
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

ADSC fan chapters :D · 8:39am May 1st

Yahallo! So, recently I deleted my side stories for adsc. Not because I wanted to stop them, but actually because I didn't write as many side stories as I thought I would and couldn't justify having one. Instead, I've decided to open up the fic for fan made side stories! What this means is that fans can submit chapters that will be marked as side stories, and they can be pretty much anything! However, there will be a canonicity that will be discussed between the author and I about whether the

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Report Perfectly Insane · 129 views · #adsc

dedicated illustrator. · 2:25am February 16th

Hello! So, for my main fic, I have a few goals for it in mind, that being to have a reading of it, to reach 1m words, and to have 1k upvotes. All of which I am fairly confident I can reach at some point if I keep writing the way I am. I also currently have three dedicated prereaders/editors who have done invaluable help and work in making the fic what it is. One of the last things I'd like for this fic is a dedicated illustrator. To elaborate on what that is, someone who draws one scene per

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ADSC art archive. · 5:53pm Aug 16th, 2023

Yahallo! This blog will serve the purpose of archiving every piece of art I have/get for my main fic, whether fanart or paid for. Some will be spoilers, others are just cute. As art tends to be.

Piece one: The current cover art, done by the lovely Zettai

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300 updoots! :D · 4:00pm Feb 10th, 2023

Hello! Main fic just hit 300 upvotes, which makes me really happy considering it only has 16 downvotes along with making it my second most upvoted fic. It'll take roughly another hundred to become my most upvoted, but even so that's still much more than I expected it'd ever get. In celebration, I threw some shekels at someone to illustrate one of my favorite scenes (so far).

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Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results