple things today. I had some change left and I went to a nearby park to give it to a homeless person. I couldn't find one and went back to the train station and mall where I started. A man was standing there in front of the entrance, with heavy luggage, a huge backpack and a big suitcase. He asked me for change and said he has no place to sleep. I was unsure about giving him the change at first, because I thought he's a stranded tourist or traveller (which didn't

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Hello Gamers: a brief, important message (for everyone, not just gamers) · 1:10am Mar 11th, 2022

Hi, it's been a while. I'm really sorry about that, I'll try and do a personal update soon. I've been busy and unwell lately, but I would at least like to give a delayed answer to the following: yes, I got my computer fixed a while ago, near the end of January. I also ended up with another laptop. However, I'd like to make a time-sensitive blog about something important.

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Thirsty Sword Lesbians (and Ukraine) · 8:50pm Mar 17th, 2022

You have 10 hours remaining in which to purchase 998 items from for TEN dollars.

That's a savings of $6,579.00! Also, what you spend helps those suffering in Ukraine, and how could you say no to items like this?

Disaster lesbian RPG should be Fimfiction gold. Go get some games!


George Orwell fought in the Spanish Civil War · 12:49am Apr 19th, 2022

“Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired

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Heroes of the skies · 10:33am Feb 25th, 2022

So was going through some videos on YouTube when I discovered this video.

The short version is that it’s about a myth where a Ukrainian fighter pilot shot down 7-8 Russian craft and 10-12 helicopters, if true then good for Ukraine, if not then at least the people have something to believe in which gives them hope and hope is a very powerful thing.

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China's role. · 9:48pm Mar 4th, 2022

China, Russia, and many other countries around the world have a serious problem. Their governments heavily restrict the flow of information. They can't hear what's going on on the other side of the isle. Those in power are aware if the citizens get ahold of all the information, they'll start questioning their governments' actions. Right now China's government is pushing a propaganda campaign in favor of Putin, claiming Ukraine and the US are lying about the damage being caused to civilians and

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Wait, So Trump Can't Even TALK to Putin Now? · 5:28pm Jul 21st, 2017

Trump can't even TALK to Putin now. Okay, cool. Let's all blow ourselves up with nuclear weapons. Let's not even have a freaking conversation before we hit the red button. We're all George Lucas now; guess we just love 'splosions. Got it.

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Real-talk, kids · 6:55pm Feb 24th, 2022


If you think Putin's invasion of Ukraine is just or right, or even kinda balanced because you think there's a good excuse, go fuck yourself.

If you're a fan of people who think so (Trump, Tucker Carlson), go fuck yourself.

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Dramatic Reading of "Celestia Immoral" · 1:03am Mar 2nd, 2022

It has been a long five days, with no light at the end of the tunnel.

This seems almost trivial in my current mindset, but light distractions and humor are sometimes quite necessary, so I am pleased to plug StraightToThePointStudio's reading of my story, "Celestia Immoral." For me it has been a bit of a godsend, letting me just smile for 17 minutes. I hope it does the same for you, and if so, let SttPS know!

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You can stop your search for the worst Ukraine take, I found it. · 11:30pm Feb 24th, 2022

Like Jesus fucking Christ talk about detached from reality

On the plus side, I found a great funny response based on an old standard:


NATO, Nukes, and Nazis · 3:56pm Apr 4th, 2022

Hi. How are you. You look great today.

I fucking cried twice since this started - you know, the fascist invasion for territorial conquest of a small, young democracy. Once a few days into it, when the reality sunk in. Once yesterday. You know. Mass graves. Civilians executed with their hands tied and bullets in the brain.

You know. Like the last time the fascists went through Ukraine.

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New Miracle Medication: Russiadiditol! · 1:46am Aug 30th, 2018

“I’m having a terrible day. Somebody broke into my house last night and they drank all the vodka! They replaced every app on my phone with Tetris, and every song in my library with Tchaikovsky! Worst of all, they exposed my carelessness because I didn’t lock my door. What do I do? Who can I blame this on?TM

Do YOU ever feel like this person? Then Russiadiditol, from Zaibatsu Pharmaceuticals, might be the perfect fit for you!

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Why Supporting Putin Is The Morally Right Thing To Do. · 12:35am Mar 18th, 2022

Why Supporting Putin Is The Morally Right Thing To Do.

You heard that correct, leftists. Supporting Putin is the morally right thing to do.


Supporting Putin and his war in Ukraine is treasonous to the US.

But according to you, leftists, the US is a systemically racist and evil nation unworthy of your support.

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Meme time · 3:23pm Jul 1st, 2023

Viewing 21 - 40 of 42 results