• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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July 31 [Another Lazy Sunday]

July 31

It was nice to not be woken up by a storm or a portable telephone ringing or anything else unexpected. Meghan had her arm around me in a hug, and I guess she was already awake, 'cause when she felt me moving around she squeezed me a little bit then kissed my ear.

Since we didn't have to get up at all, I rolled off to the side so that I was facing her, and then nuzzled her chest and started kissing her, and pretty soon we'd gotten completely tangled up in the sheets and in each other.

For breakfast, Meghan and I made waffles, and there wasn't anything else in the icebox to have with them. I guess I ought to do more shopping. I offered her some hay if she was still hungry, and she did nibble on a stalk of clover.

After eating breakfast, we took a shower together and she said when she was shampooing my tail that it looked like it was getting long again and I had some split ends, and I said that I'd noticed that, too, and it was time for another spa trip.

She said that she'd make an appointment tomorrow—she could find a time this week that she could go after work. And then she asked if I had any plans for today.

I didn't have anything in mind. I still wanted to fly south to the 80 90 Highway but I could do that tomorrow. Meghan wouldn't be happy if I abandoned her to go flying, especially after yesterday morning. Anyway, my wings were still a bit sore from yesterday.

So we decided that we'd go to the trail that ran behind her uncle's house again. I liked it better than the river trail.

I wanted to help Meghan get dressed, so after we'd dried off I stuck my nose in her bag and got out a pair of underwear for her and she started giggling at me as soon as I popped my head back up. And I wound up being a failure at it; the only thing I managed to do right was put her t-shirt on. She hugged me and said it was okay because human clothes weren't really designed for ponies to use anyway.

I bet Gusty could have done it.

My camelback was already full, so I put that on and Meghan said that we should get some snacks on the way to the bus station, and I thought so, too. So we walked down towards the bus station and since I was with her I decided that we should go to Walgreen's since it was right close by and had a lot of food.

I still kind of hesitated when we went in the doors, and she could tell I was a little bit tense but she didn't say anything and just put her hand on my head and I kind of pressed up against her leg, and we got some granola bars and a bag of dried fruit to snack on and then we paid for it and I relaxed when we were back out in the parking lot.

We had to wait at the train station for a few minutes for the correct bus to arrive, and when it did we got seats near the front, because I liked looking out the front windows better than the side windows. I wish that you could do that in trains. The dome car on the train from Lafayette had a view over the top of the train and out the front, although I hadn't been able to sit right by it because there had been people there already.

We got out of the bus at Meijer and walked to the start of the trail, and once we were in the woods, Meghan told me that when she was a little girl she imagined that the trail was through a big forest rather than just through the city. She said she'd make up stories about the creatures that she thought might live in the forest, or imagine where the trail might lead.

She pointed out a little side-trail that went through the woods towards the creek and she said that when she was young she thought that maybe it went to a fairy glen but adults would never let her go down there because they said she was supposed to stay on the trail and not go wandering off in the woods. When she was older, she finally had one time, and discovered that it just led to a little clearing full of empty beer bottles and used condoms which was kind of sad.

But she said even though it hadn't turned out to be a fairy glen, she still kept imagining that somewhere and somehow the mythical creatures from history were actually real and she felt vindicated when she first saw an actual unicorn on the television.

And she told me that it was kind of strange to have at least part of her imagination come to life, because here she was now on the same path and she was with an actual pegasus.

She said that she hoped she'd get to go to Equestria, and she'd gone to Kalamazoo College because they had a good Equestrian program, and she hoped that with the small size of the student body, she would have a chance to study in Equestria, but so far that hadn't worked out. There was a pretty competitive lottery, and it was as much luck as anything, she told me.

I nuzzled her and told her I hoped that she could come someday. I said that I'd gotten pretty lucky just because I was a pegasus.

She asked me if I was going to try and visit with one of the tornado teams when I was out west.

I'd heard a few things about them, but I didn't know all that much. Before I'd left, there was talk among the weatherponies that this year they were going to try and see if a team of weathermares could do anything with tornadoes, but there had been a lot of discussion about whether or not it would be allowed.

Meghan said that she had heard that the team had finally been given approval, and they'd partnered up with a human team of experienced stormchasers.

I thought that would be fun to do if I could; maybe on the way back from Colorado we could stop for a while and I could visit with them. I might even be allowed to help out, although I didn't think that Mister Salvatore would like that too much.

We sat just off the trail on a bench for a while and each had a granola bar and some dried fruit. It was nice, although it was pretty close to the 94 Highway so there was a lot of noise from traffic.

I told her about how it hadn't been as much of a surprise for us when Princess Twilight announced that we'd found Earth, since there had been other portals that had gone other places. But then the more I learned about Earth the more amazing it sounded and I thought it would be fun to visit, and I was glad that I had.

She asked me how long I'd been working the weather, and I said that ever since I'd gotten my cutie mark, I'd been on a weather team. The year before that, I'd gotten to help out with Winter Wrap-Up, mostly pushing clouds while an older pegasus told me what to do and I said how funny it was looking back at it how bad I was—how bad all of us fillies were. Clouds would get away from us and drift off and then we'd have to chase them down.

I'd really liked it, though, and my mom had seen that I was a pretty quick learner, so she helped me train and when I was old enough, I joined the team.

So from then on, I worked on a cloud team after school, and it wasn't too long before they saw how good I was with feral clouds, so I got switched to a storm team, which was a lot more work but also a lot more fun. And I liked that sometimes I got excused from classes, because they needed everypony who knew how to help break up a storm.

I'd been kind of surprised when I got elected team leader, because everypony on my team had more experience than I did. And I felt kind of like I was a fraud, so I started reading every book about weather that I could get my hooves on and managed to teach myself some things that nopony else knew.

Meghan said it was really weird to think that we were both at the same level of college and yet I had so much more world experience than she did. And I said I didn't think that was true, we just had different kinds of experience.

We kept up our conversation as we went the rest of the way down the path, and I don't know when but at some point we switched to speaking in Equestrian and that was kind of strange, because there were a few times where we were isolated enough on the path that I could have been back in Equestria, and she could have been another pony.

It wasn't until we'd gotten back to my apartment that the clouds started to break up.

Since I didn't have all that much food left, and not a whole lot that Meghan would like, I said that I'd buy her lunch at Nina's and she said only on the condition that I come over to her apartment tonight so that we could cook dinner together, because she kinda felt like a bad friend for not teaching me more about cooking like she'd said she was going to.

I said that I would, and I said that we'd have to remember to take the wine bottle with us.

Neither of us had too much at Nina's, because we'd had a late breakfast and now we were having a late lunch, and we didn't want to spoil our appetite for dinner. They had a Choritto Wrap that was very good, and it was enough for both of us to share.

On our way back, I wanted to stop by Aric's house and make sure that the birdfeeder had survived yesterday's rainstorm—I should have done that yesterday. Well, it was still hanging but it was pretty low, so I went into the garage and got the bag of seeds out of the icebox and filled it back up, and then we went back to my apartment.

Meghan put more seeds in my birdfeeder, and then we sat down in front of my computer and she put the movie from the GoPro on the computer so that we could watch it.

I really liked the first part—it was kind of boring when I went through the cloud, 'cause all you could see was the blinking light reflecting on the cloud, but the view from above was really good. I pointed to the different kinds of clouds on the screen and told her what they were and what they meant.

After that, though, it got kind of boring, because all you could see most of the time was little bits of me (whenever I talked in the radio, my foreleg blocked half the view) and rain and greyness and lightning flashes all around.

And I blushed when the picture all of a sudden went sideways—I'd got caught in a bit of a downdraft and rolled.

Well, we didn't watch it all the way through because it was really long, and neither of us wanted to spend all afternoon sitting in front of the computer screen when there were other, better things that we could be doing.

She thought it was pretty amazing, though, and wanted to know if it was the worst storm I'd ever been in and I said that it wasn't. I said that the storm a couple of weekends ago had had bad enough downdrafts that I got forced down on a roof, and I'd also been in ones where the winds were so strong that we couldn't do anything to stop it. That one had been scary, 'cause we lost a mare who'd been on the edge of our formation, and once the storm had passed and we could fly again we'd looked everywhere for her but couldn't find her.

It was a day later that she finally came back—she'd been blown inland and the storm had been so bad that she hadn't dared land because she couldn't see how far she was above the ground, so she'd ridden it out, flying crosswise to the front until she'd finally gotten through the worst of it.

When she landed she didn't know where she was, and she spent the whole day huddled under a cluster of pine trees, and it wasn’t until the storm had finally passed that she'd been able to fly up and find her way back to our village.

So Meghan asked if I minded her uploading the movie on her YouTube channel or if I'd rather make my own, and I said that since I wasn't going to be here all that much longer, it would kind of be wasteful to have my own channel.

It took a while for it to all get on the internet, so we cuddled on the papasan and watched the birds until it was done. Then she packed up her bag and I couldn't decide if I should take my flight gear, in case there was a storm, or leave it behind. Meghan said that the weather forecast was for no storms and a nice day tomorrow, and I hoped that was true.

Once we got back to Meghan's apartment, she started getting dinner ready, with me on the counter helping and watching and learning. She said that she was going to make spaghetti, which was a kind of pasta, and I didn't really like that too much because the sauce got all over my coat but I didn't want to refuse either.

But it turned out that she was going to make a pasta casserole, and she said why she'd thought of it was because maybe it would be possible to substitute hay for the pasta.

I tried my best to remember everything that she did, but I knew that I wasn't going to. She told me, though, after she put the spaghetti and sauce and cheese and vegetables in the baking pan that it didn't matter all that much exactly how it was made.

The thing that I don't like about cooking is that when something's in the oven it starts to smell really good long before it's actually ready to eat, and if you're hungry it's hard to wait for it. And then when it comes out of the oven it has to cool for a little bit before you can actually eat it.

Maybe that's a good thing, though. We had time to do all the dishes while it was baking, and we also had a little bit of wine, and then she made a tossed salad, and we ate that while we were waiting for the casserole to cool.

So the dinner wound up being really yummy and worth the wait, and like she'd promised the casserole kept the sauce from getting all over me. It was a lot like a lasagna, except that the noodles were smaller.

She put away all the extra food in her electric icebox, and then we had some more wine and she made brownies and put them in the oven and said that we could have them later, as a before-bed snack.

Then she taught me how to play a human game called Battleship, where you had to guess where your opponents ships were. I lost the first game, because I didn't have a good strategy, but I was figuring it out by studying the board and the size of the ships and by the second game I had a pretty good idea of the strategy, and how to hide my ships more effectively.

It was a good math exercise. And it reminded me that maybe I should spend some time with my math textbook to make sure that I hadn't forgotten anything.

After I won the second game, she wanted to play best out of three, and so we had our brownies and shared the wine bottle back and forth (it was cute how she'd cover her eyes as she pushed the bottle towards me so that I could see she wasn't trying to cheat by seeing where my ships were).

She beat me, but only by one turn. She showed me her board and I could see that my next move would have found her minesweeper.

She put the game away and then we snuggled on the couch until the wine was all gone, and then we went into her bedroom and I might not have been much good at putting her clothes on but I knew how to take them off which was more fun anyway.

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