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Author, Historian, M.S., Fallout Fan, Fisherman, Texan. If I don't know it, I will find out.

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Ruby Palace Teaser One · 11:00pm Apr 6th, 2021

This was in the announcement.

Japan. Sunset Shimmer walked off the plane and through the jetwalk, adjusting her backpack as she walked. Customs was ahead and she needed to focus on getting through. It wouldn't, shouldn’t, be too hard. The flight had been long and it was the last thing she wanted to deal with, but it was a necessary, adult, step.

She was a senior in high school and she was in Japan for a foreign exchange semester. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Twilight had also qualified for the program, but were on different flights to Tokyo. Canterlot High School had a good relationship with a Japanese high school and both schools regularly traded students for a semester abroad. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. CHS taught Japanese as one of their language credits. This semester abroad qualified as a second year language credit, but the experience was so much more than a few credits.

To even be eligible, you had to take at least Japanese 101 over Junior Year. Sunset Shimmer had taken Japanese 101 as a Sophomore, and 102 a Junior. She hadn’t planned on taking advantage of the exchange program when she chose Japanese as her language credit, but her new friends changed all of that.

Fluttershy had started Japanese as a freshman. She was fluent in Japanese. No one had realized that she had even taken Japanese until they had begun to talk about the exchange program.

Pinkie Pie had also started as a Sophomore. The three of them had their language credits for the school’s graduation qualifications satisfied, making the exchange less stressful, at least for Sunset Shimmer. She wouldn’t have stress over the language proficiency test at the end of the semester because she didn't have to take it. She had a good grip on the language and felt confident, despite her obvious accent. She hoped it would dwindle in the short time she would have here.

The rest of the others had taken Japanese 101 the previous school year. Over the last few weeks they had been spending time talking and texting in Japanese to stay sharp. They all had varying degrees of success at grasping the language, but each one had passed the test enough to qualify for the exchange program. Learning any language in just one year was difficult and Japanese was no exception. This exchange would provide a full immersion into the language and culture and help solidify the language in their minds.

Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer were carrying out entire conversations in Japanese, without the need for a lexicon or help. Pinkie Pie was quick with the language and worse, she was already able to do word play with it. Fluttershy, as usual, kept pretty quiet in the group chat, until she had to correct Pinkie Pie’s attempt at a word play. It never failed to shock Sunset Shimmer when Fluttershy explained everything in Japanese like their teacher, but better.

Thankfully, if any of them began to struggle, they had a safety net. Japan required their students to learn English all throughout the various levels of school. How well they could speak it varied from person to person, but if they had trouble communicating verbally, they could at least do it over a written exchange.

There was more to qualifying for the exchange program than language credits. Students had to have the grades for their other classes. They needed recommendation letters, and good ones that impressed both schools. Both schools had to believe the students could handle the transitions, especially back to their home school after winter break. Japan used trimester instead of semesters, making that transition an interesting hurdle for students. The student’s success was the most important thing being gauged, even if it didn’t feel like it. But that didn’t matter anymore because she had already been accepted, and so had her friends.

Sunset Shimmer was called forward to the next customs counter. She presented her passport, opened to her student visa. She was asked a few basic questions and then welcomed to Japan. She stepped past the counter, officially entering Japanese ground. Haneda Airport was an international airport and Tokyo's main airport. It served many different nationalities and languages. Many of the directional signs were in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, English, and a few other languages for the convenience of the travelers. It made it easy for Sunset to navigate to the carousels where her luggage would be. She needed easy after the grueling flight and as her nerves began to heighten.

More important than her luggage was the fact that her exchange family would be there, waiting for her. They knew her name, had her picture, her basic questionnaire file, and had agreed on the flight time. They also had sent a few emails back and forth since they were matched, getting to know each other more.

Her “exchange parents” were Mr. Nakamura Isoraku and Mrs. Nakamura Riko. They had an 8 year old daughter, Himari, and an 19 year old son, Haruki, who was already in University and out of the house. Isoraku worked for the government, and Riko enjoyed caring for their children. They had wanted to be exchange parents for several years, but decided to wait until Haruki was in college and out of the house.

Japanese schools were just getting off summer break and starting their second trimester. School wouldn’t start for her until Monday, September 5th, almost two weeks away, with an orientation day for the international students on Friday, the 2nd. The extra time would allow her to adjust to living with a new “family” before the stress of a new school, and a school structure that would be dramatically different. The Nakamauras had a plan to show Sunset Shimmer around Tokyo and help her get accustomed to the culture, city, and most importantly the vast public transit network.

Sunset was looking forward to seeing the city. The Nakamura family lived in Chiyoda Ward, not far from the Imperial Palace. It was a good location for a government employee to live since the ward was home to most of Japan’s federal government. What exactly Nakamura Isoraku did wasn’t discussed and it was obvious it wasn’t a topic to discuss further.

Sunset spotted the Nakamura family by the handmade sign with her name on it. The colorful sign was held by a Himari. She headed straight for them. Her luggage wouldn’t be available for a little while longer. She waved to them as she walked over, and then choked, unsure what to say or do. She was going to be living with these people for a few months, like their own kid, but not.

They bowed and it reminded Sunset to bow back. “Sorry,” Sunset apologized in Japanese. “I thought I was more prepared than I am. The shock is sinking in.”

“That’s understandable,” Mr. Nakamura replied with a smile. “It is for us too. But it is wonderful to meet you. We are very excited to be able to extend our house and this exchange opportunity to you.”

“It is very appreciated,” Sunset replied. “I promise I will make the most of it.”

“We are certain you will,” Mr. Nakamura said. “But there is more to life than school, and that is what this program is also about. We can’t wait to show you the city and our heritage. I know the school system is different, and will take adjusting, but I do hope you take every opportunity outside the classroom to expand yourself.”

“I will keep that in mind and do my best,” Sunset Shimmer replied.

The carousel buzzed and began to move. It changed their focus to getting Sunset Shimmer’s bags. She only had one suitcase. School would require a uniform and she would be getting that in a few days. There was a good chance she would leave with a second bag, but for her arrival, it was just one and her backpack.

Sunset Shimmer grabbed it off the carousel, but Mr. Nakamura took it from her and led them all out of the airport. They didn’t head to the parking lot.

“I know the flight was long, but I figured this would be a good time to introduce you to our public transit system. The train station is right by our house.”

“That’s fine,” Sunset replied. “We have a decent bus system in Canterlot, and I am used to walking places, but our infrastructure just isn’t built to handle anything but cars.”

All of the train information was written small, to fit on the map and maximize the information available at the stations. There wasn’t a lot of room to give that information out. For now, Sunset Shimmer only made a few mental notes, but let the Nakamura family guide her.

They got off at their stop and only had to walk another two blocks to the building. It was a multi-tenant building, but from what Sunset understood, they owned their portion of it. It was basically a condominium. Sunset was shocked at how nice the inside was. She had seen pictures, and she knew they lived in a nice place, but the pictures didn’t do it justice. Mr. Nakamura had to make some good money to afford what she was seeing.

They entered the unit and the Nakamura family had a pair of slippers for Sunset. They were not the guest slippers. They had purchased a personal pair just for her. Sunset would have to get used to the shuffling walk of the slippers, rather than the “stomping around” she was used to.

Her bedroom was very nice. It obviously it had been their son’s room, but it was cleaned up nicely for her and most of his stuff had been removed. Everything was modernized. The closet opened with a sensor, hands free. The desk was very nice as well. The room even had a private bathroom.

Sunset was left to settle in, and put her clothes away. She met the family in the living room. It was a more traditional feel than the bedroom. They were all having tea and had a cup ready for Sunset.

They laid out the goal for the rest of the day and the following day. The jet lag would be a tough battle. They would stay inside, enjoying a nice dinner and some family games, before Sunset would retire early. The next day was Saturday, and they would hit the town. They would show her the local’s spots, not the tourist locations. On Sunday, they would do the touristy stuff, like visiting the imperial palace grounds. They wanted Sunset to see the “real” Tokyo first.

Mrs. Nakamura was an amazing cook. She attended a culinary school in Tokyo soon after she married. She had always enjoyed making food, and with someone else to cook for, she wanted to follow a private passion. With his well paying job in the government, they could easily afford her the time and finances to follow that dream. It was a very good return on their investment, bringing the family joy almost daily.

Mrs. Nakamura had made ramen. It wasn’t a cheap dish you microwaved. She had made the noodles from scratch the day before and everything else was fresh. Traditional ramen was not an easy dish to make right. Not that Sunset would be able to tell the difference.

Before bed, Sunset took a shower and then journaled her thoughts. It was recommended they keep some form of journal or scrapbook to save the memories for future reference. She chose to journal, but had a camera with her to take photos with. Sunset expected most of her photos to come from Pinkie Pie though. She had gotten a new camera for the trip. It was a professional grade camera with a variety of lenses and full sized tripod that collapsed down to an impressive size.

Day one in Japan was a very good day.

Teaser Two

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If you need an OC for Ruby Palace or Alfheim Online, I can do either at your wish since you are the author, PM me.

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