• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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Bottom Line, 'Cuz Wildcard Said So

With a steamy hiss, two cogwheel doors rotated open in separate directions. A frazzled earth pony rushed out into the lower corridors of Shoggoth, followed closely by his equally disheveled cohorts. Panting for breath, Revan swung his glaring expression left and right. Thin eyes scanned the thinning crowd beneath tapering waterlight.

“Where's everyone gone to?” a random thug stammered.

“Where else?” Cold Stone grunted. “Off to that stupid fish market they call an Auction House.”

“Then that's a good thing, boss!” said another stallion, leaning towards the leader. “If the platforms are mostly empty, it might be easier to spot our targets—”

“Don't tell me what is or isn't easy!” Revan growled as he shuffled forward. “Just how in the Hell do you find your way around in this backwards toilet of a city?”

A guard shuffled up. “Hello, can I help you—?” He gasped as a hoof lifted him up by the collar of his uniform.

“You can help yourself not get a concussion!” Revan held his other fetlock up in a threatening manner. “Tell me! Where's Boss Jeryn held up at?! I need to see that dribbling flankhole immediately!”

“Snkkkt... you mean... the Syndicate Boss...?” The guard wheezed.

“No, the King of Shark Bait! Who else?!?!

“Uhhhh...” Cold Stone leaned in, tapping the lead stallion's shoulder. “Boss...?”

Several more guards rushed up, brandishing clubs and bludgeons. “Let go of him at once!”

“Let go of your own balls, ass knockers.” Revan shoved the one guard to the ground and stepped over him. “I'm Boss Revan of the Northern Hoof!”

The guards jerked to a stop, rattling. “Northern... Hoof...?!”

“Where the Hell is Jeryn?”

“Uhhhh... uhm...”

One of the guards pointed. “He's in the Marine Auction House! The meeting's about to start!”

“Dammit!” Revan stomped his hooves. “I need to see the stallion and I need to see him now!”

“Uhm... Boss...?” Cold Stone leaned in, murmuring. “If he's away from the Southern Hoof's Headquarters...”

“... … ...” Revan squinted into nothingness. Just then, his ears folded and his eyes went wide. “That leaves the Syndicate Stronghold here wide open.” His jaw quivered. “That damn bard and his mercenary friends are gonna pull the same shit here that they did in Rust!”

“Mrmmmffnngh...” The fist guard stumbled to his hooves. “Who's going to do what now...?!”

“Nothing!” Revan snarled, breaking into a gallop. “Not on my watch!” He motioned after his posse. “Come! Hurry! Either we dig their graves or we drown!”

With several affirmative grunts, the angry stallions stampeded after their boss, dragging along several worried Syndicate guards on patrol. By the time they escaped the loading area and proceeded to the central Shoggothian structure, they had formed a veritable mob. The solid walls thundered with the echoes of their limbs while the aquakinetic barricades quivered.

Bard's eyes wandered back and forth in mid-trot.

Wildcard's lenses reflected several suspicious faces as he walked along.

Rainbow Dash dangled over Bard's backside, her fuzzy face staring upside down at the various halls and doorways of the Southern Hoof's stronghold located deep within Shoggoth.

Ahead of the trio, Remna trotted slowly, evenly. A calm expression hung off the thug's fuzzy features as he led the group deep and deeper into the heart of the organization's headquarters.

Their path took them down two shallow flights of stairs, past no less than three dozen curious, gawking ponies, and finally into a wing of the interior that branched off into several claustrophobically narrow passageways. Here, the hoof traffic significantly lessened, and the four bodies had to form a single file to traverse the straightaways and turns.

“That's some noggin' the Princess has got,” Bard murmured, glancing about. “Unless she's fishin' around blindly now that she's in the dude's skull.”

“Shhhh!” Rainbow insisted.

Just then, Remna arrived at a pair doors where a stallion stood at ready. The guard stood up straight, peering Remna's way.

“Hey, Rem.” He squinted. “Who're these guys? Not often we get griffons down here.”

“No. It isn't.” Remna took a deep breath. “I need access to the armory.”

“Really?” The stallion looked at Remna, then back at the others. “Just you?”

“Please, do let us in.”

“Dude, you know the rules,” the stallion said. “I gotta get a signed request from Boss Jeryn himself. So, whatcha got on you?”

“You really should let us in,” Remna said. “This is a matter of supreme importance.”

“Heh...” The stallion chuckled. “What, did one of his mistresses leave her bridle here overnight?”

Remna simply stared at him.

After a blink or two, the stallion frowned. “Okay. Joke's over, Rem. What gives?”

“I need access to the armory.”

Rainbow and Bard exchanged glances.

“And I'm telling you, dude...” The stallion shook his head. “I can't do that unless Jeryn gives it the green light or if he's here himself. I mean... you know this.”

“Hrmmm...” Remna shuffled forward. “You have a good point, my friend. By the way, have you noticed a crack in the seam of the doorframe here?”

“Huh? What?” The stallion turned to look along with Remna. “Oh. That's been there for months. I keep requisitioning the maintenance department to fix it. We don't wanna end up like Rust, after all. Heh...”

“No.” Remna motioned a hoof while the stallion couldn't see. “We most certainly do not.”

Bard turned towards Wildcard, then nodded.

The griffon cracked his neck joints, then shuffled forward on quiet talons.

“You know, I've considered sealing it myself,” the guard said. “I've got some quick-hardening seafoam. They sell it on the lower cross bridge. Y'know... the one by the broth—”

A metal talon tapped his shoulder.

“Huh?” The stallion turned around—WHAM!—only to be savagely kicked in the chest. “Ooof!” He leaned forward.

Wildcard spun around, hooked an arm around the stallion's neck, and fell. THAP! He slammed the stallion's chin over his shoulder. The resulting rebound sent the guard flying back and slamming his skull into the doorframe.

“Ooomf!” The guard crumpled to the door, out like a light. Wildcard got up, casually brushing off his feathers.

Bard and Rainbow Dash looked over at Remna.

Remna stared at the guard's unconscious body. His eyes flickered green. “Ah... he tripped and fell.” A blink. “How unfortunate.”

Bard and Rainbow glanced at one another, smiling crookedly.

Remna trotted up to the doorframe, slapped his hoof over the combination lock, and inputted the code. The panels opened with a hissing schwissh, and the four shuffled in... with Wildcard dragging the dull body of the guard behind them.

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