• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 116,685 Views, 9,637 Comments

The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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April Fools One-Shot: Babysitter

Author's Note:

Wrote this just for fun, next chapter is all outlined and being written as we speak.

Proofread by Faith-Wolff and Lance Omikron
Based off Godzilla and Chibi-Usa characters from Godzilla and Sailor Moon series

And, yes this is canon. Just an AF special for comedy

and being out of left field

Sometimes after Chapter 37

Godzilla Junior never thought he’d be thinking it, but he was glad to be away from the ocean or any islands in a thoroughly landlocked place. Patrolling the perimeter of the castle, he’d been enjoying some solitude and quiet, but when it was Princess Luna flying down to him from the ramparts he didn’t much mind the interruption and smiled on reflex. Though he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the uncharacteristically big grin the alicorn was sporting that practically screamed hidden intent. Still, it was Luna, so he gave his confidant a pleasant nod and bow that she returned upon landing.



Her tone was carrying an edge to it, tipping Junior off to her not being in the best of moods or trying hard to hide something.

“Still upset? Haven’t seen you most of the night.”

“Me? Upset? Don’t jest. I’ve just been… busy.”


Junior muttered as he leaned back on his hooves and looked Luna over. Now he was certain she was up to something and was already lowering his eyelids and deadpanning at her. If Princess Luna noticed his suspicion, she waved it off after clearly holding back a giggle.

“Oh it’s of little importance, however I require your help. Can you guard somepony?”

“I already do that for you, Lulu. Doubt my abilities?”

“Oh not at all! Faaar faaaar from it!”

She yelped with a smirk, pacing around Junior in a circle with body language that screamed she was keeping herself from bursting out laughing.

“In fact, your duty is exactly why I asked for your aid in this! I require watch over a very special pony to be entertained for twelve hours. We agreed to meet while you were off at Mako.”

Junior didn’t know why he started to narrow his eyes or his fur started to bristle, but it did.

“And who would that be?”

“A guest heree.”

Luna quipped while playfully rolling the last word. She was clearly enjoying this game of twenty questions as well as the rise she was getting out of Junior.

“A foreigner? Didn’t know you had guests that often.”

“Oh no nooo, she’s from Canterlot.”


And like that Junior’s tensity dropped off- somewhat. Luna used her magnitudes of mental might to keep herself from poking fun at what she’d observed. Between the body language and drop in his tone, she could swear he sounded jealous before the word “she” was used.



After clearing her throat, Luna stopped circling Godzilla and stood beside him while speaking in a much more astute tone.

“You see, the School for Gifted Unicorns has held a contest ever since young Miss Sparkle achieved what she did. Ponies with outstanding entrance exam achievement or continued exemplary behavior can be entered and for their prize, spend a day or night in the castle accompanying myself or Celestia; or a visit to the Crystal Empire or Ponyville for Cadance and Twilight Sparkle.”

Noticing the lack of student accompanying Princess Luna after he glanced around, Junior tilted his head at the alicorn and raised an eyebrow.

“And let me guess, one called for Celestia and you want me to be on day guard to guarantee their safety?”

“No, actually! The meeting has been this night.”

Luna piped with a stupidly happy smile.

“The student requested myself and we hath spent many a good hours together! But alas, as this halfway point in the night I am forced to attend to private royal princess matters she can't accompany me on.”

“What about the child? Need me to escort them away?”

“Aww, quite kind of you to offer. And yes, take her to the dormitory in six hours.”

One could practically hear the record scratch inside Junior’s head when he heard the “six hours” part.

“... What about the other six?”

“That’s just it! This little filly actually picked you as her replacement accompaniment! Still counts I suppose given you are technically royalty as well.”

Godzilla Junior’s eyes slowly started to widen and he began to look around a bit more diligently both trying to glimpse a pink-furred mass and fearing he would.

“Lulu please tell me it’s not-”

His growl was cut short by a grinning Luna whapping on his helmet with her hoof playfully. Ignoring his previous statement, she called up to the ramparts.

“Come on down youngling! Your guardian awaits!”

A flash of pink colored magic and Junior feeling something push his helmet up from the inside confirmed his fears. A light cream colored, pink-maned filly with large pigtails and bright red eyes had teleported under his helmet, currently now looking at him upside down with a wagging tail.


Junior deadpanned with a twitching eye. Savoring a brief moment he could ignore the persistent filly, he quickly glared at Luna.

“Luna I swear if this is over Mako-”

“Oh would you look at the time! Moon’s at low noon! DutyCallsFarewell!”

And like that in a burst of blue hued magic with a lingering lunar symbol, she was gone. Godzilla Junior clenched his jaw and shook, not taking his eyes off the sky as he reached up and pulled Mariner “Chibi” Moon off his head. His mane and eyes started to glow.

A few minutes later he stopped roaring and firing his plasma beam off into the sky. Chibi, who’d been eagerly watching from a couple of meters away while sporting a pair of sunglasses, gave a round of applause at the outburst.


Restraining himself, Junior closed his eyes and sucked in his breath, holding it while trying to vent off his fuming. Chibi’s high pitched voice bounced across his ears.

“HereLetMeShowYou! PinkSugarHeaartAtta-!”

Upon hearing the vocal shout which heralded a giant pink death ray that was ironically shaped like hearts, Junior launched himself from his position so fast one would swear he flew.


Not wasting a moment when he saw her horn starting to glow, he gently but firmly grabbed the filly by her horn and held her mouth closed.

“We are not doing that again. You can’t control that power yet.”

Uttering a muffled sigh and pouting, Mariner reluctantly acquiesced and nodded; moving her whole body back and forth given Junior was holding onto her head. Confident he wasn’t about to risk a dangerous burst of pink energy to the face or one hitting the castle, Godzilla put her back down and let go. Mariner flopped onto her rump, looking up at her idol and needing only a moment to return right back to her excited state of mind.


Godzilla Junior shrugged, reaching up and rubbing at his temple before walking past the filly; leaning over to scoop her up onto his back. Like it or not he was stuck with her and after his latest trip, getting on Luna’s bad side wasn’t a likable option. He’d had worse company.

“First, I’m going to finish patrol.”


Chibi chirped, striking a dutiful expression and saluting as she held onto Godzilla’s back and looking around tirelessly. Junior got a grand total of four minutes of silence before she started speaking again and he mostly ignored her through it all.


Though he’d just finished his lap of the perimeter, it was Mariner’s words that stopped him cold. While he didn’t speak the language fluently per say, his extended time in Kyoto through his principle development left him with a reasonable grasp of the local language. Sensei was a word he picked up on from both the G-Force platoon that had him as their unofficial mascot as well as what his mother called her superior, Dr. Omae. It was also a word he himself used to describe a certain individual he met long ago on an island surrounded by storms. Come to think of it, that situation also involved a veteran being hounded by an eager youngster with a lot of power.

Definitely an odd thought, one he needed more time to think on. Junior slowly looking back at Chibi’s smiling face, the filly sitting down between his shoulders with a pleasant expression.

“You hungry kid?”



The local tavern and pub was one of the less uptight places in Canterlot, located in the lower square. Junior knew it because it was Captain Frost’s and many of the guard’s favorite hangout, with several others on the night guard already there and giving him waves and nods after he walked in. Thankfully unlike the time the good captain brought him here, he wasn’t having to wear that disguise she whipped up; though he did turn a couple heads walking in with a filly on his back.

Berry Punch, another recognizable face, beamed at the pair and guided them over to a table after pulling out a kid’s menu from the day shift. The duo sat across from one another at a booth, looking almost comically mismatched in size with Godzilla barely even fitting on the bench seat and Mariner “Chibi” Moon having the table come up to her shoulders. No sooner than Junior took his helmet off and put it down, Chibi snatched it up and tried it on. The armor completely swallowed up her entire upper body, with the only thing not obscured being her enormous pigtails that stuck out of the eye holes. Rolling his eyes, Junior reached across the table and tilted up the helmet so he could at least see her face.

“No teleporting or magic, okay?”


Chibi chirped with a stupidly big smile. Junior sighed and leaned back, confident that at least she wasn’t about to lose his helmet trying to teleport across the room or blow a hole in it with that big spell of hers. The armor smiths might have built his gear strong, but he didn’t want to worry them.

Berry Punch trotted back over with a starter tray, passing water for Junior and some sort of steaming, brown liquid to Chibi that took Junior a moment to recognize as coffee. Berry Punch recognized the youngster. He couldn’t stop her before she managed to down the whole thing in one gulp, earning her a short spurt of impressed applause from Berry Punch as the latter left to get the rest of the orders.

“Your helmet smells funny! Hehe!”

Junior puzzled, flummoxed on how something he chiefly remembered humans drank to get hyper had somehow slowed down the filly’s speed talking. Then again he reminded himself he was in a magic world of ponies sitting in a restaurant and decided not to overthink it; just take what he could get.

“Thank Tanaka.”

“Who’s that?”

"Nevermind… Why did you call me Sensei? Do you know what that means?”

Mariner Moon nodded eagerly with her ever present smile not wavering.

“Uh huh! Teacher! My grandparents immigrated to Neighpon. I came back here for the magic school.”

Godzilla Junior paused for a moment, clearly in thought before sitting back more in his seat. Rather than the typical instinctual mix of verbal and body language he usually used that most kaiju almost miraculously understood, which seemed to translate out to Equestrian in their new bodies and vocal cords; he tried something else by stringing together old words from his youth.

“Anata wa nan-saidesu ka?" (How old are you?)

Mariner Moon tilted her head up proudly, closing her eyes and snickering.

“Juuichi!” (Eleven years!)

Opening her eyes, the filly tilted her head at the kaiju-stallion as she managed to get his helmet off her, briefly shaking her head to fluff her pigtails back out.

“How do you speak Neighponese?”

“Only some. I was raised in a place called Nippon and it’s what the people there spoke. Lea tells me this world and mine have a lot of parallel locations. Guessed that this Neighpon must be like where I’m from.”

“I thought you hatched in Japan?”

“Different name, same place.”

The filly’s eyes lit up so much one could swear they were stars. In Junior’s case the reaction was to have a fit of annoyance and worry she about to try another crazy magic spell. Thankfully for the latter worry, she was just ecstatic.

“S-So! SO! You were maybe from my hometown!?”

She yelped, clearly over the moon. Letting the tension fall back down, Junior shrugged his shoulders.

“Possibly, Kyoto sound familiar?”


“Back to business though,-”

Godzilla Junior grunted, crossing his hooves and giving her a studying look.

“-why did you call me that?”

Chibi hopped up in her seat, throwing one forelimb forward to point at him while using the other to punch into the air. She closed her eyes and joyfully yelled,

“Because I wanna be like you when I grow up!”

A long silence settled between the two of them. When Mariner opened her eyes again, she could see Junior slowly close his and let out a tired sigh while shaking his head.

“You don’t.”

In her first negative response of the night, Chibi’s face ran the gambit of briefly angry, defiant, confident, and then to deflated sadness at what she took as her idol’s disapproval.

“But, we’re already alike! We’re named after our parents, we’re both from Neighpon, we both like Princess Luna, and we both got cool powers!”

She yelped, tiny flickers beginning to grow across her horn before Junior’s restrained, growling tone hushed them.

“Don’t you dare start charging that pink beam, hatchling.”

Chibi crossed her eyes, squinted her eyes, and scrunched her nose at the kaiju in a fittingly childish manner.

“Aaaaah! You sound like my dad!”

Junior’s voice was nothing but pure deadpan.

“Wise stallion.”

At the thought of another fatherly lecture, which she got plenty of before and after transferring to Equestria for the unicorn school after discovering her talent; Chibi did the typical reaction for her age to express disgust. She stuck her tongue out and blew her breath under it.


“Mariner, you’re a student at that school so I expect you to be able to listen…. Power is not something you have just to boast about.”

Surprised at the sudden shift in tone, Mariner glanced back at Junior and tilted her head while perking up her ears on instinct.

“Huh? But you’re a king, don’t you boast a lot to strike fear into your enemies? Like with all that roaring!”

Junior shook his head.

“If it’s to intimidate an enemy, doesn’t hurt. But otherwise it’s not something you just flaunt around.”

Chibi’s face puzzled and she found herself leaning in more. Seeing he’d gotten her attention instead of a face full of magic, Junior continued.

“Power is a responsibility. Think of it like this. Imagine you um… had a spell that could-”

He paused, mulling through his thoughts and keeping quiet before his lack of tact in speech might disrupt the message he was trying to get across. Chibi was a student and recalled the teachers at the magic school often used analogy to have the student figure things out for themselves after being given the basics. He just had to take a moment to draw one up as the first couple analogies he could give about probably his biggest lesson involved certain situations he felt might disturb or confuse the youngster.

“That coooould...?-”

-Fight off and kill a monster so it didn’t murder your mother.-

Godzilla mentally kicked himself to avoid blurting that part out, instead catching a fleeting glance at a painting of a storming sea hanging on the wall.

“-keep… ponies… dry in rain.”

He muttered, straining on some words though thankfully his audience was still entrapped in what he had to say. Clearing his throat for a moment to recollect himself, he continued.

“And it rains. What happens to those around you if you don’t use that spell?”

Chibi Moon pawed at her chin like she was answering a question on a test, looking upwards as she muttered the response she thought fit.

“Uuuum… some-.. pony.. else does it?”

“What if there isn’t anyon- anypony around who knows that spell? Or they’re too far away to help? It’s all up to you.”

“Theeen, everypony gets drenched!.... Right?”

Godzilla Junior crossed his hooves in front of him and nodded.

“Right. Now if you saw all your friends, family, or even just random nice ponies you didn’t know, drenched and miserable, how would you feel knowing you had the power to try and stop it?”


Chibi Moon’s ears began to flatten against her head and Junior could swear he saw her pigtails drooping as well. Her tone was slightly dour when she mumbled.

“... Mad I didn’t do the spell. And I’d just have to remind myself to do so next time!”

“What if you don’t get another chance? What if somepony…”

“Got drenched again?”

Junior paused in his speech and withheld his retort. The faded scar on his collar from Destroyah’s bite all those years ago began to ache and twinge at the skin around it from phantom pains. He unconsciously touched at it with a hoof to get it to stop, not even realizing what was going on until he’d already done it. Chibi Moon however could see the droop in his expression, causing his frown to infect her.

“Didn’t come back because you didn’t try or try hard enough?”

Chibi held her breath, casting her eyes to the table as her pigtails and ears hung low. It was several long minutes before she spoke again.

“Like, your papa?”

Godzilla Junior breathed in and held it, collecting up the aches in his collar into his lungs to exhale them out while nodding subtly.


Her mood deflated, Chibi let her chin rest on the table while she mulled through the small parable she’d been given. Having a lot of power wasn’t usually a glamorous thing if you had enough morality to still care about those who didn’t have that blessing. She looked up at Godzilla, still frowning in an expression that made her look like a hurt puppy.

“Sorry… So, that’s why you gotta be careful and responsible with power, right?”

Junior shrugged, curling the edge of his lips up a bit as he reached over and patted the filly gently on the head.

“You’re a smart kid, I can see why you’re doing so well.”

Chibi Moon’s expression lifted a bit, rolling her head into the pats.

“King Godzilla? I’m sorry I blew a hole in the roof or scared you with my spell.”

She mumbled, earning a shrug from Godzilla.

“Been hit by worse, I was more worried for those around you. You scared them quite a lot… except Luna.”

Chibi Moon let out an exasperated groan as she rolled her head around before banging it forehead first on the table. She started saying something but Junior couldn’t catch it due to her mumbling into the hardwood, causing him to deadpan and put his hoof to her horn to gently tilt her limp head up.

Mmmhphr-orry! I just, sometimes have trouble controlling it! I get so excited and- BOOM!”

Chibi yelped, waving her hooves up in the air as Berry Punch brought their orders over and snickered at the amusing sight. Rolling his eyes and shaking his head with a slight chuckle, Godzilla tilted her back a bit more to be sure she wouldn’t fall forward again and faceplant into her food this time; before pulling his arm away. Surveying his food, he continued on.

“Apology accepted. Sounds like you got plenty of powers, just need to learn the skill for it to use it right.”

Mariner Moon grumbled, more pawing at her hayfries than eating them as she pouted.

“Yeah but the teachers at the school are too scared to show me! They keep saying I need to try other things instead of what I can do! If it wasn’t for Best Princess demanding I get an A, I might not have passed the entrance exam!”

Chibi fumed, while still fiddling with a fry.

“I’m good at copying stuff. Hayfries, I’ve always been copying stuff ever since they named me after my mom.”

“Hence the nickname?”

“Since I was a cute little Mariner Moon, a mini version of my momma, yep. Chibi. Problem is once I find something I really really like copying, I get so excited my magic just goes out of control and everypony’s too scared to help…”

Junior let his thoughts mull through themselves and they sat in surprising silence for several minutes, Chibi taking tiny bites out of her meal while Junior sat back in his seat. He tapped the table with a hoof while leaning his chin on the other, sporting a neutral expression when Mariner looked up at him.

“... Did you know my own powers could cause some damage to me and everyone around me?”

“How’d you learn not to?”

“Had some teachers and practice.”

“Wish you could teach me then…”

Mariner grumbled, ears flopping against her face as she almost angrily chewed a hayfry as memories of the school returned to her. With as much damage she accidentally caused she almost half-expected the reason she won the contest was a last resort measure by the teachers to get her disciplined by a princess. So when she heard the words come out of Junior’s mouth she almost choked on her own tongue.

“I am your sensei aren’t I? Eat up kid, we got practice to do. Five hours to do it and I don’t go easy.”

Chibi Moon couldn’t have sprung up quicker if she’d been electrocuted. She was so excited she broke the previous request and disappeared briefly in a teleport spell, moving three feet ahead to wrap her hooves around Junior’s neck to hug him while her tail wagged so fast it was a blur. She was so over the moon he couldn’t hear what she was rambling about, only catching bits of “domo” “ari” “gato” and the word “sensei” at least five times in the span of two seconds. Just as quickly as she launched into him, Chibi Moon teleported back into place and started scarfing down her food so fast it became an honest contest on who could wolf down their plate faster; her or the stallion ten times her size?

-Note to self, take coffee with me.-


“So you say you’re good at seeing something and then following along?”

“Hai!” (Yes!)

“Jūbun ni yoi.” (Good enough)

Junior rolled his shoulder to indicate for her to jump off, the two standing in the back area of the guard barracks. Chibi Moon gawked at all the training equipment, thickly reinforced walls full of scuff and burn marks; as well as a curious tally chart near what looked like a tug-o-war set up. One side of said chart had several marks with none on the other. She was curious where her training was going to be, but it seemed that surely her sensei had chosen this place for it’s dedication to the art! After all if they were going to get her to master her new favorite spell, where else but a place with double reinforced stone walls that clearly had withstood previous damages?

It thus came as a bit of confusion to her when Godzilla Junior promptly turned and walked towards the back door leading to the courtyards between the castle and its walls.

“Huh? What are you doing, sensei?”

“Training you, come on.”

He grunted over his shoulder, not looking back as he started out the door. He could hear a curious youngster following along behind him, occasionally piping a question he promptly would ignore; only glancing back at her every so often to assure her he was aware of where she was. Seeing Chibi following in his hoofsteps, literally, brought him back to memory.

-Huh, so this is what it was like for Kong.-

They walked along for a short time, Chibi eventually hushing up and observing the sights and sounds around her. She did stick close, both for craving instruction as well as letting her imagination run wild looking at some of the long shadows in the trees. Why exactly Junior was doing this and why they kept taking such a winding path instead of the straight and easy one was beyond her. Action only finally came when Junior put a hoof out in front of Chibi and halted. The filly tilted her head, looking around to try and see what stopped Godzilla but she couldn’t see anything distinct on the dark forest terrain ahead.

“Going to be more direct with you than I got when I was your age. What do you see?”

Chibi Moon nudged Junior’s hoof aside to get a better view, letting herself turn around the whole way while looking up at the trees to try and get a clue. But all she saw was the dirt path behind them, the shrubs beside them, and the trees above them.

“Uuum… What am I looking for?”

“Look down.”

A squeak caught Chibi Moon’s attention and she looked where indicated, spying a small field mouse crossing the dirt path not one decimeter away and directly in front of her. It had stopped to look at something behind it and wasn’t watching who was coming. Chibi Moon started putting the facts together.

-If he hadn’t stopped me, I might have flattened the little guy!-

“Iiiss it the mousie?”


The rodent scampered off the path and Junior tilted his head to the side to indicate for her to follow.

“Not everyone is on the same level of power, even someone your age has things weaker than you.”

Godzilla again changed his course, this time walking around a shrub bush he looked like he easily could have stepped through. Chibi Moon jogged along after him, taking a moment to look and see what might have caused this behavior and soon spying several nests of sleeping birds inside the foliage. Birds that Junior would have shoved into and probably hurt if he just blustered through the shrub. Suddenly all his weird twists and turns on his walking path were beginning to make a lot of sense.

“So, how does this relate to controlling my power like you did?”

“First thing I learned from another good king, my sensei. It’s that you need to watch for those underfoot.”

“Figuratively and literally?”

“Yes. See who’s around you, then gauge your act. Or take the act somewhere without bystanders.”

Chibi Moon nodded as she caught up to Godzilla. They walked along for about ten minutes more, this time Junior stealthily observing his protege as she followed along, this time keeping her eyes and mind focused in front of and around her rather than on him as she tried to converse like she was before. When he saw her take notice to avoid stepping on a tiny snake slithering by, making note that the scale of snake-to-filly was about the same as train-to-kaiju with a couple memories from Osaka; he couldn’t help but smirk.


“Now why is this a good spot for next lesson?”


Chibi Moon drew out the word as she looked around the empty barracks as they stood in the sand and gravel coated back area.

“Nopony’s around because even Nightguard find this place drab?”


Junior grunted curtly.

“Okay okaaaay...”

She straightened herself up, closing her eyes and astutely reporting her observations to her teacher.

“Because there is nopony and no critters around and thus this place is safer to practice.”

“Good. First thing about having a power is your skills with it build off each other. If you’re using magic to copy what I can do I’m going to assume it works off same idea. So, what happens when you use your beam?”

Chibi Moon sat in the middle of the barracks yard, putting a hoof to her chin and puzzling as she tried to articulate the experience into words.

“Well, I feel the magic build up and it swells like a balloon, then it gets pressure-y, aaaand then shoots out my horn. Kinda like opening up a balloon’s tie!”

She pipped and Junior nodded.

“Easiest path to vent off the pressure, good. That’s exactly what happens with my beam.”

“Want me to-”

“Don’t do it.”


Godzilla shook his head even as a slight glow began to build up across his mane.

“Don’t let it out that way. You can’t control the flow and that’s why you flail around when you fire it.”

“But unicorn horns are the easiest way to cast spells!”

“Who said this would be easy?”

Godzilla rolled his shoulders comfortably as his mane glowed a touch brighter, opening his jaws briefly and letting out a very brief puff of plasma upwards. The fireball only traveled a few meters before fizzling out.

“Force the power to stay locked in. Then-”

Junior’s mane however didn’t stop it’s glow and instead the energy visibly arched down his body and across all four of his hooves. A brief shockwave shot out of him from the contact points between himself and the floor and when the dust settled the impression of the shockwave was visible on the disturbed sand and gravel as a series of circled emanating out with his hooves at the epicenter.

Junior cracked his neck, brushing some dust off his shoulder.

“-redirect it elsewhere.”

Mariner, now half covered in dust, sported a wide eyed and excited look before cracking a determined expression and nodding. The filly took in a deep breath, the first few spirals on her horn starting to light up. For a moment they raced upwards like the beam was about to fire out when the final spiral was lit, only for Junior’s barking to halt it in place.

“Close off the vent, hold it!”

“Grrk! Try-ing!”

Chibi shook and grit her teeth, clearly straining.

The first few times she tried this she was forced to cut the magic off entirely because she either couldn’t risk holding it back or it fizzled out due to not being able to build it. On the sixth one however, something else happened. Through gritting of teeth, muscle shakes, and some vocabulary Junior recognized Lieutenant Koji saying more than once, things he was rather surprised to hear out of a filly; the magic build up successfully arched down from Mariner’s horn and into her legs. The only problem was it only came out of her back left hoof and rushed out uncontrollably, resulting in the filly getting launched up into the air at a spinning angle as a rotating pink blur.


Godzilla’s eyes snapped open and he rushed forward while looking up to try and position himself to catch her on the way back down; shouting something that would cause the shobijin to reprimand him for terrible language.

“KUSO!” (****!)

There was a stupendous crash which Junior’s thundering hoofsteps chased after.



Another three tries later and now Chibi was covered from head to hoof in as much padding from sparring gear as they could find, looking more like a walking mass of padded training gear with a pair of pigtails than a pony. Standing in the same place as before, which now looked like a bomb blasted mine field, she waited for her sensei’s go ahead to try again.

“We sure this will help me with my beam?”

“You lose control from getting excited or hyper and you’re hyper by default. So if you can learn to redirect it and cancel it, you can control it. Focus like you did before when you looked out to avoid stepping on that snake.”

“What about the magic build up?”

“Go with it but do not let it expand too much. Just be glad I’m not having to step on your tail to get you going.”

Junior grunted with a small tail flick, standing by in case she accidentally launched herself through the door this time. Mariner took several deep breaths and charged up just like she’d done before. Her horn spirals ignited up to the last mark before they held at that point. Then, slowly but surely, they started to spiral back down with pink arcs of energy jumping across the filly’s body through the padding. She growled and shook, clearly holding back a lot of magic but managing to keep it contained as she split it four ways to go down all four limbs at the same time.

“And now stop it!”

Chibi Moon bit her lip and rattled, the arcs of energy halting at her ankles while they practically begged to be vented out via her grounding at her hooves. It was strong, but her will was stronger. She wasn’t going to let her magic run rampant for as long as she could. Ten seconds passed before her teacher’s voice called out again.

“That’s enough, release.”

Chibi did as told and in an instant her built up magic fired out of her hooves in an admittedly impressively sized shockwave for someone of her size. Elation from relief and success set in as she was launched up into the air like a bottle rocket, Mariner glancing back and seeing the even, perfect set of four circles left behind at her launch point and bursting out in gleeful laughter. Godzilla Junior readied himself and closed his hooves around her as she fell, catching and matching her speed before slowing back down to reduce whiplash. Chibi eagerly looked between her sensei and her launch point after Junior placed her back down on her hooves.


She shouted, bouncing up on her hind limbs and prancing up and down while kicking her forehooves out. Godzilla shrugged but gave a nod to her launch point.

“Start of it at least. We’ll work on canceling it out-”

He extended a hoof without even looking down to catch the wobbling filly as she fell over from exhaustion and landed on his limb.

“-another time.”


Godzilla Junior walked along the Canterlot road in the early hours of twilight, an exhausted filly flopped across his back as he headed for the school to drop her off. Despite her exertion, Chibi was simply too excited to doze off just yet and had been bombarding her new sensei with questions since they left the castle. This time however, he was honoring a few and replying rather than just ignoring them.

“So you and Princess Luna?”

“She’s a good confidant. My mother certainly liked her.”

Mariner Moon giggled before pawing weakly at Junior’s mane.

“You said you had a sensei once, what were you like when you trained under him?”

“... Actually, wasn’t that different from you. Was a long time ago though… Let’s just make sure your first test isn’t as harsh.”

“What happened?”

Junior briefly paused and puzzled electing not to blurt out the memory of nearly getting himself killed defending a village from a monster known as Gaw, or the part about him “passing” said test by using his sensei’s signature move on her until he crushed her skull and tore her jaw out of it’s socket.

“... Something you don’t want to hear until you’re older.”

“Awww but I-”

“Different subject, Chibi.”

“Aaaaah okaaay…. Sooo, what happened at Mako? Princess Luna sounded… weird about it when I asked about where you were going on the train.”

A long silence passed between the two before Junior rather quickly mumbled,

“Island was nice. They were weird.”

“Weird how?”

“When you’re older.”

“Blek! Senseeeei you’re supposed to be cooler than my mom and dad!”

Chibi Moon whined, crossing her hooves and pouting. Junior just grunted.

“Once again, wise parents.”

As they approached the magic school, Junior felt his passenger shift as she climbed up to his neck to look out from between his ears.

“Hey Sensei? If you’re a unicorn now, can’t you use magic in addition to your powers to make you even stronger?”

Godzilla shrugged, passing through the front gates and retracing his steps from previous visits with Luna to find the right place.

“Don’t know any magic, probably not very talented either since I haven’t done any even on accide-”

Mariner “Chibi” Moon’s eyes dilated while both her ears and pigtails shot up on end. All she heard was the words “Don’t”, “know”, and “Magic”. On an instant she sprung back up and jumped onto Godzilla Junior’s head, holding onto his bent horn like it was a flagpole.

“Hold it right there!”

“Urgk, get down!”

“NO SENSEI! You don’t know magic and you need to be as big and strong as you can be to protect everypony until I grow up! I will teach you everything I know!”

She shouted with gusto, instantly losing her previous drowsiness. Godzilla just deadpanned at her.


“From now on I am your magic sensei! Training starts-!”

Her declaration was cut short by her flopping onto his scalp. Within the life of a second she was out like a light, holding onto the base of Junior’s horn like a pillow while snoring in a very unlady-like manner. Junior glanced up at the little form fast asleep on his head. Had he been on a shorter fuse he might have grouchily removed the obstructor, but he just carefully held his skull level to balance her as he walked to the dorms and it’s staff. She had a lot of training to do, but lots of potential; not too different from a growing dinosaur who found a sensei of their own in a time that now seemed distant. Memories of Skull Island and when he himself was a lot like Chibi were close to mind. Mariner “Chibi” Moon was a child and Junior wished she could play that role for awhile longer, it wasn’t one she’d get to enjoy forever. He could only hope she wouldn’t have to grow up as fast as he did.

He sighed, chuckling quietly as the filly twitched and clung to his horn in her sleep.


From a hidden shadow on the towers not far away, a pair of eyes who’d been watching the pair all night let the rising sun briefly crawl over her snout. Princess Luna spread her wings and flew back to Canterlot Castle and the Lunar tower while Godzilla Junior had his back turned as he let one of the teachers take Chibi Moon. The alicorn of the night briefly glanced back and beamed at the kaiju-turned-unicorn. What she intended as a prank over his latest journeys had turned out in ways she couldn’t have expected, and she couldn’t have been happier about it.


Reader Works


Every wonder what Bridge might be like if the ponies went to Amalgam'verse Terra? Well Kendell a.k.a GodzillaWolf wants to give his crack at it! Check it out!
Jaunt 4.16 - Kendell2 Kaiju Ponies Pt 1 - http://brutalityinc.deviantart.com/art/Equestria-Across-the-Multiverse-Jaunt-4-631905133
Jaunt 11.0 - Kendell2 Kaiju Ponies Arc Pt 2 - http://brutalityinc.deviantart.com/art/Equestria-Across-the-Multiverse-Jaunt-11-660095066
Jaunt 15.6 - Kendell2 Kaiju Ponies Pt 3 - http://brutalityinc.deviantart.com/art/Equestria-Across-the-Multiverse-Jaunt-15-666637177

The adventure continues across the barrier on Terra! The Humanity's Stand crew has given a chapter of their on to read on this day!

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