Three hundred years after the fall of Princess Luna, Equestria teeters on the brink of disaster. Bitter political infighting and power-hungry nobles threaten to tear the country apart in a bloody civil war, while in the south old enemies prepare to reclaim their ancient homeland from the ponies.

As Princess Celestia desperately strives to hold together her splintered nation, she sends a young pony on a quest to the northern lands that border Equestria in order to plead for aid against the threat of Grypha. This unlikely messenger is Rye Strudel, the flightless, magicless, half-breed son of a guard and a baker. Rye must do the impossible and unite the thanes of the north... for if he cannot, there may be no home to come back to.

Chapters (67)

He had to look down to see her. A pony, a creature no bigger than a goat, stood on his doorstep. Her pale blue fur and ragged, blood-red mane couldn’t have looked more out of place in a town of goats and minotaurs. Kev stared at her, wondering what to do. His father would’ve chased her away with a club and a string of obscenities. His grandfather would’ve eaten her. His great grandfather would’ve eaten her and not gone to prison for it.

A story about one minotaur’s relationship with his society, his family, and his wife.

Featured on Equestria Daily
Edited by PresentPerfect
Cover art by Ruirik
(In progress) Reading by ABagOVicodin:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapters (9)

Starlight Glimmer is one of the most trusted members of the Special Branch of the Equestrian Intelligence Service. When the job must be done, she is the one they send.

Sometimes, those missions are filled with action and danger, romance and violence.

Other times, they involve lying prone on a rooftop, waiting for just the right moment to help somepony take a one-way trip to Tartarus.

Cover art crafted by my friend CrazyDiamond, using art from a few different sources. He also did the pre-reading, so extra thanks for that.

Now with an audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Featured 4-27-21 to 4-28-21, peaking in the #3 spot. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

To escape from Tartarus is nearly impossible, even for one of great magical power. When you've lost your powers and are little more than a withered old centaur, it's even harder. But Tirek has a plan, one that will draw in a creature from a world where life is cheap, hats are plentiful, and gravel is king. Will the Spy take the opportunity to enjoy a well-earned vacation in this new world, or will he see the population of friendly, innocent ponies as just a fresh selection of backs to stab? It could be both!

(Takes place before the beginning of Season 9.)

Chapters (21)

Puzzle Piece is the premier information broker in the infamous nation of Freeport, leading one of the most powerful and wealthy organizations in the islands. However, after months of absence from Freeport, he returns to find everything he built in shambles and his lieutenants fighting over the remnants. With chaos reigning in the streets, the Council tells him to get his house in order or see his life’s work swept away. Unfortunately for Puzzle, there are forces in Freeport that don’t want to see him succeed. Nobody can be trusted, nothing is safe—not even his deepest secrets.

A chronological sequel to Northern Venture.

Chapters (13)

Cadance, Princess of Love.
Celestia, the Lightbringer.
Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.
Luna, Mistress of the Night.

Of the Four Princesses, Luna is the one that the Four Demons know the least about. Sure, there was that business about being Nightmare Moon and being banished for a thousand years, but how threatening can the Princess of the Night - a princess that plays second fiddle to her elder sister - really be?

Luna isn't insulted. She prefers her enemies stupid anyway.

The fourth and final story in the Four Princesses, Four Demons series, following up Cadance the Unbroken, Celestia the Indomitable, and Twilight the Triumphant.

Reading the other stories is encouraged, but not required.

Featured from 02-17-21 to 02-21-21, peaking at #1. Thanks again, everypony!

Featured on Equestria Daily's 2021 list "25 of the Best Fanfics for Luna Day"

Chapters (1)

It had been hard enough, being one of the first. With the walls dropped, leaving her nation, her herd, traveling to Japan and trying to exist among so many strangers... every day had been a challenge. But she'd tried. Day by day, hoofstep by hoofstep, she'd felt she was finding her place in the human world.

But now there are no humans. No other demis or liminals. Nothing to anchor her. She exists among tiny horses and the scent of their fear, or at least what little of it drifts into her cell.

For nopony can look at a centaur and see anything but a monster.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages -- and the TVTropes page just went live.)

Cover art by Harwick. Please contact him for commission rates & prints.

Trigger warning: character interpretation.

Chapters (100)

Shining Armour had a great life, everything he could ever want. He was happy.

That is until the Monster arrived.

Violence tag due to certain themes within the story. CW: Child Abuse

An entry in the A Thousand Words Contest under Horror.

Preread by The Sleepless Beholder and mushroompone.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia is, compared to the average pony, unimaginably old. With this age comes an extreme amount of experience, wisdom, and a healthy tolerance to pain. That, coupled with a protective instincts of a mother for her nation means that when Chrysalis managed to burn her, a very hard and uncompromising side of Celestia was revealed.

Of course, that doesn’t mean Celestia is ruthless. She only goes as far as she needs to.

Violence Tag: Violence spoken of after the fact.
Dark Tag: Themes of war, attacks on civilians, and slavery.

Chapters (1)

Daring Do has had many dangerous adventures in her career, but never once in all those years has she had to resort to taking another life.

In her line of work, that couldn't last forever. Faced with no other option, she finally has to kill.

Chapters (1)