• Published 15th Apr 2016
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Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 175: Face to Face

Episode 175: Face to Face

Twilight felt pulled back to that horribly awkward and fearful time of being new to Crystal Prep, filled to the brim with the social tension of not knowing what to say or how to interact with anyone, so the default emotion was to turtle up internally out of a desire to remain hidden. But she couldn’t afford that. She had to force herself to be past that. Within, she felt not only the hardened well of calm she’d been crafting for herself from dealing with crisis after crisis, but she also felt the firm and bracing energy of Midnight within her mind, fueling Twilight with a dose of Midnight’s own supreme confidence. She looked to Sombra, wondering what was going through his mind.

She knew who Radiant Hope was, and was trying hard not to stare too hard on that Soul Reaper Lieutenant, who was coincidentally seated rather close, only two people down. Only Sugarcoat was between Twilight and Radiant Hope, and she couldn’t help but notice the fall of teal hair as Radiant Hope gave a curious look down the table at the Quincy.

She can’t recognize Sombra. This Radiant Hope has no memories of that life, Twilight reminded herself. At least according to Sombra’s story, the spirit that had become this Soul Reaper was the result of the original Radiant Hope’s soul getting split up due to a tug of war between Sombra’s ability to absorb his fallen Quincy, and a Soul Reaper’s Konso technique.

Given the extreme animosity between Sombra and Scorpan, Twilight had a suspicion which Soul Reaper was responsible for that Konso.

Sombra for his part was paying Radiant Hope no mind, but Twilight was familiar enough with him now to tell that the steel stillness on his face was utterly betrayed by the fraying flicker of his shadow and the overt tightness of his jawline. Not all of that was because of Scorpan, Twilight could tell, because she saw the tension in his neck as if he was struggling not to turn his head towards Radiant Hope. She wished she could do something to calm him, but any distraction at all was probably a bad idea right now.

The silence was getting entirely too cold and heavy, and was shockingly shattered by Applejack, of all people, as she stood up and pounded a hand into her palm, “Now I got it! Coloratura from the Canterlot Sparrow Scouts, troop eleven!”

Everyone looked at her, and Applejack’s face rapidly reddened as she slowly sat down, taking her hat off and wringing it a bit as she glanced back at Coloratura, “Uh, ya are, right? Yer a lot more gussied up n’ I remember, but ya still got them pipes. Hard ta ferget a voice like that.”

Sombra blinked, gravity seeming to shift as he turned his head towards Coloratura while still deridingly not looking at Radiant Hope. “Remind me, Countess, in your childhood you spent a summer in Canterlot City while your parents conducted Quincy business, yes?”

Coloratura cleared her throat, raising a hand in a faint wave, “I do seem to recall something along those lines. My mother and father seemed to think sticking me in a local girl scout affair would keep me out of trouble.” She paused, eyes piercing into Applejack, and her lips parted in a small gasp, “Ah, I do think I remember now that there was a blonde local girl who made a respectable backup singer to my performances. I’d all but forgotten. Applejack, was it?”

“Er, yup, that’s me. Uh, s-sorry fer the outburst there, just was naggin’ the heck outta my noggin’ why ya looked so dang familiar. Ummm... how’s it been?”

Coloratura hid her mouth with the back of her hand and tittered rather intensely, “Oh, you know, rising to the highest ranks of the Quincy, slaughtering Hollows, succeeding my fallen parents, serving my King with my beauteous voice. The usual.”

“Oh, I’m... sorry about yer parents.”

“Don’t be, they died as Quincy should, in service to the cause. Still, Applejack, I think we can save the ‘catching up’ time for when there isn’t a... you know...” Coloratura rather pointedly gestured at the table of immensely powerful and important individuals, and Applejack’s face somehow managed to burn even more fully red.

“Right, uh, sorry folks.”

“It’s fine Applejack,” said Sunset, actually smiling as she looked between Sombra and Scorpan, “Broke the ice. Now that we can all stop pretending to be silent and awkward about this let’s just get right to the point. We’re the Canterlot Spirit Coalition. We’ve made our declaration of formation known to both you, Captain Commander Scorpan of the Gotei 13, and King Sombra of the Quincy. What we haven’t yet done is establish what our intentions are in forming the Coalition and our future goals, nor even the specific reasons we felt the need to make this move. For that, I’m going to have our High Marshal, Discord, tell you some important if unpleasant information that you might have trouble believing.”

“Thank you for the quick intro, Field Marshal Shimmer,” Discord said with a wink, clearly having fun with the officious nature of the event, if perhaps not taking it entirely too seriously. However his face did swiftly lose its humor and became as grave as a tomb as he addressed those gathered.

“Let us not beat around the bush. Scorpan, Sombra, you both know who I am. You know what I’ve done, both when I ran Xcution, and perhaps even some of the events before that. You also know I’ve spent most of my time since Soul Society exiled me remaining a fairly neutral party here in Canterlot City, content to fence sit while you and the Hollows continued to try to destroy each other. That changed when these young girls discovered the existence of this spirit war and came to me for help, giving me a rare chance to make some amends for my past involvement with Xcution and Hitsuyo-Aku by helping them discover and grow their powers. As a result, Soul Society was spared some of the destruction and chaos that would have ensured had Starlight Glimmer and her cohort’s plants gone unopposed, or if the events at Everfree Forest had been allowed to proceed unabated.”

He nodded at Gaia, who returned the nod with a somber one of her own, “I confess, without Sunset Shimmer and the fine young ladies at her side, my own actions would have spiraled out of control and done damage I care not to consider now. I serve the Coalition now as a willing member in hopes of doing some good with my own present... unusual circumstances.”

She didn’t go into detail about her existence as a unique fusion of a human Fulllbringer’s soul with a powerful Arrancar and former Espada, but practically everyone present could feel her reitasu was hardly normal by Hollow standards.

Discord continued, forestalling any interruptions or questions, “The decision to form the Coalition was made because it was past time a united force existed to counteract two things. One is the present stalemate the spirit war has found itself in. We have every intention of acting as a mediating force to try and bring about an end to the stalemate, hopefully through peaceful and diplomatic means.”

Scorpan was fast to speak, voice clipped, cool, but jaded, “A noble intention but not one so readily realized. Our quarrel with the Hollows and Quincy is one forged of long standing incompatibilities of ideology. For the Hollows, their very nature as consumers of souls upsets our intended role as balancers of the afterlife’s flow of souls. The Quincy, ever unwilling to halt their own war of aggression against them with their soul destroying techniques remain a threat to that balance as well. I’m afraid any attempt at peace must first overcome the fundamental hurdles of making Hollows cease to act like Hollows, and convincing Quincy to lay down their arms.”

Sombra was just as fast to speak now, his words pointed as spears cast at an enemy, “You’ve never furnished a single shred of proof that the power of Quincy destroys the souls that comprise a Hollow’s being, and even if they did you’ve never once offered sufficient proof that this ‘balance’ you speak of is under threat. We’ve warred for generations, Scorpan, do you not think that if the balance of souls was so delicate that it would have already collapsed during any of the numerous points in our long conflict where the balance of power temporarily shifted in favor of the Quincy?”

Amore cleared her throat somewhat loudly, blue eyes still as a glacier, “I can furnish you with any number of the Twelfth Division’s records on experiments conducted in the Precipice Realm to confirm shifts in the orientation of the realms that stemmed from imbalances in the flow of souls. As I recall it is not a simple matter of a singular tipping point where the realms will inevitably be doomed to collide, so much as if an imbalance occurs, the process might take a decade or two to have such catastrophic effects, but can be corrected within that timeframe. This is what has happened in the past when, as you say, the Quincy have gained an upper hand and destroyed many Hollows. Usually within a year or two the balance shifted back in another side’s favor, and the flow of souls stabilizes, at least for a time.”

This piqued Twilight’s interest, as she’d certainly had some time to conduct her own research on this subject, especially in regards to the status of a Hollow soul ‘destroyed’ by Quincy techniques. She raised a hand, drawing Amore’s attention, “If I may ask, where precisely did the idea that Quincy abilities destroy souls originate from? You’re Captain of the Division in charge of record keeping and administration in Seireitei, so I imagine if anyone knows the origin of this claim, it’d be you.”

“That is correct,” Amore’s lips twitched a bit, not quite a smile, but a look of approval at Twilight’s curiosity and acknowledgment, “And it is a worthwhile question. The answer dates back to around the time of the formal creation of Soul Society and the Gotei 13, although for a time back then it was just The Thirteen.”

“The Thirteen?” Twilight asked, looking a tad bewildered.

“Yes, the original thirteen warriors who were the first Soul Reapers, and who became the first thirteen Captains when the Gotei 13’s actual Divisions was formally created,” Amore explained, “Of their number Captain Commander Scorpan counted himself, as did Captain Starswirl, although in his case he did not remain a Captain for very long before his personal research interests took him elsewhere and another had to take his place. Of the others, there were Captain Mistmane, Captain Stonehoof, Captain-”

“Ahem,” Scorpan cut her off, “Focus upon the question if you will, Captain Amore?”

“Ah, yes, of course. Well the important part is that five of the original thirteen were direct children of the Soul Queen, who would later leave the Gotei 13 and create the Zero Division to guard the Soul Palace. It was around that same timeframe that King Sombra of the Quincy made himself known, and Hollows began to vanish from Quincy attacks. It was such an astounding and concerning event that the Zero Division performed their own investigation into the matter, and it was their report that contained the vital information that the vanished Hollows had not been purified or had their souls captured or otherwise relocated, but instead were for all intents and purposes, obliterated. This was the spark that caused Soul Society to consider Quincy a significant threat to the balance of souls and began our conflict with them.”

“Have you read this ancient report from the Zero Division’s investigation?” asked Twilight, “Do you know precisely how it was conducted?”

“I have. It’s actually required reading at the Academy,” Amore admitted, “No one can question the capabilities of the Zero Division, and the report details a very thorough analysis of battle sites where Quincy and Hollows have done battle, showing not even the slightest trace of Hollow reiatsu following their destruction. Furthermore, careful study of the reiryoku levels within the flow of souls between realms did show a growing loss after Quincy conflicts with the Hollows. Just to be even more thorough, there were even experiments conducted on captured Quincy and Hollows to confirm that upon being slain by the Quincy’s abilities, the vanishing of the Hollow soul was readily apparent. I can’t see how there can be any doubt cast upon the matter, as unfortunate as it is.”

“I see,” Twilight adjusted her glasses in thought, “So which Zero Division member specifically wrote the report?”

“I’m not sure why that matters, and technically the actual writing of the report wasn’t done by them but rather one of their family members,” Amore said, taking a moment to think, her eyes staring upward as she searched her long memory for the names in question, “I believe it was a member of the Star Family, Flareburst I believe her name was.”

Twilight did her best to hide a frown of recognition, not looking at the girls across the table but she felt all of them, especially Sunset, tense. Twilight had been made aware before this meeting what Sunset and the girls were intending to reveal here, and the connection the Star Family had with the Zero Division and Starlight Glimmer. Flareburst was a remarkably similar name to a certain other someone who was at the heart of all of this, and the fact that this individual wrote the report that condemned the Quincy... and might also be aware of the truth...

“Let me ask you another question, then,” Twilight said quietly, “Do you know why it is that only Hollow souls vanish when slain by Quincy weapons, and Soul Reaper souls do not?”

Amore flinched slightly, “I... presume it is because your Quincy techniques were designed for destroying Hollows specifically, and while you can harm and even kill Soul Reapers, the same methods meant to destroy a Hollow don’t have the same effect on us?”

“But is the destruction of Hollows a specific quality of our reishi manipulation?” Twilight asked, although this time she was looking more towards Sombra, “I know I haven’t been at this as long as some of you, but my studies on our techniques have never shown any sign that there’s a particular element that would destroy a Hollow’s soul like that. Yes, our arrows don’t purify them like a Zanpaktou does, but logically I can’t see how our abilities can just make a soul disappear like that. It defies one of the most basic principles of energy physics, which granted a lot of spiritual powers play loosely with but still... energy technically can’t be destroyed. Changed and moved around, but not destroyed.”

“And why do you think it matters, young lady?” said Scorpan with words of cutting weight, like cleavers dropping upon a butcher’s block. “Be it by accident or design, by intent or deception, the fact remains that Hollows killed by Quincy vanish from the flow of souls. The balance remains in threat, and so quibbling over the reasons why doesn’t alter the fact that peace is not possible while Quincy bear arms against that balance.”

A dark laugh billowed from Sombra like a gust of wind and he inclined his head at Scorpan, “And there is the same stubbornness I’ve come to expect from you. I lost count over the many centuries how often I have told you that the human race has every right to defend itself against threats to its existence, and we Quincy exist to shield those ignorant of the truth from the predation of Hollows and the unjust control of the afterlife put forth by your Soul Society. This goes far beyond the fate of Hollow kind. The very nature of Soul Society as an self-imposed arbitrator of human souls’ fate after death is an affront.”

“As opposed to what, boy?” asked Scorpan, “What will you and your Quincy grant the human race if you ‘won’ this war? How would your rule prove better than the appointed order set down by the Soul Queen herself and her very own children? Where is there justice or dignity in an afterlife ruled over by one man who is too short sighted to even acknowledge that his people disrupt the balance of souls?”

“Better than what would come of continuing to rely on a corrupt grouping of ‘noble’ families and an equally corrupted controlling body like Central 46,” Sombra replied, a paper thin smile on his lips, “I can assure you that no soul would need to live in poverty, as seen in your Rukongai districts, nor would any have to fear being hunted by Hollows again.”

“Kinda feel like this is running off track,” Rainbow Dash whispered at Sunset, and she couldn’t help but agree that these two men were sounding very much like an old married couple rehashing ancient arguments. She shared looks with her friends, and understanding nods passed between them.

Sunset let out a sharp whistle that halted the heated words between Sombra and Scorpan, drawing their eyes to her. If she hadn’t already dealt with keeping her cool under Tirek’s reiatsu, perhaps the combined focus and hefty pressure stemming from this pair might have made Sunset more nervous. As it stood, she was more annoyed than anything else, and stood up, planting her hands firmly on the table as she shot a hot look of challenge towards these two powerful rulers and commanders of their respective peoples.

“Listen to yourselves!” she said while pouring heat and empathy into her voice, “How many times have you two hashed this same routine out!? A dozen? A hundred? A thousand!? And where has it gotten you? A war that drags on to this day, ruining countless lives on either side of the divide of death!”

First her eyes bored into Sombra, who met her flaming gaze with the weight of his own enigmatic stare, “You’re not wrong that the Soul Society has problems! You think my friends and I didn’t see that when we went there? I saw the Rukongai myself. I saw souls barely eking out what could be called a ‘peaceful’ rest in what should be a place where souls don’t need to want or fear. I watched two women I respect and care about be taken and treated like criminals by a justice system so twisted and screwed up I wanted to burn the whole thing down while I was there. I saw a proud Captain of the Gotei 13, people who are supposed to be our protectors, become so desperate to save her son that she was willing to throw it all away just so he could be saved when no one else would help her. Yes, Soul Society needs... change.”

Anger filled her voice, scalding and strong, “But I’ve also seen Quincy who treated the idea of collateral damage and civilian casualties like a given. I’ve seen them refuse to help souls in peril just because we were associated with Soul Reapers. One of my best friends barely survived a psycho trying to assassinate her, and another friend lost her life helping put a stop to it! You hate Hollows? Fine, I get it, a lot of them are monsters. And some of them... aren’t. Treating the entire race like vermin to be exterminated is short sighted and borderline insanity. Hollows are human souls too, and to pretend otherwise is wrong.”

Not done, she turned to Scorpan, whose face was as stone wrought as a mountainside as he gazed hard at her, “But the Quincy aren’t wrong that the way the Soul Society has run things based on, at best, old fashioned and outdated tradition has not led to the afterlife people hope for when they wonder what waits for them after they die. Not for themselves, or their loved ones. I know the Soul Reapers are not monsters and that many are decent enough people, but you’ve gotten complacent, and the Quincy aren’t without their own right to arm themselves, defend themselves, or seek to make things better.”

Sunset looked to her right, where both Bounts at the table sat, right next to Cloudy Quartz. Since the start of the summit, these women had gone through an increasing build up of tension, and now Sunset nodded to them, “I know that there are perspectives besides just myself and my friends. Would anyone else like to speak?”

“If I may?” Cloudy asked, looking at Holiday and Lofty, “I know you two have your piece to say as well, but if I could go first?”

Holiday offered a kind smile while Lofty made an ‘after you’ gesture, and Cloudy smiled back before turning her eyes to Sweet Cider, who sat directly across the table from her. The two friends shared a long look, and Sweet Cider chuckled with all the dryness of a desert, “Ya got the floor, Cloudy. Ye’ve more fire in yer spit than I ever did, so let it loose.”

“Ahem, then first, Pinkie dear, please don’t repeat the language I am about to use,” Cloud said in all seriousness to her daughter, before rising with all of the statuesque poise of a long experienced matron of a house of chaos like the Pie household. She then cast eyes of pure storm at Sombra and Scorpan both and all but exploded.

“How dare both of you cocksure, stubborn asses sit there and shout inconsequential drivel at one another like a pair of arguing schoolboys!? Neither group holds any moral high ground in this war. Soul Society forced myself and my friends to become weapons, and only towards the end did Discord find enough ethical fortitude to find us a way out, and even then you stole our memories and left us to our devices without so much as an inch of recompense! Sweet Cider and her husband died because of the very Hollow you used to infect us with our powers! Now our children inherit our burden and are trying to sort out your mess! And the Quincy aren’t victims in this affair...” She looked at Twilight, sadness crossing her pinched eyes, “Velvet was a good woman, but she was molded by a society that caused her to become estranged from her own daughter, and abandon her friends in their time of need, because of a grudge against Soul Society and Hollows both that you’re too proud to put aside! If I had the power I’d bend both of you over my knee and tan your asses red until you got over your issues and learned to talk it out like halfway intelligent adults instead of prideful halfwits! So perhaps listen to what Sunset Shimmer is saying, because she’s trying to help you idiots.”

With that Cloudy took a few deep breaths, and carefully fixed her hair, as several strands had fallen loose of her bun after turning about to glare at Sombra and Scorpan during various parts of her heated speech. With some calm restored to herself, she sat down, and Pinkie Pie pulled her fingers out of her ears, “Is it safe now?”

“Yeah Pinks, yer mom’s got some pipes on her,” Applejack said, wincing a bit, and Sweet Cider couldn’t help but laugh again.

“Like I just said, Cloudy’s got me beat when she’s riled up.”

Scorpan looked more impressed than insulted, although one thick white eyebrow did raise up his wrinkled dark brow at Sweet Cider, “Indeed, Captain Sweet Cider.” Clearing his throat, he looked to Cloudy and inclined his head deeply in not quite a bow, but a gesture of respect, “I won’t deny the actions Soul Society has taken in regards to Xcution were not just or moral. I have... regretted, more than once, Hitsuyo-Aku’s creation. That having been said, you call myself and the Quincy King children for continuing our war, yet had we ceased to fight it the consequences to the world in which you and your family live would be more dire than the sins we bear in waging the conflict in the first place.”

“A rare point of agreement between me and the Captain Commander,” Sombra said, “The Quincy’s military culture was a direct result of the necessities of fighting against two foes already firmly established as vast and potent armies. I have...” he glanced at Twilight, “Recently felt the bite of that very culture’s less than admirable traits, but I forged my Quincy into an army as capable as needed for the monumental task of facing foes who were themselves merciless and relentless. You take issue with how you, your friends, and your family have been treated, and I cannot disagree with that, but it was Soul Society that created Xcution, not us. On the matter of Velvet, I will... concede the pressures I put my Quincy under perhaps could use some revision.”

Cloudy glowered, but her eyes turned to the Bounts, “Well, I tried. Your turn, ladies.”

Holiday gulped, “W-well, I’m not sure we can beat your impassioned words. Uh...hi?” she looked at Scorpan like someone might stare down the very incarnation of a nightmare, “W...we’re, um, well we’re Bounts.”

“I have surmised this by the nature of your reiatsu,” Scorpan said, “Speak. I know your kind were not entirely exterminated, so your presence is not as much of a surprise as you may think.”

Lofty’s hand reached out and gripped Holiday’s trembling ones, and the taller woman turned her more severe features to Scorpan and spoke with a greater calm than Holiday, “Then you know we have little reason to think fondly of Soul Reapers. Like the Fullbringers of Xcution, you made us. You created us to be weapons. And when your creations didn’t meet with your expectations, you sought to get rid of us.”

“It is more complicated than that, I’m afraid,” Scorpan said with the voice of a very tired man who was still resolved to keep doing his job, “We attempted to bring the Bount under control so you might exist peacefully, and die peacefully, under the observation of Soul Society. Given your source of ‘food’, it was not acceptable to simply allow your kind to exist in the human realm unsupervised. Your self appointed ‘leader’, Shadowlock, believed leading your race into an attempt to overthrow us was the better choice. He learned otherwise, to his misfortune, along with many who followed him. Do you think the survival of the few remaining Bounts has been an accident?”

His eyes bored into Lofty, “The Second and Third Divisions both have kept tabs on the presence of surviving Bounts. I have withheld the final extermination order, out of pity for your kind. Of course had I not, that foolish young one, Trixie, would not have fallen in with the rebel, Starlight Glimmer, so I am unsure of the wisdom of my mercy at this juncture. I would prefer not to have further reason to regret it, young ladies. Do not give me reason to do so.”

“The mercy is appreciated, but the overbearing threats are not,” Lofty said, although sweat did bead on her forehead, gulping as she faced down the leader of the very people whom she and her kin had feared and hidden from for generations. “We’ve joined the Coalition to forge a better future for ourselves and our children. We don’t want a fight. We want the fighting to stop. Me and Holiday are here to make that clear to you Soul Reapers and Quincy both. The Bount aren’t going to die off quietly, one way or another.”

“...Noted,” Scorpan said, then his eyes slowly turned back towards Sombra, “It seems we’ve spent a great deal of time airing grievances we are all well aware of. Do you see a path to peace in all of this?”

“Not especially, but I suspect we were brought here for more than just retreading the long litany of reasons we have to hate each other,” Sombra said, his own interest now locking back onto Sunset. “So what is the real reason we’re here?”

Sunset met his look and said with intensity, “What it comes down to is that the war you’re fighting has been spurred on by others. People who’s plans benefit from having Quincy, Soul Reaper, and Hollow duking it out for centuries on end. Whatever real grievances you have with each other, this group is eager to reinforce and exacerbate, making sure that this war continues to grind on and feed their plans. You’ve been deceived. Duped. Played for fools. Used like pawns on someone else’s game board, and we’re here to tell you the truth so that just maybe you’ll be willing to set aside your differences and together we can do something about it.”

Her words caused a stir, mostly among the Soul Reapers present, although among the Quincy there seemed less surprise and more intrigue.

“Apologies, but what are you on about?” asked Blueblood, “I’ve kept my peace since the Captain Commander has every right to speak ahead of any of us, but I confess I find your accusations... disturbing.” His eyes flicked towards Rarity before resettling on Sunset and Discord, “Perhaps once I’d have dismissed your words out of hand. But my task as Captain of the Sixth Division is diplomacy and to that end I want to give you the benefit of the doubt that you wouldn’t imply what you are without supporting evidence.”

“Quite so,” Discord replied, and reached out with a hand to press down with one finger upon the surface of the table, where there was a hidden set of touch-sensitive reishi buttons. There was a brief bit of alarm from some present, Sugarcoat shifting more defensively towards Twilight in particular, but that alarm passed quickly as all that happened was that the table lit up with a number of harmless Kido symbols and began to project imagery upon it.

Specifically a holographic image of Clover appeared, standing a bit stiffly and anxious, but otherwise ready as she blinked and snapped to attention, bowing to Scorpan, “Captain Commander, I hope you don’t mind I’m providing a little assistance to my friends for this meeting.”

He nodded, once, “It is well enough, young Clover. Now, what is this about? I knew you had come ahead of us, and was somewhat surprised to see you were not seated at this table.”

“Considering how crowded it would be there, it was decided it’d be easier for me to help with this part of the meeting from Discord’s laboratory, where all the pertinent data we’re about to show you is stored,” Clover explained, still wearing a pale mask of tension as she drew out a metal, extendable pointer from her sleeve.

Sunset, with a emphatic river of encouragement in her voice, said, “You’ve got this, Clover.”

“I hope so, but this is going to be difficult for many gathered at this table to hear,” Clover replied, and manipulating a console that was out of sight of the holographic display, she brought up the very same detailed imagery of the swirling spiral of Hell’s construction that Discord had shown Sunset and her friends not so very long ago.

Twilight felt her own gut wrench a bit. Sunset had told her everything before now, but to see it with her own eyes. A cold tremor in her mind told her that Midnight was all but bristling. Both of them were intelligent enough to see precisely the implications of Hell’s design, even if they hadn’t been given the breakdown of it already. For Twilight especially she had to wonder if it wasn’t for Sombra’s ability to absorb Quincy souls into his own, would every Quincy have been condemned to this... soul grinding factory of misery?

Out of all present, it was oddly Radiant Hope that spoke first, a troubled air of quiet naivety surrounding her voice, “What an unusual looking realm. What is this meant to be? I don’t recognize it’s design at all, although it has the qualities of what appears to be a prison of some sort.”

Sombra flinched at her voice, barely more than a tick over his obsidian features, but he spoke in answer, voice as cold as grave dirt, “It seems, Scorpan, that you’re Soul Reapers are not as thoroughly educated as I would have thought. Do they not recognize the very place they have sent numerous souls to over the millennia? This is my first time laying eyes upon it, but there can be no mistake what this depressing pit is.”

For a brief moment a sense of tired pain creased Scorpan’s oaken features, but like such an ancient oak, strength unbending remained firm in it, “Lieutenant Radiant Hope, you gaze upon Jigoku. A seemingly very detailed and complete schematic of the entire realm’s composition. Discord, I take it you took this information from a highly restricted area?”

It was Ditzy who replied, frank and proud as she kept her arms crossed under her bosom, “That was me. Sorry Scorpan, but still isn’t a spot in Seireitei my skills can’t manage to slip into when I need it. And before you wonder, yeah, this little nugget was kept in one of Central 46’s most secure records storage. This was buried so deep a part of me had to wonder why anyone bothered to keep it at all, rather than just burn the data to ash. Guess Zero Division either got sloppy, or wanted to keep this design around in case they needed to build another.”

“So why are we being showed this?” asked Blueblood, “Jigoku is no great mystery to Soul Reapers. We know it was constructed as a means of jailing the worst souls who commit the most deplorable of acts. If you mean to suggest that’s against the balance we guard due to removing souls from the flow, then you should know that the condemned souls still exist there and hence remain as a balancing force within the overall flow.”

Clover cleared her throat loudly and bowed at Blueblood, “Begging your pardons, Captain Blueblood, but we wouldn’t be showing you this data if the situation didn’t call for into question the very thing you’ve just mentioned. Please, I ask all of you, Captains and Lieutenants both, listen and watch carefully as I explain the truth to all of you.”

Scorpan’s face was a hard wall that betrayed little of his thoughts, while Blueblood looked at both him and Amore as if seeking guidance, before once more glancing at Rarity and seeming to gather himself, “W-well, I see no reason to say no, myself. We did come here to hear you out, after all.”

“I agree,” Amore said, eyes showing a waver of disturbed curiosity, having never left the image of Jigoku. From Twilight’s seat, she could almost see the long haired Soul Reaper Captain shaking slightly, could read the dawning fear and denial playing over Amore’s face as she, without Clover even having to begin the explanation, could see into and understand the issues this diagram of Hell showed.

Beside Twilight, she felt Sugarcoat grow tense as well, whispering, “This is going to get ugly, isn’t it?”

“Just listen,” Twilight told her, and Clover began her presentation.

There was no grandstanding or extensive elaboration. Clover, point by point, showed precisely how Jigoku, “Hell”, functioned. Specifically she demonstrated in detail the manner in which the jailors of Hell, the Kushanada, used the repeated killing and regeneration of Hell’s Sinners to break down their souls piece by piece. Falling, layer by layer, these souls would eventually become nothing more than raw spirit particles, pooled into a massive reservoir of power at the very depths of Hell’s spiral.

This would be bad enough, for the belief in Soul Society that the Sinner’s souls remained existing and hence functioning as part of the balance of souls was utterly contradicted by this blueprint of Hell. Yet Clover was not done. She went on to demonstrate that the very manner in which a Zanpaktou was encoded with a means to scan a soul for the weight of the sins needed to be condemned to Hell during the Konso ritual could also, and indeed were, used to condemn other souls that had committed no such sins. Various other codes could be placed upon Zanpaktou to send literally any soul to Hell, sin or no sin. And she showed the proof with the codes ingrained in all Zanpaktou for condemning the Star Family, finishing her presentation with an exhausted look on her face that showed still the raw pain of learning the truth.

“I can only conclude that the Star Family’s rebellion was considered enough for Zero Division to condemn all of them. With this information, it isn’t a stretch to conclude that Sunburst, Starlight Glimmer’s friend, was a reincarnation of one of the Star Family. He committed no sin in his human life, but that didn’t matter, Starlight Glimmer’s Zanpaktou had the code for his soul engraved in it, so the moment she performed Konso upon him, Jigoku’s Gate came and claimed him. There’s no telling how many other souls may have been condemned in similar fashion. I wish this wasn’t the truth, but the information is here, clear and plain for all of you to see. Zero Division has used this place to collect countless souls, getting rid of opposition, and gathering power for... I can’t even begin to fathom what purpose.”

Her holographic image turned to Scorpan, bowing deeply, almost on her knees, “Captain Commander, I implore you, please, consider carefully what I’ve just shown you and understand that my friends seated here at the table have taken a huge risk in sharing this information openly. Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash are among the most courageous and honorable people I have ever had the fortune to know and call friends. Twilight Sparkle, too, is a young woman of remarkable character, and Quincy or not, she is my friend as well. War is not only meaningless between us, it is actively serving the corrupt ends of those whom we have mistakenly trusted as the greatest among us... but the Zero Division are nothing more than deceivers, and I want no further part in aiding their plans. Nor should any person here today.”

Sunset couldn’t help but beam a smile, and all her friends beside her were doing the same. However else this all went down, she was proud of Clover.

“How much...?”

The question came from Sombra’s lips, a storm of crimson brewing in his dour eyes, “How much did you know about this, Scorpan!? I have known for a long time that the Zero Division were my enemy, but even I didn’t imagine in my worst scenarios that they would have concocted something like this. Did you know?”

“...No,” the word fell from Scorpan like a pebble, almost small compared to the immensity of the Captain Commander himself. He almost slackened in his seat.

“Captain Commander,” Amore began to say in concern, rising, but he held up a hand towards her.

“Be still, Captain Amore. I am not about to crumple into nothing,” Scorpan said, raising his eyes to look at Clover, and at the imagery of Hell that still flickered on display. “I have, for a very long time, had my doubts concerning them. Glory, Bowtie, Minty, Blossom, and Medley. That day, so long ago, has numerous questions that never had satisfactory answers. If the Soul Queen had survived the betrayal of Tirek at what was meant to be a peace conference, then it should not take so long for her to recover. Difficult even to believe she could be so gravely wounded, and her husband slain, by Tirek and his minions alone. Yet... I did not want to believe any treachery was possible. Not from them. They were and are the strongest and greatest among us. Even in my prime, I was the young one seeking to emulate them. They were the heroes of those ancient wars, they built Soul Society and brought order to chaos. How could they...?”

He shook his head, white hair somehow seeming to grow even more dull and stark in that moment as long held sadness entered the otherwise hardened Soul Reapers eyes, “I did not know, and at the same time, suspected, but did not act. I have no excuse to offer.”

“No excuse to offer?” Sombra’s voice was slick with fury, but Twilight, without care for who might see it, reached out and touched his arm with a calming and imploring look in her eyes. Sombra winced at her touch, and visibly struggled to get a hold of himself as he went on to say, “I am no stranger to being blind to treachery among those I wished sorely to trust, I will grant. Yet you admit now that you have pursued a war of extermination upon my people under the pretenses of manipulators and liars. How much else then, is a lie? Shall we revisit the question of Quincy’s destruction of Hollow souls? What of the state of the Soul Queen? What of what you did to my wife by ripping her soul in half and...and...”


It was a loud, guttural throat clearing as Discord stood, rapping his cane loudly upon the table, “Gentlemen and ladies! I understand this is a nice shocking revelation that’s a big gut punch to your sensibilities about what you’ve been doing for the past eternity or two. However, don’t you all think you're missing the forest for the trees just a smidge? I swear, we show you the truth, and you’re about ready to go for each other’s throats again! Sombra, O’ Quincy King, I’m sure you’ve got your delightfully intelligent young protégé there just ready and raring to delve into the truth behind what happens to Hollow souls struck down by Quincy weapons. I’m also sure you and Scorpan could have a very long, heartfelt talk over the numerous things you’ve done to upset each other over this long, highly pointless war. But let’s not get sidetracked, shall we? As was just demonstrated quite effectively by the lovely Miss Clover, good job by the way dear, we have much, much bigger fish to filet. Grievances and side questing can happen later. Let’s instead focus on the bigger picture, namely Zero Division and what we can do about them.”

His proclamation was met with a veritable spectrum of mixed responses. Amore looked pale and horrified, as if still trying to digest what she was hearing. Blueblood kept opening his mouth to say something and similarly closing it as his eyes pinched in fizzled attempts at thinking through his troubled confusion. Radiant Hope wore a stricken look, although it mostly appeared to be concern for her Captain more than anything else, while Moondancer was running a hand through her head of split ended hair while mouthing silently expletives that weren’t suitable to voice.

Meanwhile Sugarcoat was still as a rock next to Twilight, expression unreadable to all save perhaps Twilight herself, who could tell her friend was handling things with her usual no nonsense pragmatism. Sugarcoat was ready for whatever came, even if she was also afraid.

Coloratura was a lot more optimistic in her outlook, practically beaming a smirk at her King. “Your Majesty, if my ears aren’t playing tricks on me, I feel as if I just heard an open invitation to discuss a rather fruitful paradigm shift in our war. If this news reaches all of Soul Society...”

“It would trigger rebellion and unrest unlike anything the Soul Reapers have ever known,” Sombra agreed, although his eyes remained locked on Scorpan, as if his words were more for the Captain Commander than anyone else, “Indeed if this all became common knowledge, it might irreversibly damage any trust in Soul Society’s instruments of control and government that the souls dwelling there may ever have. So this does beg the question, what do you intend to do about this, Scorpan? Discord points out a rather obvious fact. Much as I detest the idea of putting aside certain personal grudges, Zero Division is a bigger threat than you or Tirek combined.”

“...I am aware,” Scorpan spoke with a profound stillness, “None, perhaps, are more aware than I how powerful they are. This truth is, as you said, something that could shatter Soul Society, break the Gotei 13, and see Seireitei engulfed in the flame of rebellion. We have, for thousands of years, placed complete trust in the Soul Queen, the Zero Division that ‘guard’ her, and the laws passed down by them to be interpreted by Central 46 and enforced by the Soul Reapers. This is Soul Society, the bedrock of an ordered, structured afterlife for all human souls.”

Guilt like poison and anger like a tangled web choked his voice, perhaps more emotion than any individual present had ever seen crack through the Captain Commander’s strong exterior, “And it seems I have allowed it all to be predicated upon a lie. Too fearful to seek the truth, too stubborn to let go of my ideals, and entirely too willing to play my part in the masquerade because I still wanted in my bones to believe that if we could just... win, then the world would be put to rights.”

“Sir...no,” Amore said, shaking her head in denial, “This isn’t your burden alone to bear. If indeed we’ve been lied to, then every Captain of the Gotei 13 has a share of this responsibility. And no matter what may be said, I believe in our ideals of a safe and structured afterlife, free of Hollow threat. Even if Zero Division has committed some act of grand betrayal, it doesn’t mean our duty to protect and guide souls has been in vain.”

“I mostly agree with my colleagues' sentiments,” Blueblood finally managed to say, sweat trickling down his head, “Still a lot to take in, honestly. Presuming we accept all of this at face value, where does it leave us?”

“At a guess, Captain, the Coalition wants us to make peace with the Quincy and align with them against Zero Division,” Moondancer said, blinking as if she couldn’t even believe she was saying those words. Sunset, however, was quick to speak, and clarify something.

“I get that outright peace isn’t something you folks can just pull off like an instant flip, but at least a cease fire. Back off of each other. Zero Division is a problem, but they’re not the only one. Starlight Glimmer is in my homeworld of Equestria, still causing trouble, but now we know why she feels she has to do that. I want to go there, bring her back, and get her on our side. Then I want you all to take a moment ot consider that the Quincy and Soul Reapers aren’t the only victims of deception... so are the Hollows.”

Sombra’s brow furrowed deeply as he leaned towards her, sliding his hands up to steeple in front of him, “Are you suggesting we ally with them as well? Tirek has on many occasions asked me to make common cause with him. Why should I even consider it while he and his kind remain devourers of souls?”

“Well for one, if Zero Division are as strong as they seem like, we’ll basically need ever ally we can get against them,” Sunset said, “And for seconds, while I don’t know about Tirek, I know for a fact not every Hollow is happy with the status quo in Hueco Mundo. I fought Tirek, just earlier today, and we of the Coalition have built an embassy in Las Noches after I survived his challenge. You want some kind of inroad to diplomacy with the Hollows, that’s it right there.”

Scorpan went still, but Sombra’s eyes lit up, “Ah, Twilight Sparkle did inform me of your adventure to Las Noches. I can’t deny what you achieved there is remarkable by any standard. But I also question the value of this ‘embassy’. Tirek likes challenge, likes to fight those with genuine power, and he does not believe in peace. Any truce with him would only be if he found it to his benefit, and would end in blood the second it stopped benefiting him. Also do I not have it on rather good authority he’s been marshaling forces for an attack, most likely upon your very homeworld?”

“That’s true, I won’t deny any of that,” Sunset said with a heavy nod, “My estimation of Tirek is that he’s a damned beast who loves power and fighting so much he’s turned it into the entire culture of Hueco Mundo. He has honor, in his way, but he wants to die fighting someone stronger than him. Felt that from every swing me and him exchanged. Maybe the idea of fighting Zero Division will appeal to him more than fighting us. Or maybe he really will attack Equestria, in which case that only means my friends and I need to get there to stop Starlight all the sooner so my old home is ready to repel Tirek, and if need be put him and his Espada out of commission. I’ll give peace every chance, right up until I can’t afford to give any more chances. If it’s to be a throw down anyway, there’s still Hollows in Tirek’s ranks who will more likely turn to our side, long as we give them our word they won’t be turned on by us afterward.”

“Hmm...” Sombra looked contemplative, while Scorpan took a long, deep sigh.

“Your estimation of my older brother’s character is more than accurate enough for me to wholly believe you did cross swords with him. He has ever been a man of... passionate appetite and unwavering belief in his own power. In his mind he knows what the world should be like, and be damned anyone who disagrees with him, unless they can prove him wrong by force of arms. Strength truly is the only thing he respects and values. He would only honor an alliance for a limited duration, although we could at least feel confident he would not plant his blade in our backs until Zero Division was defeated. Then he’d openly plant it in our fronts. And, knowing him, he might not desire ‘help’ defeating Zero Division, whatever offers he’s given Sombra. More likely he’ll strike Equestria, seek its magic to empower himself, and seek eternal power and the ultimate battle by challenging Zero Division directly for control of all realms.”

“So what I’m hearing here is that no one really thinks we can safely ally with Tirek, but I also haven’t heard any disagreement about allying with certain Hollows, if me and my friends can vouch for them?” Sunset put out there, and Scorpan glanced at Gaia.

“Once upon a time, ages ago, I knew the souls who became Hollow. Gaia Everfree, it seems both of us stand poised at the edge of an age of change neither of us expected. There was a time you valued peace, at least until Tirek brought you into his fold. If he is removed, could you lead Hollows on any path different than he? The very nature of Hollows remains that of souls who consume other souls, perhaps the one thing we and the Quincy can agree on.”

One could all but feel the long weight of Gaia Everfree’s own centuries of experience pressing upon her voice, counterbalanced by a brush of Gloriosa’s own energy and drive, “There’s a lot of uncertainty in this, Scorpan. My memory is as long as yours, and I remember how we went from godly beings who followed different paths, sometimes fought over disagreements, to becoming so utterly divided that our only recourse was to seek each other’s destruction. I don’t know if our Hollow nature can change, because what we are is natural and part of the fabric of the soul. All I can say is that I feel Tirek’s control of Hueco Mundo exacerbated that nature and pushed it further than it started out as. Whether or not things can reverse course, or at least altered, I don’t know. What I do know is that I am willing to try, for the sake of all of us having a future beyond endless warfare. There are other Hollows who are willing to do the same, especially if it means Tirek’s downfall.”

“Is that for any semblance of the greater good, or simply because Tirek’s fall would lead to an opportunity for themselves to grab power?” asked Sombra, and Gaia gave him a flat stare.

“Those two concepts are not mutually exclusive.”

“A very Hollow sentiment.”

“Look!” Sunset said, grabbing everyone’s attention once more, “We can argue until we’re all out of breath over our differences. I understand that we can’t just ignore what Hollows are, or that there’s a lot of questions about how we’ll deal with one another once all is said and done, but all of that is kinda moot if we don’t take down Zero Division. Way I see it, you’ve basically got a choice between either ignoring what we just told you and go back to fighting each other knowing full well that your strings are being pulled, or you agree to work together with us to put a stop to all of this. Because if any of you try to go it alone, how far do you honestly think you’ll get?”

Sombra settled back in his seat, first looking once more at the depicted, floating schematics of Hell, then at Twilight... and briefly Radiant Hope, although he kept that so swift that it wasn’t clear if the still very shaken looking Soul Reaper realized the Quincy King had looked at her at all. Slowly, Sombra said, “You have laid the harsh reality of our situation quite bare, Sunset Shimmer. My misgivings are many. My Quincy will not like this. But they will follow me. And... I am with you. Consider the Quincy willing to enter into this alliance. For the sake of all humanity, the Zero Division must fall.”

Sunset nodded, hoping she didn’t look so utterly relieved that she was ready to collapse then and there. Looking at Scorpan, she said, “And what about the Gotei 13?’

Troubled didn’t even begin to describe the look that remained in Scorpan’s deep set eyes. “As you should understand by now, Sunset Shimmer, the Gotei 13 is not a body that has full authority to act on its own. Even knowing what I now know about Zero Division, I must move carefully in regards to Central 46. Yet... I cannot ignore what I have learned here today.”

“Ya dang well know ya can’t trust Central 46, Captain Commander!” Sweet Cider said with emphatic force, “They’re pretty much n’ Zero Division’s pocket’s, or I’m an albino prairie dog!”

“I understand this, Captain Sweet Cider, and I am not intending to allow them to interfere with any action I deem needed for the safety and security of Soul Society. All this means is that, unlike Sombra, I am not an absolute authority, and in entering into an alliance with the Coalition, I must ensure Central 46 can’t pull any shenanigans to stall the process... or warn Zero Division.”

“So that means you’ll...?” Sunset asked, and Scorpan gave a shallow, grave nod.

“Yes, it means I am convinced, at least of the value of entering into a ceasefire with the Quincy and preparing to aid you in dealing with the renegade, Starlight Glimmer. Afterward, we can confront the Zero Division, together. I have questions that I require they answer. I will not commit to a life or death battle with them, but I shall certainly be willing to demand some long overdue answers.”

“All things considered, that’s more than sufficient for the Coalition’s needs,” Discord said, and looked to be about to say more, but was interrupted as a beeping issued forth from his robes. Ignoring the looks he got, he quickly retrieved his cell-phone like communication device held it to his ear. “What is it Screwloose, we’re in the middle of...”

His eyes dilated and both Sunset and Twilight noticed his hand clench hard around the phone, and immediately realized something something was very wrong. Discord often had a lot of expressions on his face. Amusement, wry smarm, and confidence were pretty common ones. Fear, on the other hand, was not one of his regular looks.

“Discord, what’s happening?” Sunset asked, just as she felt a faint shake in the ground of the stone mesa that the meeting was set up upon.

“What in the world?” Rarity stood, as did most of Sunset’s friends, as one by one they all started to sense not just the tremor, but the sound of something high pitched like a long held note upon a violin.

Discord was standing as well, talking into the phone, “No! Don’t try to stop them! Open the wards, otherwise they’ll just get overloaded and we’ll end up glassing half of downtown. Do it now, Screwloose! And get Screwball, and empty the lab. Get the kids and Chappy evacuated to the safehouse. No, you go full dark if you don’t hear from me or one of our own in the next twenty four hours.”

“Discord, what’s coming our way?” Sunset said, grabbing his arm with one hand while grabbing her Zanpaktou with the other, but a part of her already knew the answer. Who else could be triggering this kind of response? Her own fear was confirmed as Discord looked first at her, then at a spot across the mesa, near the edge where the Soul Reapers had first arrived in their Senkaimon Gate.

Something appeared with the abruptness of a snapping finger. A golden pillar, wider than a school bus and several hundred feet tall, smashed through a hole that cracked in reality like the air was nothing more than a pane of glass. That high strung violin noise reached a screeching crescendo and the golden pillar of shining metal smashed through the very edge of the mesa like some gigantic elevator car crashing to a restful stop. Dust flew and everyone stared. The pillar was capped at its top by an encircling halo band of heavenly light, which then lowered along the length of the pillar in a wash of stark geometric symbols. When the halo reached the edge of the mesa, it stopped and extended like a bridge of light.

From the beam of light, an opening in the gold pillar split, like elaborate gates swinging open, and light spilled forth.

And shadowed by that light were five figures, walking forward, and Discord exhaled under his breath.

“...The Zero Division has decided to pay us a visit.”

Author's Note:

While this chapter is a bit shorter than usual, the next segment of story is definitely going to need it's own proper chapter to handle and this is the best stopping point before things kick off. Hope you guys enjoyed the dramatic entrance. Taken partially from the manner in which Zero Division appeared in Bleach, via giant pillar. Only the most refined and elegant form of travel.

Thanks for reading, folks! As ever any and all comments, questions, or critiques are welcome! 'Till next time!

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