• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 21 hours ago


A cartoon dog in a cartoon world



Vinyl Scratch has a couple of days to waste between gigs, so she decides to spend some time in Ponyville and get re-acquainted with the rather-odd ponies who live there.

(The "Crossover" tag is for a dash of Doctor Whooves in Chapter 1.)

Tags: Sports, Technology, Music, and Capitalism

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 35 )

If there's only a reference for something, it is not counted as a crossover. I suggest you take off the Crossover tag, as it doesn't fit the story.

I will read later. Sounds promising! :twilightsmile:


i believe the crossover is in reference to doctor whooves being in chapter one, and as in this context he really is THE doctor, it counts as crossover.

900223 But is he in the whole of the story?


not at all, but it happened, and it should be properly noted. rather like how you could classify most teenage-oriented coming-of-age books/movies/etc as romance. it's unlikely that that's going to be the central aspect of the story, and some parts may even be way off base, but the romance happens, even if it is nothing more than sub-plot.

901025 I'm still unsure about it.


Well personally, the reason I put in the tag and the note is because I've run across some readers who are virulently anti-Doctor Whooves. Thought I might as well save them the trouble of reading a story they are going to thumb down anyway. :trixieshiftleft:

903675 You can still have the note, but you don't really need the tag. People do read the description.

Dayum... this is a great story by the way. I have got to say I really like your Vinyl, not only is she best pony, your Vinyl personality is one of the best I have come across, although Allegranza was pretty good... anyway have an indeterminate amount of smiles:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Wait, how did she read the telegram?

Edit: Aha! Never mind, for I see that it is explained in the sequel.

Rarity FTW well atlest here

great fic and the to the end...Thunderchild is best part

I salute you McPoodle on all of the elements of your story.

Much love for the eve of war reference, love that song.

I didn't thumb down the story, but I LOATHE Doctor Whooves. And it's entirely because I've read far too many stories where people just shoehorn him in where he doesn't belong, just for the sake of him being there, even when it's thematically jarring and completely destroys immersion. People tend to not think about what they're doing when they actually include him as a character in a story that isn't about him at all. Just mentioning other intellectual properties or other meta nonsense isn't so bad, especially if it comes from an established source of this sort of thing such as Pinkie Pie (though sometimes that goes way overboard). But when Doctor Whooves shows up, it establishes that he's ACTUALLY THERE in the story, and that brings a ton of mandatory baggage with it. If he's there, then he has a backstory. And almost every time, due to the nature of the character, that backstory necessarily involves all kinds of elements that don't mesh with the current story, such as aliens and time machines and all the other sci-fi elements he deals with. It tarnishes an otherwise enjoyable story, and seeing a good story ruined by one stupid thing that could be completely removed WITHOUT AFFECTING THE STORY AT ALL tends to really irritate me.

Thankfully this is not one of those stories. I was very glad to make it to the end of a story without having to change my upvote to a downvote for a change. I've found myself doing that a lot recently as the stories I read decline in quality during their progression, so this is something of a welcome relief. :pinkiesmile:

Sorry for rambling. I felt my initial comment of loathing Doctor Whooves needed some explanation, and it kind of snowballed from there.


Thank you for your honest reply. You probably don't want to read the next three sequels to this story, as they are fairly drowning in Doctor Whooves-ishness. I needed to invent a group of ten or eleven individuals who use time travel and their general feeling of superiority to everyone and everything to ruin the whole of time for Equestria, and hey, guess what? They already exist! :derpytongue2:

After I made that post, I went upstairs to get some badly needed sleep. As I lay there, I realized that I had failed to properly explain a few things that would likely result in the creation of impressions I did not intend... but I was attempting to fall asleep at the time so I really didn't have a chance (read: I was too lazy ER I MEAN tired) to go back and correct them. For instance, I failed to clarify at the post's conclusion that I had realized I really don't hate Doctor Whooves, upon analysis I just hate the way authors USE him. This story has time travel, and the Doctor Whooves character, as a plot point. One that is actually woven into the story, rather than something that comes out of nowhere and clashes with everything.

There were a few more points, but I've forgotten what they were and they're not really important so who cares.

Aaanyway, the point is, I like this story. And, for whatever reason, your use of Doctor Whooves in it does not bother me. I have to say, seeing Doctor Whooves in a story and NOT feeling like my brain is being sandpapered is a strange and unexpected experience.

I'M ENJOYING YOUR STORIES AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME! :lunaonadolphinonthemoon.gif:

Excellent story.

For those who do not want to wait until the sequel for an explanation, she had the telegraph operator read it to her.

And now we know, albeit indirectly.

It did seem kind of unrealistic that Steadfast could get away with being such a monumental dick to everypony all the time. This is a nice resolution, though.


So... that's an interesting interpretation of the Doctor's character(s). Especially considering the overall beneficial effect he has in this story.

Unless you mean the rest of the Time Lords, in which case oh my yes.

This story feels unfocused and unfinished. There are plenty of references to real-life things, and there are events that happen, but there is no real point to them.


Well, it's a slice of life story--Vinyl meets the Mane Six, giving the reader a chance to see them through her "eyes". If you desire more than that, then one point of this story was to establish my interpretation of Vinyl Scratch, and to foreshadow the developments I planned to unfold in the series that I hoped to write if it was well-received.

Well, it was well-received enough, so I wrote five more stories, and when they were done started on another series consisting of two more stories so far.

Of course if you are dissatisfied with this story, then I suppose it would be useless to ask you to read its sequels.

ARH MEH GURD!!! War of the worlds!


Not a Pratchett fan, sorry. I was aware that one of his books was called Interesting Times, though.

2168014 I checked it out from the library yesterday.

2168014 Currently reading Hogfather, though.


Yes, I know--I get that a lot.

On the other hand, at least I like Douglas Adams. I don't think I could possibly live with myself if I didn't like him.

This was an enjoyable story overall, and the prophecy given to Vinyl had a nice twist to it. I thought the characters worked well together and don't really have any complaints in those regards.

The tech was a little cringy to me just because I know some of how it works. A record (vinyl or otherwise) is the purest form of recording, as it's literally a jagged grove that captures a soundwave. That's why you can tape a sewing needle to a piece of paper, roll that into a cone, and stick it on a spinning record and you can hear what's been recorded. It's a pure wave form, there's no encoding and there's no compression being done. Given that their world still runs primarily analogue it seems, making the leap to working digital is huge. Twilight and Vinyl have to defeat at least 3 layers of encoding (pits and grooves on the CD, binary, compressed wave form. I may be missing a stage or two in there) to get the same thing.

But, whatever, that's my little bitch about it. Story wise, it was quite fine and I do applaud the choice for Music Version of War of the Worlds. I love that musical, despite not believing it was a real thing when I had first heard about it. Anyway, have your Like and carry on!

I don't plan to read this right now, but I Have to know what the capitalism tag is for.

Hmm...I never answered this.

I realize it is far too late for you, but somebody else might read this comment before reading the story and want an answer.

So, I'll give one: This story is about the founding of the revolutionary corporation known as Equestria Acoustics. The future of this company will be covered in the sequels. That's pretty capitalistic, if you ask me.

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